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Why do people mine? Seriously.

Digital Messiah
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-11-27 00:43:00 UTC
You can easily make 100 mill an hour with 3 hulks and exhumers 4. Especially orca supported. A few words of wisdom though. It is best to make your hulk pilots production capable. Making ships is quite profitable if done right. Also find out which ores will net you the most isk / m3. ATM pyroxeres is about the most profitable. With perfect skills and implants + orca boost you can manage 45-50 million from pyroxeres on a single character. Also that is at jita buy prices you could net far more at sell prices.

So lets see, 3 plex divided by 44,000,000*3 =

-------- = 13 hours and 37 minutes of mining a month. "13.363636 continued" for the curious minded folks.

Yes this is the same for one account YAY for math! So you see after you initial investment of 13 and a half hours a month you can continue to make a billion isk every. 7.57 or eight hours. So lets be realistic and assume you don't play eve 40 hours a week. Let us assume Theodore plays 28 hours a week. A fairly hardcore player. During this week Theodore PVP's around 18 hours, and mines the other 10 to provide isk for his accounts and PVP.

In a month this amounts to 72 hours of PVP and 40 hours of mining, a total of 112 hours of gameplay a month. Theodore needs a girlfriend... But more about that later. Mining for 40 hours a month Theodore accumulates 5,280,000,000 isk, 1,764,000,000 of this is needed to buy plex, leaving 3,516,000,000 isk for him to use on shiny new ships. This is all based on the lowest amount that theoretically will be made on maxed out characters in high security space...

To get to the really fun stuff ill give you an example using the highest isk / m3 ore atm. Hedbergite!

$59,084,243.10*3*40 = 7,090,109,172 isk

Yeah I am just not sure why people would mine to make this isk. I am sure there are other activities in EVE that net you this much isk while being "bored". Although trading is more lucrative and about the only less skill intensive activity that can achieve this. You will be hard pressed to find anything else that nets you this much for doing so little and having less SP than most level 4 mission runners.

Something clever

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#22 - 2012-11-27 00:44:03 UTC
The current income level from mining is enough to encourage some people to do it.

If you don't like mining, don't do it.

If you don't like square dancing, don't ell the people that enjoy square dancing that they are doing it wrong. If you don't like watching the soccer game with your mates, don't tell your mates that they are doing it wrong. If you don't like mining in EVE Online, don't tell miners they are doing it wrong.

Some people value their play time in terms of ISK/hr, others by successful inventions per day, others by kills, k/d ratio and losses/inflicted ratio. Some people measure their enjoyment of the game by how many people they get to chat with during their play time. Some people simply want to do something with their corporation ingame while jointly watching sports or a movie: the game is really just a fancy IMVU for the duration.

If I got into an Omen and flew into lowsec then came back to the forums to complain about how unenjoyable it was to be blown up by that Arazu and Rook, you would laugh at me. The reverse is true when pilots come to the forums to whine about mining being unprofitable or boring.

Your tears fuel my mining fleet.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#23 - 2012-11-27 01:04:21 UTC
Eh, I mine when I'm bored but don't want my wallet to remain entirely static. It's not very fun, but for so little effort you still get something, so why not I say?


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

#24 - 2012-11-27 01:04:34 UTC
OP, who cares what people do with their own gametime? Seriously.

Mara Rinn wrote:

If you don't like mining, don't do it.

If you don't like square dancing, don't ell the people that enjoy square dancing that they are doing it wrong. If you don't like watching the soccer game with your mates, don't tell your mates that they are doing it wrong. If you don't like mining in EVE Online, don't tell miners they are doing it wrong.

Some people value their play time in terms of ISK/hr, others by successful inventions per day, others by kills, k/d ratio and losses/inflicted ratio. Some people measure their enjoyment of the game by how many people they get to chat with during their play time. Some people simply want to do something with their corporation ingame while jointly watching sports or a movie: the game is really just a fancy IMVU for the duration.

If I got into an Omen and flew into lowsec then came back to the forums to complain about how unenjoyable it was to be blown up by that Arazu and Rook, you would laugh at me. The reverse is true when pilots come to the forums to whine about mining being unprofitable or boring.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2012-11-27 01:05:56 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Demolishar wrote:
You made the mistake of mining ore. mine Ice.

Ice is even worse at 8mil an hour.

OP; People will play the way they want to play. The only issue I have with some profession (ice mining) is when they become an activity where you profit for not actually playing the game.

Holy crap, 8mil an hour. Clearly a game-breaking activity. If you're so worried about "playing" you should clean up your own backyard.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-11-27 01:09:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Galenwade
Oh look a new

" Stop doing what you want to do in this sandbox game , and play my way as it has to be right" Thread

Note this is from an RvB toon... all i do is shoot pixels and bump the recruitment forum Big smile
Frying Doom
#27 - 2012-11-27 01:14:32 UTC
galenwade wrote:
Oh look a new

" Stop doing what you want to do in this sandbox game , and play my way as it has to be right" Thread

Note this is from an RvB toon... all i do is shoot pixels and bump the recruitment forum Pirate

You bump the recruitment forum.

You evil callous person Lol

Personally I have mining alts for when I want to make isk but have too hard a day in RL to want to think or I have too much RL work to do and don't want to spend most of my time concentrating on EvE.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Merouk Baas
#28 - 2012-11-27 01:17:38 UTC
The whole game is a waste of time.

The other day I worked for about an hour at my RL job, got paid, and made 571 million ISK just like that. One hour of work, 571 million! 2 hours of work, a billion! Day of work, 5 billion! In a month, I'm going to have 150 billion! By August next year, trillionaire. Richer than alliances! All solo!

I don't understand how you people can stand to do anything in this game, when it clearly does not even come close to the payout of a job.
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-11-27 01:18:57 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
galenwade wrote:
Oh look a new

" Stop doing what you want to do in this sandbox game , and play my way as it has to be right" Thread

Note this is from an RvB toon... all i do is shoot pixels and bump the recruitment forum Pirate

You bump the recruitment forum.

You evil callous person Lol

Personally I have mining alts for when I want to make isk but have too hard a day in RL to want to think or I have too much RL work to do and don't want to spend most of my time concentrating on EvE.

Fixed ... should pay more attention to the smiles that i am clicking Ugh
Frying Doom
#30 - 2012-11-27 01:19:51 UTC
Merouk Baas wrote:
The whole game is a waste of time.

The other day I worked for about an hour at my RL job, got paid, and made 571 million ISK just like that. One hour of work, 571 million! 2 hours of work, a billion! Day of work, 5 billion! In a month, I'm going to have 150 billion! By August next year, trillionaire. Richer than alliances! All solo!

I don't understand how you people can stand to do anything in this game, when it clearly does not even come close to the payout of a job.

Umm it is a game, we do it for pleasure. A job is done to pay bills, save for retirement, buy cool cars ect..

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Merouk Baas
#31 - 2012-11-27 01:21:41 UTC
Gonna have to work for another hour to get a character remodel so my pic expresses sarcasm, I guess.
Frying Doom
#32 - 2012-11-27 01:22:04 UTC
galenwade wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
galenwade wrote:
Oh look a new

" Stop doing what you want to do in this sandbox game , and play my way as it has to be right" Thread

Note this is from an RvB toon... all i do is shoot pixels and bump the recruitment forum Pirate

You bump the recruitment forum.

You evil callous person Lol

Personally I have mining alts for when I want to make isk but have too hard a day in RL to want to think or I have too much RL work to do and don't want to spend most of my time concentrating on EvE.

Fixed ... should pay more attention to the smiles that i am clicking Ugh

Being a PirateUgh still makes you a EvilTwisted forum bumper.

Pirate or not


Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

nat longshot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2012-11-27 01:24:00 UTC
if you dont like mining dont do it. But thank those that do or those pvp ship you buy would not be around.

Btw with one orca 2 mack's 150mil in under 2 hours is easy so you did something wrong.

 [13:12:18] CCP Punkturis nat longshot you're a cutie.. OH YAH I WIN!!

Hypercake Mix
#34 - 2012-11-27 01:26:53 UTC
Mining is better ISK/effort than ship spinning.
Squealing Piglet
Graviton Industries
#35 - 2012-11-27 01:32:42 UTC
I work at home. I make most of my isk through nullsec PI, which involved a lot of time and effort early on before I was able to tinker my way to what is now mostly passive income.

But sometimes I'll be on a really boring, life-draining conference call for two hours. My planets are already doing their thing, so I can't do much there. If I even attempt a mission, I'll probably die from my divided attention. So I drag out my Indy alt and chew on some rocks for a couple hours. The ore hold can fit about 25,000 m3, so I only have to worry about re-starting my strip miners when the asteroids pop, every 5 or 10 minutes or so. And even then Aura is nice enough to remind me each time that happens, so I don't even need to be in the same room, really. Basically I only need to hit a button every 5 or 10 minutes when Aura purrs "asteroid depleted" in that soothing voice of hers, while pretending to pay attention to my boring conference call. And if I screw up and miss a cycle or button press, my ship doesn't suddenly evaporate in a burst of fail, I simply miss half a cycle. No big deal. My other activities keep me paid, this at least makes me *feel* like I'm being productive in both Eve and RL at the same time, even if it is just an illusion.

Then there was the time I found out the girl I was dating was sleeping with her boss-- some creepy, old married man. God damn, that was a kick to the gut...I was so shell shocked all I could do was stare numbly at my computer monitor as the soothing, blue whisper of a laser pulled those ugly, brown rocks out of the sky. For weeks i stared, as if the dreamy blue line was a laser scalpel cutting the bad parts out of my mind. Oh geez, now I've bummed everyone out. I think I'll go mine.
Ji Sama
Akira Industries
#36 - 2012-11-27 01:41:45 UTC
I mine because there are astrological objects in space, that have ore, and that ore can be turned into minerals, and minerals can be turned into ships and modules.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#37 - 2012-11-27 02:03:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
People mine because it's easy to write a bot for it.

Hypercake Mix wrote:
Mining is better ISK/effort than ship spinning.

thing is, it actually isnt.
even I, who have probably sold less than 100 mods in my entire EVE career, could park in Jita and buy low, sell high for more isk than mining.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Nylith Empyreal
Sutar Rein
#38 - 2012-11-27 02:12:39 UTC
There is a certain pride in knowing you mine the **** that makes other **** explode.

Who's the more foolish the fool or the fool who replies to him?

Gallente Federation
#39 - 2012-11-27 02:37:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Galenwade
Frying Doom wrote:

Being a PirateUgh still makes you a EvilTwisted forum bumper.

Pirate or not


But but it is my job... they slapped a recruitment title on me and told me they would beat me if i don't Sad
Lobi Switi Allei Dei
#40 - 2012-11-27 02:40:07 UTC
Squealing Piglet wrote:
Then there was the time I found out the girl I was dating was sleeping with her boss-- some creepy, old married man. God damn, that was a kick to the gut...I was so shell shocked all I could do was stare numbly at my computer monitor as the soothing, blue whisper of a laser pulled those ugly, brown rocks out of the sky. For weeks i stared, as if the dreamy blue line was a laser scalpel cutting the bad parts out of my mind. Oh geez, now I've bummed everyone out. I think I'll go mine.

Feel your pain bro. There was this time for me when my wife decided we needed to divorce. Happened right before finals week too. Mining got me through that week, as well as that month. Sometimes the reassuring glow of blue lazors is all you need.

*Bro fist*