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Honor in an agreed 1v1

First post
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-11-27 00:59:32 UTC
I wasn't going to start post until I got an evemail after I lost my temper over a an agreed 1v1 being broken.

Re: very honroable
From: dangsterd
Sent: 2012.11.27 00:47
To: Gunnyt31,

There is no fair fight in EVE, only fights you win and fights you lose.

very honroable
From: Gunnyt31
Sent: 2012.11.26 18:17
To: dangsterd,

Mystical Might > dangsterd > i asked for a 1v1 in Nennamaila planet 1 anyone want to make sure is a 1v1 or want to join the fun you are welcome lol

javascript:if (typeof posting=='undefined'||posting!=true) {posting=true;__doPostBack('forum$ctl00$PostReply','');}
I can copy paste the chat logs of the agreed 1v1, but apparently dangsterd after agreeing to a 1v1 with me stated the above quote in a channel.

we had a 1v1 rupture v thorax he won no problem there, then we go back for bcs hurricane v myrmidon and as he lands a purifier uncloaks and a naga lands. Do not mistake this post as a QQ post, but feel free to troll. However an agreed 1v1 fight shouldn't be dishonored.
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#2 - 2012-11-27 01:06:52 UTC
I always honour 1v1's


I always expect them to be broken when 1v1'ing an unknown opponent. And if they get broken then I will never 1v1 with them again. I will however hunt them douwn and gank them with impunity.

If I have a 1v1 with some one and it is honoured then I'll most certainly have another go.

Also a lot of people seem to get confused with 1v1 vs 'fair fight'.......No such thing as a fair fight in eve unless it is with 'VERY VERY VERY' good friends and 1v1 does not equal 'fair' Twisted

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Gangname Style
#3 - 2012-11-27 01:07:52 UTC
guy scared to 1v1? must suck.

end of story.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-11-27 01:09:19 UTC
Taoist Dragon wrote:
I always honour 1v1's


I always expect them to be broken when 1v1'ing an unknown opponent. And if they get broken then I will never 1v1 with them again. I will however hunt them douwn and gank them with impunity.

If I have a 1v1 with some one and it is honoured then I'll most certainly have another go.

Also a lot of people seem to get confused with 1v1 vs 'fair fight'.......No such thing as a fair fight in eve unless it is with 'VERY VERY VERY' good friends and 1v1 does not equal 'fair' Twisted

my problem isn't that he dishonored it its that he asked for help from the very beginning and had no intention of honoring it. So this is kind of a warning to the community too
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-11-27 02:21:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
People who do not honour 1v1s, or any other set number fights, are scum.
That said, generally speaking people in kspace will not honour them.

For the record, if you run into my corp, we do honour set fights, should we accept them.
Be warned that if you do not honour your end, we will hunt you down.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

RaVeN Alliance
#6 - 2012-11-27 02:52:15 UTC
Wait a week. Ask for another1v1. Gank them all.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#7 - 2012-11-27 06:12:11 UTC
1v1's should be honored.

That being said you're an idiot if you trust people to honor them.. Get the guy in fleet and safe up.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#8 - 2012-11-27 08:21:19 UTC
Gunnyt31 wrote:
I wasn't going to start post until I got an evemail after I lost my temper over a an agreed 1v1 being broken.

Re: very honroable
From: dangsterd
Sent: 2012.11.27 00:47
To: Gunnyt31,

There is no fair fight in EVE, only fights you win and fights you lose.

very honroable
From: Gunnyt31
Sent: 2012.11.26 18:17
To: dangsterd,

Mystical Might > dangsterd > i asked for a 1v1 in Nennamaila planet 1 anyone want to make sure is a 1v1 or want to join the fun you are welcome lol

javascript:if (typeof posting=='undefined'||posting!=true) {posting=true;__doPostBack('forum$ctl00$PostReply','');}
I can copy paste the chat logs of the agreed 1v1, but apparently dangsterd after agreeing to a 1v1 with me stated the above quote in a channel.

we had a 1v1 rupture v thorax he won no problem there, then we go back for bcs hurricane v myrmidon and as he lands a purifier uncloaks and a naga lands. Do not mistake this post as a QQ post, but feel free to troll. However an agreed 1v1 fight shouldn't be dishonored.

your tears fuel me
Dan Carter Murray
#9 - 2012-11-27 09:11:02 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Gunnyt31 wrote:
I wasn't going to start post until I got an evemail after I lost my temper over a an agreed 1v1 being broken.

Re: very honroable
From: dangsterd
Sent: 2012.11.27 00:47
To: Gunnyt31,

There is no fair fight in EVE, only fights you win and fights you lose.

very honroable
From: Gunnyt31
Sent: 2012.11.26 18:17
To: dangsterd,

Mystical Might > dangsterd > i asked for a 1v1 in Nennamaila planet 1 anyone want to make sure is a 1v1 or want to join the fun you are welcome lol

javascript:if (typeof posting=='undefined'||posting!=true) {posting=true;__doPostBack('forum$ctl00$PostReply','');}
I can copy paste the chat logs of the agreed 1v1, but apparently dangsterd after agreeing to a 1v1 with me stated the above quote in a channel.

we had a 1v1 rupture v thorax he won no problem there, then we go back for bcs hurricane v myrmidon and as he lands a purifier uncloaks and a naga lands. Do not mistake this post as a QQ post, but feel free to troll. However an agreed 1v1 fight shouldn't be dishonored.

your tears fuel me

Your fuel tears me 50GB free space @

Ten Thousand Days
#10 - 2012-11-27 10:20:16 UTC
Adding a BC kill to your killboard isn't all that impressive. I have pirated and always honored ransoms, just like i will honor a 1v1.

'Honor' aside, if people don't do what they agree to do, then it ruins it for the rest of us. Especially in the case of ransoms. Pirating isn't profitable without ransoms and ganks... so when one person doesn't honor a ransom, they create another eve player who wont pay out to people who will stand true to their word at a later date.

Long story short: Do what you say you will do, cause this sh*t always comes back to bite you.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-11-27 10:20:36 UTC
most people do honor arranged 1v1's

some people dont, the risk is yours and yours alone if you choose to trust them.

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-11-27 10:34:21 UTC
Anyone who expects honor by default in Eve deserves whatever they get and then some.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Opera Noir
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-11-27 11:20:55 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
Anyone who expects honor by default in Eve deserves whatever they get and then some.

The only people who care what Goons have to say... oh wait there are none.

Back to the OP:
There really is no reason not to honour a 1v1, except to pointlessly whore kill mails and reveal ones own duplicity and cowardice. On the other hand there are plenty of good reasons to honour these fights, because they are fun, good practice, and allow both people more focus on the fight at hand. The people who don't honour them are simply missing out on the fun they could have had they actually had the cojones to stick to their word.
Ten Thousand Days
#14 - 2012-11-27 12:42:55 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
Anyone who expects honor by default in Eve deserves whatever they get and then some.

The goons used to be fun, solid trolls and stuff. Now it's mostly care-bears and recycled insults. Common - wheres the sincerity, the heart, the soul?

Try harder, cause it was mildly entertaining before :(
Wrecking Shots
#15 - 2012-11-27 12:46:46 UTC
Gunnyt31 wrote:
I wasn't going to start post until I got an evemail after I lost my temper over a an agreed 1v1 being broken.

Re: very honroable
From: dangsterd
Sent: 2012.11.27 00:47
To: Gunnyt31,

There is no fair fight in EVE, only fights you win and fights you lose.

very honroable
From: Gunnyt31
Sent: 2012.11.26 18:17
To: dangsterd,

Mystical Might > dangsterd > i asked for a 1v1 in Nennamaila planet 1 anyone want to make sure is a 1v1 or want to join the fun you are welcome lol

javascript:if (typeof posting=='undefined'||posting!=true) {posting=true;__doPostBack('forum$ctl00$PostReply','');}
I can copy paste the chat logs of the agreed 1v1, but apparently dangsterd after agreeing to a 1v1 with me stated the above quote in a channel.

we had a 1v1 rupture v thorax he won no problem there, then we go back for bcs hurricane v myrmidon and as he lands a purifier uncloaks and a naga lands. Do not mistake this post as a QQ post, but feel free to troll. However an agreed 1v1 fight shouldn't be dishonored.

Folks will often make justifications why they break their word on one v ones in high sec. TBH its not worth worrying about. Use ships you dont care about losing and move on. Or go to low sec or nullsec to pvp and forget one v ones altogether.

I saw lots of excuses when i was in high sec for people cheating.

"Well you were tanking me so well you had to be getting remote reps.... (response =- did you see anyone else on grid flashy to you? well... no"


I figured you were going to cheat so i did first.


Well no one really honors these anyway....


a myriad of other excuses.

Honestly i preferred can flipping than looking for one v ones when i lived in high sec. At least then you know the other dudes whole corp may be shooting at you (or now perhaps all of eve).

I can tell you from past experience never to try to one v one anyone in jita or amarr or any other major trade hub. Even if your opponent is honestly fighting you alone you cannot be certain that others wont interfere anyway and remote rep him or you just so that they can get a little agro themselves. This happens quite alot. It also greatly increases the likelihood that one of your opponents corp mates will see you flashy and just decide to interfere on their own. It is best not to one v one on a station undock at all but obviously this is often where it happens. Also keep in mind that many a person puts out a can as bait (labeling it as one v one or something similar) with no intentions of honoring a one v one. They may honor it if you talk to them before hand but they rarely will if you just flip the can and expect it. It is also likely that their corp mates will be around to interfere. Always set their corp red and check local for friends before you tip the can. This wont show you remote reppers (friends out of corp) but it will show you who else is in system that could shoot at you.

Opera Noir
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2012-11-27 13:34:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Opera Noir
Disastro wrote:
Folks will often make justifications why they break their word on one v ones in high sec. TBH its not worth worrying about. Use ships you dont care about losing and move on. Or go to low sec or nullsec to pvp and forget one v ones altogether.

I saw lots of excuses when i was in high sec for people cheating.

They were in low sec, they are in opposing Militias. Really it was just a fight to have some fun, and then all the sudden the other player goes "Lols, I sunked your battleship loser. I'm ultimate PvP, sucker!" For the one who broke his word, it's more about stoking a fragile ego than it is about having a good time, which is just silly.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#17 - 2012-11-27 15:07:10 UTC
If some guy dishonors a 1v1 then put him on your "don't 1v1" list and move on. Tell all your friends and blackball him. Or gank him next time. Your choice.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-11-27 15:33:26 UTC
There's no "fair fights" in EVE, but there is such a thing as honour, and if you dishonour a 1v1, you're a pretty terrible person.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Flurk Hellbron
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-11-27 16:51:30 UTC
I laughed...
A 1 v 1 in Eve?
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#20 - 2012-11-27 17:21:30 UTC
Yeah its a bummer, stopped accepting 1v1s a while ago because if it. Douches gonna douche.

nom nom

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