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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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80mil sp pvper Needs active corp 9-15 GMT

e X i l e
#1 - 2012-11-26 12:10:06 UTC
So I live in China. I need corp that is active in this timezone. It's ****, but it's the way of it. I pvp, thats it. Here are my stats:

Been around while, haven't done **** in last year or longer, want to get back into game but after moving out here it's dicked me good. Someone take me in, that is ACTUALLY active at this timezone, i've had alot of people tickling my ass with promises, but then I come on and it's a ghost town. All I want is pvp, prefer NPC 0.0, but throw me offers we'll see how it goes.
Mircea Dethahal
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-11-26 12:49:37 UTC
Mailed you ingame, hope we fly together soon :)
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-11-26 13:30:15 UTC
Talk to me - The New Era is recruiting.

+10 GMT Lead Alliance with gangs around the clock and lots more to offer.

Also see this thread for more details:

C0NVICTED Recruitment Thread
maximus babbarus
Knights of the Posing Meat
#4 - 2012-11-26 14:33:39 UTC
FETID is an experienced PvP corporation who enjoy roaming for kills in low sec.
We are currently looking to expand our corporation with more experienced PvP pilots.

Check out the link to our killboard:

What we offer?
- A large verity of fleet compositions
- A number of experienced FCs
- An active EU Tz based corp
- JF services to move large amounts of your assets easily from A to B
- Our own mature and friendly TS server and forums

What we are looking for?
- A pilot experienced in PvP
- TS3 Downloaded, able to follow fleet commands given on all OPs. Mic is a Bonus!
- 10Mil SP minimum! or able to fly t2 frigs & cruisers

For more info join our recruiting channel Fetid Monkey Scrotii or Send a message to Maximus Babbarus.

Until then,
Fly wreckless o7