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Test Server Feedback

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Mass-test feedback - October 20

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GeeShizzle MacCloud
#21 - 2011-10-21 00:10:08 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Win7 64bit
  • CPU: core i7 920
  • GPU: nVidia Quadro FX3800
  • RAM: 6gb DDR3
  • Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? no only 1
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low (set for fleetfight)

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 25-30 (with brackets - 10-15)
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: 10-15 (with brackets - 8-10)
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 8
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

  • Quite a few name issues but im sure theyre just small issues, was impressed with the clients response with switching though different types of bracket types. had a few issues when switching limited type bracket profiles that it would just show all brackets.

    Some irritating issues with the targetting sound not stopping, and some issues with lengthening response of nav and modules dependant on how dilated the system is, but i think thats not a server queue thing.

    i had frapsed it with the fps meter on and with log server on too.

Anikan Fernardo
Shedload of Zeds
#22 - 2011-10-21 00:23:21 UTC

Machine Info and Settings

OS version: WIn7 32bit
CPU: Intel Core2 Duo 2.8ghz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD4670
RAM: 4gigs
Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? I was running two
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 10-15
Average FPS - Zoomed in: I couldn't do anything until time dilation kicked in, 2-3
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) I haven't actually been in a fleet fight that large before, so i'd say my opinion is invalid here.
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Only when the node was swapped, I was able to get right back in.
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

It was quite difficult to remain alive with an active tank on 10% Dilation. Seemed like it took 5-10 minutes to reload Cap Boosters, heh.

Had no issues with modules cycling incorrectly, so good job on that. All of my Battleships were completely invisible for some reason, although my Frigates/Cruisers/Pod were visible. May have been a client side thing, but the other client I was running at the same time had no such issues so I'm unsure on that one.
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2011-10-21 01:49:25 UTC
OS version: WIn7 64bit
CPU: Intel 930
GPU: AMD 5870
RAM: 8gigs
Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High, no effects

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 50-60, but forgot to turn off effects.
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 40-50, but again, no effects
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 8. Couple of minor issues, but I'm pretty pleased with the TiDi effects and how it worked. I'm assuming that during the fight the server was automatically calculating the TiDi; as expected, it dropped to about 60, then worked its way up as people loaded onto the grid. 80% was very playable, a slight delay on modules.

Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No.

Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

The biggest TiDi spike was when we were all instagibbed with yesteryears doomsday. When that hit, TiDi dropped down to about 20%, and then worked its way up as it processed the dead ships. The game screeched to a halt, however, as the server was trying to determine where to settle its dilation. On my end, at least, it took about 10 seconds before I could do anything. At that point it kicked in and I could do everything just fine, but it was slow.

We were kicked at one point and asked to re-login. When I did, my modules were all offline and my guns were unstacked.

Oh dear god it takes a long time to align a titan at 10% dilation.

I think the dilation system needs to be accompanied by a serious ban on exploiting it. Given how long everything takes, one could intentionally dilate an enemy staging system, then make it almost impossible for them to react quickly to a pos rep or something going on in a nearby system.

I'm sure that all the little things, like the typenames of the ships being wrong and wahtnot is just because of the server or the build, not going to list them.

Unrelated to TiDi: The default font size is too large. I know that we can make it smaller in the options, but can't we have the small option by default and make the bigger one an option? Everyone is just going to have to make it smaller.
Oberine Noriepa
#24 - 2011-10-21 03:24:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Oberine Noriepa
Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Windows 7 64-bit
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.6 GHz
  • GPU: eVGA NVIDIA GTX 275 896 MB
  • RAM: 12 GB of Corsair Dominator TR3X6G1600C8D 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM
  • Were you running more than one EVE client? No.
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High on all settings with everything enabled at 1920x1080 60hz

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 20-30 frames/second
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: 10-15 frames/second
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) No experience of this scale on Tranquility. I will say, however, that everything responded nicely. With that said, since I have no prior experience, I'll put a 5 here.
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Yes. Two crashes.
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Sometimes undocking would lead to a black screen. I would have sound and an active interface, as well as the ability to select objects in the field, but no 3D visuals whatsoever. Re-logging in would fix this issue whenever it came up.

Also, this:

Zhentar wrote:
Unrelated to TiDi: The default font size is too large. I know that we can make it smaller in the options, but can't we have the small option by default and make the bigger one an option? Everyone is just going to have to make it smaller.

Gaia Ma'chello
#25 - 2011-10-21 03:42:33 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: OSX 10.6.8
CPU: 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7
Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? One
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 3
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 1.5
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome): 1, see comments.
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

Upon undocking the first time I got black space. Windows and the HUD were there, the UI worked. I docked and got a black CQ with the HUD still showing and no station service window. Relogging did not help, nor clearing the cache, or fiddling with graphics settings. Relogging, then entering the hangar, then undocking worked.

But when I went to hangar view, no ship was visible. On undocking my Dominix did not show. Nor did an NPC in a Domi. Other players said they also could not see Domis. I tried a different ship and it was visible, but went back to my Navy domi for the test.

The test: The jump was fine. The POS bash started to show issues: The client was very laggy. The server seemed to respond just fine, but it was hard to tell when I had actually sent a command, or what was going on. It would take half a minute for stuff to show on the overview or in space if I changed overview or bracket settings.

The fight: It was going OK at first. I could target stuff, shoot, and it all seemed much more responsive despite being in TiDi. (In fact I was surprised at how fast I was targeting. Bug maybe?) Then someone started shooting me and it all went wrong. I decided to warp out. I switched overview tabs to planets and everything locked up for about a minute. No UI response, zero FPS. Eventually I got an overview showing me planets and selected one and warped. The FPS was about 0.1. The speedo got stuck at 23 m/sec, the FPS readout got stuck at 3.28. A minute later and 6 screen updates I was at the planet alive. The fps came up (according to the plot, the number was still stuck) but was extremely choppy and the UI would go from being unresponsive to normal and back every few seconds. I went back to the fight just in time for it to end.

Through the fight it seemed the server was just fine, responding to any command that the client managed to send out. But the client was struggling quite badly.

Suggestion about the cyno effect: I noticed that people cynoing out would show a streak going off in random directions, even though they were all going to the same place. All the streaks should go the same way, and the same way the gate is pointing. Given the idea of the new nebulas: The going from star to star will change the view as though you have moved, means you have the opportunity to actually make space properly laid out. You could let us see stars we are going to when we look in the direction gates point, and so on. Make the stars we see in the background actually be the stars we travel to, in their correct position.
Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#26 - 2011-10-21 06:00:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7, fully updated
CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 635 (C2), stock speeds
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB, stock speeds
RAM: 4GB DDR3 @ 7-8-7-24
Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? Yes, two in windowed mode, but one or the other was usually minimized
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Lowest possible

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: N/A, if this was instructed of us, I was probably relogging at the time
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 2-4
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) I've never really been in such a large fight before, but it seemed about on par with what I'd think singularity would do 5 I guess
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? The client did lock up once, yes. Only one of the two clients crashed.
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

The one big thing for me was the graphics bug that happened on undocking, which caused the 3d environment to not render. I spent the majority of the mass test flying blind, solely from the overview and fleet window, because the one time I relogged I missed a bit of the test, and got podded in about two minutes so I had to undock again anyway...thus making the relog pointless.

Time dilation seems awesome, but as was stated before, it seems like an easy-ish way to lock down a hostile corp.

thhief ghabmoef

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#27 - 2011-10-21 06:31:02 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 x64 SP1
CPU: Q8200@ 2.33GHz
GPU: Radeon HD 6670
Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? only one
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): high

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: ~20
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 7-10
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 8 really smooth fighting and no major module lag
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? If the black-screen bug counts, then one
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
Fight was good and worked fine, only thing I want to mention is that my capacitor was full after jumping with my Dread back to the remapped system. It seems that the server recalled the mass of cap that I had before it got remapped.
Menelag Corporation
#28 - 2011-10-21 07:38:04 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad QX6700
Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? only one
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: ~25
Average FPS - Zoomed in: ~15
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 8; everything was responsive, no big freezes or glitches
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
Black screen undocking from station with captains quarters enabled, no black screen with ship spinning turned on
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2011-10-21 09:29:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Svennig
Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Windows 7 64 Bit
  • CPU: Phenom II x4 3.2G
  • GPU: Radeon 6850, latest drivers
  • RAM:8gb
  • Were you running more than one EVE client? How many? 2, one TQ one Duality.
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High on both.

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 30
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: 5
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 3 ish? I'm not sure how to quantify it, because Tidi makes doing so a little wierd. I think it was slightly worse, but it may just be the (unreasonable) expectation that tidi will lighten graphics load as well as server load.
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? 5 or 6. Seriously.
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Crashes were frequent. When logging back in, getting back into fleet wasn't easy - too much time was needed. This is especially relevant after the remap. Hardeners did not maintain state after the remap.

  • Black screens occurred often while undocking, only fix was to relog in space.

    There's also STILL the terrible graphical glitching on ATI cards. It's significantly worse on this build, and results in odd flashing bands across some of the screen. As if a pure white plane is being drawn (and then undrawn) right in front of me. If I look left, I can see it flashing off into the distance. Same if I look right. Happens frequently on POS shoots, dunno what causes it. It's ANNOYING AS ALL HELL though.

    You also need to change the way that Tidi is explained. Tidi 80% is very very very confusing. Does it mean that we're running at 80 % of normal (so one game second = 1 second * 0.8)? Or does it mean that we're 80% dilated (out of 100), in which case one game second = 1 second / (1-(80/100))

    Also agree with other commenters - the font is nice, but too large.

    Is it possible for everyone jumping to the same cyno to have the same cyno effect (where they seem to zip off into the distance on an orange pulse), so that they are all going the same direction?
Green Goo Project
#30 - 2011-10-21 22:45:17 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Win7 Pro SP1 64 bits
CPU: i7-2600k @ 3.4GHz
GPU: GTX 570i
Were you running more than one EVE client? How many?
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): all high/enabled

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets enabled - Zoomed out: 25
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 10
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) no basis of comparison
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? the expected disconned during the remmap and two crashes
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: I got a partial black screen after undocking once: all UI windows and menus were visible, but the grid and background were just black. I have no idea how to reproduce that since it didn't happen in my other three undock tests. experienced a client side "lag" during the AoE test made at the end of the masstest session.
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#31 - 2011-10-22 20:58:30 UTC
If anybody has log-files or crash-dumps from the mass-test to upload: Please do so at This time we still need your crash-dumps, as the automatic crash-reporter was not (fully) enabled yet in this patch. Cry

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

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