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EVE General Discussion

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How BF3's turn for the worse resembles EVE's

First post
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#41 - 2012-11-22 13:01:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Terminal Insanity
Kiteo Hatto wrote:

You are really overreacting man, also, wow players PVP more because there is no risk, it doesn't really make them bad pvp-ers, they just don't need to worry about stuff as much after they die(apart from repairing your gear which can result in you grinding for a bit[oh what a surprise, eve is the same]). Also pvp-only servers, do you know how hard it is to level on those ?

Thats fair, but its not just the ability to PVP that made eve unique, its the PVP RISK. Having a months work on the line when i undock, makes PVP that much more thrilling. When my machariel survives an encounter with 50% structure remaining, FUCKIN AWESOME! If i would just respawn with my machariel and faction/officer fits after i die... it really wouldn't be nearly as fun. WOW players have PVP yes, but they lose nothing from it. They might be 'good' at it, but there was really no risk, and that kind of PVP bores me. I also believe it bores most of the EVE PVP crowd, which is why they became EVE players in the first place.

I grew up playing a lot of Monopoly, Risk, Stratego. I played a MUD where a lvl 20 player could teleport a lvl1 player into a dungeon and slay him. Where the only real protection from assholes like me, were the white knight players who would in turn hunt me. I played on a neverwinter nights server that had pretty hardcore pvp. I'd appear in the middle of town and cast Wail of Banshee, and watch 15 noobs around me drop dead instantly losing their gear. Once i did that a few times, i had monks running around hunting me every time i logged on, and that was a TON of fun. Imagine now if the noobs whined and nerfed death magic so i couldnt do that. No more running for me. Nobody for the white knights to hunt. Back to bordom. (and yes, many of the noobs did complain, and i eventually got banned... google my nwn player name "Nomius Phasha" you can still see the forum posts complaining about me =)

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

#42 - 2012-11-22 13:06:17 UTC
Can we make this thread a sticky please? I believe it to be unique and important.

Post with your main™

Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2012-11-22 13:13:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiteo Hatto
Terminal Insanity wrote:

Thats fair, but its not just the ability to PVP that made eve unique, its the PVP RISK. Having a months work on the line when i undock, makes PVP that much more thrilling. When my machariel survives an encounter with 50% structure remaining, ****** AWESOME! If i would just respawn with my machariel and faction/officer fits after i die... it really wouldn't be nearly as fun. WOW players have PVP yes, but they lose nothing from it. They might be 'good' at it, but there was really no risk, and that kind of PVP bores me. I also believe it bores most of the EVE PVP crowd, which is why they became EVE players in the first place.

Well, they lose their time and some resources( exp penalty and gear repair, first one assuming they are not max level yet).
You say there is no risk, but really, if you are shooting freighters or can flipping all day then its the same no risk scenario as being a twink in battlegrounds, how many people actually wardec you and fight back when you engage them ?

The new system will let others shoot you, how is that a bad thing if its more pvp for you at the end of the day ? is it bad because you are not the top of the food chain in your current system and your victims can actually do something other than wardec you to get back at you ?

Also, NWN was sick, summon Weird and Gate spells were amazing.
Green Visstick High
#44 - 2012-11-22 13:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: LujTic
Great thread.
I'm glad CCP is taking its first baby steps to bring some real PvP to hisec. Transferrable kill rights are a nice first step. The general direction however should not be to make ganking more difficult, but rather a shift from PvE (concord, faction police) to PvP as a means to maintain order. CCP should facilitate and enable players to maintain order: let players take over the role of faction police (with npc backup where needed), provide warp-in beacons at crime scenes, but as a compensation reduce security penalties and/or Concord response (time).
Admiral Mackswell
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2012-11-22 13:17:24 UTC
I am neither an old player of Eve nor a newbie. I started playing in 2008. 5 years or so after Eve started and 4 years til now. I have done the null sec thing, the low sec pvp thing, and the hi sec carebear thing. Im currently doing the hi sec thing and heres why.
Null sec is boring. People of null sec lie to themselves. They are up there with hi sec carebears as far as gameplay goes. They rat, run anomolies, and mine to pass the time. When they do go to fight they shoot stationary things like POSes and stations. If a fight does break out you only need to be able to follow orders and the ability to click buttons. The FC is the only one who needs to use his brain.
Low sec is awesome. The people who call low sec home are the real pvpers of the game. But it is broken. Nobody wants to limit themselves and go -10. It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt such a B**** to gain sec status. Id be there right now pew pewing away. They need to do something to this sec status system to make it not such a punishment to do what this game was intended for..pvp. I personally feel they should do away with the sec status and just add to your bounty when you do things that are against the "law".
Currently hi sec is perfect. I have many options to make the money I need and can still dip down into low or null to lose said money in pew pew. That is a problem. It shouldnt be perfect. They need to either fix the other 2 areas or give some reason for hi sec to not be such a perfect place to live.
Tawnia Baker
Deep Space Mining and Construction
#46 - 2012-11-22 13:27:59 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Eterne
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Tawnia Baker wrote:
Uhm so if that would be true, then tell me, how its possible that i see in high sec so many orcas, obelisks , T2 ships and much more a new player normally cant fly them.

Funny is, in highsec you find so many 0 sec and low sec people trying to get some isk so they can buy something they lost in low or 0, but also most of thsi people now cry for some sort of highsec nerf.

But why?
You say that CCP is buffing concords response times and much more, and sure if that happens it would change something, but it would not change piracy ingame, it would only change stupid ganking in highsec and that is somethign that should really be changed.
Or do you think its fun if your as example mackinaw is killed by someone who calls himself a pirate with a ship tat only costs few hundred thousand ISK and is finished before concord arrive and kill him, only to loot the wreck with another account?

So no thats really not fun. Also its not piracy, it woudl be piracy if he loot your wreck with the SAME ACCOUNT AND SAME PLAYER he used to shot you, but that would not happen cause then its a higher risk.

And thats one of the problems, this so called pirates are most of the time only coward wannabes using 2 or 3 accounts to gank other people, so tell me how can this be piracy?

Sure also Highsec should not be 100% safe but in highsec there must be a 90% safety chance (in sectors lets say above 0.6) that if someone attack you concord come and safe you .

If you remove the safety of highsec or reduce it too much you wont bring more people to low sec you only force people out of the game.

Remeber not anyone is intersted in PVP and also not anyone has the time to do PVP or fleet ops every day.

Also dont forget the skills , new players sure can also fly a catalyst or a myrmidon but they will never ever have a chance against someone who is ingame since 2 years and is skilling his fighting stuff.

so what is your problem with safety of high sec?It does not hurt you it also does not stop you from doing PVP, in low and 0 sec are enough players who wanna do pvp so why not try a fight with this people?

And really thats a question i ask me every day, why the hell so many "pirates" are whining about low sec, if i fly through low and 0 i see enough pirates and enough other players to find a fight if i wanna do PVP , so why it is so important for some of you "pirates" to bring the people to low sec who never ever wanna do pvp and who cannot fight back?

Are you guys really sooo scared that if you find someone who can shoot back you loose your ship?

Thank you for posting an example of what im talking about. I've bolded the relevant parts of your post. You represent exactly what is wrong with eve.

You've picked up a heavy PVP videogame, decided you want to PVE in it, and complain that you get blown up too easy.
Do you see me in Hello kitty online complaining that all the PVE'ers are ruining the game? No. I didnt join a PVE game, because i want to PVP. Why did you join a PVP game to PVE?

Ok not sure but i think you simply dont read what i wrote.

I live in 0 Sec so yes i also sometimes try to do PVP , only problem iu have is with people like you who wanna force all other players to play THÌS GAME AS YOU WANNA PLAY IT and thats the real problem.

Yu are talking about a PVP game? Strange last time i checked EVe it was Sandbox game not a PVP only game.
So if its PVP only as you think , why the hell we need miners, productions research, then CCP simpyl can place all ships inside the market and all can do PEW PEW and nothing else. But wait that wont happen cause eve is a Sandbox Game not a PVP only game.

so i joined a Sandbox game that has PVP, PVE,Mining , Research and many many other options how i can play it, so tell me, why i must play it as you do it? Why i should be forced to do every day PVP ? Why should i be forced to move through some low sectors only to give those coward wannabes a kill?

So you are talking about PVP thats fine, but tell me how the hell can it be PVP if those wannabe "pirates" most of the time only attack targets that cant shoot back? Tats not PVP thats only coward ganking nothing else.

But its interesting, in many MMO you see the same **** in the forums, after some time the PVP only faction starts acting like little kids , crying for more easy targets and trying to force anybody in permanent PVP.
So tell me, if people wanna do pvp why they dont move to low or 0 sec and do PVP`? Risk to high? Cause you could be killed instant by someone with his fleet?

PVP without risk is boring yes, but forcing PVP to people who dont like or want is is bull**** nothing else.

In your entire thread here, you always tell others that they must do PVP cause eve is a PVP only game and that its sooooo boring for you that you dont get more easy targets, then go and find some easy targets .

You are speaking about a ISK RISK, so tell me what is the ISK RISK sitting in a gate camp somewhere in low or 0 and waiting for defenseless ship to move in? Where is your risk? And no i dont talk about people who move billions of ISK to 0 sec in a Iteron or a Obelisk.
Where is your ISK Risk to gank someone in 0.5 space with a cheap ship ? you dont have any ISK Risk also you dont have any risk that you get podded, so again you are acting like a coward, without any real risk.
So whats the difference between people who gank others and the so called highsec Carebears?

You want more tartgets? go find them , enough in wormholes and 0 sec, oh no stop that wont work , cause then you cant simply gank someone then you really must FIGHT TO WIN, something you dont like.

Please censor all profanity. - CCP Eterne
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#47 - 2012-11-22 13:29:32 UTC
LujTic wrote:
Great thread.
I'm glad CCP is taking its first baby steps to bring some real PvP to hisec. Transferrable kill rights are a nice first step. The general direction however should not be to make ganking more difficult, but rather a shift from PvE (concord, faction police) to PvP as a means to maintain order. CCP should facilitate and enable players to maintain order: let players take over the role of faction police (with npc backup where needed), provide warp-in beacons at crime scenes, but as a compensation reduce security penalties and/or Concord response (time).

I would absolutely love to see CONCORD replaced by player white knighters. Allow players with a high security rating to sign up for CONCORD Response Teams, where they can sit on a CONCORD Titian and be bridged into crime scenes.

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#48 - 2012-11-22 13:33:12 UTC
Tawnia Baker wrote:
I live in 0 Sec so yes i also sometimes try to do PVP , only problem iu have is with people like you who wanna force all other players to play THÌS GAME AS YOU WANNA PLAY IT and thats the real problem.

I dont want to force players to play like me. But you have chosen to play a hardcore PVP game, and then complain about the PVP being too hardcore. Again, do you see me posting on Hello Kitty Online forums begging for PVP? No. Why are you joining a PVP game and complaining that its not safe enough for you to 'play the way you want'?

What if i want to play eve in 0.0 space safely without having to worry about being ganked. Should CCP change the game for me too? Why not? But thats how i want to play, stop forcing me to play like you.

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Lutin Ballista
Ballista Investment Corp
#49 - 2012-11-22 13:36:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Lutin Ballista
Terminal Insanity wrote:
The old fans are the reason the franchise has lasted to make the sequels you now enjoy. The old fans know the legacy the franchise has built. They know what makes the series unique and have certain expectations based on previous entries.

Ive played on and off since Beta. I'm a carebear. How does that fit in your argument?

The OP seems to think that this game is a PVP space ship game. The fact that the majority of the game is built around pure economics rather than Pew Pew seems to be lost on most people.

To say people playing in high sec aren't playing the game right is to totally ignore the fact that they are playing the game as CCP created it.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#50 - 2012-11-22 13:43:46 UTC
Lutin Ballista wrote:
Terminal Insanity wrote:
The old fans are the reason the franchise has lasted to make the sequels you now enjoy. The old fans know the legacy the franchise has built. They know what makes the series unique and have certain expectations based on previous entries.

Ive played on and off since Beta. I'm a carebear. How does that fit in your argument?

The OP seems to think that this game is a PVP space ship game. The fact that the majority of the game is built around pure economics rather than Pew Pew seems to be lost on most people.

To say people playing in high sec aren't playing the game right is to totally ignore the fact that they are playing the game as CCP created it.

And some people forget pvp drives the market which is itself a pvp activity.
Admiral Mackswell
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2012-11-22 13:44:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Admiral Mackswell
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Tawnia Baker wrote:
I live in 0 Sec so yes i also sometimes try to do PVP , only problem iu have is with people like you who wanna force all other players to play THÌS GAME AS YOU WANNA PLAY IT and thats the real problem.

I dont want to force players to play like me. But you have chosen to play a hardcore PVP game, and then complain about the PVP being too hardcore. Again, do you see me posting on Hello Kitty Online forums begging for PVP? No. Why are you joining a PVP game and complaining that its not safe enough for you to 'play the way you want'?

What if i want to play eve in 0.0 space safely without having to worry about being ganked. Should CCP change the game for me too? Why not? But thats how i want to play, stop forcing me to play like you.

Id like to flip your logic on you. You sir have chosen to play a hardcore PVE game, and then complain about the PVE being too hardcore.

This is a sandbox meaning it is neither pvp or pve it is what you make it.
Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2012-11-22 14:01:49 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:

I dont want to force players to play like me. But you have chosen to play a hardcore PVP game, and then complain about the PVP being too hardcore. Again, do you see me posting on Hello Kitty Online forums begging for PVP? No. Why are you joining a PVP game and complaining that its not safe enough for you to 'play the way you want'?

It's only a "hardcore pvp game" to you because of your playstyle and what you do to your victims, others see eve differently. Some think EvE stands for Everyone vs Everyone but I think it's "extended virtual entity" of yourself and that you can be anyone you want while online.

I "choose" to shoot red crosses because its relaxing and i just like the feeling of hitting big numbers with big guns and immersing yourself as this capsuleer who kills bad npc pirates and makes life better for agents, not as far as roleplaying but it's just my kind of thing. I just don't see eve as this "pro competitive must-do-everything-expoit-everything in order to kill others and survive" kind of game, if i wanted to play a competitive pvp only game i'd be playing dota2/hon/LoL and I do sometimes.

On another point, i think trailers lie a bit, the stuff really doesn't happen as shown in trailers i mean, they show these honourable big organized fleet fights with epic camera effects and timings(the closest real example i've seen was Rooks n Kings videos). CCP please make a trailer that reflects game's reality, as in alts with loki links, blobwarfare and gatecamping, oh and lets not forget bumping miners, can flippin' and suicide ganking.

Otherwise it's kind of a misleading advertising that you can be anyone you want but the reality is that you get told to become a pvper(in any sense of form) or forever be branded as a carebear.
Amelia Valkiery
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2012-11-22 14:04:21 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Tawnia Baker wrote:
I live in 0 Sec so yes i also sometimes try to do PVP , only problem iu have is with people like you who wanna force all other players to play THÌS GAME AS YOU WANNA PLAY IT and thats the real problem.

I dont want to force players to play like me. But you have chosen to play a hardcore PVP game, and then complain about the PVP being too hardcore. Again, do you see me posting on Hello Kitty Online forums begging for PVP? No. Why are you joining a PVP game and complaining that its not safe enough for you to 'play the way you want'?

What if i want to play eve in 0.0 space safely without having to worry about being ganked. Should CCP change the game for me too? Why not? But thats how i want to play, stop forcing me to play like you.

There is nothing "Hardcore" about EVE PvP.

It is just as I said before:
Waiting games
Alt/Meta gaming
Timer knowledge

The majority of combat is extremely cheesy and nothing sci-fi-like with nice big explosions. Or large alliance wars. Disbanding the biggest alliances by just pressing a button.............WOOOHOO. Was nice to read the drama, and to see the utter gameplay design FAIL.

If I want to "PvP" I start-up some not to be named tank-game.

I really would like to "PvP" in EVE but not with these cheesy mechanics that require me to become a database specialist. No offense, but that is just not my cup of tea. I want action, consequences, losses and wins. For the majority of the "PvP" folks consequences, losses are not relevant. Wins are meaningless, only too boast their ego on some meaningless killboard that the whole world does not care about.

But that isn't your fault, IMO CCP just planlessly added "stuff" and artificially tried to create a PvP environment. Maybe that works for large alliances, but not for the average Joe that has to grind weeks to get a ship just to have it taken by a cheesy gate camp. And that makes EVE for me not a sci-fi spaceship game with nice battles, just a databas and timer management client.
Apocalypse Reign
#54 - 2012-11-22 14:06:10 UTC
I don't get why people think you make too much ISK in highsec when most of the richest players are hugging moons in null and making trillions. Bounties in 0.0 belts can be upwards of 5 mil and drop insanely priced mods. Plexes in 0.0 are 100x more profitable on average than those in highsec. Outside of mining in highsec what is the big imbalance in earnings?


Brennr Eldar
Stack Overload
#55 - 2012-11-22 14:06:27 UTC
EVE Online is a sandbox, where you, as a capsuleer are allowed to choose your profession. I do not disagree, the game includes a lot of PvP action, be it on the market, asteroid belts, Planet VI ( ) or deadspace pockets. No matter what profession you have chosen, you are competing with other players in becoming the best of your profession, amassing the most riches, and/or having the best friends.

Terminal Insanity wrote:
My point is that unwanted PVP in eve was an intended feature. read my signature.

The idea that you want to sit in highsec and mine all day, without worrying about getting blown up by a player, is absurd. That is not the way eve was meant to be.

Your point here is certainly valid, as that is not the way New Eden is, it is a much more dangerous and sinister place. A place where you may lose your ship at a moments notice, and that is the way I would like New Eden to stay.

Terminal Insanity wrote:
I would absolutely love to see CONCORD replaced by player white knighters. Allow players with a high security rating to sign up for CONCORD Response Teams, where they can sit on a CONCORD Titian and be bridged into crime scenes.

This.. Is plain insanity, to begin with you escalated the idea provided in the former quote from Faction Police to CONCORD. There is a huge difference between the two, firstly being that Faction Police are the ones that are meant to protect the solar systems from pirates. Given they have way less power and numbers than CONCORD but they occasionally manage to capture a pirate or two. While CONCORD forces are meant to capture cuplrits that have received a Global Criminal Countdown as a result of an illegal act of aggression.

While I can respect your view of any updates CCP may be choosing to do, your rant does not have a clear statement of what you're dissatisfied with. You complain about CONCORD response times being shorter and pirating options being limited, but lack of actual, factual evidence makes this nothing more than a rant. If you could please provide us with a link to the Dev Blog that has sparked this topic, I would gladly read it over and form my perspective to give you.

B. Eldar
The Watchtower.
#56 - 2012-11-22 14:15:22 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Silk daShocka wrote:

So, Orca corp hangars being scannable and dropping loot is a nerf to pirates/low/null? I thought certain groups of "pirates" if you want to call them that would rejoice at these changes.

I would call that more of a long-needed BUG FIX, not an added feature.

If you want an example of what im talking about, consider that ganking freighters in highsec will be a thing of the past after the new crimewatch system is in place.

I guess i should elaborate. Being a highsec ganker, many people have killrights on me. After the new crimewatch system, anyone anywhere will be able to rightclick me > activate killright. I'm now killable by anyone/everyone. Consider a fleet of suicide battleships waiting for their freighter to jump through the gate. Players can safely rightclick>activate kill right, and gank our ships before the freighter is even decloaked. Highsec ganking is becoming harder and harder.

So you like pvp and funnily enough the consequences for you ganking people is that even more people can shoot you which means even more pvp! Isn't that what ypou were advocating in the first place, making pvp more viable in hgihsec?

You actually weren't you were bitching about actually facing consequences and that youcan't continue to do like you were doing, meaning fear of change. Also how come the orca being changed was bugfixing but changing a system that everyone agrees was broken is suddenly catering to the carebears?
Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#57 - 2012-11-22 14:16:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jame Jarl Retief

While I get what you're trying to say, you should consider the bigger picture.

I, along with many others, have been playing Battlefield series since BF1942. And I don't feel that BF3 was significantly worse. Further, BF: Bad Company 1 & 2 don't really belong in the same list as BF3, same as Battlefield: Heroes doesn't belong there.

Were there some changes to BF3, compared to BF2? Yes, many. Were all of those changes bad or totally changing the game? I don't feel they do. For every "negative" change, like the reduction of map size, there was a positive change, line introduction of destructible environments, deeper kit customization, etc.

I'm actually seeing the exact same argument with the Hitman Absolution game released two days ago. Many people rage and moan that it is no longer a Hitman game, and that the series is dead, and so on. And to a degree, they're right. But what they fail to do is recognize that graphics and amount of detail increased since Blood Money, increased so much that with these graphics, the large sprawling levels of Blood Money are just no longer possible on consoles. Yes, surprise surprise, consoles are holding back and harming PC gaming. The developers didn't have a choice. They either had to cut graphics and detail, in which case the game would be laughed at for being visually outdated, or they had to cut the large map into separate pieces.

Having said that, I don't feel like it is no longer a Hitman game. In some ways, it is superior. For example, doing Chinatown level, I found no less than 5 ways to kill the target, not counting directly shooting him. Don't think there was this much variety in the previous version.

And yes, in some ways the game IS inferior - the part I hate the most is the new scoring system. In Blood Money, the highest rank was Silent Assassin. That is, you go in, do your thing and leave unnoticed. The target is dead, and it usually looks like an accident, and nobody suspects anything. By contrast, in Absolution you can go on a shooting rampage, but as long as you score enough headshots and hide enough bodies, you might end up with a score high enough to get Silent Assassin rating. It's all about the points now, not about how you play your game. Which is totally screwy. In the older Hitman titles, a shooting rampage resulted in low rating like maniac or mass murderer.

Also, people don't know what they want. In Blood Money, people whined that disguise system was too strong. So it was changed in Absolution, and now people whine it's too hard. And it is harder, compared to Blood Money, but not gamebreakingly so.

Bottom line: things change. Things that "worked" 10 years ago, and by "worked" I mean were widely accepted, just don't work any more. Why? Simple. People change. WE changed. Average gamer age is now what, 36? Compared to 23 or so 10 years ago? Totally different mentality and priorities now. And games NEED to reflect that to remain popular.

Are games being "dumbed down" across the board? Yep. Is there a reason for it? Yep. An average gamer doesn't have the kind of free time today as they did a decade ago, or two decades ago. I certainly don't.
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#58 - 2012-11-22 14:37:13 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Silk daShocka wrote:

So, Orca corp hangars being scannable and dropping loot is a nerf to pirates/low/null? I thought certain groups of "pirates" if you want to call them that would rejoice at these changes.

I would call that more of a long-needed BUG FIX, not an added feature.

If you want an example of what im talking about, consider that ganking freighters in highsec will be a thing of the past after the new crimewatch system is in place.

I guess i should elaborate. Being a highsec ganker, many people have killrights on me. After the new crimewatch system, anyone anywhere will be able to rightclick me > activate killright. I'm now killable by anyone/everyone. Consider a fleet of suicide battleships waiting for their freighter to jump through the gate. Players can safely rightclick>activate kill right, and gank our ships before the freighter is even decloaked. Highsec ganking is becoming harder and harder.

I somehow doubt, that all the missioning / mining crowd is going to jump on you. Perhapy an ocassional, expereinced ninja looter with his buddies. But I think it will be rather fellow gankers competing with you. And that's pretty much ok I'd say Blink.

Remove standings and insurance.

J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2012-11-22 14:44:02 UTC
All those tears must be fogging up OP's monocle. Need a tissue? Big smile
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
Admiral Mackswell
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2012-11-22 14:47:51 UTC
You do realize that YOU also will be able to buy kill rights? Which means your going to get all the hi sec pvp your wallet can buy.