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New Carrier Design: Interacts with Dust 514 from Eve Online Client

Staleward Ad'mraa
#1 - 2012-11-21 16:54:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Staleward Ad'mraa
Tactical Insertion Carriers
By allowing players to dock with a carrier, this will minimize the amount of time it takes to bring together a large battle fleet within low sec and null sec. Much like traditional carriers, these carriers will be able to dock up numerous ships depending on hanger bay's capacity and the size of the ships docking. Of course it would be unreal for a Tactical Insertion Carrier to be able to carrier up to 50 battleships, so it should be limited to at least 12 battleships at the most with some room to spare for smaller ships.

An carrier would never be able to dock another carrier, due to capacity issues. These carriers would be considered capital ships and would see lots of action in Faction Warfare and/or Fleets in Null Sec. These Carriers could come equip with their own personal jump drives, which allows for surprise tactics. Unlike their counter-parts, these carriers replace drones for actual ships and two hardpoints, allowing for some defense against aggressive ships who decide to focus on them. These ships are consider rather tankers compared to other capital ships, but weaker in sense of an cruiser in damage per second.

One of the most redeeming quality of these carriers instead of being another target for warfare, is the ability to provide orbital bombardment deep within enemy sovereign space. Dust Bunnies will also be able to call upon ordinance drops from the ship, providing weaponry and supplies at a cost. Because of this, this ship will have a dual purpose and very versatile, but at a cost of being able to stand toe to toe with other capital ships. In some sense, it is the weakest of all the capital ships, but provides a purpose that none of the other capital ships could provide.

Another feature of this ship is the players can access whatever is in the cargo-hold of the ship, allowing for storing modules and ammo that will be needed for the battle. With an on-board fitting service, players will be able to change their modules or weaponry depending on the need while in travel to their destination. Due to the fact it doesn't have much firepower, this ship will be able to equip an cloaking module, players won't be able to dock or undock with carrier until it uncloaks and exposes itself. Cloaking has an massive drain due to the immense size of the ship, thus is recommended to work on compactor drain of other modules to stabilize the drain.

Because players can dock with this ship, others have worried if a player logs out, they force the pilot to stay online. Players who log out will be ejected from the carrier, leaving them stranded in space where the carrier was at the time. Tactical Insertion Carrier pilots have the option to eject a player from their hanger bay, which adds another options of removal of pilots or cut off the cargohold usage for on-board fitting services.

Pro: This ship fills the niche players are looking for and adds more depth to Eve Universe. Players will have an very active role by offering supplies or orbital bombardment for players of Dust 514. Able to transport players to their destinations via hanger bay of the ship while offering fitting services.

Cons: Doesn't have much offensive firepower compared to capital counter-parts, thus can't stand toe to toe with another capital without being destroyed, it can only equip two capital modules. Docking doesn't repair ships. When destroyed, the ship ejects all pilots within the hanger bay out and all of its cargo hold as well, thus would be considered a high value target within the battlefield.
Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#2 - 2012-11-21 18:37:23 UTC
If you just allowed players to stay on Mother ships and Titans, this would solve most of that problem already, wouldn't it?

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Christopher AET
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-11-21 22:24:47 UTC
So basically station/titan/6xcarrier/dreadship. A little OP no?

I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.

Staleward Ad'mraa
#4 - 2012-11-21 22:32:01 UTC
The ship itself is can't fight back, except with a few hardpoints that mainly meant for Orbital bombardment. Itself can launch a small fleet of ships, which is controlled by individual players. But it can't fight back when flying solo, it would be very vulnerable. It acts like an mobile refitting station that can carry a small fleet into battle. What would make it a valuable target for players in a fleet, is the fact it carries spare modules and ammo, which means it could mean a big lose for a corp who looses it. Itself is not designed for battle, except to take hits for a prolong time before it is destroyed. The cost and potential for a lose means it would be usually very well guarded by corps... but in the right hands, it would be a force to be reckon with only if they don't put it in position it could be lost.
Christopher AET
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-11-21 23:03:31 UTC
You are describing a POS with some sort of bombardment gun.

I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.

Staleward Ad'mraa
#6 - 2012-11-21 23:45:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Staleward Ad'mraa
Christopher AET wrote:
You are describing a POS with some sort of bombardment gun.

PoS has battery turrets, an OP shielding, and is anchored. This ship doesn't have any battery turrets, no OP shielding, and isn't anchored. Mainly serves as an mass transport of ships to the battlefield, while having a jump drive. It itself isn't very lethal compared to other Capitals, it is basically the weakest link of the Capitals. It has a specialized role that gives it usefulness, plus it will play a very large role in Dust 514, the counter-part to Eve Online. It could provide ordinance weapons, vehicles, and orbital bombardment at a cost of isk by players of Dust 514. It plays a support role for Eve Online and Dust 514, but never a main role at all.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2012-11-22 02:19:04 UTC
Staleward Ad'mraa wrote:
Christopher AET wrote:
You are describing a POS with some sort of bombardment gun.

PoS has battery turrets, an OP shielding, and is anchored. This ship doesn't have any battery turrets, no OP shielding, and isn't anchored. Mainly serves as an mass transport of ships to the battlefield, while having a jump drive. It itself isn't very lethal compared to other Capitals, it is basically the weakest link of the Capitals. It has a specialized role that gives it usefulness, plus it will play a very large role in Dust 514, the counter-part to Eve Online. It could provide ordinance weapons, vehicles, and orbital bombardment at a cost of isk by players of Dust 514. It plays a support role for Eve Online and Dust 514, but never a main role at all.

But titan bridges can move more ships, and if you run out of ammo on an op, it's either a surprise pos shot, or you're outright terrible. Neither of those would require a ship with a giant 'shoot me' sign on it. As for refits, if you really need those in the middle of an op, then why not just use a regular carrier?

I honestly can't see a role for this, even if CCP have fixed the whole 'no multiple pilots in one ship' thing.