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New target icons, AI and weapon/mod grouping feedback

Funky Lazers
Funk Freakers
#1 - 2012-11-20 12:51:01 UTC
Here is the things:

1. Icons: Those new round icons whenever you have targeted someone look cool, but it is really hard to use them at all.
It's hard to see how much hp target has with the quick glance. Old, non round bars were really easy to read.

The ship picture is smaller now, therefore it's harder to read it too.

Overall, the new icons look cooler now, but 10 times harder to read or get any info out of them.

2. New AI. Didn't like it at all: had to replace my drones 3 times, which is ok.
The coolest thing happend at Worlds Collide or similar mission when I lost by 3 bil ship.
This is ridiculous. At the mission whenever you launch your drones other groups that you didn't aggro start shooting at your drones.
So whenever you launch your drones you have passive groups shooting at them plus the ones that is on you.

Short version: 5 small and 5 med drones died within 1 min, when I was trying to kill frigs and other warp disruptor guys.
Basically I was unable to warp out or do anything with 0 drones.

I wonder how hard will be doing missions in some drone boat. Will it be possible at all?!

3. Weapon/Mod grouping. Just a request. Is it possible to make other mods like Webs, Tracking Disruptors, Painters and others to be grouped?
It's frustrating to play piano on your keyboard when you want to do just 2 actions.


Harland White
Adventurer's Guild
#2 - 2012-11-20 14:26:49 UTC
Good feedback. I agree about the new AI drone problem, I don't see how missions will be possible with the new AI as it is currently on Buckingham.

One thing though, try to balance your negative feedback with an equal amount of positive feedback about some things you did like. I know CCP is a corporation and all, but the guys in CCP who read these feedback threads and forums do have a human spirit that can get low if everything they read is negative feedback. Not jumping on you or anything, just suggesting.

By their fruit you will recognize them.

Funky Lazers
Funk Freakers
#3 - 2012-11-20 14:51:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Funky Lazers
Harland White wrote:
Good feedback. I agree about the new AI drone problem, I don't see how missions will be possible with the new AI as it is currently on Buckingham.

One thing though, try to balance your negative feedback with an equal amount of positive feedback about some things you did like. I know CCP is a corporation and all, but the guys in CCP who read these feedback threads and forums do have a human spirit that can get low if everything they read is negative feedback. Not jumping on you or anything, just suggesting.

Ya I get you.
I just think it will be much worse if it comes live.
Like quitters and other whiners crying about how bad CCP is and how it ruins their lives.

Actually there was a lot of good things, that others mentioned already:
1. Making Toprs viable in PvP
2. Nerfing Heavies. Imo heavies are good now, not bad and not super good DPS. Just as they should be.
3. Cruiser rebalancing
4. I actually liked new explosions: much more noticable and realistic. Made me want to kill more rats to see them :D
And many others.


Rengerel en Distel
#4 - 2012-11-20 15:08:33 UTC
is there some reason your feedback had to be in a new thread, instead of the official ones?

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

#5 - 2012-11-20 19:41:31 UTC
HP bars should be bigger or different color (blue for shield, green for armor, red for hull)
Oberine Noriepa
#6 - 2012-11-20 22:20:22 UTC
marVLs wrote:
HP bars should be bigger or different color (blue for shield, green for armor, red for hull)

I think the bars are pretty easy to read in their current form, but I think this is a good suggestion.