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Why does EVE-online need more people in 0.0 or any part of EVE for that matter.

David Carel
SWAT Team Sales Consultants
#21 - 2011-10-20 17:45:47 UTC
Either for jump bridges or as a way to say "This space is ours, you're not free to do **** here, get out"
David Carel
SWAT Team Sales Consultants
#22 - 2011-10-20 17:46:23 UTC
Simetraz wrote:
1. High-sec overpopulated ?, are there people waiting in line ?
2. lowsec empty, why is this a problem.
3. 0.0 Every last bit of 0.0 has SOV on it, how can it be empty, and again why is that a problem.

The number of people in each section is the result.
But what is the inherent reason, why do the players and CCP want to redistribute everyone ?

Sovereignty != populated, see post above.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2011-10-20 18:31:55 UTC
Barakkus wrote:
1. Highsec is overcrowded.- reason, there is little BS short of suicide ganks a smart player will not get killed. missions provide enough income to roam lowsec if they want or do whatever.
2. Lowsec is kind of under populated.-reason, Yarr tards shoot everything that moves, so why go there? let the rifter go, let the cruiser go, kill the freighter/orca/other ship with shiny loot.
3. Most of nullsec is just completely empty.-reason, either your on a blue continent since if u blue all of 0.0 you win eve.
NPC 0.0 you can't really eject someone from that space and the bigger alliance will own all the poses
lets also add the sanction nerf so huge amounts of 0.0 space are worthless

wormhole space imo is getting a litle too crowded, it seems 100% of wormholes that have highsec exits are filled, which is odd with the mystery of wormholes.
Caldari State
#24 - 2011-10-20 18:38:24 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
Because Hisec online is not a viable game. Hisec exists because the rest of the game exists. If people aren't transitioning out of hisec, then those other areas will die. When those other areas die, the entire game will follow.

People who are trying to frame this as pushing fodder out for massive nullsec alliances are engaged in a farcically childish narrative. The problem is that CCP as designers and we as a community are failing to provide the proper transitioning environment to get people out of level 4 hubs and hisec belts and into the game the vast majority originally signed on to play.

The incredibly advanced gameplay that is singular to Eve comes with huge barriers to transitioning new people into it. As I've said before, nobody gives a **** about the people who will never under any circumstances venture beyond level 4 missions; the issue is the huge number of players who are finding the transitioning too intimidating or difficult.

The proper way to conceive of this issue is transitions, transitions, and transitions. If this isn't how you're framing the discourse, then you're pissing in the wind.

I dont think the transition is intimidating, it's a game FFS. The problem is the transition isn't fun.

Why isn't transitioning to, and eventually living in, null fun? Well, If I decide to go to null (OHGOD never again) I have a few options.

Option 1- Suck off to a giant alliance, basically become their slave for their **** empire that you couldn't care less about.

Option 2- Become a renter, which is basically option 1 with slighty more freedom.

Option 3- Push the ultra-rich power blocs out of their space. Just kidding that's virtually impossible.

IMO I think this can be fixed by making it EXTREMELY hard to hold vast amounts of space. How the hell can a 2000 man alliance hold 50 some systems (not actually numbers, just using them as an example). They should be able to hold 10 or 20 systems. Hell, I'd argue less than that would be nice.

Also, can we please significantly reduce the ability to project power (spool up times)? Jump Clones **** this up too.
Kengutsi Akira
#25 - 2011-10-20 18:39:50 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Problem of high-sec: there is nothing to shoot, ransom, grief, etc.....
Problem of low-sec: there is nothing to shoot, ransom, grief, etc.....
Problem of 0.0: there is nothing to shoot, ransom, grief, etc.....

I really think this is the heart of "why push ppl to 0.0".

They dont want ppl in there for all the listed and various BS reasons they give, its more meat for the grinder lol

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#26 - 2011-10-20 18:40:12 UTC
Igualmentedos wrote:
Elise DarkStar wrote:
Because Hisec online is not a viable game. Hisec exists because the rest of the game exists. If people aren't transitioning out of hisec, then those other areas will die. When those other areas die, the entire game will follow.

People who are trying to frame this as pushing fodder out for massive nullsec alliances are engaged in a farcically childish narrative. The problem is that CCP as designers and we as a community are failing to provide the proper transitioning environment to get people out of level 4 hubs and hisec belts and into the game the vast majority originally signed on to play.

The incredibly advanced gameplay that is singular to Eve comes with huge barriers to transitioning new people into it. As I've said before, nobody gives a **** about the people who will never under any circumstances venture beyond level 4 missions; the issue is the huge number of players who are finding the transitioning too intimidating or difficult.

The proper way to conceive of this issue is transitions, transitions, and transitions. If this isn't how you're framing the discourse, then you're pissing in the wind.

I dont think the transition is intimidating, it's a game FFS. The problem is the transition isn't fun.

Why isn't transitioning to, and eventually living in, null fun? Well, If I decide to go to null (OHGOD never again) I have a few options.

Option 1- Suck off to a giant alliance, basically become their slave for their **** empire that you couldn't care less about.

Option 2- Become a renter, which is basically option 1 with slighty more freedom.

Option 3- Push the ultra-rich power blocs out of their space. Just kidding that's virtually impossible.

IMO I think this can be fixed by making it EXTREMELY hard to hold vast amounts of space. How the hell can a 2000 man alliance hold 50 some systems (not actually numbers, just using them as an example). They should be able to hold 10 or 20 systems. Hell, I'd argue less than that would be nice.

Also, can we please significantly reduce the ability to project power (spool up times)? Jump Clones **** this up too.

Speaking as someone who has lived in 0.0 for most of his EVE career, I can tell you that you're missing a few options from the 0.0 menu.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

The Red Pill Taker Group
#27 - 2011-10-20 18:46:36 UTC
The primary reason to encourage players from Empire to Null is because Null sec is an area of 'Player Generated Content'.

In other words it simply requires less development time to sustain over protracted periods: whereas players may, in theory, exhaust the content of NPC space - these players in turn get bored and, if not given more goodies, leave the game.

Null Sec's promise was that it would create infinite new content in terms of player interaction and contest - a constantly fluid and exciting dynamic.

The lack of new players to null sec has meant it has become stagnant and old - effectively creating an EVE in stasis.

Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2011-10-20 18:49:54 UTC
Cailais wrote:
The primary reason to encourage players from Empire to Null is because Null sec is an area of 'Player Generated Content'.

In other words it simply requires less development time to sustain over protracted periods: whereas players may, in theory, exhaust the content of NPC space - these players in turn get bored and, if not given more goodies, leave the game.

Null Sec's promise was that it would create infinite new content in terms of player interaction and contest - a constantly fluid and exciting dynamic.

The lack of new players to null sec has meant it has become stagnant and old - effectively creating an EVE in stasis.


David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2011-10-20 18:56:50 UTC  |  Edited by: David Grogan
Barakkus wrote:
1. Highsec is overcrowded.

Cos most of them hate 0.0, dont want to rent, or recently got evicted
Barakkus wrote:

2. Lowsec is kind of under populated.

Because it is mostly full of douche bags that kill cyno alts & haulers all day so why bother to go there in unarmed/poorly armed ships knowing some douchebag will gank them. And there is no way to defend themselves. The reward is not worth the risk in low sec........ roids are just as crap as high sec. missions sites are camped by pirates.
Barakkus wrote:

3. Most of nullsec is just completely empty.

Except for all those blobs, supercap blobs, and bots.

Everytime you buy something that says "made in china" you are helping the rising unemployment in your own country unless you are from china, Buy locally produced goods and help create more jobs.

Jenn Makanen
#30 - 2011-10-20 19:01:59 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Speaking as someone who has lived in 0.0 for most of his EVE career, I can tell you that you're missing a few options from the 0.0 menu.

Such as?
Handsome Hussein
#31 - 2011-10-20 19:05:26 UTC
David Grogan wrote:
Barakkus wrote:

2. Lowsec is kind of under populated.

Because it is mostly full of douche bags that kill cyno alts & haulers all day so why bother to go there in unarmed/poorly armed ships knowing some douchebag will gank them. And there is no way to defend themselves.

Low-sec is best sec! Pirate Why, I ruined someone's night just last night.

For null-sec, I think the loudest cries have been on the order of "There is no way I can make a home there with my small organization." You either pay protection, get hot-dropped on, get your POS ****** with, etc... W-space seems to accommodate the smaller orgs much better, might be something to look at for null-sec.

disclaimer: I have never been to sov null. I have been to and still occasionally go to NPC null. But I hate the bubbles, even with my numerous bookmarks...

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2011-10-20 19:07:25 UTC
I have never seen anybody say we need more people in High Sec or even Low Sec. Its always "We need more people to move to Nullsec." and it is always because nullsec dwellers seem to think its only about them and fail to realize that there are other aspects to EvE other than PvP. They also fail to realize that EvE is not only about PvP.

Bounties for all!

Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2011-10-20 19:12:56 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
I have never seen anybody say we need more people in High Sec or even Low Sec. Its always "We need more people to move to Nullsec." and it is always because nullsec dwellers seem to think its only about them and fail to realize that there are other aspects to EvE other than PvP. They also fail to realize that EvE is not only about PvP.

Uh no, but good job coming in without reading anything and devolving the conversation to its most useless point.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#34 - 2011-10-20 19:13:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrald
To improve nullsec and the flow of pilots out there a few things need to be changed:

1.) Mining needs to be fixed. It's barely profitable and highly dangerous in nullsec, so hardly anyone does it. This means any nullsec industry is reliant upon hisec minerals.

2.) POS and sov mechanics need to be improved. I'm not in logistics, but I hear people bitching all the time about how ****** the mechanics are.

3.) Ship rebalancing, and not just supercaps. The only caldari ships used in nullsec for PvP are blackbirds, drakes and occasionally scorpions. The coming hybrid rebalancing will hopefully improve this, as well as the lack of gallente ships in PvP. I originally trained caldari and having to train from the ground up practically just to PvP in nullsec really sucked. It would also help break some of the monotony in nullsec where you have a narrow field of fleet doctrines for alliance level ops.

4.) Improve the solo aspects of the game. You can either PvE or PvP solo. Solo PvP is either sitting on a bubble, or a solo roam, both of which are pretty boring. Only really good if you're in it for the killboard stats. PvE in general is just a morale killer, as it's so repetitive. Really, the only thing I can think of to improve the solo game is to expand upon exploration. There needs to be a non-combat solo alternative out there that can make you some money, though not as much as ratting, which pilots can do. People need a reason to log in, so if you provide a solo alternative, though less efficient at making isk, that someone can always do it should improve log in numbers. I haven't really thought of content examples or anything, but if you give someone something to do at all times, they're much more likely to play the game.
Meafi Corp
#35 - 2011-10-20 19:16:19 UTC  |  Edited by: VaMei
Simetraz wrote:
1. High-sec overpopulated ?, are there people waiting in line ?
2. lowsec empty, why is this a problem.
3. 0.0 Every last bit of 0.0 has SOV on it, how can it be empty, and again why is that a problem.

Large scale conflict is the engine that drives Eve's economy, and PvP in general (or at least the threat of PvP) is the only part of the game that offers players enough challange to keep playing for years rather than moving on after months.

Without conflict and destruction, the value of everything crashes. That conflict is based on control over scarce resources; Moons, anoms, rats, rocks, and one day possibly planets.

In empty space, resources are not scarce. There is no conflict. There is no PvP. There is no challange.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2011-10-20 19:20:50 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Barakkus wrote:
you must like to just sit in highsec and do nothing but make more and more isk for no actual reason other than to have more isk, makes for a really boring game...

Just as you find boring sitting in hi sec making more and more isk I (and some others) find it boring sitting in lo sec scoring more and more kills for a killboard. Just sayin'. Everyone has different tastes and even though you don't have to like that fact you should at least acknowledge it.

To me, making isk is a hell of a lot more fun than prettying up a killboard..

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc.
#37 - 2011-10-20 19:25:01 UTC
Joan Avon wrote:
I've never understood why so much of Null sec is empty and unused. Why take sov in systems you/your members arn't bothering to use/harvest/build up.

Denial of resources for your enemies/rivals?
Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#38 - 2011-10-20 19:26:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Astrid Stjerna
Simetraz wrote:
1. High-sec overpopulated ?, are there people waiting in line ?
2. lowsec empty, why is this a problem.
3. 0.0 Every last bit of 0.0 has SOV on it, how can it be empty, and again why is that a problem.

The number of people in each section is the result.
But what is the inherent reason, why do the players and CCP want to redistribute everyone ?

High-sec isn't overpopulated to the 'waiting in line' point, it's overpopulated in terms of player levels. Jita, for example, is barely playable on low-end computers because there are so many people in-system at any given time. To spread people out a bit will diminish the pull on players' systems.

Lowsec and nullsec are empty, for the most part, because there's no real motivation to use them. As a result, fewer people are going into lowsec and nullsec, there are fewer shipments of the harder-to-find nullsec minerals on the market for high-end industry, and the market becomes saturated with easier-to-obtain/build products.

3. Surviving in 0.0 is supposed to be a challenge -- it was intended to be a lawless place, where you have to fight to keep what you've won. Right now, though, there's nobody out there to provide a fight, and it's fallen into a self-reinforcing cycle: nobody's out there, so the harder-to-obtain nullsec items get more and more costly. Since the demand for the item is there, but there's no supply, the market blossoms with ridiculous prices for those items.

in the end, spreading players out will lessen the overall system impact -- anyone remember the early days of WoW, and Lagforge/Ironlag? There were so many people in Ironforge, crowding around what was, essentially, the Alliance version of 'Jita' at the time, that the client slowed to a crawl.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2011-10-20 19:33:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Vertisce Soritenshi
Elise DarkStar wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
I have never seen anybody say we need more people in High Sec or even Low Sec. Its always "We need more people to move to Nullsec." and it is always because nullsec dwellers seem to think its only about them and fail to realize that there are other aspects to EvE other than PvP. They also fail to realize that EvE is not only about PvP.

Uh no, but good job coming in without reading anything and devolving the conversation to its most useless point.

My post was to the OP...not any of your tripe that comes after it.

Oh...and uh...yes.

Bounties for all!

Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2011-10-20 19:42:26 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
My post was to the OP...not any of your tripe that comes after it.

Oh...and uh...yes.

Except the discussion that flows from the OP shows that you are absolutely incorrect, thereby making your post absolutely worthless.
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