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Ship to Object Collision

Royal Robot Ponies
#1 - 2012-11-15 17:50:46 UTC
So I just logged on to Buckingham to check out the new targeting UI and the new Vagabond model and skin, and I must say I think I like them both.

Anyways I cranked up the graphics settings and flew about space manually to get some nice screenshots for myself, and then I was promptly reminded of the games very in-accurate hit-boxes and collisions when trying to fly through the ring of an Amarr stargate in my Vagabond, and then later through some hole in a station.

The biggest problem is probably the Asteroids, flying close to them you have no way to know if you are actually going to bump into them or not, it seems very random. Sometimes you bump into the roids when you still think you are about 10km away from their surface. I think a big part of this problem are the "satellite" asteroids that orbit the asteroids but are considered part of it.

I think the game would be a bit better if these hit-boxes were more accurate as it would allow skilled pilots to utilize their environment to gain an advantage, it would also promote manual piloting, which is a skill that all pilots should learn because it is a big part of PvP.

Now, back to looking at my Vagabond...

P.S. Not sure I am totally fine with the Vagabond not having an asymmetric behind anymore... it will take some time getting used to.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-11-15 17:56:16 UTC
I agree,

Iv lost a ship or two from "hitting" a asteroid and not been able to warp out fast enough. It is annoying to align to your POS/station and then find out that what you think was empty space between you and safety was actually part of the Hit Box for an asteroid :P

I would be happy with any changes made here. even it if where to just get the hit boxes 30% closer to the visual object i would be a happier pilot.
Royal Robot Ponies
#3 - 2012-11-15 17:59:35 UTC
Mohini wrote:
I agree,

Iv lost a ship or two from "hitting" a asteroid and not been able to warp out fast enough. It is annoying to align to your POS/station and then find out that what you think was empty space between you and safety was actually part of the Hit Box for an asteroid :P

I honestly think most pilots in the game have lost a ship because this.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#4 - 2012-11-16 03:47:43 UTC
Search Tesselation & DX-11, they are working on this already as a long term project. It just requires a complete redo of the graphics engine is all.
Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#5 - 2012-11-16 04:42:03 UTC

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly