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[Closed] Lampen - Bond #1, 5.01B ISK, Uncollateralized, 7% Interest, 30 Days, Roll-Over Options

Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-11-14 07:12:01 UTC
Congrats on getting the bond filled and good luck with your venture.
I will surely follow this and remain interested in your business.

Very bests,

Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#22 - 2012-11-17 02:54:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #2

It's been a relatively busy week so far for me both in the game and the real world. Market operatios have contiued unabated and are benefiting considerable from market speculation boosting profit margins 2-7% overall. One particular market has seen massive price speculation and profits are up in it over 120%. I'm not certain this will last past the weekend and am oing to be consolidating my assets in this commodity and selling it off to take advantage of the price spike. Over 13.6B in orders have been placed for my next round of operations and I will be selling off my manufactured goods and commodities from this weeks operations to reinject capital back into my current investment portfolio.

Ice continues its downward market correction and should be bottoming out soon so profits will be reduced in that sector of my operations. However its my preferred mining method as it does not detract from my daily life and schedule. Planetary Interaction operations continue with slight manufacturing delays due to real life commitments, but this is to be expected from time to time and overall profits are only marginally affected.

I will update everyone on my operations as the information becomes available. I've got a lot of shipping and consolidating ahead of me over the weekend so feel free to message me if you have any questions about current or prospective investments in my current or next bond offering.

- Lampen
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#23 - 2012-11-18 22:33:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #3

Today saw a massive expansion in market operations within my original area of interest. Prices have been fluctuating on both the buy and sell end, but profits remain strong and interest to pay off all investors has already been accrued many times over thanks to the inject of capital they brought to my operations. As it has been about a week since my last update on market operations and my profit margins in my primary and secondary investments I thought I would do so now. I should note that Commodity #1 in this list =/= Commodity #1 in my original list as operations have expanded to new areas.

Primary Investments - High Priority - High Volume: Profit Percentage

Commodity #01: 14.68%
Commodity #02: 12.07%
Commodity #03: 8.26%
Commodity #04: 9.38%
Commodity #05: 10.26%
Commodity #06: 7.59%
Commodity #07: 19.92%
Commodity #08: 7.62%
Commodity #09: 20.69%
Commodity #10: 9.13%
Commodity #11: 16.58%

Secondary Investments - Low Priority - Low Volume: Profit Percentage

Commodity #01: 8.30%
Commodity #02: 5.83%
Commodity #03: 5.82%
Commodity #04: 4.14%

Current Market Buy Order Value: 17.93B

At this moment I'm moving around some of the materials and finish products of these investments to reinject capital for the next couple days so that I don't need to devote too much of my time to these operations for the next week or so(other than updating prices to compete). I have also purchased some implant upgrades for my trader/hauler alt to facilitate faster consolidation of purchases so there should be a slight reduction in the amount of time I have to commit to this task every week.

Mining Operations

Mining Operations continue on their previous tempo with exports of roughly 800+ units per day to major trade hubs for processing and sale or processing into fuel blocks.

Planetary Interaction Network

All planets have been reset once again in accordance with my schedule and production is proceeding efficiently. I have worked out arrangements with others to improve export times which should significantly reduce my overall transportation time so that I can devote more time to other interests. My next alt is due to complete the necessary training for her portion of the expanded PI network in 5 days which will increase monthly revenue by approximately 200-250m ISK a month.


I have expanded into ship production on high-volume, high-loss ships favored by large null-sec alliances, suicide-gankers, and PVPers and am generating a reasonale income of roughly 25-38m in daily profit from these activities.

This concludes my relevant updates at this time. I intend on offering another bond after the current one comes due, but have not yet decided on its value. It will almost certainly be greater than that of the current bond so that I can maintain my current expansion and move into the other systems which I have identified during my market research in the last few weeks. I look forward to further investment from the community and if there are any questions about my current activities please feel free to inquire within this thread or directly through in-game mail.

- Lampen
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#24 - 2012-11-22 01:38:01 UTC
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #4 - War Declared

This will be somewhat short update as I have a lot of things I need to do in the game this evening. War has been declared on my corporation, but this will not affect my operations in anyway as the characters which I handle all of my business in are currently located in another corporation. On a brief note I will be modifying some of my core operations to garner greater profits by about 20% a day. I'll provide more details on this once I have everything settled. Looking forward to a profitable weekend for me and my investors!
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#25 - 2012-11-23 18:23:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #5 - Expansion

This weekend has seen a slight expansion of operations in a few new sub-sectors in areas which I am currently invested. Prices are moving upward in anticipation of the upcoming expansion and I am consequently anticipating a contraction in the near-term and am offsetting some of my investments to account for this in terms of timing. It's been about five days since my last real update and as per my agreement with investors and prospective investors an update on my market operations and activities is now available.

Market Operations

Primary Investments - High Priority - High Volume: Profit Percentage

Commodity #01: 20.18%
Commodity #02: 14.82%
Commodity #03: 9.60%
Commodity #04: 10.47%
Commodity #05: 12.99%
Commodity #06: 19.79%
Commodity #07: 25.07%
Commodity #08: 14.44%
Commodity #09: 9.61%
Commodity #10: 23.90%
Commodity #11: 10.08%
Commodity #12: 18.23%

Secondary Investments - Low Priority - Low Volume: Profit Percentage

Commodity #01: 6.69%
Commodity #02: 6.86%
Commodity #03: 7.77%
Commodity #04: 9.23%

Current Market Buy Order Value: 14.56B

Due to the increased demand of some of these products and the price spike I'm actively picking them up and getting them to the market. This should provide a little extra capital to reinject into my expanded operations.

Mining Operations

Mining Operations have been slightly reduced to account for other activities but have now resumed. Approximately 3600 units are awaiting transportation for export to refineries and markets.

Planetary Interaction Network

All planets have been reset once again in accordance with my schedule and production is proceeding efficiently. My new alt is currently en-route to my PI space to set up her portion of the network. A second PI alt has been created and will done training in approximately 11 days.


I was recently contacted by a representative of an alliance who required a large number of ships to be manufactured for them for upcoming operations. The length of this arrangement is expected to be roughly two weeks with a set price per day in manufacturing fees. At this time no other information will be disclosed at the request of the client.

This concludes my relevant updates at this time. I intend on offering another bond after the current one comes due, but have not yet decided on its value. It will almost certainly be greater than that of the current bond so that I can maintain my current expansion and move into the other systems which I have identified during my market research in the last few weeks. I look forward to further investment from the community and if there are any questions about my current activities please feel free to inquire within this thread or directly through in-game mail.

- Lampen
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#26 - 2012-11-26 01:58:15 UTC
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #6 - Shipments Inbound

Just a brief update from the weekends activities. I'm expecting 38 shipments of various commodities in the next 48 hours and once received I should be recording a considerable number of market transactions totaling between six to eight billion ISK, perhaps more depending on prices. Will update once the sales occur.
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#27 - 2012-11-28 02:09:08 UTC
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #7 - Shipments Received

All but three shipments have come in and thanks to price increases I'm sitting on far more than I thought I was in my earlier estimates. Roughly 13.8B in goods are currently in my trade hub hanger, 2-3B in market escrow, and another 5B in orders not yet shipped. Additionally there is at least 1b+ worth of goods sitting in POCO's awaiting export so it's looking like it'll be a busy weekend. Depending on my capital outflow looks in my current system I may finally have enough capital to push into new areas and expand my operations. More to come soon!

P.S. My first round of loan repayments are due in about two weeks and I'm preparing my next bond after this one. Before my next one is offered however I will make a more detailed business plan for investors based upon this last month along with projections for the next month of operations. I will also be consolidating orders and assets to give investors clearer idea of the capital I'm not operating with on a daily basis and what I intend to do with more investors.
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#28 - 2012-12-01 20:04:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #8 - Sales Posted and Contracts Collected

This will be a brief updated until I can update everything properly this evening but as it stands right now my trader's account is bloated with ISK from this morning's massive amount of sales. 14.3B ISK in sales were recorded with many current shipments awaiting export from my current region of operations. This weekend will see substantial amounts of activity and I will provide more details for this later on when I have more time.

Brief Update: 5 more planets added to network, 2 biocell, 2 coolant, 1 enriched uranium
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#29 - 2012-12-07 23:38:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #9 - Consolidation and Planning

It's been a hectic week in my actual life so updates haven't been as forthcoming as they have been thus far. However I do plan to do a significant update on my operations this evening with some considerable announcements of my recent activities, planned expansions, and plans for the next month of operations. Stay tuned!
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#30 - 2012-12-08 02:49:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #10

It's been sometime since my last update and as promised here is an update on my current market operations!

Market Operations

Primary Investments - High Priority - High Volume: Profit Percentage

Commodity #01: 17.47%
Commodity #02: 12.22%
Commodity #03: 8.11%
Commodity #04: 18.21%
Commodity #05: 11.42%
Commodity #06: 17.11%
Commodity #07: 18.01%
Commodity #08: 11.95%
Commodity #09: 7.19%
Commodity #10: 20.75%
Commodity #11: 8.19%

Secondary Investments - Low Priority - Low Volume: Profit Percentage

Commodity #01: 4.03%
Commodity #02: 4.97%
Commodity #03: 4.77%
Commodity #04: 3.33%

Current Market Buy Orders Value: 17.23B ISK

As its the weekend and I have ample time I'm moving materials around and getting assets prepared for shipment to markets in preparation for the repayment of this bond. Current ISK on hand can easily pay off my current public debts and combined with my assets and other outstanding market orders this has been a most productive month. I'll publish hard data on this month's overall performance toward the end of this bond.

Mining Operations

Mining Operations have had their tempo slightly reduced during the last week due to real life commitments. Overall operating efficiency is at about 83% with this weekend hopefully making up for the shortfall. Business in this sector is otherwise stable and going well.

Projected Monthly Income: 3,360,000,000 ISK
Projected Monthly Taxes: 218,400,000 ISK
Projected Monthly Profit: 3,141,600,000 ISK

Planetary Interaction Network

As many things have occurred since my last detailed update here is the composition of my current PI network:

Location: Secure, Low-Security Space with Reliable Trade Routes.
Number of Planets In Operation: 45
Number of Planets Awaiting Development: 0
Number of Planets Planned: 45
Extraction Planets: 44
Factory Planet: 1

Current P3 Product Lines and Projected Income:
Robotics - 9 Units Per Hour @ 58,000 ISK Per Unit = 375,840,000 ISK/Month

Current P2 Product Lines and Projected Income:
Coolant - 130 Units Per Hour @ 9,500 ISK Per Unit = 889,200,000 ISK/Month
Biocells - 40 Units Per Hour @ 7,000 ISK Per Unit = 201,600,000 ISK/Month
Mechanical Parts - 100 Units Per Hour @ 7,750 ISK Per Unit = 558,000,000 ISK/Month
Viral Agents - 40 Units Per Hour @ 6,250 ISK Per Unit = 180,000,000 ISK/Month
Enriched Uranium - 30 Units Per Hour @ 9,650 ISK Per Unit = 208,440,000 ISK/Month
Oxygen - 320 Units Per Hour @ 413 ISK Per Unit = 95,155,200 ISK/Month

Projected Monthly Income: 2,508,235,200 ISK
Projected Monthly Taxes: 163,035,288 ISK
Projected Monthly Profit: 2,345,199,912 ISK

Factory Planet income is still being worked on but will undoubtedly add quite a bit to my current operations.


During a previous update I indicated that I had been contracted to produce a large number of ships for a client. This relationship has proven very useful for all parties involved and I am currently contracted on this same project for another week. Profits have been considerable but final details will not be released until the contract has been concluded and the client approves the release of information.

Reactions - NEW!

This is perhaps the largest single update to my operations in some time and it is quite important in terms of this bond. I have started to erect a network of POS reaction towers and plan to deploy a new tower roughly every two weeks or sooner.

Reactions Towers and Profit Percentage

Reaction Tower #1 - 28.79%

Projected Monthly Income: 684,000,000 ISK
Projected Monthly Taxes: 10,260,000 ISK
Projected Monthly Profit: 673,740,000 ISK

This concludes my update for now. Repayments for this bond are actively being prepared and I am looking forward to proposing my new bond and activities for the upcoming market cycle. Thank you for reading and look forward to working my future investors!

- Lampen
This Cyno Will Eventually Make Sense
#31 - 2012-12-08 13:49:12 UTC
Thanks for the updates, good sir.


Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#32 - 2012-12-08 23:24:27 UTC
An in-game mail has been sent to all investors inquiring their preferred next step: return of investment + interest or reinvestment with current amount owed. Currently awaiting responses and preparing the listing for my next bond once this once is concluded and closed.

- Lampen
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#33 - 2012-12-09 15:24:34 UTC
Intent with investors has been confirmed. Bonding closing in progress and funds being dispersed. Will update once everything is complete.
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#34 - 2012-12-09 15:37:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Investor and Prospective Investor Update #11 - Bond Closing

Aldor Alf Bond Repayment

Luxotor, Wafou Ka'Djo, Ryomanni, Elite Auditore Repayment*

*As discussed in-game Ryomanni opted to be repayed with the interest only and keep his capital invested for my upcoming bond.

At this time all outstanding debts in relation to this bond have been repaid apart from that of Ryomanni for the reasons discussed above. I thank everyone for their interest in this bond and the trust that was given to me to properly handle their investments. I look forward to working with the community more in the future. Big smile

Thanks to my previous investors my last month has truly been exception in terms of market performance and profitability. Profits for the last month are estimated to be in excess of 12.4B ISK exceeding Bond #1's projections by 32.52%. This was partly due to bring more portions of my planned PI network online, expanded market access due to higher amounts of capital, and successful market speculation due to upcoming changes to the game.

While this only represents my wallet's ISK inflow and outflow it is a rather useful metric to show how operations have progressed over the last month:
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