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AFK Cloaking Solution - From A Pro-AFK Cloaking Pilot

First post
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2012-11-13 17:16:48 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
If you want a rather simple solution, we could just make cloaked ships disappear from the local list.

There'd be no afk cloaking as it wouldn't be needed/able to introduce doubt regarding the local list.

Sorted, right?

I'm not against that.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2012-11-13 17:27:25 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Undeadenemy wrote:
I think you read the first sentence and then your mind lost it's focus. If you had read on, you would have seen that I agree with you whole-heartedly. I think CCP would agree with us on this as well, or at least they used to. One thing I will say about the no-local business, is that it would make the game seem a lot more lonely and barren.

Not at all, I am quite focused.

Allow me to clarify:
You are creating the potential for risk management that is not balanced.
Local chat in these systems will have no counter to balance them. PvE pilots who are mining / ratting / missioning will have absolute control over risk, since they will be able to use brute force tactics to guard with.

If you cannot cloak, you cannot gather intel effectively.
We are not about catering to the biggest group like that, which is what covert and black ops is the counter for.

The smaller force never uses brute force, they use guerrilla tactics.
The bigger force of course tries to force them to use the tactics that favor them, obviously catering to their size.

Balance is not served by allowing larger forces the ability to deny smaller forces appropriate tactical options.

This still doesn't prevent cloakers from picking any other, non-jammed system to ply their trade. Think of it more like turning on flood lights, if the flood lights are on, the people inside cannot hide either. Can they go in their bunker? Yes they can, but they built the bunker so we can't really deny them that. Guerrilla tactics can still be effectively used, people just have to be smarter about it.

The prohibitive expense of my suggestion is an important aspect of it. It is intending to be used about as often as a cyno-jammer is (not very). An alliance will have to look at it's budget (yes we have budgets), and say: We can't afford to put the jammer in the ratting system, you ratters fend for yourselves. We're going to put it in the CSAA system, or where the miners are mining all day.

There are still plenty of opportunities for smart players to use guerrilla tactics: cloaky sabres/falcons in pipe systems for example. Many a careless soul will fall victim to that. Maybe you can't AFK cloak in one system, but you can certainly do it in many others, including systems where people are going to congregate. Keep in mind, they won't be cloaking either, so you'll know exactly what they have, and you can always fall back to another system if things get hot, or bounce safes and then log, only to come back later when the heat dies down.

Nothing about this ends cloaking, or grief tactics, it simply allows for a prohibitively expensive, double-edged sword way of dealing with it. Chances are, they'll end up spending a load of money over nothing, or their own people will be killed because they'll want to cloak and can't.
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#43 - 2012-11-13 17:32:56 UTC
Deleted a post for personal attacks. Attack the idea, not the person.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#44 - 2012-11-13 17:37:03 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
This still doesn't prevent cloakers from picking any other, non-jammed system to ply their trade. Think of it more like turning on flood lights, if the flood lights are on, the people inside cannot hide either. Can they go in their bunker? Yes they can, but they built the bunker so we can't really deny them that. Guerrilla tactics can still be effectively used, people just have to be smarter about it.

The prohibitive expense of my suggestion is an important aspect of it. It is intending to be used about as often as a cyno-jammer is (not very). An alliance will have to look at it's budget (yes we have budgets), and say: We can't afford to put the jammer in the ratting system, you ratters fend for yourselves. We're going to put it in the CSAA system, or where the miners are mining all day.

So it is balanced because they can hunt elsewhere? Seriously?
How is that not unbalanced risk management?

The devs once thought that Titans would be too expensive to be wide spread. They freely admit in many places this was way off.
The bigger alliances will have full use of this, and a resulting virtual immunity to guerrilla tactics involving cloaked vessels.
Without this conflict, the game is effectively over on several levels.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2012-11-13 17:49:39 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

So it is balanced because they can hunt elsewhere? Seriously?
How is that not unbalanced risk management?

The devs once thought that Titans would be too expensive to be wide spread. They freely admit in many places this was way off.
The bigger alliances will have full use of this, and a resulting virtual immunity to guerrilla tactics involving cloaked vessels.
Without this conflict, the game is effectively over on several levels.

There is a difference between TItans and infrastructure upgrades:

Titans are a once off cost: you build it and it is done. Infrastructure upgrades have recurring costs, every single day. If a pay period is missed due to lack of funds, SOV is lost. Alliances have many expenses that they have to mitigate: infrastructure upgrades, POS fuel, Liquid Ozone for jump bridges, ship replacement programs, some even pay their people who go above and beyond. While each individual item might not seem like much, believe me it becomes quite significant when you add it all together.

There is a reason that a few years ago nearly every system was cyno-jammed. You do not see that today, because of the exponentially increasing costs associated with holding more space. CCP has already managed to balance this concern. If further balancing was needed for this particular upgrade, CCP could always do something like double the cost of each additional jamming upgrade. Believe me, it would get too expensive very quickly.

Consider as well the financial toll you would be inflicting on the alliance as well. For each system they Cloak Jam for fear of cloakers, you end up costing that alliance 600M per 30 day period. If the system is also cyno jammed, make that 1.2B per 30 day period. This is per system mind you, and on top of all the other upgrades that havn't been mentioned, as well as the additional costs of operating a sov holding alliance.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#46 - 2012-11-13 17:55:54 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
Consider as well the financial toll you would be inflicting on the alliance as well. For each system they Cloak Jam for fear of cloakers, you end up costing that alliance 600M per 30 day period. If the system is also cyno jammed, make that 1.2B per 30 day period. This is per system mind you, and on top of all the other upgrades that havn't been mentioned, as well as the additional costs of operating a sov holding alliance.

So how does this end up benefiting anyone besides the ultra rich alliances with the most memberships?
Why should the game stabilize for them?

This makes every system that has this upgrade a carefully chosen haven, that makes high sec look like a deadly trap by comparison.

This favors the powerful alliances with big wallets.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2012-11-13 18:05:45 UTC
Seems like this topic has been brought up 1000 times but stil some people think that it's not a problem.

Every machanics in EVE have their counter methods but cloaking in a system somewhere does not.
When there is someone AFK-cloaking in the system and I'm pretty sure what he is up for, the only way to counter it is log-off or do something else.

Let's say there is griefer using multiple alts camping multiple industrial systems 24/7 for black ops hotdrop.
Simple question, what can you do? AFK-docking.
It is not a risk to go out mining but a guaranteed death.
It is also a lose-lose situation and a very bad impression to new players.

Remove local like W-Space?
People failed to know that W-Space cannot lit cynos and WH has 24 hours lifetime.

Let's say now we can lit cyno in W-Space and you can jump to infinite range from anywhere and WH has a week lifetime.
Will you still go out mining or use your shiny nightmares to do C5, C6 sites?
I will use a cloaky sabre to camp your sites for days and check my monitors once per hour.

Let's say we have no local in K-Space.
The number of people who do PvE will be significantly reduced,
simply because it is too risky, oh sorry, it is a suicide.

CCP is aware of this issue but they didn't do anything about it, because it affects so few people.
Those people either already quit the game or leave null-sec and they are not dec-shield.

How long will it takes for us to see an improvement for this?
1 year? 2 years? I say 10 years until some attentive developers look at it.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#48 - 2012-11-13 18:22:19 UTC
DeadlyStormZ wrote:
Seems like this topic has been brought up 1000 times but stil some people think that it's not a problem.

Every machanics in EVE have their counter methods but cloaking in a system somewhere does not.
When there is someone AFK-cloaking in the system and I'm pretty sure what he is up for, the only way to counter it is log-off or do something else.

Let's say there is griefer using multiple alts camping multiple industrial systems 24/7 for black ops hotdrop.
Simple question, what can you do? AFK-docking.
It is not a risk to go out mining but a guaranteed death.
It is also a lose-lose situation and a very bad impression to new players.

Remove local like W-Space?
People failed to know that W-Space cannot lit cynos and WH has 24 hours lifetime.

Let's say now we can lit cyno in W-Space and you can jump to infinite range from anywhere and WH has a week lifetime.
Will you still go out mining or use your shiny nightmares to do C5, C6 sites?
I will use a cloaky sabre to camp your sites for days and check my monitors once per hour.

Let's say we have no local in K-Space.
The number of people who do PvE will be significantly reduced,
simply because it is too risky, oh sorry, it is a suicide.

CCP is aware of this issue but they didn't do anything about it, because it affects so few people.
Those people either already quit the game or leave null-sec and they are not dec-shield.

How long will it takes for us to see an improvement for this?
1 year? 2 years? I say 10 years until some attentive developers look at it.

I can't say I approve of this topic intruding, but I suppose it can be shown as related.

Hot Dropping is a great way to avoid broadcasting intel about the size of your force, which is a severe obstacle if you have free intel throwing out obvious updates whenever someone enters a system.
Enter a system with a roam or small fleet, and the pop spike on local is so obvious to all present.

Now, if you aren't being broadcast to the systems about your fleet size, and you can approach targets so long as they aren't trying to watch for enemies.... why exactly would you hot drop?

That is correct, hot dropping coming from "local chat intel" is the other shoe dropping, so to speak. PvP pilots wanted a means to bring attack fleets to targets with minimal warning from local, so they took cyno jumping and made it into an attack form.

You feel you have a right to be safe from PvP, in the null security region of a PvP game.

I think you should need to put in a bit more effort than glancing at the roster to a chat channel.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2012-11-13 19:05:29 UTC
Please do not twist my word.
I have never said null-sec is a safe place.

Speaking of safety,
you are actually safer than I do since you cloak in a system without letting anyone know where you are.

Every machanics in EVE have their counter methods but cloaking in a system somewhere does not.
What's your idea about it?
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#50 - 2012-11-13 19:20:41 UTC
DeadlyStormZ wrote:
Every machanics in EVE have their counter methods but cloaking in a system somewhere does not.
What's your idea about it?

Except it is the only counter to the infalible, ultra powerful 100% accurate, always on, never wrong and free...local pane...
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#51 - 2012-11-13 19:27:06 UTC
DeadlyStormZ wrote:
Please do not twist my word.
I have never said null-sec is a safe place.

Speaking of safety,
you are actually safer than I do since you cloak in a system without letting anyone know where you are.

Every machanics in EVE have their counter methods but cloaking in a system somewhere does not.
What's your idea about it?

Well, for how intel should be handled:

In my opinion:
If that is followed, and cloaked vessels no longer show up in local, then it is balanced to determine ways they could be hunted.
Azn Empire
#52 - 2012-11-13 19:58:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Yet another thread that claims to fix AFKing, but only addresses the effect and not the cause.

All this idea does, is add the iceing on top of the local instant intel cake. Breaking what is already a balanced situation.
That is not a balanced approach.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#53 - 2012-11-13 20:12:19 UTC
Your failed logic as to local being the reason for cloacking and needs to go, you fail to adress that your trading off cloacking as a whole to remove local.. as this is your "cure" for it..

Local has nothing to do with the module beeing preseved as imbalanced. please find another goat to ride.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#54 - 2012-11-13 20:15:10 UTC
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Your failed logic as to local being the reason for cloacking and needs to go, you fail to adress that your trading off cloacking as a whole to remove local.. as this is your "cure" for it..

Local has nothing to do with the module beeing preseved as imbalanced. please find another goat to ride.

So, you see no connection between AFK Cloaking and local?

How then does an "AFK cloaker" interact with the others in a system?
Azn Empire
#55 - 2012-11-13 20:20:53 UTC
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Your failed logic as to local being the reason for cloacking and needs to go, you fail to adress that your trading off cloacking as a whole to remove local.. as this is your "cure" for it..

Local has nothing to do with the module beeing preseved as imbalanced. please find another goat to ride.
If that was addressed to me, then you need to read what I said again. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#56 - 2012-11-13 20:33:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Wulfy Johnson
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Your failed logic as to local being the reason for cloacking and needs to go, you fail to adress that your trading off cloacking as a whole to remove local.. as this is your "cure" for it..

Local has nothing to do with the module beeing preseved as imbalanced. please find another goat to ride.

So, you see no connection between AFK Cloaking and local?

How then does an "AFK cloaker" interact with the others in a system?

Local which you seem stuck on works both ways, balanced, so thus has nothing to do with this topic and by my opinion is nothing but spam.

removing local and keeping cloacking will do nothing but empower said module and increase the imbalance.
Azn Empire
#57 - 2012-11-13 20:46:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Your failed logic as to local being the reason for cloacking and needs to go, you fail to adress that your trading off cloacking as a whole to remove local.. as this is your "cure" for it..

Local has nothing to do with the module beeing preseved as imbalanced. please find another goat to ride.

So, you see no connection between AFK Cloaking and local?

How then does an "AFK cloaker" interact with the others in a system?

Local which you seem stuck on works both ways, balanced, so thus has nothing to do with this topic and by my opinion is nothing but spam.

removing local and keeping cloacking will do nothing but empower said module and increase the imbalance.
No one with any sense of balance would want local simply removed.

Answer the question. What game mechanic are they using, to interact with you whilst AFK?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#58 - 2012-11-13 21:05:09 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Wulfy Johnson wrote:
Your failed logic as to local being the reason for cloacking and needs to go, you fail to adress that your trading off cloacking as a whole to remove local.. as this is your "cure" for it..

Local has nothing to do with the module beeing preseved as imbalanced. please find another goat to ride.

So, you see no connection between AFK Cloaking and local?

How then does an "AFK cloaker" interact with the others in a system?

Local which you seem stuck on works both ways, balanced, so thus has nothing to do with this topic and by my opinion is nothing but spam.

removing local and keeping cloacking will do nothing but empower said module and increase the imbalance.
No one with any sense of balance would want local simply removed.

Answer the question. What game mechanic are they using, to interact with you whilst AFK?

For one, they aint interacting, two login screen.. does that help you? you are still avoiding the imbalance in the module with goating.

im not here to wage the war against "afk`ers", as that is not my goal, i`d like balance so cloackers can be hunted as anything else floating in space. if its afk its lost, like everything else floating afk in space is lost.. balance.
Konrad Kane
#59 - 2012-11-13 21:33:52 UTC
Undeadenemy wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
There is no Issue: You can still do your sites/mine the crap out of an asteroid belt - Just because you don't dare to do so isn't a reason to nerf cloaking.

There is nothing here that nerfs cloaking.

Apart from prohibiting ships from actually cloaking?
Konrad Kane
#60 - 2012-11-13 21:50:20 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

So how does this end up benefiting anyone besides the ultra rich alliances with the most memberships?
Why should the game stabilize for them?

This makes every system that has this upgrade a carefully chosen haven, that makes high sec look like a deadly trap by comparison.

This favors the powerful alliances with big wallets.

It's the null bear approach, don't solve a problem by playing the game better - moan until CCP gives you an easy button.

There is a rather effective counter to cloaking players, playing the game with a strategy and not begging for a module based fix button.

How about setting up a defence fleet, baiting this person and then killing them when they take the bait?

Shocking concept I know.