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Making missions more challenging and reducing the isk faucet

First post
Kara Vix
Caldari State
#101 - 2012-11-12 05:41:38 UTC
Some Rando wrote:
Kara Vix wrote:
I don't know why I read this forum

If you can't figure that out you should probably just abstain from posting.

Perhaps, but thats not going to happen so long as those who wish to destroy hi sec are spamming their idiocy and CCP seems to need the forums to find direction, my opinion is going to be expressed.
Kyra Yaken
#102 - 2012-11-12 05:44:35 UTC
Remove caps from entering anomalies will help too

True story Bro.

Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#103 - 2012-11-12 06:29:12 UTC
Not sure about any faucet but missions could use an update. I like what some had said....

Missions shouldn't be just a multiroom target shoot. Having fewer but tougher ships is good. Having missions be a kind of pvp practice is good as well. The enemy ships should be actual fitted ships controlled by AI. They should be vulnerable to to things like vamps and neuts. They should warp out, such that if you get them down to hull a timer starts (timer length depends on the ship, mission level, ect.) and if you don't kill them before they warp out, they leave, repair and return.

This means that points and scrams are needed. Some enemies can be locked by a point but others require a scram. Those that require a scram could have longer timers so even though you can't lock them down, you could maybe kill them before they warp out.

As for solo vs group. I think they should put a system in place that will adjust the difficulty depending on how many people make up the fleet. In turn, the rewards (mission reward, bonus, bounties, etc.) would have to be increased as well so that they are basically the same per person.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.

Gallente Federation
#104 - 2012-11-12 06:34:04 UTC
Kyra Yaken wrote:
Remove caps from entering anomalies will help too

here here making annoms in o.o have ship restrictions like FW complexes would help out alot too and also would tying them into sov warfare greatly help small scale warfare in o.o
At the end of the game both the pawn and the Queen go in the same box.
Kara Vix
Caldari State
#105 - 2012-11-12 06:48:11 UTC
I am just glad I resisted the urge to pay for long term subscriptions on my accounts. I love the game and don't mind wars or having to defend myself if a muppet wants to try to gank me, but if hi sec gets nerfed to the degree that the more vocal egocentric people want then this game will be headed a direction I don't want forced upon me. My oldest character was created June 03 (though haven't been active the entire time) so have seen the game change alot and think nerfing hi sec to force people into low or to punish them is a step backwards. Rather than nerf hi sec try being more creative with fixing null to intice people there as punishing them for not going will backfire. That is what this all comes down to, nerf missions so there is no fun or income to be found in high forcing them into other areas.
Sointu Luonnotar
#106 - 2012-11-12 07:24:57 UTC
So wait - if you remove bounties, where do you suppose ISK comes from after that? Yes I'm sure some people have enough ISK to keep things running for awhile. So do you propose we remove ISK sinks as well? Because currently, clone upgrades, insurances, numerous taxes and bills eat up plenty of ISK from the economy. Eventually we would run out.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#107 - 2012-11-12 08:17:28 UTC
Zoe Issier wrote:
I read mission rewards 74b mission bonuses 71b incusions 301b so what ratio we talking? Thats 450ishb day weres the multyplycation come into it you mean the x3-4 you typed if so link of sorce if not explain the multyplycation when ccp tweet already state facts about isk in a day in feb no mention of 600b 900b or any multyplycation
All of this has already been explained, sourced, and referenced on multiple occasions.

You have everything that you need and are once again just ignoring what's been presented to you.

and what yiu on about incusions you asked me to read up tje reward structure thought this was mission faucet thread?
I'm on about how you keep jabbering on about something completely irrelevant to the business of bounties, for which the only explanation can be that you don't know how incursions are and what the rewards are like.

Sointu Luonnotar wrote:
So wait - if you remove bounties, where do you suppose ISK comes from after that?
The many many remaining ISK faucets. Even in the best (worst?) case scenario where missions inject 600bn, the total elimination of that ISK injection would still leave a net influx of 400bn a day.

Currently (or as current as it gets), faucets inject 2 trillion ISK daily; sinks remove 1 trillion ISK. The flow could be cut down massively and still ensure growth. The sinks could be doubled or the faucets halved before the curve would start to point downwards.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#108 - 2012-11-12 08:43:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
Elvis Fett wrote:

Although I do think this is a pretty good idea, IMO wormholes are a more pressing matter. They are massive massive isk faucets, and due to the sheer number of wormholes there are pretty risk free. There is no competition with WHs because there are so many, pretty much every pilot in EVE could have their own solo C5. Half the amount of wormholes and make those WH corps fight for their isk faucets.

This is so wrong, it's not even pathetic.

Show me a screenshot please, that shows what bounty-tick a Sleeper gives? Oh that's right, there isn't one.

"Solo C5," eh?

If you mean "solo" as "you + a couple dozen alts," then maybe, yes, but C5s are not normally soloable content.

You sound even more ignorant than those nullsec RMT-bloc c***s who tried to nerf WH mineral output because they thought its sheer volume(<---sarcasm) was a threat to nullsec a year or so ago.

Get a clue before shooting your beak off, please.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Josef Djugashvilis
#109 - 2012-11-12 08:46:58 UTC
I sometimes wonder how many of the lo-sec, null-sec, pixel hardmen run the missions they have so much disdain for.

The word, hypocrite, springs to mind.

This is not a signature.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#110 - 2012-11-12 08:57:09 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
This is so wrong, it's not even pathetic.

Show me a screenshot please, that shows what bounty-tick a Sleeper gives? Oh that's right, there isn't one.
You've noticed that he doesn't mention bounties, I hope? I hope you noticed that what he actually says is that w-space has some massive ISK faucets. There is nothing wrong with this — they do, to the tune of just over 200bn ISK a day at the last count.

"Solo C5," eh?

If you mean "solo" as "you + a couple dozen alts," then maybe, yes, but C5s are not normally soloable content.
Also, I suppose you didn't notice that he didn't say anthing about soloing C5s. He said that there are enough of them to let everyone have one of their own. This is a bit of an exaggeration, of course (2,500 w-space systems, of which 500 are C5s, for roughly 45k characters), but the point was one of lack of competition and <20 characters per system does indeed indicate something to that effect.

Get a clue before shooting your beak off, please.
Good advice. So good that you might want to consider it yourself.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#111 - 2012-11-12 09:21:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
Tippia wrote:
You've noticed that he doesn't mention bounties, I hope? I hope you noticed that what he actually says is that w-space has some massive ISK faucets. There is nothing wrong with this — they do, to the tune of just over 200bn ISK a day at the last count.

It's strongly implied in how he says it.

Where and how old are the figures that say ISK 200bn/d? There can't possibly be that much "blue loot" (the only thing out of WH that creates ISK --all else just redistributes it, unless NPCs have also started buying those guaranteed and consistent(<---sarcasm) melted nanoribbon drops? It's been a while since I've been in w-space, granted.)

Tippia wrote:
Also, I suppose you didn't notice that he didn't say anthing about soloing C5s. He said that there are enough of them to let everyone have one of their own. This is a bit of an exaggeration, of course (2,500 w-space systems, of which 500 are C5s, for roughly 45k characters), but the point was one of lack of competition and <20 characters per system does indeed indicate something to that effect.

Again, it's implied strongly.

Even if literally everyone could have their own C5, then they couldn't do much of anything with it, except maybe PI, a lot of which would go to fuelling their POS'. High-end w-space PvE (C4+) content is not solo-able, fullstop/end-of, and w-space life in general is far from risk-free.

Tippia wrote:
[...] Good advice. So good that you might want to consider it yourself.

I have. This thread is about missions and income from same, which does need looking at, not some RMT-bloc sycophant injecting a NUFFWHOALNAOW!!111oneone! whinge into it. What next, another anti-cloaking whine for good measure?

For ****'s sake...Roll

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#112 - 2012-11-12 09:28:25 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
I sometimes wonder how many of the lo-sec, null-sec, pixel hardmen run the missions they have so much disdain for.

The word, hypocrite, springs to mind.

Most of us run them on alts because they are one of the best ways to make isk in EVE.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#113 - 2012-11-12 09:29:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
It's strongly implied in how he says it.
I don't see it. I see him mentioning the ISK faucet from w-space as a better target for adjustment than mission bounties.

Where and how old are the figures that say ISK 200bn/d?
Same place (and time) as everything else: Diagoras' tweets from January and February. And yes, there can indeed be that much blue loot. For instance, 7 trillion ISK in January alone means 225bn ISK daily on average.

Again, it's implied strongly.
And again, I don't see it. A “solo wormhole” is not the same thing as a “wormhole to solo”. One describes the state of the system; the other describes an activity.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#114 - 2012-11-12 09:30:53 UTC
fukier wrote:
Kyra Yaken wrote:
Remove caps from entering anomalies will help too

here here making annoms in o.o have ship restrictions like FW complexes would help out alot too and also would tying them into sov warfare greatly help small scale warfare in o.o

Caps in anoms is a rare thing these days.
Kyra Yaken
#115 - 2012-11-12 09:55:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyra Yaken
baltec1 wrote:
fukier wrote:
Kyra Yaken wrote:
Remove caps from entering anomalies will help too

here here making annoms in o.o have ship restrictions like FW complexes would help out alot too and also would tying them into sov warfare greatly help small scale warfare in o.o

Caps in anoms is a rare thing these days.

Sweet, so not many people will complain about caps removal from anoms and it will still helps isk faucet a bit. It will also make anoms more challanging.

True story Bro.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#116 - 2012-11-12 10:13:59 UTC
Kyra Yaken wrote:

Sweet, so not many people will complain about caps removal from anoms and it will still helps isk faucet a bit. It will also make anoms more challanging.

They are about as challanging as high sec level 4s.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#117 - 2012-11-12 10:20:36 UTC
Kara Vix wrote:
I am just glad I resisted the urge to pay for long term subscriptions on my accounts. I love the game and don't mind wars or having to defend myself if a muppet wants to try to gank me, but if hi sec gets nerfed to the degree that the more vocal egocentric people want then this game will be headed a direction I don't want forced upon me. My oldest character was created June 03 (though haven't been active the entire time) so have seen the game change alot and think nerfing hi sec to force people into low or to punish them is a step backwards. Rather than nerf hi sec try being more creative with fixing null to intice people there as punishing them for not going will backfire. That is what this all comes down to, nerf missions so there is no fun or income to be found in high forcing them into other areas.

Playing since 2003 and still in the newbie area?

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Josef Djugashvilis
#118 - 2012-11-12 11:29:23 UTC
Apart from the 'starter' areas, there is no newbie area.

There are simply areas in which one chooses to play or not play.

This is not a signature.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#119 - 2012-11-12 11:39:10 UTC
DarthNefarius wrote:
CCP Soundwave implied it is a real problem

CCP Soundwave implies a lot of things and says a lot of other things. Let's not make me go look up the list of logical fallacies.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

LeetDaniel Corp
#120 - 2012-11-12 12:38:19 UTC
Okay, A. the proposed changes are completely stupid. It will just make all lp items worthless.

And 2. inflation the way it is hasn't really been due to mission runners. Inflation has been relatively small up until incursions were introduced and wormholes, ect. have become more popular. Missions used to make a lot more isk than they do now, for years people ran missions and isk worth was fine. only until the last two years and really last year did this change. Did everyone all of a sudden start doing missions? No! Seriously, think about it. Missions aren't the problem. actually some things are cheaper now. Plex prices are through the roof, but lots of other items are cheaper. anyway you nerf missions more people will just go rat in null or something. It's just as easy, if not easier than running missions and makes the same. or they'll leave eve and if all the high-sec people left eve, ccp might go bankrupt. sooo suck it up.