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CNR, SNI and Golem comparison, using cruise missiles

#1 - 2012-11-09 13:14:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Samroski
I tried the 3 following ships in level 4 missions recently using Caldari Navy cruise launchers and missiles:

  • Raven Nay Issue (CNR)
  • Scorpion Navy Issue (SNI) and the
  • Golem.

I have the following very subjective initial observations, that I present for discussion. Haven't run things through EFT, all observations are based on level 4 missions against different factions. Combat strategy was basically to go in, take aggo, release drones, hit the big ships first and move down. Tried to stay in one place with the Golem, and orbited stuff with the other two.

High Slots:
Nothing much to debate. 4 launchers for the Golem, 6 for SNI and 7 for CNR. The extra slot on the CNR and SNI I used for a drone control unit or a salvager. For the Golem I used 2 tractor beams and a salvager in the extra high slots.

Low Slots:
Golem and SNI have 4 low slots, which I used for CN BCUs. CNR's 5th low slot I used for a 5th BCU (a couple of times) and for a Signal Amplifier. When trying a fit on the CNR with a Cap Booster, I had to use this 5th slot for a CPU upgrade.

Used Rigor rigs for all ships. Either 3 T1s, or 1 T2 and other T1s. Note: Golem has 2 rig slots. Explosion radius for less than 150m for all fits.

Mid Slots:
This is where these ships differ greatly. SNI has 8 of these, giving you many different options. CNR has 6, which limits certain options. Golem has 7, which again gives you many options. Though to be effective 2 or 3 of these need to be devoted to Target Painters.

For the CNR, 4 of the 6 mid slots get taken up by the tanking modules: Shield booster (XL or L), amplifier, resist mods. In the 6th slot I tried the following: cap booster (useless), AB, Stasis Webifier, and Target Painter, shield resist mod.

The SNI (8 mid slots) needs a cap booster for emergencies. One can easily fit most things and I tried all the modules named above in various numbers. Always used: Cap booster, AB, XL or L shield booster, boost amplifier and 2 or 3 mission specific shield resist mods.

I had no issues in tanking using all the 3 ships.

The CNR has the worst tank in general. It is shame to use the mid slots for a cap booster, thus things can get uncomfortable. I suppose many people can get a cap stable fit, but my XL booster lasted about 1.5 to 2 minutes, and L booster 3.5 to 4 min, depending on what else was running. The XL booster must be pulsed, but works great. The ship does so much damage, that in the vast majority of situations 2 or 3 minutes are all that you need to break the back of the opposition.

The Golem has an almighty shield boost, and I occasionally pulsed the XL booster (with amplifier), and never failed to be amazed by the amount of repair achieved.

For the SNI, I needed to use the cap booster a couple of times, though in majority of missions there was no need. Am still uncomfortable, and will continue to fit the cap booster till I get more familiar with the ship. The capacitor appeared to recharge over a long time, especially compared to the other 2 ships.

Damage per volley on BSs was maximum for the Golem. About 10-20% more than CNR, which in turn was about 10-20% more than CNI.

The main issue in the slow rate of fire for the Golem, which was 2.3s longer than for the other 2 ships, which get a 5% ROF bonus.
For killing BSs, the Golem was marginally faster than the CNR.

It all boils down to the number of volleys needed to kill a ship. When you move down to BCs and Cruisers, many ships need 2 volleys, which make the CNR and SNI better. The Golem can possibly compete, with micromanagement of 2-3 TPs. It needs a bit of focus, what with pulling wrecks in, salvaging, minding drones etc.

Drones are key to killing frigates, when using these ships. When TPed and webbed, cruise missiles work great against frigates. With just the rigor rigs (no TP/web e.g. CNR) some frigates can take a long time to kill if they get in close. At a distance of more than 30-40km most frigates require one, max 2 volleys.

Final Comments
The CNR was best overall at offence, but most of my fits lacked an AB, which I missed occasionally. Drones are needed for effective frigate killing. You can get it to tank anything, but that takes most of the mid slots. Will continue to use in missions with little travelling, or with a propulsion mod for kiting.

The SNI was most fun to use, I had fun trying different things, and even though the BSs may take one volley longer to kill, the smaller ships were easier to kill. This is like a CNR with slightly less damage per volley, but more versatile. Will continue to use regularly. Good ship to take into an unknown situation.

It can be rewarding using the Golem, as in a little extra time than the other ships, you can salvage most of the room, while decimating the opposition. I would use it only when I'm in the mood to micromanage. Slow rate of fire of the launchers was irritating at times. I get strange urges to salvage missions (which I routinely don't), and this will certainly be the ship I want to use then.

Any colour you like.

Daniel Plain
#2 - 2012-11-09 13:46:38 UTC
2007 called. they want their breaking news back.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-11-09 14:28:47 UTC
It seems odd your SNI had tanking issues but not the CNR. The scorp has a really good tank and can fit an extra painter on there too for improved damage application on little stuff..
John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#4 - 2012-11-09 14:46:37 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
It seems odd your SNI had tanking issues but not the CNR. The scorp has a really good tank and can fit an extra painter on there too for improved damage application on little stuff..

You need to read that again. He states he found the CNR to have a worse tank than the SNI, which it does. I used to use a CNR but the tank on the SNI is far superior, so I use the SNI now.

It's the lack of Mids that makes the CNR suck, if it had two more (so you could fit a booster, amp, 4 resists, a prop mod and a cap booster) then it'd be the ship of choice. Yes it has one more launcher than the SNI, but it's very rare that extra missile in the salvo makes any difference at all in terms of number of salvoes required to take down a ship.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-11-09 14:47:57 UTC
Well, it was the comment about still being uncomfortable I remembered most clearly.

I dont even use a cap booster on mine, just an old fashioned shield booster. Smile
Firestorm Delta
Aphotic Machina
#6 - 2012-11-09 14:56:33 UTC
Not sure why you'd even bother with Cruise on a Golem.
Freundliches Feuer
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-11-09 15:06:54 UTC
Triple TP Torp Golem is your answer on these three ships.

Alternatively, use a Machariel as its better. =)
Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#8 - 2012-11-09 15:23:17 UTC
Firestorm Delta wrote:
Not sure why you'd even bother with Cruise on a Golem.

To PvP.

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#9 - 2012-11-09 16:30:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Goldensaver
Did nobody else see? 5 mids on the CNR.



Edit: okay, here. Let me explain it completely.
The Raven and CNR both have 6 mids.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-11-09 16:42:32 UTC
Why are you using cruise missiles on a golem? I think a lot of your problems are your fits, for one, I've never needed a cap booster on a caldari missioning ship.
John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#11 - 2012-11-09 18:34:19 UTC
Goldensaver wrote:
Did nobody else see? 5 mids on the CNR.



Edit: okay, here. Let me explain it completely.
The Raven and CNR both have 6 mids.

He stated that the CNR has 6 Mids. What's the problem?

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

#12 - 2012-11-09 19:07:35 UTC
About tanking, the SNI has the best tank, no doubt. CNR the worst, in my experience. The CNR can tank anything, but that may take most of the mid slots.

In the vast majority of missions with the SNI, I did not need to use the cap booster. If you put enough shield resists, there is no need for the cap booster, but when trying TPs and webs, I had to fit the cap booster. Even then I rarely needed to use it. I like this fit, where I have 3 slots for TPs and or webs. (mid slots: s. booster; boost amp; cap booster; 2 mission sp. resists/hardeners; 2 webs; TP). I'll continue to use the cap booster (when using TPs/webs), especially when going into relatively unknown missions, till I am more familiar with the ship.

Am using a Golem with cruise missiles, as
(i) I wanted to compare cruise missiles on the other ships with cruise missiles on the Golem
(ii) I do not like the limited range of Torps. I tried the Golem first with torps, but with my skills I was getting 35km range, even with T2 rigs. Will revisit, when I can use T2 torps.

Thank you, Goldensaver for the correction. Have edited the OP to show the correct no. of mid-slots on the CNR.

Any colour you like.

Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#13 - 2012-11-09 19:23:34 UTC
Appreciate the detailed feeback Samroski

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Bernard 2007
The Scarlet Storm
#14 - 2012-11-09 19:49:23 UTC
Just gonna state this upfront, I'm not saying this because I'm so god damn smart! After all, it's just rocket science.

CNR has 7 launchers and 9,33 effective launchers with a high ROF. That means any DPS it deals is based off this amount of launchers not off 7. It also means it hits often for weaker amounts of damage.
It has 6 mids, 5 lows.

What does this mean in practice?
1. It means the CNR can deal the most theoretical DPS.
2. It means it doesn't have enough mids to mount a sufficient tank as well as target painters. Which in turn means it's not suited as a torp ship.
3. It means it can fit 5 damage mods in low slots if recuired.
4. It eats ammo fast.

CNR Perfect fit:
[Raven Navy Issue, CNR]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Gist X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Cap Recharger II
Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner

Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst II
Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5

Golem has 4 launchers, 8.0 effective launchers and a slow ROF. 7 mids, 4 lows and bonuses to shield boosting, target painting and explosion velocity. The slow ROF means it hits hard when it hits.

What does this mean in practice?
1. Golem works very well with both Cruise Missiles and Torps. "Cruise Missiles you say?" Yes, because the bonus to explosion velocity means it gets a better damage projection for the effective launchers it's got then the CNR does.
2. The shield boost bonus as well as the Target Painter bonus means it can get an efficient tank using a limited amount of slots, which in turn means it's well suited as a Torpedo ship.
3. Slow ROF means using faction ammo and T2 ammo becomes a profitable endeavour.
4. It's got freakishly low EHP which means sooner or later, you will get ganked.

Golem Perfect Fit:
[Golem, Mission Golem]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Core X-Type 100MN MicroWarpdrive
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Republic Fleet Target Painter
Republic Fleet Target Painter

Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I
Salvager I

Large Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
Large Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II

Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5

Scorpion Navy Issue?
It's crap, and only a cheapskate with no experience flying CNR or Golem would think otherwise.

So what's best for lvl 4 missions?
3. Torp Golem
4. Cruise Golem
5. CNR

John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#15 - 2012-11-09 19:51:18 UTC  |  Edited by: John Ratcliffe
Samroski wrote:
In the vast majority of missions with the SNI, I did not need to use the cap booster. If you put enough shield resists, there is no need for the cap booster, but when trying TPs and webs, I had to fit the cap booster. Even then I rarely needed to use it. I like this fit, where I have 3 slots for TPs and or webs. (mid slots: s. booster; boost amp; cap booster; 2 mission sp. resists/hardeners; 2 webs; TP). I'll continue to use the cap booster (when using TPs/webs), especially when going into relatively unknown missions, till I am more familiar with the ship.


Ignore me, I didn't read the post properly. Sorry.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

#16 - 2012-11-09 20:00:23 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Samroski wrote:
In the vast majority of missions with the SNI, I did not need to use the cap booster. If you put enough shield resists, there is no need for the cap booster, but when trying TPs and webs, I had to fit the cap booster. Even then I rarely needed to use it. I like this fit, where I have 3 slots for TPs and or webs. (mid slots: s. booster; boost amp; cap booster; 2 mission sp. resists/hardeners; 2 webs; TP). I'll continue to use the cap booster (when using TPs/webs), especially when going into relatively unknown missions, till I am more familiar with the ship.

I don't get that at all. If you only have 2 active resists, then you'd need to use your shield booster loads because you'll be taking tons of damage. So if you're using your booster then you'll have no cap, so you'd need to use your cap booster a lot as well.

I use 4 active resists on my SNI in Lvl 4s with almost capped shield skills and I still need to run my booster during the missions. I just can't comprehend how what you posted can be right?

You probably have much more experience and are correct in all likelihood. I have limited experience with any of these ships. I tried 2 basic types of fit: with and without cap booster. Did 3 or 4 missions with the cap booster, and only needed to use it seriously in one mission. By the time the cap ran out on the other missions, there was little damage coming in.

The rest of the time (4 or 5 missions), I had my mids full of resists (no TPs/webs) and no cap booster.

Any colour you like.

John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#17 - 2012-11-09 20:03:47 UTC
Samroski wrote:

You probably have much more experience and are correct in all likelihood. I have limited experience with any of these ships. I tried 2 basic types of fit: with and without cap booster. Did 3 or 4 missions with the cap booster, and only needed to use it seriously in one mission. By the time the cap ran out on the other missions, there was little damage coming in.

The rest of the time (4 or 5 missions), I had my mids full of resists (no TPs/webs) and no cap booster.

See my altered post above, I mis-read what you typed. Sorry.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#18 - 2012-11-09 20:08:11 UTC
Bernard 2007 wrote:
Just gonna state this upfront, I'm not saying this because I'm so god damn smart! After all, it's just rocket science.

CNR has 7 launchers and 9,33 effective launchers with a high ROF. That means any DPS it deals is based off this amount of launchers not off 7. It also means it hits often for weaker amounts of damage.
It has 6 mids, 5 lows.

What does this mean in practice?
1. It means the CNR can deal the most theoretical DPS.
2. It means it doesn't have enough mids to mount a sufficient tank as well as target painters. Which in turn means it's not suited as a torp ship.
3. It means it can fit 5 damage mods in low slots if recuired.
4. It eats ammo fast.

CNR Perfect fit:
[Raven Navy Issue, CNR]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Gist X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Cap Recharger II
Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner

Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher, Mjolnir Cruise Missile
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst II
Large Warhead Rigor Catalyst I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5

Golem has 4 launchers, 8.0 effective launchers and a slow ROF. 7 mids, 4 lows and bonuses to shield boosting, target painting and explosion velocity. The slow ROF means it hits hard when it hits.

What does this mean in practice?
1. Golem works very well with both Cruise Missiles and Torps. "Cruise Missiles you say?" Yes, because the bonus to explosion velocity means it gets a better damage projection for the effective launchers it's got then the CNR does.
2. The shield boost bonus as well as the Target Painter bonus means it can get an efficient tank using a limited amount of slots, which in turn means it's well suited as a Torpedo ship.
3. Slow ROF means using faction ammo and T2 ammo becomes a profitable endeavour.
4. It's got freakishly low EHP which means sooner or later, you will get ganked.

Golem Perfect Fit:
[Golem, Mission Golem]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Field
Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Core X-Type 100MN MicroWarpdrive
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Republic Fleet Target Painter
Republic Fleet Target Painter

Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I
Salvager I

Large Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II
Large Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II

Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5

Scorpion Navy Issue?
It's crap, and only a cheapskate with no experience flying CNR or Golem would think otherwise.

So what's best for lvl 4 missions?
3. Torp Golem
4. Cruise Golem
5. CNR

Sorry, but you're wrong. The SNI is a better Lvl 4 mission ship than a CNR in my experience. Your CNR fit has crap resists. Two Invuls are not enough. The extra launcher of the CNR hardly ever makes any difference in terms of the number of salvos required to dispatch an NPC.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#19 - 2012-11-09 20:14:05 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Goldensaver wrote:
Did nobody else see? 5 mids on the CNR.



Edit: okay, here. Let me explain it completely.
The Raven and CNR both have 6 mids.

He stated that the CNR has 6 Mids. What's the problem?

Because before he had stated it has 5. Also:
Samroski wrote:

For the CNR, 4 of the 5 mid slots get taken up by the tanking modules: Shield booster (XL or L), amplifier, resist mods. In the 5th slot I tried the following: cap booster (useless), AB, Stasis Webifier, and Target Painter, shield resist mod.
John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#20 - 2012-11-09 20:16:51 UTC
Goldensaver wrote:
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Goldensaver wrote:
Did nobody else see? 5 mids on the CNR.



Edit: okay, here. Let me explain it completely.
The Raven and CNR both have 6 mids.

He stated that the CNR has 6 Mids. What's the problem?

Because before he had stated it has 5. Also:
Samroski wrote:

For the CNR, 4 of the 5 mid slots get taken up by the tanking modules: Shield booster (XL or L), amplifier, resist mods. In the 5th slot I tried the following: cap booster (useless), AB, Stasis Webifier, and Target Painter, shield resist mod.

Yes, my bad. He didn't post he'd edited his OP until much later - hence my confusion. Sorry.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

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