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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Ideas for new modules

First post
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1481 - 2012-11-08 17:53:12 UTC
We'd need to think of a better name for it, but for now, call it "Cyno Poisoner." Write some technobabble about it causing metamorphic fluctuations in the quantum foam or something, but the gist is that when you use it on a cynosural field, it "poisons" it, causing ships that try to jump through the cynosural field to suffer one or more of the following effects (you might be able to have different modules or scripts that cause it to do different combinations of these things).

  • Take damage.
  • Lose some of their capacitor.
  • Have a significant delay time before they actually arrive.
  • Arrive spread out from the field.
  • Temporarily suffer debuffs similar to the effect of e-war - jammed, target speed or distance reduced, signature radius increased, tracking penalty, etc.
  • Temporarily suffer debuffs similar to being in an anomalous wormhole.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#1482 - 2012-11-08 17:57:53 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
We'd need to think of a better name for it, but for now, call it "Cyno Poisoner." Write some technobabble about it causing metamorphic fluctuations in the quantum foam or something, but the gist is that when you use it on a cynosural field, it "poisons" it, causing ships that try to jump through the cynosural field to suffer one or more of the following effects (you might be able to have different modules or scripts that cause it to do different combinations of these things).

  • Take damage.
  • Lose some of their capacitor.
  • Have a significant delay time before they actually arrive.
  • Arrive spread out from the field.
  • Temporarily suffer debuffs similar to the effect of e-war - jammed, target speed or distance reduced, signature radius increased, tracking penalty, etc.
  • Temporarily suffer debuffs similar to being in an anomalous wormhole.

Some or even most of these effects should come with cyno jumps by defaults, to be quite honest. Otherwise the damn hotdropping thing will never get balanced, and forcing players to have yet another must-have module for PvP is plain wrong.

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Sean Parisi
Blackrise Vanguard
#1483 - 2012-11-08 19:26:03 UTC
Posted this about two days ago -

Module Repairer:

  • Repairs broken and damage modules.
  • Can lead to the creation of "Overload" gangs
  • Uses a high slot
  • Act as a modular replacement for Nanite Paste (while still having nanite paste for people who would prefer it)
  • Can only be used remotely

Additionally we could see the implementation of two modules, one that takes the mid slot, another that takes the low slot. They could either act as coolants for low / medium slots or for all slots in general. For example - Consider how a computers cooling system cools down modules. This would essentially sacrifice tank or damage for the ability to overload modules longer before burning them out.
Solj RichPopolous
Silent Havok.
#1484 - 2012-11-08 19:29:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Solj RichPopolous
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Solj RichPopolous wrote:
Anti-Web Module.

Mid Slot removes the effects of 1 web from your ship. Thx

I'd like to see webs affect a ship based on its mass vs sig radius, ie. denser ships are slowed less. And then a special propulsion module that increases your mass a whole lot and adds enough thrust to make you go a bit faster but mostly for pushing through webs.

Ya I like this idea. Right now everything really has a module to counter for it except webs, and for people who like to actually use their sig radius and intelligent piloting its kind of infuriating that some brainless chump can pop up with a harlot ship (rapier) and sit on his thumb and hold you down for a blob. And no simply fitting a propulsion mod isn't a counter to webs.
It Worked Last Time
#1485 - 2012-11-08 22:33:35 UTC
If this is already here, i apologize. CBA to read 75 pages.

For this particular idea the key phrase is "point defense", allowing for a full set of new modules, similar to rigs but with passive operation.

This also allows for the re-purposing and possible usefulness of defender missiles.

Some examples of this module would be;

Point Defense Battery: Array of small caliber autocannons arranged around the ship's hull and loaded with explosive munitions. Guns are fully automated and engage both missile and drone targets when they enter the kill-zone, approximately 2500m from the ship.

Damage per gun would be enough to single volley any standard missiles, about 70-80HP, and have a rate of fire around .5 to .75 seconds. The main balancing component is, as with any guns engaging small and fast targets, effectiveness is only about 10% per battery. Allowing the thinning but not removal of incoming missile fire and the ability to harass drones.

The defender missile variant would have considerably higher engagement range, but slightly slower rate of fire. Again damage would reflect similar values to the guns. Unable to target drones.

For fairness and to have something able to disrupt turret fire but not modify the turret stats, an ECM point defense system that "disrupts" the targeting of a hostile ships main guns introducing a 10% chance to miss on gun turrets, not affecting missile fire.

Batteries would require their own slots on ships with minimal fitting/onlining requirements.

Slot distribution on ship classes would be as follows;

Frigate hulls: 1 slot
Destroyer hulls: 2 slots
Cruiser hulls: 2 slots
Battle Cruiser hulls: 3 slots
Battleship hulls: 3 slots

In capital warfare these can be applied as AA guns with their own class, similar to dedicated AA batteries which use standings information to pick targets. These guns would only target fighters/fighterbombers allowing for considerably better defense from Carrier groups.

Capital slot layouts;

Dreadnaught: 1 XL battery, 2 standard
Carrier: 2 XL batteries, 3 standard
SuperCarrier: 3 XL batteries, 4 standard
Titans: 2 XL batteries, 4 Standard

Note carriers having superior layouts as they have no main weapons other than their drones.

Naturally these numbers/ideas are purely theoretical at this point and need quite alot of refinement and brainstorming, a job for a proffessional dev team no doubt.


Sonoran Sun Legion
#1486 - 2012-11-09 01:07:26 UTC
Here is a Idea.

Now since we are thousands of years advanced. Why not we be able to have a consumable deploy-able observation module. So something like a sentry gun or what ever.

You lay it. Anchor it. Aim it's lenses. And you have 5 days of *recording* Showing information like this maybe?

Name: Ship: Time:
Blah Blah Velator 18:35 Eve Time

Slap nuts Magee Cormorrant 03:45 Eve Time

So on So on And so on

But when you take your camera drone back its consumed and can't re-use.

Obviously have them destructible.

But Maybe have one where it's cloaked up. But it have it's time significantly reduced to say one day.

I write this idea not expecting it to be used, but hoped it is given a thought since it would be a great asset for anyone and everyone.

Trader, trying to find a great trade route but wants to know if in the low sec sectors it has alot of gate camps and who and maybe even strike a deal with them or Pirates looking for a great trade route to rip apart for a while. Or a war dec happens. I want to know who flies what. Or what was moved in the system and so on. or get a general idea when certain players are active. Lot's of application.

The construction of these devices could need the PI and certain items needed. Like RAM and minerals and so on. Be constructed in Drone assembly plants. So on.


Max Kupaptakov
AEGIS Contest Corporation
#1487 - 2012-11-09 11:28:23 UTC
How about...

Ancilliary armor repper - similar to ancilliary shield booster ALSO in the MID slot!
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#1488 - 2012-11-09 15:56:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Harvey James
Harvey James wrote:
how about a drone augmentation module in the high slot restricted to one per ship
This boosts all drone stats by 25%.

This one is a curious one not sure it would be worth using or not :
Drone command modules boosting various things perhaps the drone command ship could be bonused for it perhaps only works on ships using the drone augmentation module so primarily drone boats you could have a drone boat fleet with nice bonuses.

Further thoughts about the drone high mod it could be a drone foundry:
-allows repair of drones
-upgrades drone HP , dps, tracking and speed by varying degrees
-adds 25m3 dronebay
-fitting equivalent to a med neut
perhaps there could be different sizes that would change the fitting and bonuses.
-costs some cargobay

Drone command links there could be 3 distinct links that add the following:
-adds orbit velocity
-adds tracking boost
-adds shield and armour resistances

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Vex Killswitch
#1489 - 2012-11-09 16:36:18 UTC
Titan star-ports: Allowing a titan pilot to do more than spend the rest of his days stranded in a big target.

What it could look like

Destroying the starport could destroy the titan or heavily damage it.

has an undocking timer.(eg it takes 1-5 mins to undock or dock titan.)

next one, I have no idea HOW this has never been mentioned!

Black-ops specific module: EMP(Not ECM burst Roll)

Deactivates ALL ship modules(and maybe targeting system, if not, than timer until modules can reactivate eg 5seconds) in a 10km-15km radius including your own and friendly.

-fries half your cap

-10minute cooldown

-chance it doesnt work

(EMP graphics much like the scene in Matrix Revolution)

Im sorry but when i think blackops an EMP is linked to it.
Captain CarlCosmogasm
#1490 - 2012-11-10 13:52:29 UTC
One of the draw backs of this game is the stark difference in fits between PvP and PvE. The concept of generic modules modified by scripts might alleviate some of this discrepancy; i.e. the basic shield hardener could become the invulnerability field, but if loaded with a kinetic script it becomes a kinetic hardener.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1491 - 2012-11-10 14:51:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
Solj RichPopolous wrote:
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
Solj RichPopolous wrote:
Anti-Web Module.

Mid Slot removes the effects of 1 web from your ship. Thx

I'd like to see webs affect a ship based on its mass vs sig radius, ie. denser ships are slowed less. And then a special propulsion module that increases your mass a whole lot and adds enough thrust to make you go a bit faster but mostly for pushing through webs.

Ya I like this idea. Right now everything really has a module to counter for it except webs, and for people who like to actually use their sig radius and intelligent piloting its kind of infuriating that some brainless chump can pop up with a harlot ship (rapier) and sit on his thumb and hold you down for a blob. And no simply fitting a propulsion mod isn't a counter to webs.

I propose 3 webifiers which have an effect based on the square root of a ships sig radius and the cube root of their mass. One designed for frigates (10km range, 1MW powergrid), one for cruisers (15km range, 15MW powergrid), and one for battleships (20km range, 225MW powergrid). This way, a frigate can still web a battleship but only with about 28% slowing, and it costs 15MW for the webber. Also, this will allow larger ships to web other larger ships at longer ranges instead of having to get close, but if they want their webs to be effective against little ships, they need to fit a small webber and get close. A tech 2 cruiser webber used on a frigate would only have about 32% slowing.

I think webs would still be pretty popular in PVP even if this were implemented. If you want to know my calculations/how I got these figures, send me an EVE-mail or something.

Vex Killswitch wrote:
Titan star-ports: Allowing a titan pilot to do more than spend the rest of his days stranded in a big target.

What it could look like
I think instead they should just allow a person to anchor their capital ship so that it can't be bumped. Just park it in a POS or something. They should have locks too, to keep people from trying to fly it while you're away.

I think all capital ships should persist after their pilot logs off. This would make parking them properly an important task, and might encourage more careful use of these vehicles.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#1492 - 2012-11-10 15:14:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Harvey James
mm... mass based webs not a bad idea as ship sig rad is easily manipulated with mwd's i do think web strength is still too high which ofc penalizes the smaller speed based ships the most and kind of makes AB tanking a cruiser a hard task a little too hard i think.

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Seranova Farreach
Biomass Negative
#1493 - 2012-11-10 19:22:09 UTC
ancillary remote repper/shield transporters
ancillary armor repairers.


State War Academy
Caldari State
#1494 - 2012-11-11 00:02:13 UTC
Yophant wrote:
Area of Effect: Can Looter I

With introducing "Loot all" button it became much simplier for carebear to salvage/loot all wrecks in mission/anomaly, but now it's pure "double-click party" when number of wrecks reaches 50-70. I've even bought a special mouse with hardware "doubleclick" button.
It would be great if such module could loot all "safe" (only white/blue) cans within 2-2.5 km from a ship. Maybe such module should restricted to be fit only on Noctis.

I like this mans idea... restrict it to use of noctis only make it a mid slow to not interfeer with the 4 tracs 4 salvger combo... using it will make all wrecks WHITE (not blue) so to not ninja loot ppls wrecks outside station... but 2 recoer corpmebers or fleet members wrecks before the enemy has a chance 2 loot them...
The Scope
#1495 - 2012-11-11 01:46:15 UTC
How about a armor module to counter the ASB. A low slot module that when activated grants a 75% resist on all damage types and runs on cap boosters. Call it a Ancillary Armor Hardener, or something.

Galactic Rangers
#1496 - 2012-11-11 13:13:56 UTC

Web Bubble I (only useable in null sec)

an anchourable module that emits a web field and slows anything that enters the field including missiles.

Range - 15km (from center)
Velocity reduction - 45%

Web Bubble II (only useable in null sec)

an anchourable module that emits a web field and slows anything that enters the field including missiles.

Range - 25km (from center)
Velocity reduction - 55%

Storm Chasers.
Pandemic Horde
#1497 - 2012-11-11 20:59:45 UTC
Crazy Idea,

Specialized Tech 3 low slot Module which requires specialization 5. Allows for fitting of T2 ammo in T1 based weapons systems.

Idea, "Torpedo ballistic Specialization Module" which allows T2 Torps to be fitted in officer launchers.

Outcome, Better loot drops from player kills who are EFT warriors :), More things to be made from sleeper loot. A nice expensive module to eat up Isk in the game.
Yvonne Davion
Offensive Security
#1498 - 2012-11-11 22:31:57 UTC
How about a Ship Tractor Beam that can only be fitted onto Rookie Ships. This would give them an added role of being used as tugboats for bigger slower ships.

(Think about when you tractor beam a can and drag it along with you while you move towards another wreck for example. Now think about an Ibis pulling that slow Battleship to the next gate in a mission. Or perhaps tug some larger mining barge/exhumer towards rocks further away?)

Could also be interesting in pvp, you see someone burning away from a group, you could tug the enemy right back towards your gang (this paired with a warp disruptor for example.)
Solj RichPopolous
Silent Havok.
#1499 - 2012-11-12 08:39:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Solj RichPopolous
Also after doing some hard thinking. There needs to be a low slot and/or a mid slot item that reduces ship sig radius.

As of now there are target painters to increase radius of a ship but nothing to counter this.
As important as sig is in the game it makes no sense to me why the only way you can lower your sig is by getting a Halo set or by running an evasive maneuvering gang link.
Storm Chasers.
Pandemic Horde
#1500 - 2012-11-12 13:43:03 UTC
Solj RichPopolous wrote:
Also after doing some hard thinking. There needs to be a low slot and/or a mid slot item that reduces ship sig radius.

As of now there are target painters to increase radius of a ship but nothing to counter this.
As important as sig is in the game it makes no sense to me why the only way you can lower your sig is by getting a Halo set or by running an evasive maneuvering gang link.

I think this item is already in game, Active Stealth System I. Reduces Signature Radius by -160%, Requires Electronic Warefare 5 I believe I gotta check my notes and see where I seen it.