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Steam Windows 8 issues

Tejec Primus
Nebula Rasa Vanguard
Nebula Rasa
#1 - 2012-11-06 15:51:38 UTC
I have installed windows 8 but when I select Eve from the Steam window all I get is the Incarna screen splash which then disappears - no sign on screen or error message. If I reselect Eve I get a message saying Eve is running?

I am going to try a reinstall but find this issue a little odd

Will post an update
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-11-06 16:04:27 UTC
Tejec Primus wrote:
I have installed windows 8 but when I select Eve from the Steam window all I get is the Incarna screen splash which then disappears - no sign on screen or error message. If I reselect Eve I get a message saying Eve is running?

I am going to try a reinstall but find this issue a little odd

Will post an update

Steam dont support windows 8 read there forums. And windows 8 dont support steam read microsoft forums about it. I think there is a war comming
Lone Hitman
The Praxis Initiative
Gentlemen's Agreement
#3 - 2012-11-10 23:48:44 UTC
This sounds like the EVE client stalling I've experienced on Windows 8 myself, but I don't launch EVE via STEAM. See: