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AFK Stealth Pilots in 0.0

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#121 - 2012-11-05 11:43:30 UTC

at least some tears here
Angry Mustellid
#122 - 2012-11-05 11:55:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Samillian
This again, it must be something to do with the time of year, that or an ongoing lack of imagination and guts.

OP, a cloaky in local is only a problem if you let it be one, sitting in station trembling does you no good.

Organise a heavily tanked bait ship to go ratting (or use a Skiff to mine) and have a gang ready to warp in on the bait when the drop happens, make sure your bait has points and your bound to snag something. Making your lurker think every ship he sees is a trap is the best way of getting him to move to fresh pastures but it takes time coordination and patience.

If you can't manage that then you either need to join a corp that can or move somewhere less challenging to you.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Dar Manic
Dirt Road Services
#123 - 2012-11-05 14:51:13 UTC
Samillian wrote:
This again, it must be something to do with the time of year, that or an ongoing lack of imagination and guts.

OP, a cloaky in local is only a problem if you let it be one, sitting in station trembling does you no good.

Organise a heavily tanked bait ship to go ratting (or use a Skiff to mine) and have a gang ready to warp in on the bait when the drop happens, make sure your bait has points and your bound to snag something. Making your lurker think every ship he sees is a trap is the best way of getting him to move to fresh pastures but it takes time coordination and patience.

If you can't manage that then you either need to join a corp that can or move somewhere less challenging to you.

AFK stealth pilots in null sex still aren't an issue.

I just don't understand null sec players.

**Please note: **Anytime I use the phrase PvP in a post, I'm talking about shooting/combat/killing things/blowing things up. Thank you.

Yamaria Ube
State War Academy
Caldari State
#124 - 2012-11-05 16:42:44 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Thomas Orca wrote:
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:

The only way any cloacker becomes a serious threat to you is when he lights a cover/regular cyno. If you don't see any of these then he's just afk and can't harm you. + makes all afraid idiots dock up while you can make better isk
No one ever dies to solo cloaked ships
Of course not, since cloaked ships can't do anything remotely aggressive to you.

Do hound torps do much against a Macinaw?
Rordan D'Kherr
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#125 - 2012-11-05 16:45:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Rordan D'Kherr
Yamaria Ube wrote:

Do hound torps do much against a Macinaw?

Only if uncloaked and if not afk.

meh, this thread / topic never dies. *slaps himself*

Don't be scared, because being afk is not a crime.

Ix Aideron
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2012-11-05 16:55:09 UTC
Can you prove they are AFK if they are cloaked?????
Yamaria Ube
State War Academy
Caldari State
#127 - 2012-11-05 17:22:59 UTC
Rordan D'Kherr wrote:
Yamaria Ube wrote:

Do hound torps do much against a Macinaw?

Only if uncloaked and if not afk.

meh, this thread / topic never dies. *slaps himself*

SO, should a mackinaw pilot simply ignore a cloaky neut in a system where he's mining? Is that wise?

The problem is that even if he is afk, at some point, unknown to the Mackinaw, he'll return to the keyboard. And the first indicator might be a shrapnel bomb pointed at him.
Maggeridon Thoraz
Amarr Empire
#128 - 2012-11-05 18:10:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Maggeridon Thoraz
ccp, please fix afk dockers, sitting 4 hours docked afk is an exploit, cant you change mechanic to eject them 100km of station Idea

i warp from staiton to gate and vice versa in my cloaky and wating him to leave station, and he thinks i am afk.
Heavy Industry Construction and Mining Inc.
#129 - 2012-11-06 04:00:45 UTC
Yamaria Ube wrote:
Rordan D'Kherr wrote:
Yamaria Ube wrote:

Do hound torps do much against a Macinaw?

Only if uncloaked and if not afk.

meh, this thread / topic never dies. *slaps himself*

SO, should a mackinaw pilot simply ignore a cloaky neut in a system where he's mining? Is that wise?

The problem is that even if he is afk, at some point, unknown to the Mackinaw, he'll return to the keyboard. And the first indicator might be a shrapnel bomb pointed at him.

A bomb wont do much to you, an you can tank a mack to 40+k hp. Drones "WILL" kill a SB. Not only that, if you as a miner are belt mining in 0.0 your a fool, not to mention your alliance prolly wont like it, because it attracts reds.
Rordan D'Kherr
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#130 - 2012-11-06 06:35:21 UTC
Yamaria Ube wrote:

SO, should a mackinaw pilot simply ignore a cloaky neut in a system where he's mining? Is that wise?

The problem is that even if he is afk, at some point, unknown to the Mackinaw, he'll return to the keyboard. And the first indicator might be a shrapnel bomb pointed at him.


Now tell me where the problem is.

Don't be scared, because being afk is not a crime.

#131 - 2012-11-06 08:20:03 UTC
Hocico wrote:

what can we do against afk stelth pilots in 0.0 ? Nothing !!!

She wait any hours and we cant mining, ratting ore others.... attacks comes only vs mining Barges ore infight Ships and are rar....

CCP we need a tactic against this idiots.... thats not pvp.

AFK waiting for 4 ore more hours is an Exploit.


simple solution
go to the next system
surely there are more than one null sec systems

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Galactic Rangers
#132 - 2012-11-06 09:14:56 UTC
lol don't you love it when you get players going,, NO NO NO,, leave our fav thing to do alone, even if it is without a counter to it.

I have a question for cloakers, the so called AFK ones, why are you so afraid of a counter to cloaking ?

i use cloaks all the time and wouldn't have a problem with there being a counter to it, infact it would make the hunt/being hunted that bit more exciting Lol

i might be wrong, but meh, the only reason i'd not want a counter to cloaking is if i was AFK and could be found while i was busy watching tv/playing another game/on another account/walking the dogs/having a sleep/not paying attention to the game.

the only reason i can see for people not wanting a counter to cloaks say a ship (destroyers) being able to fit a module that can transmit a signal within the same range of a directional scanner that would upset a cloaking device enough to allow the right skilled player to be able to probe him down, perhaps with specialized probes would be if your AFK.
because i know if was cloaked and being hunted i'd be bouncing around the system.

fear a change to cloaking mechanics, fear the cloak disruptors AFK pilots, i don't blame you lol

All Web Investigations
#133 - 2012-11-06 12:28:33 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
lol don't you love it when you get players going,, NO NO NO,, leave our fav thing to do alone, even if it is without a counter to it.

I have a question for cloakers, the so called AFK ones, why are you so afraid of a counter to cloaking ?

i use cloaks all the time and wouldn't have a problem with there being a counter to it, infact it would make the hunt/being hunted that bit more exciting Lol

i might be wrong, but meh, the only reason i'd not want a counter to cloaking is if i was AFK and could be found while i was busy watching tv/playing another game/on another account/walking the dogs/having a sleep/not paying attention to the game.

the only reason i can see for people not wanting a counter to cloaks say a ship (destroyers) being able to fit a module that can transmit a signal within the same range of a directional scanner that would upset a cloaking device enough to allow the right skilled player to be able to probe him down, perhaps with specialized probes would be if your AFK.
because i know if was cloaked and being hunted i'd be bouncing around the system.

fear a change to cloaking mechanics, fear the cloak disruptors AFK pilots, i don't blame you lol

Because we realise that it is a mechanic that is already perfectly balanced and does not require a counter any more than someone being docked requires a "counter", and how it is a very necessary mechanic as a result of the stupid and outdated local mechanics. I have yet to see a single anti-cloaker post provide legitimate reasons as to why cloaking, as it currently is, is an issue, or why they should be able to kill other players who are afk.

Also, they seem to fail to realise how absolutely every single suggestion as a counter - disruptors, probes to find them, fuel/cap usage, etc - utterly destroy several legitimate activities for active players, and completely undermine the point of about 2000 systems (hello there wormhole space).

I find it rather amusing you claim we are the ones who fear things, when the only people crying about cloaks and desiring change are people who are petrified of a single other player being in their little backwater nullsec system, and who refuse to employ any of the dozen mechanics available to them to deal with that single lone player.

Seriously, just go back to highsec. You lot are pathetic.
Deatalious Maricadie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2012-11-06 12:33:13 UTC
Hocico wrote:

what can we do against afk stelth pilots in 0.0 ? Nothing !!!

If it is a legitimate afk stealth pilot the human body has ways of trying to shut that whole thing down.
Rotten Legion
#135 - 2012-11-06 12:34:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Is this thread really still going? There is no problem with people going AFK whilst cloaked.

  • If you are PvPing, then a quick warp to will get them if they decide to come out of afk and kill something.
  • If you are PvEing and your in a standing fleet, people can just warp to you as soon as they appear.
  • If your PvEing and your not in a standing fleet (in which case you and your corp are fools) then just move next door and PvE there. If he follows you, then you know he's not afk. In which case get an interdictor and some interceptors out.

  • There is nothing wrong with being afk.

    Deatalious Maricadie wrote:

    If it is a legitimate afk stealth pilot the human body has ways of trying to shut that whole thing down.

    I see what you did there. >.<

    "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #136 - 2012-11-06 12:39:40 UTC
    xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
    lol don't you love it when you get players going,, NO NO NO,, leave our fav thing to do alone, even if it is without a counter to it.

    I have a question for cloakers, the so called AFK ones, why are you so afraid of a counter to cloaking ?

    No problem with a counter whatsoever. It's called removing local, or you can just turn yours off.

    ~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

    Ministry of Furious Retribution
    #137 - 2012-11-06 13:57:09 UTC
    Oh look... 7 pages of... this thread again
    Expending Doom
    #138 - 2012-11-06 14:17:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Expending Doom
    xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:

    lol don't you love it when you get players going,, NO NO NO,, leave our fav thing to do alone, even if it is without a counter to it.

    There's no counter to local

    AFK cloaking is only an attempt to subvert it's value.

    If you couldn't AFK cloak carebears like yourself would just dock up, then come right back out when you leave.

    But if you AFK cloak, because of the carebear's lack of willpower, intelligence and avarice they will eventually crawl out where they can be killed.
    Azn Empire
    #139 - 2012-11-06 14:23:18 UTC
    Expending Doom wrote:
    xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:

    lol don't you love it when you get players going,, NO NO NO,, leave our fav thing to do alone, even if it is without a counter to it.

    There's no counter to local

    AFK cloaking is only an attempt to subvert it's value.

    If you couldn't AFK cloak carebears like yourself would just dock up, then come right back out when you leave.

    But if you AFK cloak, because of the carebear's lack of willpower, intelligence and avarice they will eventually crawl out where they can be killed.
    This tbh.

    Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

    #140 - 2012-11-06 14:29:43 UTC
    I love this thread, so many ways to counter it yet everyone expects CCP to do it fo rthem, quality!!!

    God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!