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Skillpoints: The Race To One Million...

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-11-05 18:10:24 UTC


Man I logged into my main and saw I had over 700,000. I felt good.

Then I went to the Alliance Recruitment section...people with 70 MILLION skillpoints are looking for corporations...


How do you even get past 5 mill??? I have a fair amount of critical core skills to 3-4....and I'm still below 1 mill.

so two questions:

1) At what point would I be somewhat useful to an Alliance and

2) How do these people get such high numbers??

Right now I'm using EVEMON to train towards a Manticore. I want to be a Bomber, so any folks who have bombing exp can also chime in any advice you have (good sources for info, tips,, etc).
#2 - 2012-11-05 18:13:38 UTC
Can fly rifter with warp disruptor / scrambler and web?

Guns are optional

You're ready for the big boys

But you have to change to their out of game religion first.

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-11-05 18:16:04 UTC
I got past 100 mill a few months ago.

I felt p special; I could clearly remember a few years ago when wotsisname got past 100 mill and made a thread about it and everyone was like "wow man, grats."

So I figured I'd make my own post.

Then I went to eveboard, had a little cry and moved on. vOv
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#4 - 2012-11-05 18:20:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
If you don't know it, the game is almost 10 years old. Many people have played for many years now... reluctantly.
The smaller the ships, the less invested SP is required to make them proficient, as you get up to BS or cap size, the added skill load just gets higher and higher.
You want to be a covert-ops pilot. That is a rather easy skill load. And once you reach skill perfection with a particular job. There is nothing stopping you from skilling up an alt character if any additional skills to your main would be above and beyond what you set out to do.
Section 8.
#5 - 2012-11-05 18:22:14 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Many people have played for many years now... reluctantly.

You owe me a keyboard.
Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-11-05 18:23:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
1) At what point would I be somewhat useful to an Alliance

being useful doesn't require any set number of SP and unless all your SP are invested into industrial skills you are probably useful on some level.
A 5-20m SP requirement is typical for pvp corporations that don't want to train new players.

2) How do these people get such high numbers??

By training their characters for many years.

Under optimal conditions you train at 2700 SP/h (you can get more during the first month if you use a Cerebral accelerator but that's a one time thing and has hardly any impact as you also train at a lower rate until you have cybernetics V, so for the sake of the argument you train at 2700/h).

One year has ~8766 hours which means that you could train 23,668,200 SP per year.

In reality most people only min-max that consequently on special purpose alts if they do it at all - my main is currently training at 2130 SP/h or 18.7m SP/year which is probably fairly typical.


Senex Legio
#7 - 2012-11-05 18:24:36 UTC


Man I logged into my main and saw I had over 700,000. I felt good.

Then I went to the Alliance Recruitment section...people with 70 MILLION skillpoints are looking for corporations...


How do you even get past 5 mill??? I have a fair amount of critical core skills to 3-4....and I'm still below 1 mill.

so two questions:

1) At what point would I be somewhat useful to an Alliance and

2) How do these people get such high numbers??

Right now I'm using EVEMON to train towards a Manticore. I want to be a Bomber, so any folks who have bombing exp can also chime in any advice you have (good sources for info, tips,, etc).

A few pilots already have over 200mil skill points.
Myself I have over 170mil.

How? With enough time and dedication.

If you train optimally you could make about 24mil skill point per year.
If not, you will make much less. Per year.
Senex Legio
#8 - 2012-11-05 18:27:24 UTC
Here are some key points on how to be useful, in order of importance

1. Be online and with your corporation.
2. Do not be stupid.
3. ...
4. ...
#. Have lots of skill points.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#9 - 2012-11-05 18:32:36 UTC
Having a lot of SP just means you've been playing the game for a while, nothing more or less. If you choose to hang around you too will have tens of millions, assuming that you always have some skill in training.

As for usefulness, your attitude and ability to listen and learn are far more important than the amount of SP you have. A week old character who can pilot a frigate can be useful in many situations. Just be sure to get into a group that values and encourages new pilots and you'll be golden.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-11-05 18:39:34 UTC

So the SP reqs are simply used to exclude people who need training?

Ok got it. Makes sense.

I'm back to being excited about my 700,000 now.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-11-05 18:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza

so two questions:

1) At what point would I be somewhat useful to an Alliance and

2) How do these people get such high numbers??

Right now I'm using EVEMON to train towards a Manticore. I want to be a Bomber, so any folks who have bombing exp can also chime in any advice you have (good sources for info, tips,, etc).

1) Whenever you can fly a logi ship on fleets. With t1 logi becoming useful on December 4th, this will be sooner then ever. Everything else is just to do anything else you want to do.

2) playing the game for a long time, probably having implants
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#12 - 2012-11-05 22:25:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
Yeah OP, don't look at SP as an "uphill battle". 10 Bombers are more usefull then 5, no matter the SP of their pilots. For instance, you can train for Torpedoes as well as Bomb Deployment. Both are usefull for an SB pilot. Having the option to launch both bombs as well as torpedoes at a low skill level, is more usefull then being uber-skilled at a specific one. A lot of SP is to be found in the last few percentages and maximalisations of a skill tree, and in insanely expensive ships that are meant to be exclusive.
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#13 - 2012-11-05 23:58:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Spank
You can be useful with very few skillpoints, even a new player in a tackling frigate can be helpful in a fight where you are the fast tackler amongst the heavy hitters that take longer to lock or indeed to move. Fleet compositions require a variety of roles and even at low skill levels you can be of use. While you might be useless flying a battleship, you are of great assistance in a frigate.

Smaller ships need less skill point investment.

Some pilots may well have 80m sp and up but unless they are flying a titan, dread or capital they are hardly using these skillpoints to their max at any time. To absolutely max out a titan in terms of skills will take a ridiculous time. To max out a single frigate if you specialise will require about 25m skillpoints. Having said that, most ships hitt their peak efficiency with the requisite level 5 skills and then level 4 skills thereafter.

As you will no doubt notice, level 1 in a skill takes far less time to train than level 2, level 3 and so on. For most people, level 4 in a skill is enough although there are certain skills that are important to train to 5. EVEN THEN, for the amount of time invested in training a level 5 skill, you could have trained up a multitude of other skills up to about level 3 and have been far more effective.

As a newcomer the most important thing to do is train up core skills that will make you more effective across the board rather than to reach a high skill point level.

Furthermore, anyone telling you you are useless at pvp until you have a certain level of skillpoints is probably not worth listening to. As others have said, if you can scram and fly a frig, you are useful... developing core skills BUT ALSO LEARNING HOW TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME THROUGH FLYING IN GANGS AND READING GUIDES / INFO AND GAINING IN GAME EXPERIENCE help far far more.

Building core skills helps you out overall. After a certain point, skillpoints simply mean you have a variety of ships at your disposal but if you don't actually get out there and have a go at what the game has to offer then you won't actually enjoy the game.

As time goes on, skill points become less critical. Of course you want to fly those shiny tech II ships but in reality, in PVP, it's often more fun, or more viable, or more realistic to simply fly tech I and save money and pew pew more.

When I started I held out for Arazu's and Ishtars before I would feel ready for PVP. Once I actually started to PVP I realised this was a bit silly.

Overall. Take advice from people but dont let them say you are "doing it wrong" if its something you enjoy. Get involved and dont worry about losing ships, but fly what you can afford to lose.

EDIT: If you want to know how devastating you can be in a short space of time, you can train up a smartbombing battleship in a stupendously short space of time. The funny thing about that is if you want to then rat up your sec to atone for your activities in said ship afterwards, its actually a longer train to be able to rat your sec up efficiently afterwards, [im drunk and this edit bit will probably make no sense].

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#14 - 2012-11-06 00:07:52 UTC
This game is not about achieving it all today, or tomorrow, or this week, or even this year. If you are to be a part of this game you have to be in it for the long haul.

That is how you get to 5 million points and beyond.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

PlanetCorp InterStellar
#15 - 2012-11-06 00:17:20 UTC
My alts hit 1 mil just from training Cybernetics V.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2012-11-06 00:37:04 UTC
is OP for real?
go into the market, then go to skills, there are hundreds of skills you can buy, some you will be able to train right away, some you will never ever train.

as for the alliance thing, a good alliance can use anyone and everyone who is willing to participate, a simple tackle can help a fleet, you could train to use cynos and be that guy who always brings cyno to fleet ect.
#17 - 2012-11-06 00:40:09 UTC


Man I logged into my main and saw I had over 700,000. I felt good.

Then I went to the Alliance Recruitment section...people with 70 MILLION skillpoints are looking for corporations...


How do you even get past 5 mill??? I have a fair amount of critical core skills to 3-4....and I'm still below 1 mill.

so two questions:

1) At what point would I be somewhat useful to an Alliance and

2) How do these people get such high numbers??

Right now I'm using EVEMON to train towards a Manticore. I want to be a Bomber, so any folks who have bombing exp can also chime in any advice you have (good sources for info, tips,, etc).

To train all the skills you probably need more than 12 years of constant skill training. Just think of how many SP that is.
Now on a second note, don't go straight for Stealth bombers. While they can be fun they're situational and not used that much. Better to train for more "mainstream" ships (frigates, cruisers, battlecruisers & battleships) first and then go into the specialized goodies.

_-Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. _

Dave stark
#18 - 2012-11-06 00:48:55 UTC
Generals4 wrote:
they're situational and not used that much. Better to train for more "mainstream" ships (frigates, cruisers, battlecruisers & battleships) first and then go into the specialized goodies.

i beg to differ.

they make great scouts, they're also reasonable for structure grinding if you're using sub caps.
almost every time two large fleets engage each other, you can bet there's a bomber squad somewhere near by waiting to drop a few bombs.

stealth bombers are excellent if you like the playstyle. there are very few FCs that will turn you away if you turn up in a stealth bomber. sure, most of them will make you scout but you'll seldom get told to reship unless everyone has turned up in a bomber.
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#19 - 2012-11-06 03:03:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Mars Theran
That was good for a laugh, thank you.

Time, and training is all it is. The more time you spend playing, managing your skill queue, training Cybernetics and popping in implants, planning your attribute remaps and skills to train with those remaps, the more SP you'll have. Smile

edit: For effectiveness, I originally trained skills to 3 and 4 depending on what I considered their value to be, but skipped level 5 training in all but what I considered the most important skills, such as Engineering, Electronics, and Weapon upgrades.

This helps you to push your overall effectiveness up within a short period of time, but usually means you are also cross-training a lot of skills which can slow you down. Fortunately, most skills to 3-4 don't require a lot of time, so the impact on them is relatively minor. You see the primary impact when you train them from 4-5, and this is where you usually want to train your skills within your Remap.

IIRC, you have 2 Remaps available when you start now, and you can do this initial training without using one of them, unless you happen to have a primary focus and don't mind burning a Remap right away. If you don't yet know exactly what you'll be training for the next few months, then hold those Remaps for a few weeks at least.

They're once a year, so you'll generally want to use one for a short term, 2-3 month training plan, then the next for the following years training regimen. That doesn't mean you can't pop cross-training skills in when you're doing it, but they'll be less effective for alternate mapping plans.

2-3 weeks cross-training, 2-3 months focused support training, 1 year primary training. Usually Cybernetics 5 can get slotted in that 2-3 month focused support training if it's Intelligence + Memory based. Cybernetics 4 is all you really need for a while though, unless you happen to have a quick income growth and think you'll be able to afford level 5 implants.

If you do that, consider Infomorph psychology in your training plan and get a Jump Clone or 2 through Estel Arador Corp Services in game.

Hopefully that's not too much information. Probably it is, if you are at all unfamiliar with what I am talking about, but checking out that Corp in game should at least help to make Jump Clones a little more self explanatory. Smile
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2012-11-06 03:23:44 UTC
Question on skill points (didnt want to start a new thread)

Almost all the skills I need to learn are intelligence (primary) and memory (secondary)

Can i remap to remove all points from other things, and max out those two to make it train faster? Or will that make the game terrible, or does the stats only effect learning speed?

Just asking because people in here are saying they get 2000 skill points per hour, and i checked last night while i slept, and I got 3500 points in 8 hours :/
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