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station market tax's

Wixo Trading Co.
#1 - 2012-10-31 13:53:57 UTC
Bit of a noob question but I'v never really done the whole missioning thing so dont know a great deal about how faction standings work.

As I understand it, if I want the lowest possible transaction fees, I need certain trading skills to max and a good standing with the faction of the station im trading in.

Skills I have, so all thats left is the standing. I wont mission - i just wont. Or FW or any of that crap so I was wondering about corp standings. I know you can raise the corp standing with a race by simply having a lot of members with good standing - if you want a pos in high sec for example you dump everyone out - hire in someone with good standing and wait for it to go up.

Soo, my questions are;

If my corp standings are excellent with whoever owns Jits 4-4 will that effect individual members market fees? what about corp transactions?

I know corp standing will drop off once the peeps with good standings leave but is there anyway to maintain it other than getting good personal standings?

basically - is there anyway to get the lowest possible tax without engaging in any PVE or FW crap?

Carebears with Attitude
#2 - 2012-10-31 14:59:23 UTC
What do you mean "won't mission"? Are you specifically opposed to combat/security missions? Or are you also opposed to mining and distribution missions?

If you can stomach a bit of mining, I highly recommend mining missions. They work semi-AFK, and never (level 3 ones anyway) require you to travel to a system other than the one your agent is in.

3 cycles of level 3 mining missions, consisting of 3x16 regular missions and 3 styrline missions (which may be combat, but if so you can hire a merc to help you or even to largely fly it for you), is enough to boost NPC corp standing from 0.00 to almost perfect ore refine (whcih you get at standing 6.67 or 6.70). A fourth cycle reaches that goal. Probably 2 cycles of level 3 mining missions and 1 cycle of level 4 ones also gets you perfect refine (with Connections skill trained - see below), but for level 4 missions you need to be able to mine ice and gas.

As a trader, you don't want "perfect refine" but you do want (or do you?) a high standing so as to reduce taxes, and 6.7'ish is a good goal to aim for.

If you flat out refuse to do any kind of mission, I think you're out of luck with regards to NPC corp standings. But as I understand it, they don't influence tax rate much. Nor do they have much influence (if any) on the cost of using industrial services in station, such as BPO research or production.

But train Accounting and Broker Relations. Initially, just training them to 4 helps a lot, but if you train both to 5, you improve your profit margin, which may be important if you're in a high-competition corner of the business world.

If you can do just a single mission for a given NPC corp, so that your standing changes from 0.00 to any positive value, then the Connections skill also helps. If your standing is positive but close to zero, you get +0.40 standing per skill level. As your natural standing goes up, the effect is reduced, but AFAIK it never goes away. The Connections bonus only works if your standing is 0.01 or better, and as far as I know, you can only achive that via missions.
Huttan Funaila
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-10-31 17:15:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Huttan Funaila
If he gets connections skill to 3, he can start with level 2 missions right away. I don't think you can unlock lvl 3 missions even with connections 5.

I've had some level 3 mining missions send me to adjacent systems. I usually do them when I have a few minutes to kill before I log off for the night. My recommendation is to fit a retriever with nanos and mwd as the quest asteroids are usually placed all over and don't last long enough for a full strip miner cycle. It will also hold enough ore for all the lvl 3 missions I've come across, and probably all the lvl 4 ones.

I know corp standing will drop off once the peeps with good standings leave but is there anyway to maintain it other than getting good personal standings?
You need to have no standings with that corp. Not the number zero - none at all. That is how the standings raising services work.

Getting your accounting skill up will cut down on market transaction fees by a bit.
Rengerel en Distel
#4 - 2012-10-31 18:04:38 UTC
Only personal standings count, not corp standings.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

Carebears with Attitude
#5 - 2012-10-31 18:06:49 UTC
Huttan Funaila wrote:
If he gets connections skill to 3, he can start with level 2 missions right away. I don't think you can unlock lvl 3 missions even with connections 5.

I've had some level 3 mining missions send me to adjacent systems. I usually do them when I have a few minutes to kill before I log off for the night. My recommendation is to fit a retriever with nanos and mwd as the quest asteroids are usually placed all over and don't last long enough for a full strip miner cycle. It will also hold enough ore for all the lvl 3 missions I've come across, and probably all the lvl 4 ones.

With standings 0.01 and Connections 2, you boost to 0.81. With Connections 3 you boost to 1.21, enough to unlock levle 2 agents. Connections 5 boosts you to standing 2.01 which does not let you use level 3 agents right away, but you do get the much faster (since you only need to increase standnig by a further 0.99. It may be overkill to train Connections to 5 just to get agent access faster (but to 4 still makes a lot of sense), but for a trader, Connections 5 is very useful.

As for level 3 mining missions, I've flown over a hundred of them, for two different high-sec corps, and not once did I need to use a star gate. Level 4 distribution missions routinely send me 3 or 4 hops away, sometimes maybe 5 (not sure), so the risk of being sent into high-sec is huge. The only reason I fly distribution missions is because I want t grind standing with corps that don't offer mining missions.
Huttan Funaila
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-10-31 19:20:31 UTC
Upon further review, checking the web, the agent I was thinking about only gives level 2 mining missions and about half the time would send me to an adjacent system.
Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#7 - 2012-11-03 10:55:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Nerath Naaris
To lower transaction taxes you want - besides skills - good standing with the corp that owns the station you want to trade in and good standing with the faction as well. I believe those standings are at base value and thus are not modified by the social skills.

Unfortunately, missioning is probably the easiest way to raise those standings though I believe there are certain services that will raise corp standing for you, so to speak (by fleeting with you or w/e).
That doesn´t work for faction standing, though, I believe.

Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm

Je suis [?]

Carebears with Attitude
#8 - 2012-11-04 15:13:23 UTC
Nerath Naaris wrote:
To lower transaction taxes you want - besides skills - good standing with the corp that owns the station you want to trade in and good standing with the faction as well. I believe those standings are at base value and thus are not modified by the social skills.

Unfortunately, missioning is probably the easiest way to raise those standings though I believe there are certain services that will raise corp standing for you, so to speak (by fleeting with you or w/e).
That doesn´t work for faction standing, though, I believe.

Sometimes you benefit from faction standing if it's higher than corp standing. At least that's the case with access to mission agents. I don't know it it affets sales tax, or refining tax, or the fee to use industrial facilities. But I'd actually like to know.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-11-04 15:59:56 UTC
I found this when looking up info on Broker's Fees

This char has a 1.1% fee in Jita, my "Jita" alt who did some datacenter missions got it down to 0.58%, then I just purchased a char with 8/8(faction/corp) standing and I now have a 0.24% fee. That means I reduced my fee by 58.62%, which is huge.
Wixo Trading Co.
#10 - 2012-11-05 13:14:43 UTC
thanks for the replies - already have all my trading skills to max, not sure if i have connections but ill train it just for the sake of it. I absolutely will not do any mission of any kind :P cant stand them, so I guess ill just chalk this up to a dead end but its good to know how the system works anyway
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-11-05 17:58:12 UTC
HalfArse wrote:
thanks for the replies - already have all my trading skills to max, not sure if i have connections but ill train it just for the sake of it. I absolutely will not do any mission of any kind :P cant stand them, so I guess ill just chalk this up to a dead end but its good to know how the system works anyway

Data Center missions are along the lines of: 1) Purchase tags in Jita 2) Fly out to Mission giver 3) Turn in Tags 4) Win

My home-grown Jita alt was able to go from 0.75% broker to 0.58% by purchasing around 200m of tags. Amarr datacenter missions also help Jita standings, just not as much.
Far Ranger
#12 - 2012-11-05 18:11:17 UTC
Here's the link to where I keep that chart to which Barakach linked. If I update the chart in the future, I will try to make sure that this link has the update, or points to it:

On standing buy orders, you pay broker fees when posting or updating the order.

On standing sell orders, you pay broker fees when posting or updating the order and sales tax when items are sold.

On immediate orders (those with a duration of "immediate"), you do not pay any broker fees, but you will still pay sales tax if any items are sold.

You can reduce the sales tax using the Accounting skill. Standings have no effect on sales taxes.

You can reduce the broker fees using the Broker Relations skill, and via your standings with the station at which you are setting or updating the order. The reduction in broker fees is based on what that faction and corporation think about you (not your corporation), and faction standings are more than twice as meaningful than corporation standings in this regard. Other skills (e.g., Connections) do not help in this calculation.

There are some "data center agents" that will give you a decent standings boost for simply giving them them some tags that you can buy on the market. Not cheap, typically, but quick and easy.