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Improvements suggested for Market operations.

Black Anvil Industries
#1 - 2011-10-04 08:34:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Roldanus
Greetings to the CSM and all interested pilots.

I have been playing EVE since 2008 and would really like some improvements done to the current tools provided for Supply & Demand Market analysis, don't have anything against EVE Central Market website but it is quite obsolete if you want to really want to dedicate your development to Trading inside the game.

1. Market Information
I guess this is the first thing I would like to raise as a concern.
We are so posed to be living a futuristic in-game life experience based on the technology designed by CCP but Market Information transparency regarding what is being sold or demanded elsewhere your current Region is very difficult to get and follow. As well as in EvE Central Market one should be able to easily sort market info from anywhere in the game:

a. Prices
b. Quantities Supplied and Demanded
c. Select timeframe for query
d. Customized dashboard of indicators for watch list.
e. Ability to download to excel files/ Numbers Mac worksheets any information request.

2. Marketing Tools
Provide a place to put advertisements, space cans and cargos with long texts are not fulfilling the need.
Im not asking to populate eve space of crowded communications, but we could eventually have a couple of systems were you can put your own station or advertisement to make people enter and buy only your stuff. Moreover, being able to better communicate your offers and not just morse code messages in trading channels.

3. Financial Services

Its quite a complex market but we are not able to have Banks, this is really needed when you are focused in Trading.
I know that most players are mainly interested in PvP but there is at least a small community of professionals that really enjoy and have fun with the cycle of Mining, Manufacturing and Selling. My case...
In these cases, NPCs financial services would be an interesting concept to develop and I do believe is quite simple.
Corps could also be able to set their own Banks and communicate it to the EvE community. Not saying this should be easy to get. probably more difficult than to open a Corp.

4. Corporation Stock Market

If a Corp is doing very well but would like to take their economic growth beyond, why not enabling the possibility to Corps and investors to interact in a digital stock market place?
This will also bring improved market performance and funding.

5. Freelance sales representatives contracts

If we do have contracts for people that are able to provide distribution services, why couldn't we offer products for resale and paying a commission without needing to sell the full items and then make the salesman bare all the risk. Some enthusiastic sales people could power up items availability and market competition benefiting everyone.

Ok guys have other suggestions regarding the subject but not as important as these ones.
Could u provide feedback if this can be escalated to CCP or not?

Thanks and good luck

Black Anvil Industries Corporation
Hr Mesetas
Domain Trade Corp
#2 - 2011-10-18 08:05:02 UTC
I would really like a stock market and i gort some ideas how to do this, but it seems like my post dont get posted for some reason :-(
Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2011-10-18 08:31:04 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
For number 3... it has already been done. In fact... it was done so well that when when it came to its "predictable end," it got a mention as one of the top "griefer" moves in MMO history.

7 D*ck moves in MMO history - Page 2

edit: damn filter... you have retype the actual word into the link to go there...****-moves-in-history-online-gaming_p2/

edit2: also... NPC banks wouldn't work either. Create character(s) --> take out loan(s) --> send ISK to X alt(s) / buy hard assets and leave them in "convenient" location for X alt(s) --> rinse and repeat through different accounts/characters to make tracking difficult/impossible --> pick up ISK/assets --> delete character(s) with loan(s) --> roll in free ISK
Black Anvil Industries
#4 - 2011-10-18 17:18:13 UTC
I understand your points but dont think its impossible to track. Financial services could be given and provided through account info. If the user doesnt pay theb the credit card is being charged.

An I agree with HRs previous comment. If our suggestions dont match CSM heads pwrsonal interests then the post is left aside or we are answered with very limites thoughts or depth in the comments.
Black Anvil Industries
#5 - 2011-10-18 17:21:14 UTC
Hr Mesetas wrote:
I would really like a stock market and i gort some ideas how to do this, but it seems like my post dont get posted for some reason :-(

I agree. It happens that is some smart solutions are being raised and are not in line with CSM heads personal interests then u are left aside.
Please contact me in Eve tonight, id like to chat with u about this.
Black Anvil Industries
#6 - 2011-10-18 17:23:21 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
For number 3... it has already been done. In fact... it was done so well that when when it came to its "predictable end," it got a mention as one of the top "griefer" moves in MMO history.

7 D*ck moves in MMO history - Page 2

edit: damn filter... you have retype the actual word into the link to go there...****-moves-in-history-online-gaming_p2/

edit2: also... NPC banks wouldn't work either. Create character(s) --> take out loan(s) --> send ISK to X alt(s) / buy hard assets and leave them in "convenient" location for X alt(s) --> rinse and repeat through different accounts/characters to make tracking difficult/impossible --> pick up ISK/assets --> delete character(s) with loan(s) --> roll in free ISK

Well and what about the other ideas???
Hr Mesetas
Domain Trade Corp
#7 - 2011-10-19 20:49:36 UTC
My Main interrest is the stockmarket, but i think your post had some great potentials!

Marketing Tools.
- I´ve been wanting the possibility to place ads on the billboards for the price of X ISK. That leads to a secondary option : Corporate billbords
- Ads on Capitain´s Quarters screen
- Corporate stations/corp shops is an interesting idea, but we should keep in mind that this could overcrowd systems like Jita if not controlled properly.

Fiscal Services
- To make EVE-banks a reality, the banks need to be able to claim collateral e.g ships, mats, items etc. so that that ISK cant be transfered to another char without losses.
- Loan Contracts is also an opportunity, but again collateral is needed

Freelance Salesmen
- Also a good idea! Adjusting prices is quite boring so if contracts could be set up to have someone else do it for X %, that would be great.

Stock Market (my main interest)
- This could open up a whole new dimension of trading in EVE !
- As is, trading corp shares is based on trust because there is ZERO guarantee that a scammer wont run of with the ISK you invested.
- CORP SECURITY is a major factor. I´ve talked to alot of CEO´s searching for corps to invest in, but everybody are afraid of corp-takeovers. With a multi member corp 5% is enough to vote out the CEO (as far as i know) Only single person-corps are are safe because non corp members cant replace a corp member CEO.
- "Corp History" is an essential part to make this work. The public/potentional investors need to be able to see corp info like : Payout-details, corporate strategy, corp-age, # of corp members and shareholders etc to be able to evaluate the corp shares.
- Of course there need to be a stock market equal to the regular market where you can buy or sell shares.