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[SUHLD] - Assistance

Inara Subaka
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#1 - 2012-11-03 00:48:47 UTC
There are those of you who do not know me, so I'll be as clear with my words as I know how.

I currently have over half a million souls in my care, some of them are in need of medical attention. Sadly, my staff and those I'm working with are not prepared for such a volume of people.

In terms of resources, we find ourselves in need of high-grade antibiotics and vaccines (AIMEDs are also welcome, but not necessary) to address current small problems and prevent any future problems; any donations will be accepted. Any and all food donations would also be greatly beneficial, my own stocks are holding for the time being; but as with everything, there are finite limits and I'd rather not deplete them any more than necessary.

All known major medical conditions are being taken care of by the staff already on-hand. We would accept any nursing staff for routine check-ups as well as Psychologists and Psychiatrists; these people have been in a rather stressful situation in the recent past, having a chance of falling into Nation control and a full mental evaluation during their interview process is necessary before the next steps may be taken.

Once the interview process has been completed and their psychological state has been evaluated, they will be moved to their rightful homes. A number of volunteers have already agreed to help with the transportation process, and we'll be in contact with people from their home regions to handle local travel arrangements.

With all of these needs, delivery to Amarr would be preferable, but near any major trade-hub will suffice; Contract to myself or Morwen Lagann, or either of our corporations, Subaka Holdings or Tyrathlion Interstellar.

Inara Subaka,
§CEO - Subaka Holdings
Gussarde en Welle
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-11-03 02:59:22 UTC
Inara Subaka wrote:
There are those of you who do not know me, so I'll be as clear with my words as I know how.

I currently have over half a million souls in my care, some of them are in need of medical attention. Sadly, my staff and those I'm working with are not prepared for such a volume of people.

In terms of resources, we find ourselves in need of high-grade antibiotics and vaccines (AIMEDs are also welcome, but not necessary) to address current small problems and prevent any future problems; any donations will be accepted. Any and all food donations would also be greatly beneficial, my own stocks are holding for the time being; but as with everything, there are finite limits and I'd rather not deplete them any more than necessary.

All known major medical conditions are being taken care of by the staff already on-hand. We would accept any nursing staff for routine check-ups as well as Psychologists and Psychiatrists; these people have been in a rather stressful situation in the recent past, having a chance of falling into Nation control and a full mental evaluation during their interview process is necessary before the next steps may be taken.

Once the interview process has been completed and their psychological state has been evaluated, they will be moved to their rightful homes. A number of volunteers have already agreed to help with the transportation process, and we'll be in contact with people from their home regions to handle local travel arrangements.

With all of these needs, delivery to Amarr would be preferable, but near any major trade-hub will suffice; Contract to myself or Morwen Lagann, or either of our corporations, Subaka Holdings or Tyrathlion Interstellar.

Inara Subaka,
§CEO - Subaka Holdings

I can assist with bulk delivery of medical supply. You need me to ship to Amarr prime?

1 Sick Duck Standss on something
#3 - 2012-11-03 08:00:19 UTC
Inara Subaka wrote:
There are those of you who do not know me, so I'll be as clear with my words as I know how.

I currently have over half a million souls in my care, some of them are in need of medical attention. Sadly, my staff and those I'm working with are not prepared for such a volume of people.

In terms of resources, we find ourselves in need of high-grade antibiotics and vaccines (AIMEDs are also welcome, but not necessary) to address current small problems and prevent any future problems; any donations will be accepted. Any and all food donations would also be greatly beneficial, my own stocks are holding for the time being; but as with everything, there are finite limits and I'd rather not deplete them any more than necessary.

All known major medical conditions are being taken care of by the staff already on-hand. We would accept any nursing staff for routine check-ups as well as Psychologists and Psychiatrists; these people have been in a rather stressful situation in the recent past, having a chance of falling into Nation control and a full mental evaluation during their interview process is necessary before the next steps may be taken.

Once the interview process has been completed and their psychological state has been evaluated, they will be moved to their rightful homes. A number of volunteers have already agreed to help with the transportation process, and we'll be in contact with people from their home regions to handle local travel arrangements.

With all of these needs, delivery to Amarr would be preferable, but near any major trade-hub will suffice; Contract to myself or Morwen Lagann, or either of our corporations, Subaka Holdings or Tyrathlion Interstellar.

Inara Subaka,
§CEO - Subaka Holdings

I can supply a few containers of humanitarian aids to take care of your 500,000 problems. I just need to run a few "Intercept the saboteurs" missions to get those humanitarian aids.
Kuchu Ko
#4 - 2012-11-03 09:51:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuchu Ko
I think perhaps you should consider handing these Slaves over to a reputable humanitarian organisation with the capability and experience to deal with them?

Perhaps Ston Momaki and the Disciples of Ston would be willing to take them off your hands...
Shiroh Yatamii
Alexylva Paradox
#5 - 2012-11-03 15:11:24 UTC
I'll see what I can do.
Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#6 - 2012-11-03 20:49:52 UTC
The True Slave Foundations has the capacity to care for that many, and more.

Please contact me privately if you would like to arrange terms.
The Shard Restaurant
#7 - 2012-11-03 20:56:54 UTC
Dear mr. Subaka,

Providence class medical freighter "NATION // Ticonderoga" is currently enroute to Amarr.
Facilitation of any medical needs and housing will be provided on site. Courtesy of The Shard Restaurant.

No thanks are in order.
Inara Subaka
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#8 - 2012-11-04 06:26:18 UTC
Gussarde en Welle wrote:
I can assist with bulk delivery of medical supply. You need me to ship to Amarr prime?

If you would be so kind, it is the most convenient for us at the present time. However, near any of the large trade-centers would work as well.
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#9 - 2012-11-04 07:33:16 UTC
First of all, I'd like to post to confirm that donated supplies can be contracted to me or Tyrathlion Interstellar, in addition to Inara or her corporation, Subaka Holdings.

To those who have donated already - you have our most sincere thanks, and that of the people in our care. To those who have not donated yet and are considering doing so, your assistance will not go unnoticed, and the effect it will have on these people will be immeasurable. While we are hoping for donations of large quantities of supplies, donations of any size will be welcomed - every bit counts and makes a difference to these people.

Second, I would also like to confirm that Tyrathlion Interstellar has been chosen by Inara to provide housing and primary care for these people during their rehabilitation and recovery period prior to the arranging of transportation home or to a destination of their choosing. I take this task seriously, and look forward to working with her and the others involved in this project - including Esna Pitoojee - to help these people.

Kuchu Ko wrote:
I think perhaps you should consider handing these Slaves over to a reputable humanitarian organisation with the capability and a experience to deal with them?

Perhaps Ston Momaki and the Disciples of Ston would be willing to take them off your hands...

Mr. Ko:

This has already been considered; indeed, the people involved with the project are working with my corporation for the time being - as we have more than sufficient space and facilities to handle their needs and requirements, there is no present need for additional support in that manner, nor is there expected to be.

While the Disciples of Ston are more than welcome to assist by donating medical supplies to either myself, Inara, or to our corporations, any offers by the Disciples to provide personnel or facilities, or requests for transfer of custody, will be met with firm refusal, as I and others have multiple concerns as to the integrity of the organization and its people: not only do I not believe that they could be trusted in my corporation's facilities, I am given little reason to believe that those rescued by Ston and his associates ever leave their "matriculation centers".

As the intended end result of all this is for the over six hundred and fifteen thousand people currently in our care to be sent home, I cannot, and will not, consider or authorize any transfer of custody to Ston's organization, nor access for their representatives to our facilities.

Anyone else with questions should feel free to contact any of those listed in this thread.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Kuchu Ko
#10 - 2012-11-04 16:07:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuchu Ko
This has already been considered; indeed, the people involved with the project are working with my corporation for the time being - as we have more than sufficient space and facilities to handle their needs and requirements, there is no present need for additional support in that manner, nor is there expected to be.

Clearly you do not have sufficient "space or facilities to handle their needs and requirements" or you would not be here asking for supplies to feed and treat these people.

I mean; if you were adequately prepared surely you would not be here, am I right?

Morwen Lagann wrote:
While the Disciples of Ston are more than welcome to assist by donating medical supplies to either myself, Inara, or to our corporations, any offers by the Disciples to provide personnel or facilities, or requests for transfer of custody, will be met with firm refusal, as I and others have multiple concerns as to the integrity of the organization and its people: not only do I not believe that they could be trusted in my corporation's facilities, I am given little reason to believe that those rescued by Ston and his associates ever leave their "matriculation centers".

Thats a bold statement where is your evidence that Ston Momaki is not working in the best interests of the people he is saving from almost certain death?

Also, are you trying to convince us that you, a known pirate and an ex-angel representative, are in a better position to treat these people than a dedicated humanitarian organisation, who subsequently has done nothing but save lives since inception? ...Really?

I mean honestly, you've involved Esna Pitoojee a known Slaver, you yourself are a pirate and Inara Subaka also a pirate and ex-angel representative. Involving all these criminals and Slavers really doesn't lend any credibility to your cause.

I think the only thing you're interested in is the PR from this exercise.
Khazarn Areth
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-11-04 16:31:33 UTC
Myself and my crew are more than capable of caring for these people should you need extra assistance in this humanitarian matter.

Bloody Omir's coming back Monsters from the endless black Wading through a crimson flood Omir's come to drink your blood

Ollie Rundle
#12 - 2012-11-04 16:37:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Ollie Rundle
Kuchu Ko wrote:
I think perhaps you should consider handing these Slaves over to a reputable humanitarian organisation with the capability and a experience to deal with them?

Perhaps Ston Momaki and the Disciples of Ston would be willing to take them off your hands...

Not to let facts get in the way of a good argument, but I think the highlighted parts of your assertion perhaps require further analysis.

DSTON's experience is in the retrieval and subsequent "matriculation" of approximately 40-80 people per day. This estimate is taken from their own publically available record.

By contrast, SUHLD and TYRIN are in the midst of processing, treating and returning some 615500 people obtained in a single bulk rollover. On numbers alone, this is vastly beyond anything DSTON has currently displayed the capability to deal with.

To put it into context, even by the most generous of estimates based on DSTON's current figures it would be more than 15 years of daily 'retrievals' by DSTON before they could lay claim to that many people and the most they have ever dealt with in a singular instance is approximately 0.01% of the number SUHLD/TYRIN are currently working on.

To me, insisting that SUHLD and TYRIN are any less qualified than DSTON to pursue the rehabilitation and return of these individuals seems entirely without basis.
Kuchu Ko
#13 - 2012-11-04 16:40:45 UTC
Ollie Rundle wrote:
Kuchu Ko wrote:
I think perhaps you should consider handing these Slaves over to a reputable humanitarian organisation with the capability and a experience to deal with them?

Perhaps Ston Momaki and the Disciples of Ston would be willing to take them off your hands...

Not to let facts get in the way of a good argument, but I think the highlighted parts of your assertion perhaps require further analysis.

STON's experience is in the retrieval and subsequent "matriculation" of approximately 40-80 people per day. This estimate is taken from their own publically available record.

By contrast, SUHLD and TYRIN are in the midst of processing, treating and returning some 615500 people obtained in a single bulk rollover. On numbers alone, this is vastly beyond anything STON has currently displayed the capability to deal with.

To put it into context, even by the most generous of estimates based on STON's current figures it would be more than 15 years of daily 'retrievals' by STON before they could lay claim to that many people and the most they have ever dealt with in a singular instance is approximately 0.01% of the number SUHLD/TYRIN are currently working on.

To me, insisting that SUHLD and TYRIN are any less qualified than STON to pursue the rehabilitation and return of these individuals seems entirely without basis.

Honestly, two corporations with no prior experience of dealing with a humanitarian crisis are better qualified than one that is working at it day in day out, no matter the scale?

I'm sorry but your argument presents nothing but bullshit considering they openly admit to working with Slavers.
Ava Starfire
Khushakor Clan
#14 - 2012-11-04 16:42:29 UTC
Skadi's Call has a large quantity of medical supplies, including antibiotics and medical equipment, left from the last "Assistance shipment" sent to us by the I-RED. We would be happy to donate some of this to assisting these people.

We also fund a hospital and long term care center for children and families with high-needs in Gelfiven. We would be happy to transport and care for any individuals who may be suffering from long term physical and/or psychological problems (This is what the center is for) such as TBI, Vitoxin dependency, psychological issues, or severe physical disability.

In short, we will do whatever we can to help these people.

Avlynka Surionen

"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"

Ollie Rundle
#15 - 2012-11-04 17:07:14 UTC
Kuchu Ko wrote:
Honestly, two corporations with no prior experience of dealing with a humanitarian crisis are better qualified than one that is working at it day in day out, no matter the scale?

I'm sorry but your argument presents nothing but bullshit considering they openly admit to working with Slavers.

I'd argue that 40-80 people a day hardly presents itself logically as a crisis. You see, Mr Ko, the scale of this is what gives it the potential for a crisis - a fact you're choosing to ignore.

What the "bullshit" numbers display adequately is that DSTON does not work on a humanitarian crisis of this scale "day in day out". As such I maintain that DSTON doesn't present itself as any more or less likely to be able to manage something of this scale than either SUHLD or TYRIN do.

The reality is that it's probably beyond the means of any one or few corps to handle well, which is why the request for assistance shouldn't be dismissed as an opportunity for PR but rather a genuine plea designed to help these people.
Natalcya Katla
Astropolitan Front
#16 - 2012-11-04 17:08:32 UTC
Not to sound callous, but if you're going to be stopping by major trade hubs anyway, can't you just buy the supplies and hire the people you need there? You're both veteran capsuleers, and I can't imagine you're hurting for ISK.

If you have the space to house six hundred thousand and free access to the interstellar market - and it sounds like you do - the rest should go fairly easily. Six hundred thousand sounds like a lot, but both the market and the wallets of capsuleers are certainly big enough to see to their needs without putting much of a dent in either.
Kuchu Ko
#17 - 2012-11-04 17:38:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuchu Ko
I'd argue that 40-80 people a day hardly presents itself logically as a crisis. You see, Mr Ko, the scale of this is what gives it the potential for a crisis - a fact you're choosing to ignore.

Hardly presents itself logically as a crisis... Every single individual rescued or brought back from the brink of death is undergoing their own personal crisis, just because the scale does not meet your expectations doesn't mean it isn't a crisis.

Secondly I'm not choosing to ignore anything, I'm merely questioning whether SUHLD or TYRIN; two corporations run by criminals who associate with pirates and slavers are really the best people to be dealing with this situation - a fact you're choosing to ignore.

What the "bullshit" numbers display adequately is that DSTON does not work on a humanitarian crisis of this scale "day in day out". As such I maintain that DSTON doesn't present itself as any more or less likely to be able to manage something of this scale than either SUHLD or TYRIN do.

At least DSTON has a credible record of what they are doing, what do SUHLD and TYRIN present us? Oh that's right, a criminal corporate front associated with slavers... I know where I'd rather be treated.

The reality is that it's probably beyond the means of any one or few corps to handle well

On this at least we agree.
Kuchu Ko
#18 - 2012-11-04 18:19:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuchu Ko
If SUHLD & TYRIN would be willing to make a public statement that incorporates in some shape or form the below, I would be willing to provide assistance directly to these organisations.

However, at the moment there is nothing to stop these two organisations leeching supplies from good, honest individuals and organisations and then attempting to re-sell these poor people into the Amarrian slave market.

I would like to see that...

  1. All of the people are relocated to a station outside the Amarr Empire, Ammatar Mandate or Khanid Kingdom.
  2. All of the people retain the indefinite right to leave the SUHLD/TYRIN compound of their own free will.
  3. A guarantee that neither of these organisations will sell, trade, facilitate or condone the transfer of said individuals into the Amarrian slave market.

If they were to promise this then I would be happy to assist.
Inara Subaka
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#19 - 2012-11-04 18:30:28 UTC
Kuchu Ko wrote:
Clearly you do not have sufficient "space or facilities to handle their needs and requirements" or you would not be here asking for supplies to feed and treat these people.

I mean; if you were adequately prepared surely you would not be here, am I right?

Imagine you have a dozen apples to feed to a dozen people with your evening meal, that afternoon you have company that was unexpected appear on your doorstep. Do you not serve apples with the meal, or do you acquire more to accommodate them?

These facilities had already been put into place and were being utilized for smaller numbers. Expanding them required that those working on this are simply expending more resources than we were originally intending. Our supplies are holding, they simply will not hold indefinitely.

My own staff has been dealing with rehabilitation of people that have been through traumatic experiences in the hands of the Covenant. As I don't have enough people under me to handle this volume, I had to enlist the assistance of others; not all of the people involved are publicly known, and if they wish to be known they will either contact me to say something or bring their involvement to light on their own.

Kuchu Ko wrote:
...Inara Subaka also a pirate and ex-angel representative. Involving all these criminals and Slavers really doesn't lend any credibility to your cause.

I would kindly ask that you rethink your statements, it is highly offensive to refer to someone you don't know by a title you don't understand. I am not, and never will be, a pirate; regardless the CONCORD diatribe you may have read, those of us who do business outside of their jurisdiction are not the monsters they'd have you believe.

Khazarn Areth wrote:
Myself and my crew are more than capable of caring for these people should you need extra assistance in this humanitarian matter.

Mr. Areth, thank you for the offer, but as has been stated: collectively, the combined staffs of myself and the others working with me are more than sufficient for those purposes.

Kuchu Ko wrote:
Honestly, two corporations with no prior experience of dealing with a humanitarian crisis are better qualified than one that is working at it day in day out, no matter the scale?

I'm sorry but your argument presents nothing but bullshit considering they openly admit to working with Slavers.

I'm happy to inform you that your information is... extremely dated. Me and my staff have personally been dealing with the health concerns of people surviving horrible experiences for nearly 5 years. I can't speak for the other's experience, but I've had nothing but resounding success. Several months ago, I even managed to return some former Republic Naval officers to their rightful home, after they'd been taken by Covenant forces after one of the proxy-war battles.

As this conversation seems to be infecting our call for assistance, this is the last you'll hear on the subject. Either help, or don't; your opinions on the matter are no longer welcomed in civil conversation.

On to more important matters at hand...

Ava Starfire wrote:
Skadi's Call has a large quantity of medical supplies, including antibiotics and medical equipment, left from the last "Assistance shipment" sent to us by the I-RED. We would be happy to donate some of this to assisting these people.

We also fund a hospital and long term care center for children and families with high-needs in Gelfiven. We would be happy to transport and care for any individuals who may be suffering from long term physical and/or psychological problems (This is what the center is for) such as TBI, Vitoxin dependency, psychological issues, or severe physical disability.

In short, we will do whatever we can to help these people.

Avlynka Surionen

Your assistance is greatly appreciated Pilot Surionen, any supplies you wish to donate will be accepted with pleasure. At this time, we don't intend to transport them; the plan is to make sure there are no lasting health concerns, as well as performing full psychological evaluations. As I'm sure you're aware, this will take some time.

However, we may be in touch later about assistance in transporting those who will need to be returned to the Republic. That will have to be discussed in the future, no need to get ahead of ourselves yet.
Kuchu Ko
#20 - 2012-11-04 18:45:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuchu Ko
I've called you out because your records mean you are quite frankly, untrustworthy.

If you have nothing to hide and no hidden agendas, and truly do wish the best for these people, make a public oath as per my last transmission, then I will offer you my assistance.
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