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EVE General Discussion

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communism is the answer

First post
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2012-10-31 09:08:55 UTC
Thread has been cleared of rumour and off topic posts.

Forum Rules wrote:

24. Off-topic posting is not allowed.

Off-topic posts are not prohibited but should be posted within reason. Excessive off-topic posts that derail a thread may result in the thread being locked.

30. Rumour threads and posts

Rumour threads and posts which are based off no actual information and are designed to either troll or annoy other users will be locked and removed. Players who engage in these type of threads can expect to receive a warning and ban.

Please stay on topic - ISD Type40.

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Silk daShocka
Greasy Hair Club
#82 - 2012-10-31 09:26:40 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
PS: Selective selling isn't how a communist economy works.

The communist economic theory depends upon social ownership of goods. You don't build for yoruself, you build for everyone. You don't produce resources for yourself, your produce for everyone.

That is WHY high sec industry is already communism. Becuse it's social in that it PROVIDES FOR EVERYONE. Null can not escape from the centralized industrialization of high sec, and therefore is dependant on high sec and it's social ownership of goods.

Hi-sec isn't a communist organization. There are however communist corps/alliances in eve, as well as some corps/alliances in eve that have communist policies, such as goons and they're ship replacement program.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#83 - 2012-10-31 09:35:50 UTC
Silk daShocka wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
PS: Selective selling isn't how a communist economy works.

The communist economic theory depends upon social ownership of goods. You don't build for yoruself, you build for everyone. You don't produce resources for yourself, your produce for everyone.

That is WHY high sec industry is already communism. Becuse it's social in that it PROVIDES FOR EVERYONE. Null can not escape from the centralized industrialization of high sec, and therefore is dependant on high sec and it's social ownership of goods.

Hi-sec isn't a communist organization. There are however communist corps/alliances in eve, as well as some corps/alliances in eve that have communist policies, such as goons and they're ship replacement program.

Goons/TEST aren't communist at all. Nobody has to pay anyone anything, and you can make as much money as you like. It's more like the UK, actually; capitalism but with an NHS.
#84 - 2012-10-31 09:49:49 UTC  |  Edited by: pussnheels
true power comes thru the barrel of a gun

I think that was Mao tse tsjung , hardline chinese communist

so the OP must be reading something else than das kapital

personally I think the OP has absolutely no idea what communism and/ or socialism actual stands for

but let us not discuss politics

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#85 - 2012-10-31 10:16:07 UTC
Real life politics and EVE are not a good combination and should be avoided.
Same for Religion and EVE.
Inquisitor Kitchner
The Executives
#86 - 2012-10-31 10:17:54 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

Goons/TEST aren't communist at all. Nobody has to pay anyone anything, and you can make as much money as you like. It's more like the UK, actually; capitalism but with an NHS.

They are quite communist in fairness. Let's have a look at some common factors:

  1. Means of production are seized by the state (tech moons etc.)
  2. Welfare packages to those in need (free skillbooks, rifters for newbros etc)
  3. Driven by Ideology (Both currently waging war on "Elite PvP"
  4. Leadership Cults (The Mittani vs Montolio)
  5. Desire to bring more people under their way of living (Mainly HBC on this one tbh)
  6. Tactics favour body of numbers over asymmetrical warfare (quantity > quality)
  7. Prices ultimately watched but not controlled by leadership (someone starts putting totally unfair prices on the market will get a telling off)

I'm proud to be a member of both forms of space communism, and so should you comrade!

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." - Niccolo Machiavelli

Den Arius
Monte Inc
#87 - 2012-10-31 10:30:34 UTC
Inquisitor Kitchner wrote:
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

Goons/TEST aren't communist at all. Nobody has to pay anyone anything, and you can make as much money as you like. It's more like the UK, actually; capitalism but with an NHS.

They are quite communist in fairness. Let's have a look at some common factors:

  1. Means of production are seized by the state (tech moons etc.)
  2. Welfare packages to those in need (free skillbooks, rifters for newbros etc)
  3. Driven by Ideology (Both currently waging war on "Elite PvP"
  4. Leadership Cults (The Mittani vs Montolio)
  5. Desire to bring more people under their way of living (Mainly HBC on this one tbh)
  6. Tactics favour body of numbers over asymmetrical warfare (quantity > quality)
  7. Prices ultimately watched but not controlled by leadership (someone starts putting totally unfair prices on the market will get a telling off)

I'm proud to be a member of both forms of space communism, and so should you comrade!

Who told you this, Mittani man?


Inquisitor Kitchner
The Executives
#88 - 2012-10-31 10:37:44 UTC
Den Arius wrote:

Who told you this, Mittani man?

Who told me what?

All the things I just listed that anyone with even half a brain already knows about the CFC and HBC?

Or the fact that I'm proud to be in my alliance? Aren't you proud of yours?

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." - Niccolo Machiavelli

Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#89 - 2012-10-31 11:18:36 UTC
Serf of Hurlbat wrote:
Chribba wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Serf of Hurlbat wrote:

Chribba is a face, not a body. It is only the body (the working peoples) who can stand against oppression.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post

Ah yes, but even a group needs a single face.

Surely you can find a better looking face than mine Lol

Yes, however before it is being implied that the face was a leader or revolutionary - that is the body (the working peoples).

I wasn't implying that, I'm just stating that I have an ugly face and there are far more beautiful people out there. My body is even worse looking.


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Li Song
Viriette Tactical Systems
#90 - 2012-10-31 15:07:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Li Song

I think there exists some confusion in this thread about what constitutes a capitalist economy and what doesn't. Yet, a thorough analysis of this issue is required to clearly identify the exploiters and exploited, the oppressors and the oppressed.

Does EVE have a capitalist economy? It would appear so at first sight, as the economy of EVE is a commodity economy. "The wealth of those societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails, presents itself as 'an immense accumulation of commodities,' …" (Das Kapital, Vol 1, Ch. 1), and this phenomenon we can observe in EVE, too.

The social division of labour in EVE is well developed. Almost all producers in EVE produce for the market and buy what they need off the market. To put it differently, we produce our wares for their exchange value and do not concern ourselves with their use value. We don't produce dozens and scores of MSE II's or Command Processors because we need them, we produce them because they sell for a profit. Thus, the economy in EVE largely reproduces the arche-typical movement of capital: Invest capital to produce commodities (C) with the aim of accumulating more capital (M) (M-C-M'-C-M''... ad infinitum).

Our analysis thus far appears to confirm the frequently expressed bourgeoise sentiment that EVE is the perfect simulation of a market economy, the utopia of a harsh and ruthlessly competitive capitalist economy, in which producers and consumers are united through relationships of exchange that in their totality form a harmonious equilibrium, a classless society.

But, as usual, this superficial look at the economy as nothing but a market (the sphere of exchange) conceals the true social relationships that make up the EVE economy. We must divert our analysis form the sphere of exchange and focus on the the sphere of production, the sphere of the economy where the abundant wealth is actually created that later circulates through the EVE economy.

Value is created through work, through human labour. Our billions and trillions of ISK would be worth nothing if we couldn't exchange them for commodities, our money is only worth as much as what we can buy for it (not vice-versa!) and these commodities have value because a certain amount of labour was invested in their creation, because effort was invested to make an item of use.

If we want to know whether EVE is a capitalist economy, we need to know what constitutes capitalist relations of production. How does a capitalist produce? By employing the labour of others. How does the capitalist accumulate capital? By paying the worker a wage that is of lower value than the commodity that her labour has produced. The difference between wage and value of the commodity produced is appropriated by the capitalist. This difference is called surplus value and this surplus value is converted into profit for the capitalist when the commodity is sold on the market.

Under what circumstances can we speak of a capitalist economy? When the production relations described above are the dominant production relations in an economy. Do such production relations exist in EVE? Yes, they do, as I will explain. Are they dominant in the EVE economy? I think not, though this would need to be the subject of more thorough research, for which there is no place here.

For now I will only make the proposal that three distinct relations of production co-exist in EVE:

  1. Capitalist relations of production: These exist in corporations where surplus value is appropriated by the corporation from the labour of its members in one of two ways: One, and most obviously, by having the members of the corporation produce and sell for the corporation, using its means of production. A wage is payed in the form of either monetary or material reimbursements for the labour provided or by providing other services to varying degrees. The other way is to have the members produce for themselves, but to appropriate surplus value from their work through corporate taxes. These relations of production, however, are capitalist in nature only when the control rights over the corporation and its assets and thus the power to decide of how profits are reinvested, rest not with those members of the corporation that are tasked with producing its wealth, but rather with the CEO or a limited group of shareholders etc.
  2. Cooperative/syndicalist relations of production: Here, surplus value is systematically appropriated by the corporation like described above for capitalist relations of production. The difference, however, is that all members, or at least the productive ones, get to decide over how the accumulated capital is put to use democratically.
  3. Individual/petty-producers: Individuals who exploit their own labour for their own profit.

From these three relations of production emerge three classes: Capitalists, workers (free and bonded), and the petty-bourgeoisie.
Li Song
Viriette Tactical Systems
#91 - 2012-10-31 15:07:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Li Song
Now, in a real-life capitalist economy, the tendency is that once capitalist production relations become dominant, they tend to displace all other kinds of production relations. Why is this not the case in EVE? The answer lies in the limits of capital accumulation that the game presents. In real-life capitalism accumulation knows no limits and as a result the organic composition of capital, that is the relation of machines and human labour in the production process, become more and more skewed in favor of the former as accumulation proceeds. This process creates and is at the same time driven by competition between capitalists.

In EVE, however, the organic composition of capital cannot be changed in favor of constant capital (machines/means of production) beyond a certain point, because we cannot innovate or invest in the improvement of the means of production. All means of production are constant in their capacity and everybody can easily learn how to use them to the fullest extent of their potential productivity (PE 5). This also means that the same amount of human labour is invested in the production of a commodity throughout the EVE economy, and thus each item of a kind is equally valuable (in fact, any two items which throughout their production chain require the same amount of labour time invested will be equally valuable).

This is why in EVE other, less competition-driven and thus less exploitative production relations can continue to exist next to capitalist production relations. In fact, there is no reason why anybody would be forced to submit to economically exploitative relationships in this game, because everybody can make a living for themselves (for this to happen CCP would have to introduce a mechanism into the game where one could invest exponentially growing amounts of capital into the productivity of their means of production. Just imagine how cool the game would be if you could ruin years of investments by blowing up a POS's production facilities. On the other hand, newcomers to the game would have to be wage laborers, as their would be no other way to make a buck).

But, back to the OP's original point for this thread: Does miner bumping have anything to do with capitalist exploitation? The answer to this question is at this point speculative, as we do not know who actually is behind miner bumping and what their true aims are. Some have speculated that it is a TEST front. Others think they are EVE's mobsters. Maybe they just want to enforce a new style of play, maybe they have less altruistic motives. Maybe James doesn't even know what the true motives of his backers are. I would propose this answer:

You see, when you want to enlarge your share of the profits realized in the whole economy, you step up the competition. Yet, in EVE, this cannot be done through investment in the means of production. But there is another way: in EVE you cannot decrease the average time of labour required to produce your own goods by increasing productivity, but what you can do is to increase the average time of labour required for the production of your competitions' goods by bumping their miners. If done systematically, each bump will increase the accumulated average time of labour required in the production of goods made from resources made by these miners. In the end, your own production process will be more productive than theirs. This way capitalist corporations in EVE can increase their productivity relatively to that of others.

Be this a sinister plot of EVE's bourgeoisie to destroy the organizations of free labour and the petty-producers or not, the actions of miner bumping do incur a real cost on free producers throughout EVE and thus threaten the non-exploitative production relations in which they have chosen to remain!

Free producers of EVE, unite!
Bing Bangboom
DAMAG Safety Commission
#92 - 2012-10-31 17:31:28 UTC
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:
Serf of Hurlbat wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Industry in new eden is already centralized and controlled by a single group, high sec.

It's already communism.

Please stop trying to discredit my compaign of bringing fairness and equallity to all of new eden through the abolishment of the communist grip on industry in high sec by supporting a compaing of introducing communism into high sec.

It will not work. I see through your veiled attempts at swaying people away from the facts.

High sec industry is communism.

The flawed logic which has lead you to this conclusion will be the down-fall of your alliance. High-sec markets and null-sec markets are the same, with different dynamics because they are in different areas with different laws.

Should we support the Halaima Peoples Front or the People's Front of Halaima?

Bumpers Vade in domum!

Highsec is worth fighting for.

By choosing to mine in New Order systems, highsec miners have agreed to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct.

Dar Manic
Dirt Road Services
#93 - 2012-10-31 18:27:53 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
PS: Selective selling isn't how a communist economy works.

The communist economic theory depends upon social ownership of goods. You don't build for yoruself, you build for everyone. You don't produce resources for yourself, your produce for everyone.

That is WHY high sec industry is already communism. Becuse it's social in that it PROVIDES FOR EVERYONE. Null can not escape from the centralized industrialization of high sec, and therefore is dependant on high sec and it's social ownership of goods.

Umm, no. You are confusing several different ideas in your definition of communism. In capitalism, you don't build for yourself, you build for others as well. The only correct part of your definition is the social ownership aspect.

"allowing for distribution based on need and social relations based on freely associated individuals." Underlined portion is a key indicator of communism. Hi sec doesn't fit that.

Seems kind of funny you are saying it is communism because others have something you don't? Why don't some of your corpmates go into hi sec and own the centralized indusrialization ...?

I really wish the people would just be honest and say they want eve to CHANGE to fit how they play. Notice how I said CHANGE. I'm not sure it is broken the way some very vocal people say it is.

Adapt or die as they say in eve... adapt to the way it is now or die. Love when peeps say that in a post when they are loudly advocating great changes in the game!!! That's not adapting... that's whining!! :)

I just don't understand null sec players.

**Please note: **Anytime I use the phrase PvP in a post, I'm talking about shooting/combat/killing things/blowing things up. Thank you.

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#94 - 2012-10-31 18:32:42 UTC
I've cleaned this thread of a lot of non EVE related politically charged posts.

Real life politics is not something that is suitable or allowed to be posted on these forums, it never ends well. That said, discussion of such ideologies within the context of EVE should not be an issue, as long as it remains only about EVE.

I'm quite interested to see where these discussions go and seeing the different ideas you all have, just please remember to post within the rules. Thank you and have fun Big smile - ISD Type40.

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#95 - 2012-10-31 19:00:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Natsett Amuinn
Dar Manic wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
PS: Selective selling isn't how a communist economy works.

The communist economic theory depends upon social ownership of goods. You don't build for yoruself, you build for everyone. You don't produce resources for yourself, your produce for everyone.

That is WHY high sec industry is already communism. Becuse it's social in that it PROVIDES FOR EVERYONE. Null can not escape from the centralized industrialization of high sec, and therefore is dependant on high sec and it's social ownership of goods.

Umm, no. You are confusing several different ideas in your definition of communism. In capitalism, you don't build for yourself, you build for others as well. The only correct part of your definition is the social ownership aspect.

"allowing for distribution based on need and social relations based on freely associated individuals." Underlined portion is a key indicator of communism. Hi sec doesn't fit that.

Seems kind of funny you are saying it is communism because others have something you don't? Why don't some of your corpmates go into hi sec and own the centralized indusrialization ...?

I really wish the people would just be honest and say they want eve to CHANGE to fit how they play. Notice how I said CHANGE. I'm not sure it is broken the way some very vocal people say it is.

Adapt or die as they say in eve... adapt to the way it is now or die. Love when peeps say that in a post when they are loudly advocating great changes in the game!!! That's not adapting... that's whining!! :)

No maam, I was giving a very base and simple explination of communism. I'm well aware of what it is and how it works, my political views are socialist; so it helps to understand these sorts of things in order to be credible in my political views.

I only say that high sec is communist in nature because industry is effectively centralized in high sec, which leads to a somewhat centralized market were a lot of goods are priced at near production cost, and because you can pretty much play as if there was no government at all in high sec.

About the only thing that really throws the whole thing off is the fact that you can say that ISK is money, not currency. PlEX acts like a gold standard and so you have real money instead of a fiat system of currency in EVE. As well as you're taxed by the factions in high sec which are the effective governments.

Of course high sec isn't really communism or Communism, it's just much closer to communism than null sec is.

Communism isn't communism, they're two different things. Communism is the centralization of governement, a single party system with an economic structure controlled by the government, but I'm not really talking about government in EVE, just industry. Communism, lower case c, just implies that there is no class or division, it doesn't really mean no "free" maket; only really that everything is done for the betterment of all people, and that there is an ABUNDANCE of resources available to all.

High sec isn't Communism, it's more like communism to me. Remove the 4 factions and it would be communism, because communism doesn't actually have the much to do with a government, it actually encourages NO GOVERNMENT.

Marx and Engels communist theory is not the same communism that Lennin practiced or what people have become familliar with today. China and Cuba are actually much closer to what Marx and Engel envisioned.

In high sec the industrialists (workers) are not disadvantageed by the peope buying the goods. However, in null sec the industrialist can not say the same. In high sec there isn't really a disproportionate distribution of wealth, in null the industrialists are effectively the lower class; you can't say that about the industrialist in high sec.

Nor am I saying that it's this way because it has something I want. I'm only saying it based on the way that null is impacted by high sec industry, as a full time industrialist who lives in null sec.
Shepard Wong Ogeko
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#96 - 2012-10-31 19:11:58 UTC
Inquisitor Kitchner wrote:
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

Goons/TEST aren't communist at all. Nobody has to pay anyone anything, and you can make as much money as you like. It's more like the UK, actually; capitalism but with an NHS.

They are quite communist in fairness. Let's have a look at some common factors:

  1. Means of production are seized by the state (tech moons etc.)
  2. Welfare packages to those in need (free skillbooks, rifters for newbros etc)
  3. Driven by Ideology (Both currently waging war on "Elite PvP"
  4. Leadership Cults (The Mittani vs Montolio)
  5. Desire to bring more people under their way of living (Mainly HBC on this one tbh)
  6. Tactics favour body of numbers over asymmetrical warfare (quantity > quality)
  7. Prices ultimately watched but not controlled by leadership (someone starts putting totally unfair prices on the market will get a telling off)

I'm proud to be a member of both forms of space communism, and so should you comrade!

We haven't reached communism yet. Right now, we are on our way into socialism, and would be better described as a welfare state some nationalized industries (tech moons).
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#97 - 2012-10-31 19:55:38 UTC
Torvin Yulus wrote:
james316 and the miner bumpers are continuing to grief people *snip*
fortunately with empty headed bumbers were blogging about bumping miners i waqs thinking about how to solve the problem

the problem: miners aren't getting the respect we deserve as the producers of all that exists in eve. we are the ship builders, the ammo makers, we are gods.

the solution: end free market

the free market allows griefiers to buy ships and equipment to grief us. i think we need to remove the eve market and only allow direct trade between two players in the same station using the trade window. this will prevent griefers from acquiring our products to use against us.

EDIT: Rumour posting is against forum rules - ISD Type40

All praise to the glorious people's leader TORVIN YULUS!

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Comrade Commizzar
Eve Revolutionary Army
#98 - 2012-10-31 20:01:16 UTC
Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote:
Inquisitor Kitchner wrote:
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

Goons/TEST aren't communist at all. Nobody has to pay anyone anything, and you can make as much money as you like. It's more like the UK, actually; capitalism but with an NHS.

They are quite communist in fairness. Let's have a look at some common factors:

  1. Means of production are seized by the state (tech moons etc.)
  2. Welfare packages to those in need (free skillbooks, rifters for newbros etc)
  3. Driven by Ideology (Both currently waging war on "Elite PvP"
  4. Leadership Cults (The Mittani vs Montolio)
  5. Desire to bring more people under their way of living (Mainly HBC on this one tbh)
  6. Tactics favour body of numbers over asymmetrical warfare (quantity > quality)
  7. Prices ultimately watched but not controlled by leadership (someone starts putting totally unfair prices on the market will get a telling off)

I'm proud to be a member of both forms of space communism, and so should you comrade!

We haven't reached communism yet. Right now, we are on our way into socialism, and would be better described as a welfare state some nationalized industries (tech moons).

The above from the very mouth of one of the Mitanni's serf's... Perhaps one day he will wake up to the fact of his own servitude.

As for the rest of these posers of Communist Principles, clearly there is great confusion on the matter.
As for a Communist Revolution in EVE, it will never happen. There are too many Alt character effects, too much warping of the economy from the effect of buying and selling Plex, and too much influence on the market due to "farming" elements of the game that prevents this from being possible.
J Kunjeh
#99 - 2012-10-31 20:18:23 UTC
Torvin Yulus wrote:

the problem: miners aren't getting the respect we deserve as the producers of all that exists in eve. we are the ship builders, the ammo makers, we are gods.

Yes, because clearly gods would spend the rest of eternity mining, or building crap...or PVP'ing for that matter. Always rubbed me wrong, the "we are immortal, we are gods" bit of Eve lore.

"The world as we know it came about through an anomaly (anomou)" (The Gospel of Philip, 1-5) 

Shepard Wong Ogeko
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#100 - 2012-10-31 20:31:29 UTC
Comrade Commizzar wrote:

The above from the very mouth of one of the Mitanni's serf's... Perhaps one day he will wake up to the fact of his own servitude.

Actually, several of us have demonstrated how we are farther along own the path of Marx's history, and thus farther way from being serfs than the rest of the Eve population.

In a way though, we have gone Stalinist, and rather than helping others along the path to communism, we are more likely to stop them and exploit their positions as capitalist wage slaves in order to improve our own standard of living.

But over all, we are a great example of how Space Communism is truly the best economic system to aim for.