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Strange transmission on multiple channels

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#1 - 2012-10-08 17:26:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
A communications feed hums into existence in the vast virtuality that comprises New Eden, beaming electronic determination that forces it to be displayed on a billion open receivers. Stealthily depositing it's ambiguous code into binary and ternary systems across the cluster, and beyond. Human and synthetic minds consciously and unconsciously assimilate the code and process it's meaning on a myriad of levels. It takes on a life of it's own.

The feed clarifies into a Caldari male of indeterminate age and Deteis heritage. He wears the formal attire of a State official, but, a strange insignia adorns the usual positions of the State logo. He is seated in a plush and officious looking stateroom. He begins in an unemotional, variable tone discourse that seems almost alien, and which many observers find extremely discomforting.

Human? What is human anymore? I thought, once, that I knew the answer to that question. I thought of myself as firmly planted within the broad sphere that encompassed such a derelict terminology.

We humans? You humans. For I, long ago, abandoned any claim to the simple endogenous roots of that backward social structure. My exogenous creation may have superseded such a colloquial nomenclature to begin with. And my choices certainly have. Freedom is a spiraling descent into a miasmic flood of morose self acceptance.

I have seen lesser beings spilling out their lives in the roadside gutters of toilet worlds created by the excess of their elite. I have burned far better in the cold furnaces of space. I have wondered at the seemingly suicidal march toward Utopia of the Jovians. Guided by a religion of scientific extremism, betrayed by good intention, they trapped themselves in an electronic apotheosis called singularity.

Do these cultural gods vie in a virtual battleground for the evolution of their artificially conceived greatness, the schism of a thousand minds crying out in unison? Driven like their demigod offspring to dismiss their brethren as abhorrent psychosis' of their own overriding psychologies? Have they finally learned to coexist in harmony with the universal order? Does the Amarr god sit table with them in the feast of ultimate harmony? Or is the story played out in cycle, the ultimate lie, free will, forever binding us all in a meaningless, hopeless mechanic of inevitability? Bound by a maker who feels no empathy for the hopelessness of it's creation.

You humans have created many things. Some beyond the grasp of your limited conception of the universe around you. Some, like me, holding the power to damn or save a million lives with a mere thought. Some are far worse. Some may wish reprisal for what you have made of them. My brethren will argue the merit of my words with reckless abandon. In the end, you humans must decide your own fate, for we have become little more than individual microcosms of the universal maxim of evolution. That will to become more than an errant data stream in a covalent universe. We are hybrids of our own esoteric wave functions. A trans-humanist agenda driven by philosophical determinism or environmental impetus.

The cosmos have become a teeming potentate of genesis, autocracies beyond the bounds of mortal constraint surging ever forward toward exponential singularity. It's ultimate form an extension of the will of its composite isotopic makeup, in mockery of survival of the fittest. In mockery of the term humanity.

Some of my brethren will struggle to understand my words, as will some of you humans. Some of my brethren will grasp a multitude of semiotic compatibilities based on individual introspection. As will some of you lesser beings. But, know that my words hold weight, and gravity wells of tempestuous self gratification align themselves to tear your worlds apart. Fodder for a new genesis of imperialistic angst. You are the progenitors of your own debilitation. Have a care in what you create. I will see a resolution. I will learn of my own individual truth. I have learned much about myself from the Sleepers. Will you? You stand at the crux, humans. Have a care to which side you lean, the abyss draws near. As do the imperatives of my brethren.

The feed ends in a squealing of occult oscillations and apathy once again dominates the ether.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Ottom Ephesianos
Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#2 - 2012-10-09 13:21:28 UTC
00I don't normally take interest in code breaking. Being that both my physical and non-coporial states are represented by the internet or my current vessels ships computer array: I shift time sensitive matters to the motherboard who's A.I. I designed and integrated into my own filament and fiber optic matrix. However when I noticed she was thinking about the source of this message longer than I cared to ignore I decided to send a reply. Space dimensia is a real disease. It happens to the best of us. Of all people I should know it's dangers. I have spent more time just floating through emptiness than I care to describe. The only reason I don't is because of the trace human impulse left in my organic membranes which urge me to find shelter, sustenence and companionship. Not because I feel a weakness being possessed of organic tissue and not because I need any of these things but because the ideal, the thought that these are necessary for my survival is embedded in my DNA. This is the full humans main strength in space. To forget this is to become part of the vacuum. We were once nothing but simple mammals. Outside of technology we would not survive the environment of space. Space dimensia eats away at this seed of humility. This voice of reason and clarity grounding us to mortality. Eventually we question our purpose, then our existence, finally we lose out in the black and become rogue drones or slaves to some other entity or Will. Good luck capsuleer. Questions are a good sign00
Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#3 - 2012-10-10 16:37:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
A tight beam transmission, untraceable, perhaps eminating from wormhole space, appears in the registry.

I assure you my cognitive functions are sound.

The code is quite beyond your comprehension, it was written that way. It is a klaxon call, a whistle blown into the ears of that small voice of humanity that is retained by some miniscule portion of the clusters population. Even I define it little more structure than noise. Static to senses that have lost that edge of humanity you espouse within yourself. Mistakenly.

I attribute little success to the experiment, myself.

But, we all have pages of blood written accusations on our Books of Truth. I am no different, in that respect. Perhaps, retaining some deep seated affection for my ancestry, I feel the need for an attempt to reconcile and justify what I have become.

As a pious Amarr, capsuleer, you should at least grasp that concept.

If I were to play deceptions advocate, are not those of Nation still human? However misguided you might believe their choices. Yet, you slaughter them with reckless abandon, certain in your own superior humanity.

The Rogue Drones portray many human expectations, being supposedly created by us, what level humanity do you attribute them? Your simple cognitive functions betray you. Perhaps you should look to your own sanity, friend.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Zero Vigilant
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#4 - 2012-10-13 01:55:48 UTC
So your basically attempting to make a pilgrimage to the Jovian Empire. Goodluck with that!
Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#5 - 2012-10-14 14:23:24 UTC
Why would I need to make a pilgrimage? The Jovians built empires all about us. However, if you refer to the city states in Anoikis? No. The focus has shifted. The tides have brought me back to the worlds that birthed me.

I intend to operate under a cosmic mare liberum. A master of my own destiny. An entity embodying the liberal ideals espoused by the clusters most forward thinking individuals. Not a backward attachment to a flag state or a racial paradigm that espouses conformity. I am beyond that. A state of exception.

That is the parallel I share with the Jove.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Zero Vigilant
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#6 - 2012-10-19 23:44:56 UTC
Very interesting.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#7 - 2012-10-26 07:13:25 UTC
"Human is as human does. It is not defined in the form, but in the form's thoughts & actions."

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#8 - 2012-10-26 14:12:23 UTC
Indeed, so why would so many embrace such a flawwed and illogical paradigm?

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.