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Whiskey/Null Local

Da'iel Zehn
Evil Frosty's Premium Liqours and Fine Wines
#1 - 2012-10-25 14:20:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Da'iel Zehn
Good Morning my EvE friends,

I'm a big supporter of player managed infrastructure.

I like that whiskey space has a limited local chat, and I think that should be across the board in null sec as well. I had some ideas.

1) Zero local chat in whiskey and null.

2) As part of player infrastructure, we can add communications to a system. Could have levels. First level would be a whiskey type of local chat. Next level would be adding the number of "signals" of ships in the system. Third level would be a full local chat like in high/low sec revealing who is in system.

3) New ship or modules - Communication Jammer. Jump in, disrupt local. Evil

(This would be a perfect tool starting out. :) )

4) Communications could be destroyed and would be a primary target.

This is a simplistic system, but I think it has some fun possibilities. There could be a number of things that would make it interesting.

* I'm an advocate for a full range of tools for empire building in whiskey and null space. And I believe everything player created should be able to be destroyed including outposts. I read the entire CSM document from this last round... some really great ideas on the drawing board.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2 - 2012-10-25 14:37:43 UTC
Here's the thing, WH space has discovered the game can be played just fine without local.

I cannot say if this is what they expected, but by using discipline and tactics they have found this to be true.

Funny to think how many would be considered AFK Cloaking types in other systems... except that they always believe that enemies are around.
Obviously they are not bothered by hot drop threats like other systems, but then this is not about that. If that needs to be addressed it is a separate issue.

My point is this, you don't need local intel to play. Null should always be a scary place to fly too.

If you want intel, there is no substitute for teamwork and personal effort.

I feel this answers the need to gather intel, and is immersive.
Da'iel Zehn
Evil Frosty's Premium Liqours and Fine Wines
#3 - 2012-10-25 14:57:36 UTC
I like the idea of ship sensors and a hud for active/passive sensing. Would be sweet.
Marcus Ichiro
#4 - 2012-10-25 18:20:59 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Here's the thing, WH space has discovered the game can be played just fine without local.

WH space is a completely different beast to nullsec though, I'm really struggling to see how you can say "WH is fine without local so nullsec would be too".
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#5 - 2012-10-25 19:15:06 UTC
Marcus Ichiro wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Here's the thing, WH space has discovered the game can be played just fine without local.

WH space is a completely different beast to nullsec though, I'm really struggling to see how you can say "WH is fine without local so nullsec would be too".

I never made that specific claim. Let's put this straw man to rest. You can do similar things in both, but you cannot assume the results in one will match the results in the other.
Local by itself is just one aspect. Cyno bridging and jumping would need to be addressed separately, if it were determined to be needed.

Null has sov issues, and many aspects of gameplay that are tied to local. And by tied to, I mean local spawned them into existence by player response TO local's perfect intel.

And because local inspired their existence, issues about "AFK cloaking" and "hot-dropping" will always exist in some form so long as local keeps providing this grade of intel.

Am I saying that WHs and null are identical? No, not at all.
But I am saying local being absent in WH space and local being absent in null space would have similar benefits.

And it is preferable, in my opinion, to use ship sensors and skills to obtain intel honestly, rather than skimming the roster of a chat channel.
I already made a thread explaining my opinions on this, which was linked a few posts earlier.