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Character Bazaar

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WTS Exhumer/Research/with some drones skills towards carrier

Caldari State
#1 - 2012-10-23 23:14:51 UTC  |  Edited by: BasherKaneNZ

4.5 B/O

If ur interested send me an in game eve mail an ill contact u if im not online when u send me message

or u can get me SlaveKaneNZ
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-10-24 04:55:32 UTC
Ironman TonyStark
#3 - 2012-10-24 06:19:39 UTC
FYI This character has a pending sale .... waiting for response from the seller. I have accepted his offer in another thread.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-10-24 06:26:27 UTC
Character has entered 24 hours stasis
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-10-25 02:35:15 UTC
stark has since been out bidded

Ironman TonyStark
#6 - 2012-10-25 05:42:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Ironman TonyStark
Wait What?
We agreed on the sale you cant change the sale. We had to wait for you to get your character in an NPC corp because you were violating the rules of the Character Bazaar. See email below.

Petition Started

Rule #16 All scams involving character transfers are prohibited.


Re: Hulk Auction
From: BasherKaneNZ
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:25
To: Ironman TonyStark,

Has jst enter 24 hours stasis

Hulk Auction
From: Ironman TonyStark
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:18
To: BasherKaneNZ, SlaveKaneNZ,


Thanks for the post I would like to accept but we have a couple of hurdles to jump through.  

First, you need to move your character into an NPC corporation and drop all roles. Per CCP Rules on Character Transfer.

Second, I want to verify that this toon conforms to ALL CCP Rules before the exchange happens.  So let me know that you agree to this and that everything is good to go. 

CCP Rules are here:

This is to protect you and me in this transaction, nothing personal. 

Once all is set I will then send you the ISK and account name.

Ironman TonyStark
#7 - 2012-10-25 06:02:04 UTC
Petition started.

Total bull that you are violating CCP Rules and screwing with me on this sale.
Shockwave Innovations
#8 - 2012-10-25 06:07:47 UTC
If this guy is giving you a hard time then bid on my charchter which has more skill points and better suited.
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-10-25 06:17:42 UTC
Now i have sent ccp ur bull **** in-game an out of game.

First i did not accepted ur off in or out of game all i said was waiting for 24 hour stasis.

Second I have also posted that u were out bidded there for i did not accept ur bid

Where in-game or out of game did i say i accepted ur offer

My sale is now private pending transfer of isk for private buyer
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-10-25 06:19:54 UTC
oh an thirdly u jst bull shited urself out when repling to me with an account Nados Stark

Aw: Re: Minning Toon
From: Nados Stark
Sent: 2012.10.25 04:35
To: BasherKaneNZ,

Ahh ok the other toon ist a mining toon too?
do you have any skill infos for me plz :)
sorry my english is not so good ;)
best regards

Re: Minning Toon
Von: BasherKaneNZ
Gesendet: 2012.10.24 21:18
An: Nados Stark,

will sort ur needs 9 days from cal frieghter an its only going for 3b

Minning Toon
From: Nados Stark
Sent: 2012.10.24 08:07
To: BasherKaneNZ,

Hi I have read your post in the forum and wanted to ask whether the Miningtoon is still available.
I mean this post :)

best regards
Nados Stark

Re: Hulk Auction
From: Ironman TonyStark
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:39
To: BasherKaneNZ,

OK let me know when it goes through I will wait.  I have the ISK ready.  

Re: Hulk Auction
From: BasherKaneNZ
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:25
To: Ironman TonyStark

Has jst enter 24 hours stasis

Hulk Auction
From: Ironman TonyStark
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:18
To: BasherKaneNZ, SlaveKaneNZ,


Thanks for the post I would like to accept but we have a couple of hurdles to jump through.  

First, you need to move your character into an NPC corporation and drop all roles. Per CCP Rules on Character Transfer.

Second, I want to verify that this toon conforms to ALL CCP Rules before the exchange happens.  So let me know that you agree to this and that everything is good to go. 

CCP Rules are here:

This is to protect you and me in this transaction, nothing personal. 

Once all is set I will then send you the ISK and account name.


Where in there did i accept it??????
Ironman TonyStark
#11 - 2012-10-25 06:25:42 UTC
BasherKaneNZ wrote:
Now i have sent ccp ur bull **** in-game an out of game.

First i did not accepted ur off in or out of game all i said was waiting for 24 hour stasis.

Second I have also posted that u were out bidded there for i did not accept ur bid

Where in-game or out of game did i say i accepted ur offer

My sale is now private pending transfer of isk for private buyer

Ummm big problem for you is you offered me YOUR CHARACTER here:

#2Posted: 2012.10.24 05:15 | Report
I have a toon for u 4B/O

Come with everything u want part from gas cloud harvesting and u need to do 2 weeks training for the crystals u need

And Lots more

In the email I sent you I ACCEPTED YOUR OFFER you lost the right to move or take other bids the moment I AGREED TO YOUR TERMS.
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-10-25 06:25:56 UTC
Four this isn't my first sale i have sold 3 4 5 other toons on here all with new owners
Ironman TonyStark
#13 - 2012-10-25 06:27:10 UTC

BasherKaneNZ wrote:
oh an thirdly u jst bull shited urself out when repling to me with an account Nados Stark

Aw: Re: Minning Toon
From: Nados Stark
Sent: 2012.10.25 04:35
To: BasherKaneNZ,

Ahh ok the other toon ist a mining toon too?
do you have any skill infos for me plz :)
sorry my english is not so good ;)
best regards

Re: Minning Toon
Von: BasherKaneNZ
Gesendet: 2012.10.24 21:18
An: Nados Stark,

will sort ur needs 9 days from cal frieghter an its only going for 3b

Minning Toon
From: Nados Stark
Sent: 2012.10.24 08:07
To: BasherKaneNZ,

Hi I have read your post in the forum and wanted to ask whether the Miningtoon is still available.
I mean this post :)

best regards
Nados Stark

Re: Hulk Auction
From: Ironman TonyStark
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:39
To: BasherKaneNZ,

OK let me know when it goes through I will wait.  I have the ISK ready.  

Re: Hulk Auction
From: BasherKaneNZ
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:25
To: Ironman TonyStark

Has jst enter 24 hours stasis

Hulk Auction
From: Ironman TonyStark
Sent: 2012.10.24 06:18
To: BasherKaneNZ, SlaveKaneNZ,


Thanks for the post I would like to accept but we have a couple of hurdles to jump through.  

First, you need to move your character into an NPC corporation and drop all roles. Per CCP Rules on Character Transfer.

Second, I want to verify that this toon conforms to ALL CCP Rules before the exchange happens.  So let me know that you agree to this and that everything is good to go. 

CCP Rules are here:

This is to protect you and me in this transaction, nothing personal. 

Once all is set I will then send you the ISK and account name.


Where in there did i accept it??????

Caldari State
#14 - 2012-10-25 06:29:47 UTC
Did i reply on your post mate read the fine print i actly have to post sale is pending or something to that effect, no isk changed hands at all so how is it a scam an anyone can look at ur thread an see that i need not say sale is going on an u have to post on mine to say that everything is accepted, an for the sale to actly go ahead i actly have to say i have the isk
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-10-25 06:34:23 UTC
U dont realise i don't have the isk an i didnt agree to sale with u

I have to actly say i agree to the sale but yes i offed to u.

I didnt say i agree
U didnt transfer any isk to me

All in all i didnt do anything wrng

I said to u In 24 hour stasis period <--- does it say anywhere in that line i accepted????? or agreed to a sale????
zdogg dogpound
#16 - 2012-10-25 06:34:47 UTC
I love da dramaLol
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-10-25 06:35:27 UTC
now if u dont mined stop bugging me your actly like a child that jst lost isk
Ironman TonyStark
#18 - 2012-10-25 06:35:54 UTC
BasherKaneNZ wrote:
Did i reply on your post mate read the fine print i actly have to post sale is pending or something to that effect, no isk changed hands at all so how is it a scam an anyone can look at ur thread an see that i need not say sale is going on an u have to post on mine to say that everything is accepted, an for the sale to actly go ahead i actly have to say i have the isk

Sorry it doesn't work like that. MATE!

You offered your toon to me but your Toon was in violation of character transfer rules. Which I kindly advised you of. You then replied back to me stating the character was in 24 hour stasis. I then posted in my thread and your thread that the sale pending the stasis and then you replied the character was in stasis. Which shows intent to sell to me once you confirmed the stasis.

Ironman TonyStark
#19 - 2012-10-25 06:38:06 UTC
BasherKaneNZ wrote:
now if u dont mined stop bugging me your actly like a child that jst lost isk

Bugging you? Your the scam artist constantly violating CCP Rules. Now your resorting to name calling!

All you had to do is honor your sale. But no.
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-10-25 06:42:11 UTC
now if u dont mined stop bugging me your actly like a child that jst lost isk <----- where did i call u a name in that sentence

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