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Idea: The Strategic bomber - the hero EVE deserves

LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#1 - 2012-10-24 11:51:11 UTC  |  Edited by: LtCol Laurentius
Super Capital proliferation in EVE is a problem that threatens to destabilize the core game itself if allowed to continue at current pace. The main problem is that super capitals – although easy enough to kill when encountered alone – are all but unkillable in a proper fleet unless they encounter a similar fleet of super capitals. In essence there is no rock-paper-scissors mechanic in place at the games strategic level.
Therefore, I propose to introduce a strategic bomber, a new Tech 2 cruiser that will be able to kill super capital ships when employed en-masse, unless the super-capital fleet takes precautionary measures (necessitating a sizable support fleet) to minimize the threat.

The strategic bomber is envisioned to work similarly to current stealth bombers, but with a few tweaks:

    1) It is based on a cruiser hull. Small enough to avoid being locked in time and blasted out of the sky by capital class vessels, big enough to be handled by a support fleet.
    2) It can fit a covert ops cloaking device, enabling it to warp cloaked and use a Black Ops covert jump portal.
    3) It can mount a doomsday bomb – a rocket powered device that will explode with the force of a doomsday weapon (3 million instantaneous damage), provided that the bomb hits the target. As it is not guided, and will continue in a straight line after release, the strategic bomber pilot must aim the weapon manually.
    4) The doomsday bomb will only damage the target; it is not an AOE device.
    5) The explosion radius of the doomsday bomb is proposed at 15000 metres, explosion velocity maybe 70 m/s. Capable of dealing full damage to titans, about 80% damage to super carriers, but only around 20% of its damage potentional against carriers and dreadnoughts. Due to its unguided nature, smaller/faster targets will be impractical to hit unless stationary.
    6) Due to the massive requirements of carrying and firing the bomb, the ship itself will have to be lightly armed and tanked. If the strategic bomber gets killed before the bomb impacts, its fusing transmitter will be cut off and the bomb will not explode.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-10-24 12:39:06 UTC
Right, straight off here, your giving it to a NEW cruiser hull, and giving the hull BARELY any tank, and it STILL has to be deployed, and used, en masse, to easily kill capitals? why not just spam T3's then? at least they can survive if the enemy decides to field subcaps to lol-pop your fleet (since the bombers would be slaughtered).

better yet, why not give this doomsday bomb to black-ops, and give black-ops a slight buff?
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#3 - 2012-10-24 13:09:00 UTC  |  Edited by: LtCol Laurentius
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Right, straight off here, your giving it to a NEW cruiser hull, and giving the hull BARELY any tank, and it STILL has to be deployed, and used, en masse, to easily kill capitals? why not just spam T3's then? at least they can survive if the enemy decides to field subcaps to lol-pop your fleet (since the bombers would be slaughtered).

better yet, why not give this doomsday bomb to black-ops, and give black-ops a slight buff?

First off, T3s can not kill super capitals when the super capitals operate in a proper fleet with proper support. This ship can. As for the tankability, I seem to recall stealthbombers doing rather well in similar sub capital scenarios, despite beeing made of soggy toilet paper. The bomber should be thin skinned (for a cruiser) as a massive HP ship like a heavy interdictor would present the defender with a fait accompli - i.e. no viable defense once the bomb is launched. If the enemy is prepared for bombers and has fielded a proper setup and using proper tactics - the bombers SHOULD run a high risk of beeing slaugtered like you say. Its a balance issue after all.

Sure the bombers will be expensive and the losses will probably be exsessive as well. The potenial prize however, is an option to kill titans and supercarriers even when operating in the famous blob. Its a high risk, high payoff gambit that adds to the toolbox. There are other options - like using dreads - but that is a decidedly more expensive option and not one likely to succeeed any better because the super capitals have a viable defence against dreads even without a subcap defense fleet.
Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-10-24 13:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Spugg Galdon
I'd prefer it to be a T2 destroyer hull though. Using the new Dessy hulls

Oh, and not fully covert but able to blops bridge in.
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#5 - 2012-10-24 14:54:14 UTC  |  Edited by: LtCol Laurentius
Spugg Galdon wrote:
I'd prefer it to be a T2 destroyer hull though. Using the new Dessy hulls

Oh, and not fully covert but able to blops bridge in.

The hull chosen isnt really the big issue, although I think art would have something to say on it. The bomb would proabbly need to be rather large, and a modified cruiserhull to accomodate it might be the realistic option. It is also a question of cost. Aquring the capability to kill titans should cost you more than the capability to hold them (interdictors/heavy interdictors). With 20-30 bombers needed to kill a single titan, the cost should fall around 4.5-6 billion when using cruisersized T2 hulls.

As for the covert ops device, denying it to the strategic bombers would make them much more difficult to employ. Anyone with experience with the old stealth bombers can attest too this, and the sucessful emplyoment of stealthbombers against sub-cap blobs first became common with the addition of the covert ops device. Additionally, denying them the covert ops cloak would require a Titan bridging capability for successful emplyoment in most cases. This would restrict potential users to the alliances that allready are on the other side of the table - i.e. the titan operators. I find this to be unacceptable to be honest with you.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#6 - 2012-10-24 15:29:52 UTC
I feel this idea to be worth consideration.

Primary reason: Gameplay.

In my opinion, stability by means of cap fleets is a bad thing, as it allows the guys on top leverage to stay on top.
This sounds like it would undermine cap fleets in favor of alliances who may not be able to counter with equal cap fleets.
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#7 - 2012-10-24 15:30:51 UTC
mm.. well there was the idea at fanfest to make black op battleships to use bombs they seem the natural choice with their role/abilities.

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-10-24 15:35:29 UTC
your idea is too flawed there is no way you can introduce a subcap hull that does more damage than a dread which is basically what you asking. id rather see a change to the current stealth bomber. ie;

increase bomb launcher capacity to 3 bombs for launcher - add cargo dump mode.

Cargo dump mode... set self destruction sequence in a hurry meaning all bombs are launched however do not travel cycle time 30 seconds at the end of the cycle the bombs explode. in these 30 secs a smart bomb could kill them so they don't deal any damage
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#9 - 2012-10-24 15:40:53 UTC  |  Edited by: LtCol Laurentius
Vulfen wrote:
your idea is too flawed there is no way you can introduce a subcap hull that does more damage than a dread which is basically what you asking. id rather see a change to the current stealth bomber. ie;

increase bomb launcher capacity to 3 bombs for launcher - add cargo dump mode.

Cargo dump mode... set self destruction sequence in a hurry meaning all bombs are launched however do not travel cycle time 30 seconds at the end of the cycle the bombs explode. in these 30 secs a smart bomb could kill them so they don't deal any damage

I'd appreciate if you could argue as thy WHY you think the idea is flawed. Thats what makes a good discussion after all.

A stealthbomber bomb does 8000 damage. Times 3, thats 24.000. At that rate, you would need close to 4.000 tripple bomb stealthbombers to take down a tanked and bonused Avatar titan (or 11-12.000 regular ones). Now lets talk about flawed.
Larloch TheAncient
Freindly Mining Corporation
#10 - 2012-10-24 16:52:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Larloch TheAncient
LOVE the Idea!!!!

Few changes I would suggest.

Drop the whole "launch bomb Idea".

Your "bomber" has to be manually flown INTO the desired ship.

Your of course get destroyed and podded upon impact, plus lose a skill level "akin to t3 cruisers" .

This gives a support fleet the time to pop you on approach. And as for AOE damage, I'd give it 10km seeing as that's not to large, I"d love to see a closely knit group of these blow each other out of the sky.

Would make for a great Eve cinematic.
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#11 - 2012-10-24 17:15:39 UTC
Larloch TheAncient wrote:
LOVE the Idea!!!!

Few changes I would suggest.

Drop the whole "launch bomb Idea".

Your "bomber" has to be manually flown INTO the desired ship.

Your of course get destroyed and podded upon impact, plus lose a skill level "akin to t3 cruisers" .

This gives a support fleet the time to pop you on approach. And as for AOE damage, I'd give it 10km seeing as that's not to large, I"d love to see a closely knit group of these blow each other out of the sky.

Would make for a great Eve cinematic.

Well the idea behind "launch the bomb and wait for impact" mechanic is precisely that the support fleet should be given the chance to kill you before the bomb impacts if they have a proper setup and are on the ball. So i think that aspect is allready accounted for. I dropped AOE damage because it could be overpowered against subcap targets. This is designed as a capital killer and should remain a capital killer. The "loss of skill level" mechanic I'm not too sure of. I feel strategic bombing is a very high risk operation as it stands and since its intended as a T2 cruiser hulll it will have a significantly higher skill threshold than training into a stealth bomber.
#12 - 2012-10-24 17:34:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Aglais
If I got five cents every time I heard the idea of 'a cruiser hull superbomber that kills supercapitals' I'd have my own personal space program, a functional lunar colony in ten years and a starship in construction which would be able to, in less than a week, travel to goddamn Neptune.

We don't need additional ships. We need to address problems that allow supercapitals to be produced so easily. Make them extremely rare. Make limits on how many supercapitals an alliance can have active with them at one time. Maybe boost Titans so they're singular terrifying ships, though not quite instant win buttons unless they have an incredibly solid support fleet (primarily subcapital in nature).

What I want to see is that a Titan is a truly rare occurrence and even the very most powerful alliances might ever own two of them at once. And going back to the tradition where titan wrecks become major landmarks in-system. Same with supercarriers.

Carriers and Dreadnoughts I don't see as much of a reason to restrict, but still, supercapitals need some kind of limit to how they're allowed to proliferate.
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#13 - 2012-10-24 17:41:48 UTC  |  Edited by: LtCol Laurentius
Aglais wrote:
What I want to see is that a Titan is a truly rare occurrence and even the very most powerful alliances might ever own two of them at once. And going back to the tradition where titan wrecks become major landmarks in-system. Same with supercarriers.

You live in the past my friend. because this wont happen. We both know it. Its way past this point, and EVE is not going to return to the "olden days"
#14 - 2012-10-24 18:22:02 UTC
Don't ignore the real problem and tell me I'm "living in the past".

We don't need to introduce more pointless ships to solve problems that can be fixed in other ways that, to me, make more sense.

If we see alot of supercapitals, then this would to me imply not necessarily a lack of counters (though you're clearly arguing the case, and in some ways I think it's in need of addressing but not in your proposed way), but rather that it's too easy to just mass them in the first place, and generate alts to fly them. Which is why I think that if we put serious restrictions on just how many supercapitals an alliance can have active at once, then at least part of the problem will go away. To be blunt, the last thing EVE really needs is more ships in new roles right now until the rebalancing effort is over, and even then, why bother adding this new ship if a substantial subcapital fleet with carrier support or something could potentially take it down? Definitely still a Titan should not be a pushover, but resigning to the "the only way to counter supercapitals should be either more supercapitals or also these new bombers" idea doesn't make sense to me. That's not going to address the true issue that it's too easy to build them. Which is IMO the real problem here. If you give me evidence that this is not in fact the real problem then by all means enlighten me as to what the real problem is.
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#15 - 2012-10-24 18:30:35 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Don't ignore the real problem and tell me I'm "living in the past".

We don't need to introduce more pointless ships to solve problems that can be fixed in other ways that, to me, make more sense.

I'll leave it to you to convince CCP to turn the dial back. This however, is a thread about a ship idea.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#16 - 2012-10-24 18:31:23 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Don't ignore the real problem and tell me I'm "living in the past".

We don't need to introduce more pointless ships to solve problems that can be fixed in other ways that, to me, make more sense.

If we see alot of supercapitals, then this would to me imply not necessarily a lack of counters (though you're clearly arguing the case, and in some ways I think it's in need of addressing but not in your proposed way), but rather that it's too easy to just mass them in the first place, and generate alts to fly them. Which is why I think that if we put serious restrictions on just how many supercapitals an alliance can have active at once, then at least part of the problem will go away. To be blunt, the last thing EVE really needs is more ships in new roles right now until the rebalancing effort is over, and even then, why bother adding this new ship if a substantial subcapital fleet with carrier support or something could potentially take it down? Definitely still a Titan should not be a pushover, but resigning to the "the only way to counter supercapitals should be either more supercapitals or also these new bombers" idea doesn't make sense to me. That's not going to address the true issue that it's too easy to build them. Which is IMO the real problem here. If you give me evidence that this is not in fact the real problem then by all means enlighten me as to what the real problem is.


Are devs going to introduce code that make it first come first serve to use caps somehow?

I get it that you see the caps as being too many right now, but I am waiting for your solution.

It's too late for building restrictions to deal with existing caps, all that will do is curtail future ones.

Maybe you should put up a thread on this idea, if you can come up with a balanced way to take these ships out of play that won't result in angry chaos from those who feel they earned them.
#17 - 2012-10-24 18:55:55 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

It's too late for building restrictions to deal with existing caps, all that will do is curtail future ones.

Maybe you should put up a thread on this idea, if you can come up with a balanced way to take these ships out of play that won't result in angry chaos from those who feel they earned them.

Well, perhaps it would take a different sort of solution, but personally I don't think that every problem in EVE should be solved by shoehorning in new ship classes. I suppose I'll attempt to come up with a solution of my own on my own time, for my own thread.

Still you misinterpreted my post; there would be no "first come first serve" mechanic in terms of supercapitals. There'd be no universal limit to SCs that would exist. Within an alliance, you would only be able to have U supercapitals (where U is something like 5 to 15 in total or something), that doesn't mean that if someone's built fifteen supercapitals by one point nobody else period can build any more.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#18 - 2012-10-24 20:43:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Asuka Solo
LtCol Laurentius wrote:
Vulfen wrote:
your idea is too flawed there is no way you can introduce a subcap hull that does more damage than a dread which is basically what you asking. id rather see a change to the current stealth bomber. ie;

increase bomb launcher capacity to 3 bombs for launcher - add cargo dump mode.

Cargo dump mode... set self destruction sequence in a hurry meaning all bombs are launched however do not travel cycle time 30 seconds at the end of the cycle the bombs explode. in these 30 secs a smart bomb could kill them so they don't deal any damage

I'd appreciate if you could argue as thy WHY you think the idea is flawed. Thats what makes a good discussion after all.

A stealthbomber bomb does 8000 damage. Times 3, thats 24.000. At that rate, you would need close to 4.000 tripple bomb stealthbombers to take down a tanked and bonused Avatar titan (or 11-12.000 regular ones). Now lets talk about flawed.

You mean I could field a cruiser with 24k or more damage.... making super carrier DPS look like child's play....

And you think that's balanced?

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#19 - 2012-10-24 21:14:34 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:

You mean I could field a cruiser with 24k or more damage.... making super carrier DPS look like child's play....

And you think that's balanced?

Its only viable targets are capital ships and its primary target are super capitals - titans and supercarriers. So yes, I'd say its pretty well balanced.
Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#20 - 2012-10-24 23:29:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Angeal MacNova
Not too bad of an idea, but not sure how you would "manually" aim in this game since there is no crosshair on screen to know for sure in which direction the ship is facing. Unless you're talking about lock on, fire, and if the target moves, the missile doesn't track.

The game already has a strategic cruiser. If they were to utilize a strategic battleship to accommodate the suggestion of a high sec capital carrier found in another thread (military version of the orca), then this ship could be accommodated as an optional design using subsystems in a strategic frigate. This way you are not designing another ship just to counter an issue but rather introducing a new class of ship that is tailorable to personal taste and to fit different roles.

So by using a specific subsystem in the design of the frigate, the ship can equip the specialized frigate to launch such a weapon. This would be an offensive subsystem.

Then with an additional subsystem, you could make use of the covert ops cloak and the system can come with the -100% target delay bonus that bombers currently have.

So by using 2 subsystems, you have the ship you're looking for, just as a frigate instead of being a cruiser.

If the weapon is a missile that doesn't track, would that mean that the angular velocity between you and the target be 0?

The explosion radius and velocity should be such that only capital sized ships receive the full extent of the damage.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.

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