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Noob Fail. Embarassing experiences.

Caldari State
#1 - 2011-10-18 21:00:28 UTC
I'm very new to playing Eve. All the stuff I've heard in the last month sounded like jibberish and I'm thinking. "I can not believe people can get into a game like this!" here I am...One of the first how many thousand people to log on at the minute of server reboot. Trying to get my fix. Yes, I am now one of those people whom I couldn't understand. BUT, It's been about a month and I still don't know what you guys are talking about. I'm rummeging through the forums, asking questions and I have learned some things totally irrelevent. I started out confused with a flooded public chat eatting my screen. Rookie chat! So that's where I started my questions. "TROLL!", "press F13", I know your tricks now. ;)

So, I was talking to people in my corp trying to get some answers (which is something I hate doing. I'm so shy I get embarassed and physically jump and scurry away from my laptop.) I had/have a level 1 mission that I could not get past. The Npcs were impossible for me to overcome alone. So my experienced, kind corp mates fleet up to help me conquer this mission! some of they traveled as far as 30 jumps away at the drop of a penny to help me with this an hour before the servers shut down. We get into the mission and it's going by like a breeze! Next thing I know I see the long awaited cargo container floating off in space. (I'm going click crazy with my ammo and mouse) I kill my cargo. Fail!

My embarassing noob experiences go beyond this but I was hoping that other people could share their noob fails and embarassing experiences. It makes it less discouraging for people like me to continue asking tons of questions and being called a troll in the process..etc. Oops ^ ^
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#2 - 2011-10-18 21:04:21 UTC
Well your post was a good start imo, even talking about it. Keep up the flying and good luck!


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Gremlin Mining and Exploration
#3 - 2011-10-18 21:11:47 UTC
Eve Online - live it, learn it

i've been playing since 2003, and wasn't so long back i jumped into a combat situation i could have easily won.... but forgot to load the guns and fit drones Oops

sounds like OP has found a good corp though and will go far Smile

Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#4 - 2011-10-18 21:30:19 UTC
Agreed, OP sounds like some one who could end up sticking around in EVE for a long time to come.

Just stop running missions as soon as possible. They will crush your will to live fairly quickly.
Zoe Alarhun
The Proactive Reappropriation Corporation
#5 - 2011-10-18 21:30:33 UTC
I jumped into a group of T3 ships on a gate in low sec. I turned around and started going back to gate with my micro warp drive and would have easily made it. However I decided to be clever, released my ECM drones - they jammed the person webbing me. Hooray! Wait, what's this - I can't jump because I aggressed someone!?


Such a silly loss just because I was so eager to try out ECM drones for the first time. hehehee.
Nerdy Deadshot
In The Goo
EVE Trade Alliance
#6 - 2011-10-18 21:31:29 UTC
Lol welcome to eve. Might want to look into joining a corp with older high sec members in it... No lvl 1 should take multiple people except maybe the SOE epic arc.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#7 - 2011-10-18 21:39:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Ammzi
Best noob moment follows below:

My corporation lived in a C1 wormhole and while I was at the POS my CEO was about to bubble up the wormhole, but he is having difficulties maneuvering his ship to the right position.
I ask him confused "Well, what's the problem?"
He explains "There's no damn celestials I can align to, are there?!"
I quietly say "Well have you tried perhaps double clicking?"
and he goes "oooooh .... I didn't know you could do that!"

That's him ... after 1 year and 6 months of playing EVE, he didn't know that double clicking in space would move your ship.
If that isn't a noob incident, I dunno what is.

Oh btw, I am linking this for corp chat now Big smile


  • [21:48:31] Aura Ikku > hey I got by with my handicap
  • [21:48:43] Aura Ikku > made it past several WH blockades

edit: I am likely to be kicked now Sad
Black Sky Hipsters
#8 - 2011-10-18 21:43:45 UTC
Zoe Alarhun wrote:
I jumped into a group of T3 ships on a gate in low sec. I turned around and started going back to gate with my micro warp drive and would have easily made it. However I decided to be clever, released my ECM drones - they jammed the person webbing me. Hooray! Wait, what's this - I can't jump because I aggressed someone!?


Such a silly loss just because I was so eager to try out ECM drones for the first time. hehehee.

i did something like that once with the ECM Burst I had fitted on my blockade runner. Cry

won't make that mistake again.
Creepers Corporation
#9 - 2011-10-18 23:07:12 UTC
I was talking to people in my corp trying to get some answers (which is something I hate doing. I'm so shy I get embarassed and physically jump and scurry away from my laptop.)

Maybe you should find a different hobby Roll

I play EVE every day! Follow me at

Caldari State
#10 - 2011-10-18 23:57:23 UTC
I appreciate all the little stories people were brave enough to post. I'm hoping to read more of them too.

Being brand new makes asking questions and seeking your answered out of perfect strangers so difficult when you're being teased and not taken seriously. But it really does make you laugh to read some of the stuff people say, and work a little harder at finding new ways to learn.

Maybe you should find a different hobby Roll[/quote]

You kind of missed the point sir! But good idea you wanted to share with us otherwise^ ^
T' Elk
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2011-10-19 00:07:22 UTC
Welp, I might as well post something.

TL;DR: Tried to steal a couple faction poses way back in the day, derped and left corp after I had offlined them. I forgot to unanchor them, so uh... Yeah.

Full Story: TL;NGW

~Badposter since FOOOOREEEEEVAAAAAR~ I come back after 2 years to THIS? ~Now 4 years apparently

Alara IonStorm
#12 - 2011-10-19 00:13:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
I died in Low Sec like 5 times when I started with a bunch of different weapons sizes and no tank. I did not even know other people were the ones killing me. About a month in is when I learned about missions which was good because I was sick of ratting Hi sec Belts. I used to always loose ships to Low Sec Battleship NPC's between getting killed by players.

On my first Low Sec Roam when I was more experienced I was like wait guys stop for a min. I pull my Cane into a Belt found a Battleship and off'd it. I was like YES F@#% You I finally got one of you bastards. Everyone thought I was crazy(er).

Now days I understand this game like the back of my hand. I still make stupid mistakes. I was running L4's to pay for my next RvB Splurge when I tabbed over to watch Scrubs after sitting comfortably in an area where I can not catch aggro. 10 Min later I decide to start the mission by firing on one of the NPC's not realizing I made that decision just 10 minutes ago as well and forgot. Lucky it was Blood Raiders who have short range and are slow cause god if I didn't Tab in at 5% Shield HP. This was this morning BTW

My Maelstrom was saved because those touchy moments between JD an Elliot are boring.

Don't fret because you are gonna screw up big time at least 1 or 2 Gazillion times in your EVE Career. But with perseverance and a little luck you will win more then you loose.
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-10-19 01:08:22 UTC
I lost a Cyclone to Concord after finding an Ibis sitting in space in what I thought was lowsec. The Ibis was empty on top of everything else Oops

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Caldari State
#14 - 2011-10-19 01:29:35 UTC
I love this one!!! ^ This is something that would happen to me. Thank you for sharing!
#15 - 2011-10-19 01:38:08 UTC
I did some mining in Ami. That's 2 fails in a very short sentence.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#16 - 2011-10-19 01:38:51 UTC
Vyvica wrote:
We get into the mission and it's going by like a breeze! Next thing I know I see the long awaited cargo container floating off in space. (I'm going click crazy with my ammo and mouse) I kill my cargo. Fail!

I... er... did more or less the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I've been playing for a year and two months. Oops

Missions are infinitely more fun if you can find someone of a similar game age to do them with, and you'll learn from each other's experiences. If your corp has any other newbs it might be worth asking around. Fly safe!
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2011-10-31 22:41:44 UTC
Which of my many noob mistakes do you want to hear. I can actually list the 4 most 'stupid'

Was just new to EVE and joined a player corp. But never saw the notification we were at war after a couple of days.
So there I was, just 2 weeks old, eager to do stuff and hitted the undock. Next thing I know was a big explosion and me back in the station. Jumped in a new ship, undocked, explosion, me in station again. This continued for like another 5/6 times, after that a war target opened conversation to explain me how war mechanics worked and refunded all my losses.

My first encounter with can-flippers wasn't that good eighter. Didn't knew that shooting a can flipper after stealing my ores I mined for a long time in my Bantam wasn't that good when you only have your civilian laser on your ship. The next thing I saw was him targetting me and Boom, I was in a station again in my Pod.

The most stupid of all my noob mistakes. Buying something in a station more then 10 jumps away (in Jita). Flying there on Autopilot and dock up, local got my attention so I opened my items but forget to load the items. I undocked and warped all the way back just to find out my hold was empty. Here I went again to Jita just to forget it once again, this time I luckely found out on ly 2 jumps on my way back.

The most important stuff I learned in my time, ALWAYS redeem PLEX in the station you need them or sell them / insert time in the station you are atm. NEVER fly them in your cargo, I did fund about 60 days of game time to the guy who suicide ganked me.

Hope this was of some help.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Blue Beret UFO Retrieval Team
#18 - 2011-10-31 22:46:13 UTC
My funniest one is my first venture out in lowsec, got jumped by a stabber and freak out. Targeted a astroid instead of the stabber... took some time before I noticed the blunder lol Oops

Did get the bastard do, to fast for him ^^

You cant arrange them by penis...

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2011-10-31 22:50:28 UTC
Me and some friends were farming the comet in Deltole, there was so many wrecks, cans and players in there my PC was having a fit. I didn't know any other way to target other than right click > lock target (didn't know about overview options either lol) accidentally targeted another players ship and shot him....

Was sitting there wondering why i was in a pod and all these white crosses were around me .....
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2011-10-31 22:50:41 UTC
When I was but a nubbins I took part in my first 0.0 roam with my corp. The FC told me to go get tackle on an apocoplipse and being the fantastic owner of a shiny new intercepter I charged after my target safe in the knolage that it could not harm me.

Seconds later I was in a pod. Turned out that tachyons could track rather well if you are burning towards them at rangeOops
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