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Nerf Moaning Null Bears PLS

Cazador 64
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#221 - 2012-10-19 19:56:56 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
You don't pvp. Sometimes, you spare enough from your wallet to fit a frigate and see what all the fuss is about, but you don't pvp. You run missions and farm plexes in your stabbed Incursus, but you don't pvp. Your whole reason for existence in this game is to see that number in the wallet window grow larger and larger.

You're not fooling anyone.

What is your point here?
This game is a "sandbox" are you to thick in the skull to know what that means?

That means that any player at any given time can play the game to his or her liking how they see fit for their play style.
Regardless of what you tunnel vision of EVE is and what you THINK it should be is nothing other then your opinion.
The great part is you can play the game how you see fit.
Me ? Im not into PVP at this time I am building up a fat bankroll that will last me for a long while and setting up a residual income of isk for my accounts.

And that is how I choose to play EVE and the reason my accounts are still active.
In fact if it were not for these people focused on their wallets YOU WOULD HAVE NOTHING TO FLY..
I can not understand how these people brag about this "sandbox" but then say "you'r doing it wrong".
NO we are playing EVE the way we see fit and the way that suits us.

HI sec is in place with ways to make ISK because it brings in more CASH CCPs real bank accounts.
They make a few changes to appease the whiners and criers but in the end HI sec is not going away nor will it.
Look at the way things are going Incursions FW bounty systems they are implementing these things so that all the larger NULL alliances can not control all the isk in the game.
Sure they still have the advantage with the moon mining and holding multiple systems in space running the systems but at the very top of it is the ISK still in one way or an other it's about the ISK.

So they bring in these drones to do the shooting for them they offer them a fancy ship replacement program
and you get to PVP to your little hearts content but in the end you are fighting so these people can hold their systems and rake in the ISK.

EVE has Corporations and all Corporations are about money. So your piddly opinions about what people are doing is redundant because this game is and always has been about the ISK not the PVP.
All Web Investigations
#222 - 2012-10-22 08:57:47 UTC
TheSkeptic wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
In short, buff manufacturing, invention, copying, research, offices etc heavily in nullsec, increase manufacturing costs and sales taxes etc in hisec

Lord Zim wrote:

TheSkeptic wrote:
But in a month or two you'd be back crying for the removal of hi-sec towers displaying just how kneejerk all your suggestions are.

I see absolutely no reason to remove hisec towers, they're a ***** to grind up the standings for, and all they do is provide a few extra boons. And they can be taken down in a war.

I'd love to see where you get the "just how kneejerk all your suggestions are". Do you have a list of "all my suggestions"? Care to provide that list?

By your suggestions, I was referring to the post I replied to... ltr

But... Do the buffs for null, then increase manu costs in hi-sec as you suggested above, and all you do is move manu from the stations to pos arrays.

So all you've really done is buffed null and increased sales tax in hi-sec.
Btw I'm not saying don't buff null manu - it needs it. Just pointing out that raising hi-sec station manu costs will not push manu into low/null, but into hi-sec pos's. At which point the next logical bad suggestion will be the removal of hi-sec pos's, or at worst the removal of hi-sec pos assembly arrays.

Oh... and also raised the bar for entry level hi-sec manu competition

+ gaining the required standings is trivial and can be done in 4-5 hours... less if you're really keen.

I don't know how you managed to be on tract for half of that post then fly off into stupidville with the suggestion that he'd next suggest removing towers from hisec. Where has he said his goal is to remove manufacturing or other activities from hisec entirely? Nowhere. He simply wants it to be more beneficial to do in low/null. If some people move to doing it in hisec towers instead that still falls roughly inline with what he wants, as it makes it a little bit more difficult and costly to get things up and running and maintain them (not to mention it means other players can interfere by attacking the tower).

As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.
All Web Investigations
#223 - 2012-10-22 09:02:52 UTC
IIshira wrote:
In the end the big alliances are in 0.0. They make tons of ISK and have the most influence over CCP. No matter how much you beg and plead with CCP to do something good for highsec it's not going to happen. When some guy in a crappy highsec PVE corp says he would like something and the Goons tell CCP to do something different what do you think CCP is going to do? It's just like RL who has the deepest pockets gets what they want.

The best thing to do is just play the game and try to have as much fun as possible.

Yeah because goons and the other big players in 0.0 wanted supertanked mining barges, ridiculous isk with 0 risk from incursions in hisec, the idiotic war dec mechanics, failwatch to curb pvp in hisec, etc

Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#224 - 2012-10-22 09:11:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
F'elch wrote:
Why all the hate for high sec?

Because your not playing in the "sandbox game" the right way, your playing it wrong.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#225 - 2012-10-22 09:14:44 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.



Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#226 - 2012-10-22 09:25:14 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.



Nope you lost me ...
How is the ability to have your ship blown up influenced by manufacturing & research slots?

If you can't give a valid reason, just say so, theres no shame involved in not having an answer.
So again I ask, why?
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#227 - 2012-10-22 09:27:30 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.



Nope you lost me ...
How is the ability to have your ship blown up influenced by manufacturing & research slots?

Pray tell, how will reducing the manufacturing and research slots' efficiency (be it mineral-wise or cost-wise) in hisec have any impact on whether or not your ship will go kersplode?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Prince Kobol
#228 - 2012-10-22 09:32:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Whilst I might not agree with most things the goons say, what I do agree 100% , as do most people who have spent any time in null sec, is that Indy in null sec is completely broken.

There is no sane reason why you want to choose to do Indy in null sec over HS.

Whilst I do not agree that increasing manufacturing costs and reducing manufacturing slots is HS is the way to go, something does need to be changed to make Indy in null sec more attractive.

Personally I would prefer to see player built outpost buffed in regards to manufacturing and research slots as well as refining increased as well as new ore introduced in null sec grav sites that give more low end ores such as trit and pyrite.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#229 - 2012-10-22 10:13:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
Lord Zim wrote:
Pray tell, how will reducing the manufacturing and research slots' efficiency (be it mineral-wise or cost-wise) in hisec have any impact on whether or not your ship will go kersplode?

Risk/Reward = Exploding Ships .. you introduced it for some bizarre reason ...
Supply/Demand is a popular and commonly regurgitated litany aswell, but that also would make no sense.

Mostly though your favourite word is "nerf"
The problem i have with the word nerf .... it's negative
It implies the person saying nerf xyz has put no thought into thier argument.
it implies the person using it has no argument, or solution to a problem.

I'd prefer to see the word "fix" used
Fix is far more positive, constructive.

Lets look at a "Fix Manufacturing and Research in Nulsec" option (because we want to be positive AND constructive)
First we need to examine why it's lacking or 'broken'
We do this by stating "Nulsec has severly limited Industrial Facilities compared to it's highsec equivalent"
This is not opinion, or conjecture. It's an easily proven fact, just compare the average (Fact 1) Highsec System to a Nulsec Region with regards to Infrastructure quantity.
Fact 2 "Nulsec Facilities are limited because the number of stations that can be built is limited"
Fact 3 "Nulsec Facilities are limited because of the increased logistics required in nulsec"

Theone solution then becomes
"Allowing multiple Stations to be constructed within the same system, will afford some measure of redressing the disparity between Highsec and Nulsec Industry with regards to manufacturing and Research Slots"
This is something that you can take to CCP, because it's not a 'nerf' request
It's a reasonable and VALID request for consideration.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#230 - 2012-10-22 10:19:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
The original intent for nulsec was to be an area of space, where the players controlled thier own destiny, for good or bad.
Where wars could be fought without npc inteferance.
Where Independant Communities could be built.

As 1 possible idea for a 'fix' to nulsec it means the above becomes more achievable
Yes you have to build those extra stations, and yes they can be attacked and taken over
But it would allow you to build that community, that was the original Devteam vision.

It's your choice really.
Do you want to be Negative and only look at things to destroy, or
Do you want to be Positive and look for a constructive solution to this problem.
#231 - 2012-10-22 10:22:27 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Pray tell, how will reducing the manufacturing and research slots' efficiency (be it mineral-wise or cost-wise) in hisec have any impact on whether or not your ship will go kersplode?

Risk/Reward = Exploding Ships .. you introduced it for some bizarre reason ...
Supply/Demand is a popular and commonly regurgitated litany aswell, but that also would make no sense.

Mostly though your favourite word is "nerf"
The problem i have with the word nerf .... it's negative
It implies the person saying nerf xyz has put no thought into thier argument.
it implies the person using it has no argument, or solution to a problem.

I'd prefer to see the word "fix" used
Fix is far more positive, constructive.

Lets look at a "Fix Manufacturing and Research in Nulsec" option (because we want to be positive AND constructive)
First we need to examine why it's lacking or 'broken'
We do this by stating "Nulsec has severly limited Industrial Facilities compared to it's highsec equivalent"
This is not opinion, or conjecture. It's an easily proven fact, just compare the average (Fact 1) Highsec System to a Nulsec Region with regards to Infrastructure quantity.
Fact 2 "Nulsec Facilities are limited because the number of stations that can be built is limited"
Fact 3 "Nulsec Facilities are limited because of the increased logistics required in nulsec"

The solution then becomes
"Allowing multiple Stations to be constructed within the same system, will afford some measure of redressing the disparity between Highsec and Nulsec Industry with regards to manufacturing and Research Slots"
This is something that you can take to CCP, because it's not a 'nerf' request
It's a reasonable and VALID request for consideration.

It's called power creep, an example is the heavy missile nerf. lol what the christ

Colonel Xaven
Caldari State
#232 - 2012-10-22 10:36:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Colonel Xaven
Prince Kobol wrote:
Whilst I might not agree with most things the goons say, what I do agree 100% , as do most people who have spent any time in null sec, is that Indy in null sec is completely broken.

There is no sane reason why you want to choose to do Indy in null sec over HS.

Whilst I do not agree that increasing manufacturing costs and reducing manufacturing slots is HS is the way to go, something does need to be changed to make Indy in null sec more attractive.

Personally I would prefer to see player built outpost buffed in regards to manufacturing and research slots as well as refining increased as well as new ore introduced in null sec grav sites that give more low end ores such as trit and pyrite.

I agree here that Industry is not really profitable and / or attractive in null.

Imho all production of bigger stuff (i.e. ships) and or T2 should be doable only in lowsec / nullsec structures / outposts.

Supply and demand is okay in hisec.
Supply from hisec to cover demand in nullsec is okay aswell.
There is no vital demand in hisec that needs to be supplied from null (apart from moongoo).
Supply and demand in null is completely ****.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#233 - 2012-10-22 11:25:11 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Pray tell, how will reducing the manufacturing and research slots' efficiency (be it mineral-wise or cost-wise) in hisec have any impact on whether or not your ship will go kersplode?

Risk/Reward = Exploding Ships .. you introduced it for some bizarre reason ...

Nullsec: more risk than hisec, shittier industry
Hisec: no risk, best industry

Gee, such a bizarre reason.

Kitty Bear wrote:
Mostly though your favourite word is "nerf"
The problem i have with the word nerf .... it's negative
It implies the person saying nerf xyz has put no thought into thier argument.
it implies the person using it has no argument, or solution to a problem.

And now you're interpreting things given your own viewpoint. You have three ways to fix a power imbalance, one is to buff one side of the imbalance, and one is to nerf the other, to bring balance. In some cases, you have to do a combination where you buff one side and nerf the other. This is one of those cases, and I've laid out very specifically why the changes I'm arguing for should happen.

1) Nullsec industry capacity must be buffed heavily compared to what it is now, to the point where it's possible to not just match the best system in hisec, but far surpass it.
2) It must be easier to refine in the same system as production happens
3) Hisec manufacturing slot costs should increase to add as an extra economic incentive to not build in hisec for export to nullsec
4) Hisec sales tax could be increased slightly to act as a better isk sink to help deflate the monetary inflation EVE is under, and to allow nullsec entities to set higher sales taxes (which, of course, should go to the station's owner) to help with building up bottom-up financing of alliances.
5) Maybe even make hisec manufacturing less efficient with minerals, to further dissuade f.ex making guns for export to nullsec
6) Maybe even make hisec refineries less efficient with compressed ore, to further dissuade f.ex compressing ore for export to hisec, and to enable nullsec entities to actually add a small refinery tax, to help with building up bottom-up financing of alliances.

Kitty Bear wrote:
I'd prefer to see the word "fix" used
Fix is far more positive, constructive.

Lets look at a "Fix Manufacturing and Research in Nulsec" option (because we want to be positive AND constructive)
First we need to examine why it's lacking or 'broken'
We do this by stating "Nulsec has severly limited Industrial Facilities compared to it's highsec equivalent"
This is not opinion, or conjecture. It's an easily proven fact, just compare the average (Fact 1) Highsec System to a Nulsec Region with regards to Infrastructure quantity.
Fact 2 "Nulsec Facilities are limited because the number of stations that can be built is limited"
Fact 3 "Nulsec Facilities are limited because of the increased logistics required in nulsec"

Theone solution then becomes
"Allowing multiple Stations to be constructed within the same system, will afford some measure of redressing the disparity between Highsec and Nulsec Industry with regards to manufacturing and Research Slots"
This is something that you can take to CCP, because it's not a 'nerf' request
It's a reasonable and VALID request for consideration.

And that is but a part of the "fix", since the "fix" still doesn't solve the problem of it making more economic sense to build in hisec and import, and it doesn't solve the problem of miners compressing their ore and sending it to hisec for refinery there.

And the problem with constantly adding buffs all over the place is that this is what's commonly known as "power creep", or power inflation if you must. If you buff one shiptype, like f.ex titans, you can either buff a whole lot of other ships to make them more "in line" with the titans, but that means those ships are suddenly overpowered compared to smaller ships so they need to be buffed, which means those ships are suddenly overpowered to the ships a tier down again, etc etc etc. All that could be avoided by looking at what the problem actually is, and fixing that problem. Sometimes, the fix is nerfing something instead of buffing everything else. And, hisec's manufacturing ability is overpowered compared to the other space categories.

Painting someone who doesn't just say "BUFF ALL THE THINGS" as "hurr durr durr you just say nerf you have no clue" is incongruous when the nerfs are small and better reasoned than "hurr I hate hisec nerf hisec".

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Krixtal Icefluxor
#234 - 2012-10-22 12:16:17 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.

Which is exactly why, for the serious industrialist, they might as well be not available. Even in my dead-end backwater, most of the manufacturing slots have a weeks long queue. A factory POS is pretty much a requirement. Nerf or take away Station slots and folks will just put up more POS'es and essentially nothing will be solved.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

#235 - 2012-10-22 12:18:32 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.

Which is exactly why, for the serious industrialist, they might as well be not available. Even in my dead-end backwater, most of the manufacturing slots have a weeks long queue. A factory POS is pretty much a requirement. Nerf or take away Station slots and folks will just put up more POS'es and essentially nothing will be solved.

We find and shoot those poses, problem solved. lol what the christ

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#236 - 2012-10-22 12:20:13 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.

Which is exactly why, for the serious industrialist, they might as well be not available. Even in my dead-end backwater, most of the manufacturing slots have a weeks long queue.

I have multiple stations within 3 jumps of Jita which are more or less empty. I don't know what to tell you. vOv

Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
A factory POS is pretty much a requirement. Nerf or take away Station slots and folks will just put up more POS'es and essentially nothing will be solved.

Except hisec's economic competitive advantage will be decreased if nullsec ever gets an industrial buff.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Krixtal Icefluxor
#237 - 2012-10-22 12:28:34 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.

Which is exactly why, for the serious industrialist, they might as well be not available. Even in my dead-end backwater, most of the manufacturing slots have a weeks long queue. A factory POS is pretty much a requirement. Nerf or take away Station slots and folks will just put up more POS'es and essentially nothing will be solved.

We find and shoot those poses, problem solved.

Not in that alt you don't.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Krixtal Icefluxor
#238 - 2012-10-22 12:32:12 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Except hisec's economic competitive advantage will be decreased if nullsec ever gets an industrial buff.

Possibly.......but it won't make a soul leave for Null or Low who has not already.

A decade has not been long enough to force that kind of movement from High Sec.....nothing will, except the removal of all stations from High Sec. Except instead of removing to Null or Low, they will then remove themselves from the game.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

#239 - 2012-10-22 12:37:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghazu
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Ghazu wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

As it stands with regards to manufacturing and research, it really is absurd that people in hisec not only have the safety of hisec but also the best/most facilities.

Which is exactly why, for the serious industrialist, they might as well be not available. Even in my dead-end backwater, most of the manufacturing slots have a weeks long queue. A factory POS is pretty much a requirement. Nerf or take away Station slots and folks will just put up more POS'es and essentially nothing will be solved.

We find and shoot those poses, problem solved.

Not in that alt you don't.

This is my PI main. Also oh no what is CCP going to do if they lose a bunch of isk farmers when plex demand is through the roof. lol what the christ

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#240 - 2012-10-22 12:38:27 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Except hisec's economic competitive advantage will be decreased if nullsec ever gets an industrial buff.

Possibly.......but it won't make a soul leave for Null or Low who has not already.

A decade has not been long enough to force that kind of movement from High Sec.....nothing will, except the removal of all stations from High Sec. Except instead of removing to Null or Low, they will then remove themselves from the game.

I don't know about you, but I'm not aiming at people who haven't moved to nullsec in some capacity already, I'm aiming at the people who have proven that they're willing to take at least some risk, but they've wisened up to the fact that hisec is way too good at manufacturing that it doesn't make sense in any way, shape or form to try to do manufacturing in nullsec.

I've tried doing nullsec manufacturing, it sucks dicks through a straw, so I moved back to hisec.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat