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Nerf Moaning Null Bears PLS

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#201 - 2012-10-19 09:43:48 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
TheSkeptic wrote:
Avg BS rat in null is what 1.2m?
Avg rat in hi-sec is what 8k?

So L4s are nothing but 8k rats? Interesting.

L4's are not ratting.

If only you had the ability to be articulate in your posts we'd be -1 page Cry


Prince Kobol
#202 - 2012-10-19 09:53:16 UTC
I have to agree with people who are against nerfing in general.

For me nerfing is the lazy way and rarely works.

One of my main issues with HS is the ability to earn isk afk, whether it be mining or mission running.

The changes to the AI will hopefully soon make it a lot more difficult to afk in missions.

The change to the mack I found insane to be honest. This was a dream come to true to HS miners (I know because I mine on one of my accounts)

I would love to see NPC's in all area's of Eve behave like Sleepers and with random spawns introduced in missions, sigs sites and anons.

I don't care whether you are running a mission, anon's,or sig sites in HS, Low or Null.. these should not be able to be run afk.

For some added spice I would also love to see more webbing / scamming / neuting / ECM NPC's added as well.

I would also change the way belt rats work in HS as well.

So for example you are afk mining in a belt and along comes a NPC spawn, If that spawn is not killed in x amount of time an additional spawn will appear, and again if that spawn is not killed more will come.

Each Additional spawn will contain bigger and harder hitting rats.

Think of it as the NPC's calling in there friends :)

Also to stop people from farming these additional spawns just put zero bounty and drops on them.

Jim Hazard
Fury Industry
#203 - 2012-10-19 09:59:10 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
I have to agree with people who are against nerfing in general.

For me nerfing is the lazy way and rarely works.

One of my main issues with HS is the ability to earn isk afk, whether it be mining or mission running.

The changes to the AI will hopefully soon make it a lot more difficult to afk in missions.

The change to the mack I found insane to be honest. This was a dream come to true to HS miners (I know because I mine on one of my accounts)

I would love to see NPC's in all area's of Eve behave like Sleepers and with random spawns introduced in missions, sigs sites and anons.

I don't care whether you are running a mission, anon's,or sig sites in HS, Low or Null.. these should not be able to be run afk.

For some added spice I would also love to see more webbing / scamming / neuting / ECM NPC's added as well.

I would also change the way belt rats work in HS as well.

So for example you are afk mining in a belt and along comes a NPC spawn, If that spawn is not killed in x amount of time an additional spawn will appear, and again if that spawn is not killed more will come.

Each Additional spawn will contain bigger and harder hitting rats.

Think of it as the NPC's calling in there friends :)

Also to stop people from farming these additional spawns just put zero bounty and drops on them.

That would be a nice new way to grief miners..... search for miners in a belt.... just sit in that belt with a solid permatanking ship.. wait for rats to pile up in the belt.. warp out.. hope for the miners to be killed by a blob of rats, wait for the rats to leave when nothing is left in the belt, loot, salvage, profit.
Prince Kobol
#204 - 2012-10-19 10:01:00 UTC
Jim Hazard wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
I have to agree with people who are against nerfing in general.

For me nerfing is the lazy way and rarely works.

One of my main issues with HS is the ability to earn isk afk, whether it be mining or mission running.

The changes to the AI will hopefully soon make it a lot more difficult to afk in missions.

The change to the mack I found insane to be honest. This was a dream come to true to HS miners (I know because I mine on one of my accounts)

I would love to see NPC's in all area's of Eve behave like Sleepers and with random spawns introduced in missions, sigs sites and anons.

I don't care whether you are running a mission, anon's,or sig sites in HS, Low or Null.. these should not be able to be run afk.

For some added spice I would also love to see more webbing / scamming / neuting / ECM NPC's added as well.

I would also change the way belt rats work in HS as well.

So for example you are afk mining in a belt and along comes a NPC spawn, If that spawn is not killed in x amount of time an additional spawn will appear, and again if that spawn is not killed more will come.

Each Additional spawn will contain bigger and harder hitting rats.

Think of it as the NPC's calling in there friends :)

Also to stop people from farming these additional spawns just put zero bounty and drops on them.

That would be a nice new way to grief miners..... search for miners in a belt.... just sit in that belt with a solid permatanking ship.. wait for rats to pile up in the belt.. warp out.. hope for the miners to be killed by a blob of rats, wait for the rats to leave when nothing is left in the belt, loot, salvage, profit.

Would only work if they are afk which is kind of the point.

It would stop a lot of afk miners
#205 - 2012-10-19 10:02:16 UTC
You are griefing me if you don't let me mine afk. lol what the christ

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#206 - 2012-10-19 10:36:33 UTC
TheSkeptic wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
TheSkeptic wrote:
Avg BS rat in null is what 1.2m?
Avg rat in hi-sec is what 8k?

So L4s are nothing but 8k rats? Interesting.

L4's are not ratting.

If only you had the ability to be articulate in your posts we'd be -1 page Cry

You're in space, shooting rats. It's ratting. Or are you going to try to say that running anoms isn't ratting, but "anomming"?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#207 - 2012-10-19 10:37:50 UTC  |  Edited by: TheSkeptic
Lord Zim wrote:
TheSkeptic wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
TheSkeptic wrote:
Avg BS rat in null is what 1.2m?
Avg rat in hi-sec is what 8k?

So L4s are nothing but 8k rats? Interesting.

L4's are not ratting.

If only you had the ability to be articulate in your posts we'd be -1 page Cry

You're in space, shooting rats. It's ratting. Or are you going to try to say that running anoms isn't ratting, but "anomming"?

I believe most call it plexing

Next you're going to call incursions ratting too. Roll And exploration must also be ratting (on sites with rats)


Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#208 - 2012-10-19 10:44:31 UTC
TheSkeptic wrote:
I believe most call it plexing

Anomalies != complexes.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#209 - 2012-10-19 10:50:31 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
TheSkeptic wrote:
I believe most call it plexing

Anomalies != complexes.



Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#210 - 2012-10-19 10:52:31 UTC
"Hi, I'm TheSkeptic, an NPC corp char, and I'd rather argue semantics than the bigger, more important topics."

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Jams Baridar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#211 - 2012-10-19 10:55:20 UTC
PVE is also part of game. PVE but not PVP need no reason. And ISK can never be the reason for not PVP if u like fight with others. Mission, which lose less and earn seems not much, make people boring in EVE. So I think it's the reason why CCP nerf it. Going FW in low sec or other including dangerous but earn much more sounds more interesting. Anyway, enjoy the way u most enjoyable in this EVE.
Lin-Young Borovskova
#212 - 2012-10-19 10:57:34 UTC
Your pills...


Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#213 - 2012-10-19 10:58:01 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
"Hi, I'm TheSkeptic, an NPC corp char, and I'd rather argue semantics than the bigger, more important topics."

What are you? 12? seriously



Wall Street Trading
#214 - 2012-10-19 10:58:16 UTC
destiny2 wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
destiny2 wrote:

Now a days Null is safer to make isk. then highsec is.

I've noticed that people who say this rarely seem to make their ISK in 0.0

I dunno where your getting your info from but i clear about 2 bill isk a day provideing i get my 3 10/10's lol

still on average running anoms can still pull in 500+ mill a day.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the null bear in the thread title.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#215 - 2012-10-19 11:12:14 UTC
Can we agree on a new xxx-bear classification please ?

I fly high, low and null. Does that make me an Omnibear ?

I feel lost, who do I complain about ? This is not fair, Omnibears everywhere are being marginalised.

psycho freak
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#216 - 2012-10-19 11:18:13 UTC  |  Edited by: psycho freak

nothing wrong with high sec but it will b messed up afta next patch

way i look at it is

hi-sec = bustling city with the laww and odd criminal and alot chances to make cash like any city

lo-sec = the hood were wanabe gangsters and cra*k heads and muggers rule

0.0 = a 3rd world country were the dictator genrial rulls and orders what dimond mine to hit next

about lvl 4's you hear alot crap about 200m p/h thats bull crap tbh lo-sec and 0.0 av better isk if you use your head npc 0.0 missions/ ded plex's/ to name just 2 i aint spelling it out for you

all the crap about wanting hi-secers to move to lo-sec and 0.0 to be targets is bull we want and have plenty of fights the odd gank is nice but we love the fights with other corps that do same as us

some ppl think becouse you live in 0.0 / lo-sec you should make your isk there lmfao how narrow minded can you get, you make your isk any way you can the faster the better less grindining more fighting

ppl spew the risk/reward ratio lmfao what a load of sh!t risk is relative I.e f u are behind a sea of blues with intel chans your risk is vastly reduced if you are solo lo-sec/0.0 plexer no intel chans your risk is increasd same for the hi-secer if dont know game mechanics (until next patch)

everyone pays they sbs and can play how they like ccp should think about adding stuff to game instead of nurfing

and yes ppl whine alot know why becouse they want what you got

but what ever happens we will adapt we allways have

alot edits as im drunk and cant spell if you have a complaint phone someone who gives a fu*k

my spelling sux brb find phone number for someone who gives a fu*k

nop cant find it

Wall Street Trading
#217 - 2012-10-19 11:24:40 UTC
psycho freak wrote:

nothing wrong with high sec but it will b messed up afta next patch

way i look at it is

hi-sec = bustling city with the laww and odd criminal and alot chances to make cash like any city

lo-sec = the hood were wanabe gangsters and cra*k heads and muggers rule

0.0 = a 3rd world country were the dictator genrial rulls and orders what dimond mine to hit next

about lvl 4's you hear alot crap about 200m p/h thats bull crap tbh lo-sec and 0.0 av better isk if you use your head npc 0.0 missions/ ded plex's/ to name just 2 i aint spelling it out for you

all the crap about wanting hi-secers to move to lo-sec and 0.0 to be targets is bull we want and have plenty of fights the odd gank is nice but we love the fights with other corps that do same as us

some ppl think becouse you live in 0.0 / lo-sec you should make your isk there lmfao how narrow minded can you get, you make your isk any way you can the faster the better less grindining more fighting

ppl spew the risk/reward ratio lmfao what a load of sh!t risk is relative I.e f u are behind a sea of blues with intel chans your risk is vastly reduced if you are solo lo-sec/0.0 plexer no intel chans your risk is increasd same for the hi-secer if dont know game mechanics (until next patch)

everyone pays they sbs and can play how they like ccp should think about adding stuff to game instead of nurfing

and yes ppl whine alot know why becouse they want what you got

but what ever happens we will adapt we allways have

alot edits as im drunk and cant spell if you have a complaint phone someone who gives a fu*k

This plus punctuation. Thanks for the post.
#218 - 2012-10-19 12:48:16 UTC
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
Your pills...

They forgot them?

I just turned into an egg, did I level up? I spent an hour trying to salvage a wreck, when in local a guy said "Stop it, this is my Tempest, I was AFK"

Krixtal Icefluxor
#219 - 2012-10-19 12:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Krixtal Icefluxor
Prince Kobol wrote:

One of my main issues with HS is the ability to earn isk afk, whether it be mining or mission running.

I'm sure the VAST majority of miners have never done the AFK Thing or Botted. I've never done it, not interested in it, and I'm sure that's the case for most miners out there

Let's start asking CCP for some REAL numbers behind this 'AFK mining" thing. Mining rock roids is pretty much not an AFK activity now from the small Hulk cargoholds (people mining roids in High with Macks and Skiffs are lame and cowardly imho). Ice Mining is a different story.

edit: probably the same percentage as the number and frequency of AFK Cloakers. Not that many.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#220 - 2012-10-19 14:24:08 UTC
In the end the big alliances are in 0.0. They make tons of ISK and have the most influence over CCP. No matter how much you beg and plead with CCP to do something good for highsec it's not going to happen. When some guy in a crappy highsec PVE corp says he would like something and the Goons tell CCP to do something different what do you think CCP is going to do? It's just like RL who has the deepest pockets gets what they want.

The best thing to do is just play the game and try to have as much fun as possible.