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break the blobs, the local, the safe 00 and begin the fun!!

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2012-10-18 22:02:55 UTC
What about instead of all this complicated business, you just made Local Chat work like it does in a Wormhole for low and null sec (we could argue that in high sec, ships are required to have transponders active aka accurate local).

For null sec, again it should work like W-Space, with one exception: anchor-able structures with very small numbers of hit points (think easily destroyed by small gangs - YAY!), in SOV space. WIth those structures anchored in system, the local chat because 100% accurate again just like it currently is (visible to ALL parties). However, those structures could be destroyed fairly easily, by locating them and blowing them up.

The cool thing about this idea is that it works as a nice, happy medium between two extremes:

1) Local is no longer used totally as an intelligence gathering tool.

2) With some cheap, fairly easy to kill structures anchored, Local could be used for intelligence, but those structures can be destroyed by a small gang in a few minutes (think 5-10 people).

3) This solves several shortcomings: not enough small gang targets for SOV warfare, too much advanced warning, more opportunities to attack/defend without a 200+ man gang, more easily accomplished SOV maintenance (the Local Scanner Structures should by small, easily haulable, and generally easily replaceable. The idea is easy to kill, easy to replace for any half-way diligent group.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#42 - 2012-10-18 22:16:18 UTC
You still have local being used for intel, often at the expense of it's function for chat.

This has a chilling effect on those who might otherwise consider using local chat to actually chat with.
After all, if you are hunting for targets, seeing one chatty could get your attention.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#43 - 2012-10-18 23:25:38 UTC
As I've said before, if you want nullsec to be more like wormholes, well, you might as well give us the ability to bridge large fleets and jump supercapital blobs into wormholes.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-10-18 23:38:09 UTC
You see, the reason wormholes are so much safer than hisec is that once you do manage to find a way to get into a specific system, you can only get so many ships in. Getting the number of ships needed to evict a well-entrenched group from a wormhole into the system alone takes weeks. For this reason, I propose a "wormhole stabilizing" mechanic

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#45 - 2012-10-19 00:32:38 UTC
I want an automatic Dscan with far superior range (like 64AU), less information (like only ship number), and less directional to replace the local ! With an automatic function ticking every 3 or 5 seconds.

Or the system scanner could do it (but keep the automatic thing, we are in the 25th century...)

And while you are at it, put the automatic function on the dscan !
Gorn Arming
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#46 - 2012-10-19 01:39:57 UTC
If you flat-out remove local from nullsec, everyone's going to move back to highsec. Living in null is already a questionable decision from the perspective of an individual player--there's no reward in it.

Unlike wormholes, anyone can roam anywhere in null with a few keystrokes on the map screen, in unlimited numbers and without the possibility of being stranded.
#47 - 2012-10-19 02:07:00 UTC
I don't even use local anyways, so it's not like that'd impact me greatly. I do think though that there should be other less easy to exploit methods of gathering intel that'd be available to lone pilots, or groups up to five, so that small gangs of frigates or whatever wouldn't just always wander headfirst into hostile camps at every opportunity. That'd quickly just get people to avoid any kind of dangerous space unless they were in a big alliance, I think.
Bender 01000010
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#48 - 2012-10-19 04:42:08 UTC
What if:

- you make local chat beacons (which authenticate, detect and show every player in - LOCAL chat - of the current solar system) to be an upgrade which can be purchased and can be anchored in your newly conquered solar systems

- you need to place more than one of this local chat beacons in a solar systems, in order to have a good coverage so you can detect and authenticate automatically any player in that solar systems. This have some flaws because there will be blind spots where you cannot be detected thus you can "disappear from local chat" as you left the solar system.

- you could scan with your covert ops frigate for some blind spots in a solar system, where you can warp in that area and disappear from local, because the local subspace beacon don't have coverage in certain areas (like behind planets, certain space clouds, etc).

- Black Ops ship will have the native ability to see the coverage of the local chat beacons on map and be able to warp to blind spots in order to disappear from local chat for some serious guerrilla action.

Later Edit:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The few months I spent in a wormhole made it plain to me that Local Chat is not the limit to how different that part of the game is.

The OP's idea may be workable, but I need clarification on details.

How does a covops or other scanning pilot locate the safe spots you described?

first you scan it and see where is no coverage from the local chat beacons;
then,let's say you send some kind of probe, launched from your probe launcher, you position it where is the blind spot, and you warp at the probe..there i fixed it.
Lin Gerie
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2012-10-19 05:13:36 UTC
TOxik FuEL wrote:
So the Ideas:

1- No more local everywhere in the game (HS , LS, 00) so now we can have a new role and real intel function, more realistic war strategy... you said reward vs risk, sorry but when you're in 00, all the neightboorhood is blue or in the same alliance, you a lot of the time really safe.

I understand the hate for local but I also understand its nessesity in the game. It gives the players a sense that someone is there. It gives the social aspect of the MMO right off the bat. Then there is lore and just basic technology that exists, you have to have a reason to remove local. In this case I think local should work at a connection rate. Your ship does calculations to connect to a systems network making players show up in your local. Higher security systems load their pilots into local faster after a new player enters the system then a low sec system would.

As for everything in null, give the players a pos module or some kind of structure they anchor in system that boosts their own local chat. This means they can have trap systems with no local, while others like an alliance capital or home system would have many to improve chat time in game.


2- No more blob and blue region in 00, everyone (ok I exagerate) is blue to each other. So now a corp max 250 players, An alliance max 2-3 corp. No more good standing to each other, If you're in the alliance you're seeing your mate (corp or alliance) with a specific tag. and everything else is tagged as a potentiel enemy (no more neutral standing...)

I dont really fly null (im a wormhole player) so I cant really say yay or nay about this


3- Limiting the number of Sov and outpost per alliance, made a really HQ!

An alliance should be able to take and hold as many systems as it wants. You HAVE to think of the emergent gameplay when you make ideas. If you want to attempt to force players to hold less sov then throw something at them that makes it difficult to hold many systems unless you're alliance is organized and able to keep up on the upkeep of all their systems. Perhaps concord or faction forces get sent to prevent your alliance from getting too many systems and threatening empire space. Maybe the local rats start growing stronger the less you kill them leading them up to incursion level fleets taking back sov space.


4- No more info on the player's corp/alliance when you click on the character or in the overview. So what you see is : character name and ship other info are private... we have access to too many info about everyone in this game (and the website) so we don't have a lot of suprise....

Problem is technically that information gets registered with concord so it will always be available no matter how much you wish it wasnt.


5- No more public Sov info, you want to see who is in the system go ahead.

This info should still be mapable though (more work for explorers yay!). That way alliances have to map out their enemies sov space.

Sinzor Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#50 - 2012-10-19 06:23:21 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
I think most of us realize that before local can be no more than a chat system, the intel function it provides would have to be replaced (at least partially) with another mechanic does'nt involve monotonous clicking a button.

Once that system is developed into something sensible, useful but limited, and (gasp) possibly even fun, then we can discuss what needs to be done with local.

What about making d-scan a module?
Set it to auto-repeat, and have fun mining. But sacrifice your tank or whatever. And no, you cant d-scan when cloaked. Either you're invisible and blind, or you can see your enemies and be seen by them. Makes a decision point here, which is right imo.
Simon Severasse
Los Marginales
#51 - 2012-10-19 07:05:53 UTC
Sinzor Aumer wrote:
And no, you cant d-scan when cloaked.

I think you should be able to scan while cloaked but as soon as you start to send waves of signals to and from your ship, you should be easyly tracked. Maybe getting yourself visible in DScan or breaking the cloak while you keep scanning
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#52 - 2012-10-19 08:24:18 UTC
Gorn Arming wrote:
If you flat-out remove local from nullsec, everyone's going to move back to highsec. Living in null is already a questionable decision from the perspective of an individual player--there's no reward in it.

PVP is the reward.
#53 - 2012-10-19 09:56:50 UTC
Gorn Arming wrote:
If you flat-out remove local from nullsec, everyone's going to move back to highsec. Living in null is already a questionable decision from the perspective of an individual player--there's no reward in it.

Unlike wormholes, anyone can roam anywhere in null with a few keystrokes on the map screen, in unlimited numbers and without the possibility of being stranded.

It's the mobility and power projection through jump mechanics that needs a good beating with the nerfbat.

Then offset this by increasing the rewards for null by further cultivating claimed systems (like better ores for low-ends, higher bounties, better incursion pay-out, etc.), so cutting null's umbilical cord to empire doesn't cause a mass-exodus.

And then do something about the instant Local (like perhaps requiring a special POS modules to function).

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Caldari State
#54 - 2012-10-19 10:00:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Tolene
TOxik FuEL wrote:
So the Ideas:

1- No more local everywhere in the game (HS , LS, 00) so now we can have a new role and real intel function, more realistic war strategy... you said reward vs risk, sorry but when you're in 00, all the neightboorhood is blue or in the same alliance, you a lot of the time really safe.

Local is fine as it is. Null sec is huge compared to wh space and finding a system that is not empty or filled with cloaky tengus is hard enough as it is. Using local to your advantage takes skill and experience but it can be done pretty easy. If someone aims only for easy ganking with cloaky ships then the local may be a problem to him if he does not know how to D-scan fast. Other than that local is fine


2- No more blob and blue region in 00, everyone (ok I exagerate) is blue to each other. So now a corp max 250 players, An alliance max 2-3 corp. No more good standing to each other, If you're in the alliance you're seeing your mate (corp or alliance) with a specific tag. and everything else is tagged as a potentiel enemy (no more neutral standing...)

Artificial limits on political actions of null sec in sandbox game are nonsense. Players would find a way to bypass such solution within first 2-3 days after implementation. Not to mention that it would ruin the null sec.


3- Limiting the number of Sov and outpost per alliance, made a really HQ!

What would be the reason to wage sov war if you have a limit to how many systems you can actually own? Also fake alliances made just to hold space would come into life within the first 24 hours after introducing the change. This idea is a waste of DEV team time.


4- No more info on the player's corp/alliance when you click on the character or in the overview. So what you see is : character name and ship other info are private... we have access to too many info about everyone in this game (and the website) so we don't have a lot of suprise....

Null sec pilots take pride in their alliance/corp tickers. No reason to hide it. Your employment history is a public data used mostly in recruiting process to eliminate worthless scrubs and spies. I see no reason to change this mechanic. All you do have its consequences on your future life. If you will get agroo from the community then "There is no agroo reset" Big smile


5- No more public Sov info, you want to see who is in the system go ahead.

LOL why would any of the sov holders want to hide how big they are? TCU is a flag syaing "THIS IS MY LAND' and null sec alliances like to brag about how much space they own.

To sum it up there is not a single idea in this topic that would actually benefit the null sec playerbase.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#55 - 2012-10-19 14:14:25 UTC
Simon Severasse wrote:
Sinzor Aumer wrote:
And no, you cant d-scan when cloaked.

I think you should be able to scan while cloaked but as soon as you start to send waves of signals to and from your ship, you should be easyly tracked. Maybe getting yourself visible in DScan or breaking the cloak while you keep scanning

Oh do I have a thread you might like....
Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2012-10-20 17:38:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Dalto Bane
I have a suggestion for a change to Local that would keep it from being taken completely away, but keeps it from being used soley as a recon tool. Allow local only in stations and limited to only the pilots who are docked and in the current system. It should not be taken completely away because social interaction is a large part of Eve. I am sure that there are even better ideas out there, and this is just an opinion.

As far as Cloaks go... I do not believe that they should be completely invul to being scanned down.. but should be very hard to do so and require specific skills and mods dedicated to anti Covert Operations and recon. Again I am sure there are alot of good ideas out there.

Drops Mic

Mirima Thurander
#57 - 2012-10-20 18:09:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Mirima Thurander
I hate all you people going fine remove local but give us something just like it back.

What's the freaking point in removing it if you instantly say u want a tool that gathers your intel for you?

All i have to say is HTFU and fine your alliance some real scouts with scanning skills and that know how To work d scan.

All u null sec people all wase quote why should ccp hold your had to.the carebears.

And i ask you why should ccp hold your hand and do your scouting for you?

All automated intel should be removed from the game including Instant local/jumps/kills/cynos for all systems/regions.Eve should report nothing like this to the client/3rd party software.Intel should not be force fed to players. Player skill and iniative should be the sources of intel.

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