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My theory on a way to expand eve

Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#1 - 2012-10-17 18:13:36 UTC  |  Edited by: stationmonkey
I am going to try to explain my idea of expanding space, and actually almost forcing players to work as a community and build EVE Gate devices to jump to another galaxy. Perhaps even using multiple gate devices that can allow movement to the new galaxy, this way there is no definitive bottleneck of asset movements between them. Working within the current faction system could be implemented where each faction could race to be the first to create a gate device to bring their ships to the new galaxy. Racing to see who creates the gate first would give more time to explore the new galaxy and expand their influence over that galaxy. You could even require the pilots who use them to have a certain level of faction reputation to travel through the gate.

Being the first faction to the new galaxy would provide a power block for one of the Factions in the game. And add the impact of multi galaxy logistics! This provides spies with the chance to catch you with your pants down. Knowing when you’re bringing something really important to the gate device, maybe even which of them you’re going through. And explain how you’re going to move the capital ships through the gate to use a new star exploration module to expand space.

This would provide the explorers in eve a new and more interactive mission system as well. Making it so alliances could claim new stars expanding their influence and the size of space through exploration. You know your servers well enough to know how many systems can be provided and what expansion of actual hardware would easiest facilitate the added load. This would also bring in new accounts and players as the space available for them is increased more will be needed to facilitate expansion. Literally making sure the exploration of the new galaxy happens slowly enough to keep pace with eve populations.

More accounts would be coming in, and we all want to facilitate the expansion of EVE. Why not look at the actual expansion of EVE!

Alliances and corps could then expand the nullsec of the new galaxy after the exploration of high and low networks. Obviously there would be the expense of the item needed to do the exploration. Probably a new ship used to launch the device that first travels to the new star would have to be created. Players could then use their Titans to jump to that solar system even create titan bridges for whole fleets to move with them. Where they use a new capital device to scan the system and find the planets and moons and even place the module that becomes the gate to that system.

The only thing you would really need to plan, is the expansion of high sec, and the low sec network that allows movement through it. The module that scans the system could allow capitals into high sec. A special cyno ship that can only light cynos for a capital ship with the scanning module online can jump to. Make the Scanning module stop the function of the offensive modules fitted unless the carrier is attacked allowing only the targeting of those attacking. This keeps you from having opportunistic capital pilots getting their big ships into position to wreak havoc in high sec. Or the relative ease of ganking capital pilots while they move through the area. Providing a way to expand high sec to the new collection of stars and constellations people will have to use a new exploration system to access. This could be really fun as it could be a process that requires the work of everyone. Forcing corroboration from more people than any one group can easily assemble on the creation of something to expand the universe.

I think it would not only energize the players who do play or have been playing even from the beginning. But this would be like a new frontier if you will in their influence on the EVE universe. It might even bring back old players who left. I think this would generate a frenzy of new players as well. Because I don’t care who you are exploration is fun. It could be even more enticing because it would have real impact on your game.

This would provide everyone with more of what they do. Faction warfare space could be expanded by running missions for the respective races. High security space could be expanded by finding the stars you would obviously have to map out ahead of time, as far as what will eventually be high and low security space. Nomads could literally travel around finding the missions available for that expansion. So you don’t get too far ahead of yourself with like 20,000 stars coming into existence all at once. That could hurt!

PVP players would have new territory because along with the expansion there would be the creation of new gates to make travel happen. This could be part of the corroborative effort of members gathering assets to build them. Allow alliances even of small to moderate size to gather the assets. The larger alliances would have a chance to expand their territory but create ways to stretch their forces in certain areas and ways. This will generate new members quickly and make and break whole new groups of alliances and coalitions. You could even institute a new coalition system that works much in the way the alliance interface works for the corporations. Allowing alliances to interact with the coalition in a manner respective of how a corporation interacts inside an alliance.

Executor corporations would gain a new responsibility creating new challenges for the players who administrate the players they are responsible for. And the creation of space and its expansion could be controlled as far as the speed with which it happens. I am fairly sure you have the ability to create new solar systems and expand the scope of EVE, and I am just trying to provide my perspective for how in the short term I can see easy facilitation of player recruitment for people in the game to go find their friends and get them to play. With what could turn out to be wonderful or terrible for them collectively.
Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#2 - 2012-10-17 18:13:44 UTC  |  Edited by: stationmonkey
As space expands there will be more wildernesses to traverse, and more homes to be claimed and reclaimed. Fought over, played with and even scammed out of. I think this would generate incredible (and I hate to use the word) buzz in the gaming community. As it sits there is not another game that offers such a nearly limitless opportunity for success and failure out there.
I really think this would invigorate the community and while it would forever change the universe that is EVE, it would forever change the universe that is EVE! As space is expanded members could even begin assisting the factions or NPC corps in the placement and assembly of the new stations in high and low security space. When it comes to the nullsec of the new Galaxy I would almost suggest leaving everything blank. And literally making its expansion purely player based.

The creation of Gates would also be needed as they find new solar systems even as expanding high sec it would be important to expanding the market and economics of EVE. Creating a new set of blueprints for the gates even using some capital part blueprints. But definitely creating something even old hands would have to invest in and research to facilitate the expansion would help get the needed modules and ships to make it all happen. It would give a new and clear purpose for titans, and even carriers and supers would have work to do bringing the ships for the people who would clone jump to the titan once it was in place. I have pages and pages on ways to make this happen. But I want to stop here as I am hoping it’s not already too long for you guys to read =-).

Fly True, Strike Sure, and Keep Up!

Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#3 - 2012-10-17 18:16:44 UTC
You lost me about 1/3 of the way through the wall of text.
Jim Era
#4 - 2012-10-17 18:19:35 UTC


Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#5 - 2012-10-17 18:20:18 UTC
Saede Riordan wrote:
You lost me about 1/3 of the way through the wall of text.

Sorry I lost you, there is a lot here I know that. But believe it or not this is a cut down version of my idea. Right now I just want to get the basics of what I am proposing out there. But I think this could be a really fun way expand the scope of EVE.
Josef Djugashvilis
#6 - 2012-10-17 18:20:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
Please edit and put some paragraphs/line breaks in.

This is not a signature.

Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#7 - 2012-10-17 18:24:36 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Please edit and put some paragraphs/line breaks in.

oh if only the posting system allowed enough room to do that.. but unfortunately your relegated to 6000 characters...
Destination SkillQueue
#8 - 2012-10-17 18:28:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Destination SkillQueue
stationmonkey wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Please edit and put some paragraphs/line breaks in.

oh if only the posting system allowed enough room to do that.. but unfortunately your relegated to 6000 characters...

You've got two of the first posts already reserved. Split the wall-O-text in 2 parts. Put part one in the OP and part two in the second post.
Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#9 - 2012-10-17 18:35:47 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
stationmonkey wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Please edit and put some paragraphs/line breaks in.

oh if only the posting system allowed enough room to do that.. but unfortunately your relegated to 6000 characters...

You've got two of the first posts already reserved. Split the wall-O-text in 2 parts. Put part one in the OP and part two in the second post.

ok there ya go! breaks put in!
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#10 - 2012-10-17 18:38:48 UTC
Right from the start
forcing players

not the way to go.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#11 - 2012-10-17 18:39:15 UTC

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#12 - 2012-10-17 18:42:10 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Right from the start
forcing players

not the way to go.

ah one of the people who likes to be all alone out in the vastyness of space? Think of the devistation you could cause being one of the people that sabotages the groups trying to expand space my friend! And it wouldn't really "force" anyone to do anything. Call it "encourage" instead =-)
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#13 - 2012-10-17 18:51:47 UTC
Also, much of current nul is still pretty damn empty. I think they need to work on nul encouragement than making even more empty space.
Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#14 - 2012-10-17 18:59:38 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Also, much of current nul is still pretty damn empty. I think they need to work on nul encouragement than making even more empty space.

A big part of that is the sheer amount of space the power blocks are holding. We all know the vast majority of players roll about in high sec. And there is no incentive for them to do otherwise. Its generally after a few years of play that people really begin exploring the further reaches of space. This would be one way to encourage players to do more than just run missions or mine in high sec. And provide a richer environment for the more experienced players to play their game.
Bane Necran
Appono Astos
#15 - 2012-10-17 19:01:17 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
I think they need to work on nul encouragement than making even more empty space.

They've been encouraging people to move to null since the game began, by making it more profitable while making everything else less profitable. It's never worked, but makes a good argument when people in 0.0 simply want more isk.

If you really want more people in 0.0, take steps to reduce sov sprawl, which would allow smaller alliances to claim the systems which are currently unused and empty.

"In the void is virtue, and no evil. Wisdom has existence, principle has existence, the Way has existence, spirit is nothingness." ~Miyamoto Musashi

Robert De'Arneth
#16 - 2012-10-17 19:01:24 UTC
The last thing we need is more open space imnsho. We need a way where all 3 groups of people will be happy, adding more space is not going to do it. What would happen is simple, we would have 4 groups arguing over what CCP should do. There are already plenty of systems in the game. I

I'm a nerd, you can check my stats!! Skilling Int/Mem at 45 sp per minute is how I mack!     I'm like a lapdog, all bark no bite. 

Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#17 - 2012-10-17 19:11:25 UTC
Robert De'Arneth wrote:
The last thing we need is more open space imnsho. We need a way where all 3 groups of people will be happy, adding more space is not going to do it. What would happen is simple, we would have 4 groups arguing over what CCP should do. There are already plenty of systems in the game. I

expanding space has more to do with bringing more players in the game than any real need for it. I agree as it sits now there isn't enough incentive to expand to the null systems available. But remember my idea is a slow growth of space. not just a new galaxy all ready to go muck about it. Its a galaxy where the actual expansion of space is completely payer based. I am not talking about seeding a whole new galaxy. I am talking about using the player base to build a new galaxy.
Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#18 - 2012-10-17 19:14:58 UTC
stationmonkey wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Please edit and put some paragraphs/line breaks in.

oh if only the posting system allowed enough room to do that.. but unfortunately your relegated to 6000 characters...

If you can't summarize an idea and pitch it in less than 6000 words than its far too complicated a pitch.
Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#19 - 2012-10-17 19:18:08 UTC
Also, having scanned over your post now that line breaks have been added. No. I don't think that's a good way to add in more space. If anything, its the current space that should be expanded. Push new lowsec regions out right the the edge of nullsec then add a whole bunch more nullsec where those lowsec systems terminate. Plenty of space in space, no need to open up a new galaxy the access to which would be irritatingly limited. It would effectively artificially shard the server.
Synthetic Arbitration
Job's Done.
#20 - 2012-10-17 19:18:30 UTC
Saede Riordan wrote:
stationmonkey wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Please edit and put some paragraphs/line breaks in.

oh if only the posting system allowed enough room to do that.. but unfortunately your relegated to 6000 characters...

If you can't summarize an idea and pitch it in less than 6000 words than its far too complicated a pitch.

this is a far to complex and convoluted game for any 6000 characters to ever encompass... And a reasonable way to generate expansion requires far more than anyone is willing to read in a single sitting. you can moan all you want about how the idea should fit in 6000 characters. But the reality is you cant even explain the game its self in so few words. Let alone the impact that changes like this would make.
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