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starmap stats

Xavier Quo
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2011-10-18 09:38:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Xavier Quo
when I am checking the map to see what systems are quiet I am using "number of players currently docked and active" and "number of pilots in space in the last 30 minutes" however if either of these show handful of people, when I get to the system there is always a handful more people than what it originally said!

It seems the stats always underestimate how busy a systems is, and in fact has caused my downfall after a little trip into losec system that the map said was dead, local however said otherwise!

I am now absolutely petrified of going into losec in anything big enough to do the losec exploration sites as I cannot trust the map? how on earth are you meant to read the stats properly and have some chance of avoiding roaming gangs? is there a refresh button anywhere to update things quicker?

also, are there any plans for multiple stat overlays? I don't understand why I can't have assets AND agents, sec status AND active pilots, sov & facilities, etc
Aston Bradley
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-10-18 10:21:46 UTC
If avoiding gate camps is what you want to look out for, the stats you need to check are get activities and kills in the system. If you see a high gate activity this means that either there is a fleet camping the gate or a that large fleet just used that get to travel.

Still, there is no way to be 100% sure there is a gate camp or not. And that's why you need a scout to check that for you.

The ST map stats are good to give you an appreciation of what you might expect, that alone isn't enough to garantee you a safe travel.

To be 100% sure, get a scout. That's what they are made for.

[i]FiS should be the priority, but WiS should not be burried!

Don't encourage CCP to make empty promises or Incarna will happen again![/i]

XS Tech
#3 - 2011-10-18 12:53:17 UTC
Xavier Quo wrote:
It seems the stats always underestimate how busy a systems is, and in fact has caused my downfall after a little trip into losec system that the map said was dead, local however said otherwise!

I am now absolutely petrified of going into losec in anything big enough to do the losec exploration sites as I cannot trust the map? how on earth are you meant to read the stats properly and have some chance of avoiding roaming gangs? is there a refresh button anywhere to update things quicker?

point the first --> there is minimally a five (5) minute delay on nearly everything. The starmap might be every 30 mins or so. AT BEST it is a very rough guess.

point the second --> lowsec isn't meant to be solo'd. Get at least one other person (preferably in a small fast ship to scout) to help you out... or throw a small squad together and see what you can do.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia