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Tips and tricks for single character players?

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Scorpii Borealis
IChooseYou Alliance
#1 - 2012-10-15 09:25:06 UTC
Following tip is banned: get a alt!

How one character can survive in EVE?

Is joining a corporation necessary?

How to make ISK?

How to train skills?

What are good professions for single character?

Those are just few questions, that lies in many new players head. Usually they just end up getting another charater and paying extra to CCP. But that is not necessary, since there are many players that don't have multiple characters.

I hope to get some usefull ideas, tips and tricks in this thread.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-10-15 09:30:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Mallak Azaria
Ever tried that really good single player space game called EVE?

EDIT: Get an alt & make friends.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#3 - 2012-10-15 09:32:53 UTC
Scorpii Borealis wrote:
How to train skills?
Buy a skillbook, inject it and add it to the training queue. Cool

Who put the goat in there?

Scorpii Borealis
IChooseYou Alliance
#4 - 2012-10-15 09:37:40 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:

EDIT: Get an alt & make friends.
Getting a alt is not the solution. Or if it is, then this game is badly designed.
captain foivos
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-10-15 09:45:40 UTC
Get an alt.
Shalua Rui
Rui Freelance Mining
#6 - 2012-10-15 09:46:37 UTC
Scorpii Borealis wrote:
How one character can survive in EVE?

Ahm... no idea? Like everyone else? Nobody NEEDS more then one account, it just makes things easier.

Scorpii Borealis wrote:
Is joining a corporation necessary?

Almost nothing in EVE is necessary... but it sure helps. You'll probably need help with things like hauling or combat support at one point, but not in the beginning.

Scorpii Borealis wrote:
How to make ISK?

For starters: Mission and/or mine... the new tutorial missions give you some nice starting skills/ships and money.

Scorpii Borealis wrote:
How to train skills?

Train what you need for the things you like to do... not much to it... it just takes abit longer to reach your goals, 'cause you'll have to develop your char to do more then just one thing. Get EVE Mon and plan ahead!

Scorpii Borealis wrote:
What are good professions for single character?

In my opinion, miner is the best starting profession... it's not glamorous, but you'll always have enough money for the skill you want to train next.

"ginger forum goddess, space gypsy and stone nibbler extraordinaire!" Shalua Rui - CEO and founder of Rui Freelance Mining (RFLM)

Devious Relations
#7 - 2012-10-15 09:46:56 UTC
I play on my own in Eve but I have a couple of alts on one account so I do not get borred, I am just a simple mission runner but have loads of friends in Eve, one awesome game with plenty of options, yes if your a noob join a corp with a low tax and demand loads of info, download evemon which is superb with planning skills, go into 0.0 and get podded numerous times get frustrated and live a happy life in high sec for the rest of your life.

Graic Gabtar
The Lemon Party
#8 - 2012-10-15 09:47:24 UTC
There's a thing called alts.

Get a bunch of them.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-10-15 09:50:51 UTC
Make friends.

Its a Massively Multiplayer Online Game

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Shalua Rui
Rui Freelance Mining
#10 - 2012-10-15 09:55:02 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
Make friends.

Its a Massively Multiplayer Online Game

...and this, of course. Blink

"ginger forum goddess, space gypsy and stone nibbler extraordinaire!" Shalua Rui - CEO and founder of Rui Freelance Mining (RFLM)

#11 - 2012-10-15 10:03:21 UTC
The only real necessity for 2 accounts is if you have have no friends and need to sout yourself, or you have no friends and need to light a cyno for yourself.
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#12 - 2012-10-15 10:10:29 UTC
Eve makes use of the multiplayer aspect of the MMO, you can do things by yourself but doing it in a group is much safer and quicker, and generally more profitable.
Hypercake Mix
#13 - 2012-10-15 10:26:05 UTC
Having an alt is handy for:
-When you absolutely must not log on your main.
-When there's a task you need done that you can't do yourself and cannot trust anyone else to do it.
-When you need to suicide-gank your CEO's Hulk because he just doesn't get it.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#14 - 2012-10-15 10:26:11 UTC
Play with other people.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-10-15 10:37:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
I congratulate to the decision of only having one character,
as this enhances the depth of the game in a way all the other people can't even imagine.

There's no need to join a corporation, as long as you're able to learn and live by yourself.
Being able to read tutorials and guides and having the ability to use a search engine is all you need.
This does not mean that you you shouldn't make friends, but you can make friends without a corporation.
Communication is key, there's local for a reason.

If you understand the potential you have/the game offers and that there is no need to think in terms of
"what do i want to do", but instead realise the tools you have and which options they open up for you,
then there is nothing that can keep you from having more fun than most others in this game,
who are mere lemmings in a world full of possibilities.

The realization of your possibilities comes from understanding the options your tools give you,
instead of understanding the options you have and looking for the right tools.
You are the maker of your options, not the other way round.

Think broad. Ignore categories of "i'll be a miner; i'll be a trader; i'll run missions" and just do
the first thing that comes to your mind ... even if it's just cruising around (highly recommended)
stealing from people who you pass by. (be carefull about this ^_^)

Example: I once cruised around highsec and saw drones at a gate. I collected them. Next day,
at the same gate, i saw the guy they belonged to and gave them to him. This netted me a nice friend
and 10 million isk he gave me because i wasn't such an ******* as most others around him.

Welcome to EvE online ... and don't let the lemmings discourage you on your way to uniqueness.

PS: If you decide to go outlaw, gimme a call. No need to have alts then either, believe me.
Most lemmings will tell you that you need one, but it's bullshit.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#16 - 2012-10-15 10:45:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
Create a second character with no skills training to stay in Jita, use Red Frog to transport your loot to Jita. That's pretty much all you need to do. If you plan on ratting in Null-sec, just make a 200km tactical on all your regularly used gates. That's usually enough to keep you from getting into trouble.
Wazan Tme Inc.
Corelum Syndicate
#17 - 2012-10-15 10:47:37 UTC
To stay on topic,

1. If you are realy patient, you could invest about 30 days to get a retreiver and T2 equipment and mine (or buy one from the character bazaar, but if you could buy an alt, you should also be able to have an alt with PLEX so I guess this is out of the question), and then train your main.

2. Have a Jump Clone where you make money, away form the place you PVP or whatever you do with the corp.

3. Train Recon Ships and fly with a cloak, that way you don't care if your gang gets camped, it's easier to travel. But if you do get camped, and don't know how to get out, you are done for the night.

Is more grind with just one account, but if you have the patience witch our generation lacks, you could survive.

Off topic: My ideal situation was, 3 characters home to do plexes/rat whatever, 2 on the front (1st Dread/Carrier/BS, 2nd Falcon) - I could do whatever was on anytime.
Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-10-15 11:26:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Tao Dolcino
How one character can survive in EVE?

People here are often exagerating the difficulty of EVE, whatever their reasons to do so.
You can very well play this game, have fun and be successful with only one character. Don't listen to people telling that you can't play EVE without paying 100€/month and without having all skills at 5 and tengu... just do your stuff and you'll be happy.

Is joining a corporation necessary?

It's not necessary in the way that you can very well become independant financially alone in EVE, it's easy. But whatever you do, it will fast become boring if you always do it alone, and always the same way.

How to make ISK?

Have a look there :
Classically, at start, the easiest way to make regular money is to mission, but it's not the only way.

How to train skills?

Drag them in your skill queue and press the button "apply". Now, for which skills you should train first, it all depends of what you wish to do. But please again don't listen to most vets about it, or you'll end waiting in station and paying a subscription without being able to play for six months. Really, don't listen to them. You can start anything with low skills and T1 ships/modules. Bittervets are just not able anymore to put their feet in your shoes. The only way you should measure your success is your own fun. It's a game, not a job.

What are good professions for single character?

Any, as long as you don't stay alone in your corner. The link i have given to you can give you some ideas.
Express Hauler
#19 - 2012-10-15 11:28:57 UTC
If you are into PvE - first train Malstrem with T2 tank and Machariel after that with T2 guns to join incursions. So far they are most fun PvE activity I've seen during 15 years of MMO gaming. And somewhat profitable.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#20 - 2012-10-15 11:50:59 UTC
Scorpii Borealis wrote:
How one character can survive in EVE? Do stuff that you find interesting

Is joining a corporation necessary? Not really: you can get by in an NPC corp and just join various social channels. Being part of a group that does things together makes the game much more fun (regardless of whether you're in the same corp or not)

How to make ISK? Making ISK Guide

How to train skills? Enjoy the power and beauty of your frigate. Seriously, of the friends I have who engage in PvP regularly, the ones who seem to have the most fun are the ones flying cheaply fit frigates and messing up other people's PvP. They don't care about losing frigates in fights where they're outnumbered, just as long as they get a chance to blow stuff up or get blown up, they're happy. The friends I have who PvP in cruisers or more expensive ships have to weigh up every fight in terms of whether they can afford the ISK to engage and lose.

What are good professions for single character? Exploration when solo, or join a corp/social collective that does the things you're interested in doing. Incursions, lowsec roams, even mining.

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