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Videos ??

First post
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-10-18 05:06:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Aloron
Hello Everyone,

I have been playing on and off for over 5 years now , and one of my favorite things to do is watch the videos people and CCP make. But my question to everyone is , how on earth do you make them ??

I have tried it before in the past and everything I do looks like crap, so I am looking for advice as to what programs I could use and stuff like that ..

Also where do people get the back group music from too, I mean watching a video right now and the music is killer sounds like something from outer space or something like that .. but I listen to alot of music from all over the world and never heard anything like this before ..

thanks for any advice !!!!
Aston Bradley
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-10-18 05:58:47 UTC
You can capture videos with Fraps.

I use sony vegas to edit my videos, but adobe after effects is better if you want some crazy edits.

[i]FiS should be the priority, but WiS should not be burried!

Don't encourage CCP to make empty promises or Incarna will happen again![/i]

CCP Prawn
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2011-10-18 08:34:07 UTC
Hey Aston,

You can check out this EVElopedia (via TinyURL) page which has a collection of info and advice from various community video producers going back through the ages. I'd recommend AlleyKat's Video making tutorials as a great place to start out.

As for things looking like crap.. well the best advice I can give is to study some of the shots in a video you really like and see how they are composed. For example where things are placed in the scene and how the camera moves to capture the action. Mastering the advanced camera controls in the EVE client can help a lot in capturing some crazy angles.

Of course, if you're making PVP videos then find some good fights, zoom out till you can only see little boxes, speed it up 9001 times and play some Justin Beiber dubstep remix in the background or something. :trollface: Pirate

CCP Prawn | Senior Cinematic Artist

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#4 - 2011-10-18 08:39:51 UTC
Some players have acces to "jessica" a sort of engine for making movies

Others have really good computers and use the cinematic mode in the eve options

Others make stuff in other engines by exporting models of ships into other engines (I think somebody made one with unreal engine?)

Some guys are just naturally talented doing these kinds of things with minimal resources.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-10-18 10:23:08 UTC
CCP Prawn wrote:

Of course, if you're making PVP videos then find some good fights, zoom out till you can only see little boxes, speed it up 9001 times and play some Justin Beiber dubstep remix in the background or something. :trollface: Pirate

Stole my plan....X

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

The Unwanted.
#6 - 2011-10-18 11:18:19 UTC
I may need to update those tuts at some point...I watched them all over this last weekend to see if there was something which didn't translate into the newer versions of Premiere Pro and Vegas and I couldn't specifically see anything that was missing.

Windows Movie Maker is better than it was a few years back, and is a great place to start. It also handles 1080p natively now.

Fraps used to have a CPU limitation, which I doubt even matters now with single-core CPU's being in the minority now and 4:3 ratios like 1280x1024 also being in the minority.

Once you get the basics of dragging and dropping, cutting and pasting, then it's really down to content.

As CCP Prawn hinted - it's all about the sound you use and editing it to that, and I'd recommend taking a look at The Day of Darkness I & II for good examples of how to edit to the music and SFX, as well as Kyoko Sakoda's videos.

Ultimately, you need to find your own style - everybody has one. It's just my opinion, but CCP have the following styles in their stable of talent:

CCP ZOND3 = intercuts between wide and close shots, with high impact shots at both ends of the focal distance and uses the downbeat to cut (see EVE Never Fades)
CCP Loxyrider = medium shots editing on the bar or half bar. (see This is EVE II)
CCP Prawn = edits to the music, with cuts on drums and sfx. (see The Exiled)

I'd recommend praticing with editing to the music. Get a track that is, say, 60-120 bpm and try editing 5-10 fraps files of EVE to it. Doesn't have to be something you upload, it's for your eyes only. Try editing to different aspects of the music in terms of the drums, synth, guitar and if it has vocals, see if the images match the feel of the vocals and lyrics.

Try just listening to music and edit in your head, see what images present themselves to you - after a while, when you hear music, you will see EVE.

If you're editing a documentary-based video - then I can wholeheartedly recommend "The Clarion Call" I & II by Rooks & Kings, which has a very high presentation value by using narration as the focus of the audio, instead of music. I tried watching this the other day without sound and it essentially lost all of its impact and meaning, and became 'another meaningless fleet battle'.

Find your style - and the videos will edit themselves.


This space for rent.

Rubbish and Garbage Removal
#7 - 2011-10-18 11:25:31 UTC
Pretty much what Ciar said. Here are some examples:

Ciar Meara wrote:
Some players have acces to "jessica" a sort of engine for making movies

Example: Day of Darkness II. This is also the software that CCP made and uses for their own videos.

Ciar Meara wrote:
Others have really good computers and use the cinematic mode in the eve options.

This is usually true for most good EVE videos. Here's a really good example: Clarion Call 2: Pantheon

Ciar Meara wrote:
Others make stuff in other engines by exporting models of ships into other engines (I think somebody made one with unreal engine?)

This is something I did last summer for my corp trailer and came up with this: Rubbish and Garbage Removal Trailer. I'm not entirely happy with how it looks, but it's pretty good for a first attempt at 3D animation.

Ciar Meara wrote:
Some guys are just naturally talented doing these kinds of things with minimal resources.

The best fight videos I'd say go in here. Can't think of any atm, though.

As for the music, CCP probably has hired someone/hires someone each time they need a soundtrack made for a video. However, this costs a lot of money, so your regular Joe either just searches for the right tune, or chops up various songs and makes a new one up, like I did for my video. Then there are also some people who know how to use various types of music-making software for this task.

If you're interested in the topic, just search google for 3D animation forums and you'll access a enormous wealth of information on this subject.
David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-10-18 11:25:39 UTC
Aloron wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I have been playing on and off for over 5 years now , and one of my favorite things to do is watch the videos people and CCP make. But my question to everyone is , how on earth do you make them ??

I have tried it before in the past and everything I do looks like crap, so I am looking for advice as to what programs I could use and stuff like that ..

Also where do people get the back group music from too, I mean watching a video right now and the music is killer sounds like something from outer space or something like that .. but I listen to alot of music from all over the world and never heard anything like this before ..

thanks for any advice !!!!

U can use Fraps to capture the video then u will need to convert it into a useable format

i used Virtual Dub to convert the video from fraps format into avi format

i then used microsoft movie maker 2 to add annotations and effects.

I then used Divx Converter to render it in 1080p HD video quality

Everytime you buy something that says "made in china" you are helping the rising unemployment in your own country unless you are from china, Buy locally produced goods and help create more jobs.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2011-10-18 18:35:34 UTC
Thank you very much everyone ..

Looks like i have some videos to watch and some programs to start learning about ...

its a start atleast , so thanks very much ..

but still kinda confused about the music though ..

what kind of style music is that outer space kind of fell .. techno ? and what kind program would i use for editing sound files ?? or would those video programs also let me edit audio too ..

thanks again for the advice and please keep it coming ..
The Unwanted.
#10 - 2011-10-19 11:18:51 UTC
Aloron wrote:
Thank you very much everyone ..

Looks like i have some videos to watch and some programs to start learning about ...

its a start atleast , so thanks very much ..

but still kinda confused about the music though ..

what kind of style music is that outer space kind of fell .. techno ? and what kind program would i use for editing sound files ?? or would those video programs also let me edit audio too ..

thanks again for the advice and please keep it coming ..

Use whatever music matches the feel of the vid you are making, then edit to the music.

Video editing software allows you to drop any kind of media you want, like static pictures, any kind of video file or format plus any kind of audio file.

So, one video could have mp3's, ogg's, wav's, flash files, avi files, wmv files, jpeg's, bmp's etc all composited together.

Sony Vegas, imho, is better for audio editing. By that I mean altering the waveforms, synching, adding compression effects, and general audio keyframes.

It's a personal thing, but I like the way the waveforms are visible in Vegas as opposed to Premiere - it feels faster, too.


This space for rent.