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Courier contracts, what's the going rate?

Ricky Pickering
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2012-10-12 16:46:41 UTC
So, then, let me ask some of you freighters a question.

I constantly put up courier contracts for 13 jumps that require a collateral of 6-7 billion.

What is an acceptable reward for this?

In general I just take the number of billions, put a 0 behind it and turn it in to millions.

In other words, the reward for a 6 billion isk collateral contract with 13 jumps of high sec is 60 million. The freight is almost always under 10km3, and if it's over, it's only over by a few km3.

Am I making my prices fair, or could I afford to go even cheaper? Do I need to pay more? Thanks for the input!
Lavitakus Bromier
WTF Bunnies
#42 - 2012-10-13 01:06:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Lavitakus Bromier
Ricky Pickering wrote:
So, then, let me ask some of you freighters a question.

I constantly put up courier contracts for 13 jumps that require a collateral of 6-7 billion.

What is an acceptable reward for this?

In general I just take the number of billions, put a 0 behind it and turn it in to millions.

In other words, the reward for a 6 billion isk collateral contract with 13 jumps of high sec is 60 million. The freight is almost always under 10km3, and if it's over, it's only over by a few km3.

Am I making my prices fair, or could I afford to go even cheaper? Do I need to pay more? Thanks for the input!

idk any more slot of ppl saying it should be bsees off how much time spent doing it. But I still think since IM the one putting out the collateral it's based off it.
13 isn't long and if it's all high sec.
if I had 6b I could use for collateral I'd charge you .5% if it's in high sec. And cause,it's low,number of jumps. I could get it done pretty fast since I don't afk.

Edit: ya you laying out 1% of the collateral. And to me that fair.
Dam I should have read all your post before hand. Personally if I can be hauled in,a Indy and not a freight I'd pay out less.
Pipa Porto
#43 - 2012-10-13 01:24:52 UTC
Ricky Pickering wrote:
So, then, let me ask some of you freighters a question.

I constantly put up courier contracts for 13 jumps that require a collateral of 6-7 billion.

What is an acceptable reward for this?

In general I just take the number of billions, put a 0 behind it and turn it in to millions.

In other words, the reward for a 6 billion isk collateral contract with 13 jumps of high sec is 60 million. The freight is almost always under 10km3, and if it's over, it's only over by a few km3.

Am I making my prices fair, or could I afford to go even cheaper? Do I need to pay more? Thanks for the input!

You'd probably be better off making 7-8 contracts with 1b Collateral each. You'd probably be able to reduce your cost to ~10m total.

Most people view such high collateral public contracts as traps.

That said, since the cargo can fit in an Orca's corp hangar, maybe not.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Eden Dominion Coalition
Scary Wormhole People
#44 - 2012-10-13 13:38:45 UTC
Simply put, most courier pilots with freighters are not going to accept any contracts with collateral over 1.5B.......and if your contract requires passing through a known camped gank point....ugh, this says trap trap x 100. No way.

That said, a jump freighter pilot might be willing to go with higher collateral, maybe 3B....but even then, if the contract passes through a known gank point....they are going to wonder if it is a trap. The question that is going to be asked is why you can't split the contract into multiple parts.

If the cargo is tiny, and can be put in the hanger bay of an orca or perhaps just in the normal cargo bay of some other very fast might get some pilots willing to do it with less valuable ships, since the worst case loss is much less. But these type of pilots are not necessarily the same as your freighter pilots. The mentality is different. Freighter pilots prefer very low risk contracts....smaller/high speed ships may be fine taking much more risk as long as they expect to on average make much more isk than they lose. Know which kind of pilot you are targeting.

Kaivar Lancer
#45 - 2012-10-14 11:03:31 UTC
A few years ago I offered low-ball courier contracts just to see if anyone would take it. Yes people will deliver for 10k isk per jump. This was proper freighter-sized cargo.

10k per jump.

I guess they were courier "thieves" who take on any contract in the hope of finding under-collateralised cargo and stealing it.

So to the OP, try to offer 10k per jump. If you're doing 300+ jumps per week as you say, just imagine the isk you'll save.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#46 - 2012-10-16 22:38:27 UTC
A few more things:

1) High collateral contracts don't get picked up as quickly as low collateral contracts. Despite what the CSM might say, not everyone has multi-billions of ISK sitting in wallet to use as collateral. Most high sec haulers simply cannot afford to accept those contracts, regardless of reward or risk. And, the haulers who can afford to take the high collateral contracts are also much more picky about the contracts they will accept (ie. they are looking for bigger rewards, since they already have well padded wallets and don't need to take discounted contracts).

So, as with cargo size, break up high collateral contracts into a series of lower collateral contracts and they will get picked up much more quickly.

2) In high sec, the number of jumps is not as important as the route. For an AFK hauler, 5 jumps is pretty much the same thing as 10 jumps. Most haulers are much more concerned about flying AFK through an unavoidable gank point - such as Uedama or Colelie.

That said, the reward only needs to be proportional to the collateral and the risk. I typically use a 1% reward for my courier contracts, but I will usually tack on another 0.5%-1% for anything that needs to go through a gank point.

3) In the three or so years that I've been putting up dozens of daily contracts, I'd say that less than 2% of my high sec courier contracts have not been accepted, within the week when first posted. The 2% of contracts which expired were reposted - and all of the reposted contracts have been accepted. So, yes, this is a 100% success rate with public courier contracts in high sec.

4) Just FYI, I've also put up courier contracts from low sec to high sec. Typically, I price these at 3%-5% of the collateral, depending on the reputation of the low-to-high pipe involved in the route. These contracts get picked up less quickly, and I've often had to repost the contract 2-3 times, but most of them actually do get picked up eventually.
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