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PI: Idle advanced processors, why?

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-10-16 18:08:12 UTC
I have a robotics setup that has me baffled. For the past month since setup the advanced processors producing the robotics seem to be idle half the time I look in on them which is frequent considering this is a pure production planet.

My setup consists of 4 robotics adv. procs., 8 mech. parts adv. procs. & 8 con.elects. adv. procs. So, if I have this right then as long as the mech. parts and con. elect. processors are in full production why then am I having ideal robotics processors?

Everything is routed. All mechanical parts and consumer electronics get routed to storage facilities. From there, they're routed to robotics processors. Robotics gets routed back to storage. Link utilization is under 100%.

The only thing I'm concerned that may be the cause, but I don't know why, is linking. From the starport a link goes to a processor, from that processor to another and from there to another. I'm wondering if there is some unknown congestion along the way??

Don't ban me, bro!

XS Tech
#2 - 2011-10-16 18:20:40 UTC
probably. ideally you should be routing to some form of storage facility after each processor to take care of any timing issues that there might be...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Dean Austrene
#3 - 2011-10-17 10:25:05 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
I have a robotics setup that has me baffled. For the past month since setup the advanced processors producing the robotics seem to be idle half the time I look in on them which is frequent considering this is a pure production planet.

My setup consists of 4 robotics adv. procs., 8 mech. parts adv. procs. & 8 con.elects. adv. procs. So, if I have this right then as long as the mech. parts and con. elect. processors are in full production why then am I having ideal robotics processors?

Everything is routed. All mechanical parts and consumer electronics get routed to storage facilities. From there, they're routed to robotics processors. Robotics gets routed back to storage. Link utilization is under 100%.

The only thing I'm concerned that may be the cause, but I don't know why, is linking. From the starport a link goes to a processor, from that processor to another and from there to another. I'm wondering if there is some unknown congestion along the way??

After each process route your items to a storage facility/spaceport and re-route to next factory from there.

You may be losing produce if routed directly from factory to factory. If this is the case then the end factory will cease production while it waits for more produce incoming.

#4 - 2011-10-17 10:38:46 UTC  |  Edited by: pussnheels
never mind this i misread your post other posters are right

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-10-17 14:09:35 UTC
One factory isn't dependent on the other factory's product, they're just transiting the items back to spaceport or storage and from there it gets routed to the next step in processing. Would this still be susceptible to timing issues in routing?

The only reason processors are linked to each other is to save on link costs since shorter links cost less in cpu/pg.

Don't ban me, bro!

XS Tech
#6 - 2011-10-17 14:32:24 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
One factory isn't dependent on the other factory's product, they're just transiting the items back to spaceport or storage and from there it gets routed to the next step in processing. Would this still be susceptible to timing issues in routing?

The only reason processors are linked to each other is to save on link costs since shorter links cost less in cpu/pg.

sort of, but not in the way you're thinking it would.

Say you've got two BIF feeding into an AIF making the Mechanical Parts

BIF 1 makes the one set of metals
BIF 2 makes the other set

you're feeding the BIF from a spaceport, so in THEORY you're pulling at exactly the same time ... but in reality BIF 1 might pull at 00:01 in the timer, and 2 might pull at 00:02 (i.e. off by a second).

your AIF has enough space to hold onto the stuff, and handle the fact that things are "off" by a second or two... but eventually one of the BIF will tick "too soon" and you've just lost a full cycle of whichever material the AIF needed (as the AIF didn't have any available storage). Now that you're off by 30 minutes (when the BIF will tick again), you'll lose at least one tick from the other BIF.

The better routing scheme is to have it essentially
storage (launchpad) -> factory -> storage 2 -> factory -> storage 3(launchpad)

"storage 2" can be the same launchpad as "storage 3", since you're only holding overflow for a few seconds before the next factory in the chain finishes its cycle and pulls the 20-40 units that are sitting idle in that launchpad.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Sola Mercury
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2011-10-17 20:54:07 UTC
No idea, sorry.
But I would take a look to a single adv. processor that isn't working.
Does it have its raw materials stocked? well most likely not.
If not, check the routes to that adv. proc. Do the source of raw materials have stock?

May be, you route multiple sources to one consumer.
I would avoid this.
Leonard Dukes
Arbitrage Holdings Corporation
#8 - 2011-10-17 21:36:58 UTC
If you're certain that the Mechanical Parts and Consumer Electronics are producing at full tilt, then I concur with Sola: verify that you don't have duplicate routes going to the same Robotics processor; any excess will be wasted and result in idle processors. If all of your routes check out, then double check your math for inputs.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#9 - 2011-10-17 22:37:04 UTC
If you have:
* Processors feeding other processors
* Production of inputs = consumption of inputs
* Multiple consumers
then you will always have idle times.

The problem I describe is because one processor will try to fill its queue completely first, which starves another processor.

There are two solutions to this sort of problem:
A. Prime the processors and always keep their input queues full.
B. Have production of inputs > than consumption.