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EVE General Discussion

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If you had to give an honest opinion on Eve to a friend.

Jennifer Starling
Imperial Navy Forum Patrol
#21 - 2011-10-17 18:41:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Jennifer Starling
Cyalume wrote:
What would you say?

Couple of my real life friends we're talking about starting in Eve and asked if I'd recommend it. Honestly, I didn't know what to say.

My honest option:

Well to be frank I won't even try. My friends generally don't like computer games all too much and they don't really have time to waste time on staring at mining lasers for hours, doing the same missions all over and over or look for fights for hours. Most won't like the fact that you're basically a picture and not an interactive character either.

Most people I know have busy lives, some have children and they'd rather play games where they can logon, play with their friends for a while and logoff.
A few may join when I'll play GW2 (some played GW1 too) but EVE is far too time consuming for them, they'd feel it's an extra job, not a lighthearted fun hobby with a lot of options for some active teamwork.
Simply Terribad
#22 - 2011-10-17 18:41:18 UTC
Cyalume wrote:
What would you say?

So what is it actually like starting from scratch now?

Would you recommend it?

Starting from scratch is hard but it was like this 2007 too.

Would I recommend it? Every time it may not be for everybody but it is still a fricking awesome game. The amount of options the depth of gameplay is in my knowledge unrivaled by any other MMO out there. It has its falws (The DOOR anyone?) but still it is unrivaled. There is no other game that can rival Eve (tried perpetuum didn'T like it... wtf an eve clone without tracking :( ). You will know after 2-3 weeks if you like it, and if you do it you might quit but you will always come back.
Trainwreck McGee
#23 - 2011-10-17 18:48:52 UTC
I had a friend who was interested in EVE

I told him straight the game has a long learning curve. is boring to most people, is depressing and if you ar enot a carebear it can be pretty unforgiving

He was excited and signed up the next day lol

CCP Trainwreck - Weekend Custodial Engineer / CCP Necrogoats foot stool

#24 - 2011-10-17 18:54:40 UTC
Eve was/still is a very impressive game. It's unique and original in the sense that I don't think there is another "Sandbox" style MMO out there. Everything that is in the game is what you have all created. The ships and other bits and pieces CCP provide. All of the alliances/ politics/ wars etc is a product of everyones imagination. And what a world it provided.

I haven't played for a long time, but when I used to play I had immense fun. I would recommend this game to a friend so they might convince me to play again =)

In all reality though this is a niche game and most people prefer the more linear style of game. This isn't one you can dip in and out of if you have a free 30minutes.
Nak hak
#25 - 2011-10-17 19:10:39 UTC
Would I recommend it? If my friend is a sci-fi fan, a gamer, and had other RL friends playing it, then I would recommend EVE Online. After that I would back them up with ships, and isk. A RL friend in this game is worth their weight in Arkonor.

It's about freedom.

Best Regards, Nak hak

XS Tech
#26 - 2011-10-17 19:21:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
Nyio wrote:

I've always though that one of the fundamental problems with EVE (that is rarely brought up) is the very long training times.
It takes ALOT of time and effort to get a character to a "fun to play" level,

for me the "long" training time was ... letting Frigates 3 train overnight (WHILE I WASN'T PLAYING o_O) so that the next day I could fly a Tristan, and then getting up early enough in the morning so I could swap over to another 10+ hour skill so I wouldn't waste the entire day with nothing training...

Then the next day, getting said new uber shield/armour/hull tanked Tristan blown to hell because I didn't know a damn thing about how to properly tank a ship... oh, it was fun alright Big smile. Especially the part where the guy who blew me to hell told me what I did wrong and what I should do to not have that happen next time...

everything after that has been "eh, it takes time" ... but I've never really felt held back by the time (i.e. feeling that a day or a week was "too damn long" to get my next shiny) ... the time factor has usually saved me from grave errors, as I can read up on good fittings and stuff...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2011-10-17 19:26:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
AAAnd i quote (myself) ...

EvE is an ******* game.
It's hard.
It's not even about fun.
It's about work, building yourself up and getting the reward for it, which makes it awesome on one hand
and angers you to death on the other, when you lose something you've worked for all week long.

No other game can compete with this one, because EvE is unique.

You either harden up ... or go back to WoW.

Why we don't have subscription numbers like WoW ?
Because most people are soft, weak and whiny when they have to cope with pain and losses.

We EvE players are elitists for a reason.
Rocky Deadshot
In The Goo
EVE Trade Alliance
#28 - 2011-10-17 19:29:20 UTC
Nak hak wrote:
Would I recommend it? If my friend is a sci-fi fan, a gamer, and had other RL friends playing it, then I would recommend EVE Online. After that I would back them up with ships, and isk. A RL friend in this game is worth their weight in Arkonor.

Their wait in Arkonor probably wouldn't be worth crap. Considering that a most rocks have a higher density of a human, I'll just say conservatively that Arknonor has about the same (That's because you want the most m3 per weight). So that means for every 1kg your friend weighs... you would have 0.001 m3 of ore... So the avg person being around 70 or 80kg... you would end up with around 0.07m3... or in otherwords... much less than the 16m3 needed for just 1 piece of ore and much much less than the 3200m3 needed for refining.

I believe a better metaphor would be more along the lines of .... worth his weight in zydrine... or some other expensive material that could be analogous to our gold or diamonds.
#29 - 2011-10-17 20:01:52 UTC
If you play it right, it doesn't end up being a boring grind fest and mind numbingly stupid like your typical MMO. The first couple months will probably be boring as ****, but after that it's not nearly as tedious or boring as most other MMOs on the market.

Zoe Alarhun
The Proactive Reappropriation Corporation
#30 - 2011-10-17 20:04:50 UTC
If you want a amusement ride then eve will kick you in the crotch, take your candyfloss, pee on you and laugh.
If you want a sand box to play in and make your own goals then eve will love you long time.

Avoid missions like the plague
Find like minded people.
Be social
Do it for the lulz.

If you can't do these things then it's probably not for you. I've had multiple friends start playing and currently only have 2 actively playing. The others all let their accounts lapse.
Redemption Road
#31 - 2011-10-17 20:08:22 UTC
I say much of what everyone else has said already in this thread. But I also tell my friends that eve is for people who are intelligent, willing to figure things out on their own, willing to ask questions but make their own decisions, people who are not afraid of making mistakes, and most importantly, NEVER take anything that happens in the game personally. That Eve can be as boring or as intense as YOU choose it to be, that it is YOUR game to play, and although tons of people will give you advice and information, ultimately nobody is going to hold your hand.

I then point them to the Clear Skies movies and tell them to watch those first Big smile (ok, actually they all ended up watching the movies while downloading the client usually by then!) - and yes, I explain that only the space scenes are from Eve.

Sometime during their first week of playing, I bring them into low sec and get them over their first death Lol Some decide to carebear it nearly exclusively after that, others are completely hooked on the rush and pursue PVP, some go for a mix of both... but so far, every last one of my friends I've brought into Eve are still playing Eve.

What you do for yourself dies with you, what you do for others is immortal.

Free weekly public roams & monthly NewBro new player roams!

Visit Redemption Road or join mailing list REDEMPTION ROAMS for information

Max Essen
Bison Industrial Inc
#32 - 2011-10-17 20:16:14 UTC
I think most folk have given some very exacting arguments both ways here.
Can't really disagree with too much.

But, for myself, I will have to reserve judgement on whether or not to recommend to a friend until after the winter expansion. After so many let downs, and now the promise of something good ... I will wait.
Rhaegor Stormborn
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2011-10-17 20:32:06 UTC
Awesome game, most in-depth, risk vs reward balanced, long term investment game. You can be casual and hardcore both, or be one and then the other, without losing much in terms of progress against other player. New players can be useful even with or against older ones.

All that said, hate the company that runs it, and what they have become. They are terrible at fixing bugs, balancing content, etc. heavy handed nerfs without care to what it does to the people affected by them, and leaving overpowered stuff overpowered for years at a time.

So yeah, awesome game, terrible company.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#34 - 2011-10-17 20:34:24 UTC
Tell your friends EVE is VERY PvP centered and if they mainly like PvE and only occasionally do PvP, then EVE is not the game for them.
Alara IonStorm
#35 - 2011-10-17 21:41:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Yotah wrote:
Tell your friends EVE is VERY PvP centered and if they mainly like PvE and only occasionally do PvP, then EVE is not the game for them.

I would not say this is true. EVE has a lot more PvE Content then a lot of PvE Centered Games and offers more protection then a lot of other MMO's.

If you look at a list of PvE Based Content it is pretty competitive with almost any MMO.

Quest Chains(Arcs)
DED Complexes
Escalation Complexes
Exploration Sites
Hauling Missions
Sleeper Sites
Incursions Raids

That right there is 4 times as much as any MMO that is not AAA. That's not even counting all of the stuff that is non combat PvP. Such as jobs which intersect heavily with the Market but most outside of EVE would not consider.

Mining and Harvesting

This we know to be PvP because the lack of NPC buy orders but someone from another game would say "what do you mean your Auction House is PvP?" I still marvel at the scale of our Market System.

Anyway PvP is a big part of this game. Competition is as major an undertone as Ship to Ship Combat. But for direct PvE and PvE with limited competition EVE does not have it bad.

Not to say you should not take the time every once and a while to shoot someone. Ship Combat PvP is a really big part of EVE. But as an MMO EVE has quite a lot for everyone.
The Carnifex Corp
#36 - 2011-10-17 21:45:16 UTC
"Well, you fly spaceships and train for better stuff ...........and.........mine and stuff..........Hey, you remember those douche-bags from that guild we always got into it with in trade chat? This whole fuckin' game is that guild!"

Big smile
Between Ignorance and Wisdom
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2011-10-17 21:48:24 UTC
Rocky Deadshot wrote:
I would tell them its a cruel place that glorifies cyber bullying and being a ****. (More so than most MMOs)


Backed up by a publisher which actively encourages this behaviour, turns a blind eye to meta gaming, and is powerless to make any kind of impression on botting and RMT.

I wouldn't be much of a friend to recommend this to them.

They would be better off giving me £15 per month to give them glimmer of what could have been, whilst I repeatedly kick them in the balls (or vagina... lets not be sexist here). Then whilst there lying on the ground wheeping from the pain, I would then take a picture and post this online to everyone to show them how pathetic they are being, ensuring to tell them to "give me your stuff, on your way out".

it's the best analogy of this game and it's community, as well it's publishers, I can think of.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2011-10-17 21:52:12 UTC
Didn't read most of the posts, but what I say when talking to people about it is that it's a niche game, and not for everybody, but if you try it and like it, it only gets better. I then explain that it's not a theme park MMO like WoW is, and that it's open ended where people can do what they want, and it's only limited by game mechanics and their imaginations. Then I tell them how I've done null sec fleet fights, produced and ran drugs for a drug cartel (boosters), and have been a ruthless pirate. If they're interested, I show them around and if they like it, they'll stay, but since it is a niche game, it's not for everyone and they shouldn't feel compelled to stay.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Intergalactic Expeditionary Corp
#39 - 2011-10-17 21:53:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jokerface666
Actually this explains a lot: Test: Newbies welcome

It show's why the gap between vets and noobs is a myth

whoever has got kicked in the face by a bunch of T1 frigs knows what i am taliking about.
Rip Wash
#40 - 2011-10-17 22:22:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Rip Wash
Trying to get a RL friend into the game. He likes the stories I tell about eve. He has played maybe 15 hrs in the past 3 months of subbing (ideal mmo customer?) I am not sure he will stay.

His main complaint is the UI. Tons of bad design choices, too many windows, Terrible error messages such as "the fleet member is not in system" when he tries to warp to me when I am docked, for example.

Then again it might not be his niche.
And he is a mac user so is a bit Ugh when it comes to game UI, but still its a problem CCP should look into.

Other than UI issues, its all about whether you enjoy what makes EVE different or not. I have known people who saw eve and thought "Finally, what I have been looking for!" I have seen EVE vets say the same thing about WoW.

I think if a complex, openworld-sandbox-openPVP-SciFi-MMO appeals, you will like EVE whether you started this year or 5 years ago.