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Ship Balancing - an automated approach

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-10-16 13:46:42 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
OK so CCP occasionally rebalance, nerfing stuff and boosting stuff. Sometimes in doing so they screw up, which leads to other races/ships being unbalanced,a nd more rebalancing needed. Can that situation be improved upon?

Q. How do you know a ship is unbalanced?
A No one is flying it, or everyone is flying it.

Q Why is noone using it?
A It has no useful role, compared to the other options

Q Do you have to get a rebalance completely correct?
A No, its fine to close the gap. Its less fine to over compensate.

CCP have at their disposal all the stats for ships built/ships lost, when why and how. So it should be possible to rebalance ships in an automated way - easily between races, and with some thought between ship classes too. Thats this suggestion. I don't want anyone to focus on the specific example below, but think of the overall approach.

Example recipe:

  • Convert all ship bonusses to continually varying attributes (e.g. things like 25m^3 of drone capacity per level, need to be converted to drone HP or drone damage etc - or ignored)

  • Sort all ships into a class (we aim to balance between ships within that class)

  • Decide what you *want* the distribution of ships in each class to be (presumably, you want races to be balanced as the minimum, but you might want to, say, balance between destroyers and cruisers too, if you think destroyers as a whole have no use)

  • Choose a metric for deciding current ship popularity. Prefferably something that isn't skewed by high sec mission runners etc. Say ships lost in 0.0-0.4 systems, or ships constructed, or sampled actual usage.

  • Decide a maximum change per iteration, this contains the impact of changes.

  • Within that class make weighted adjustment to the ship bonus values, from their current values.

  • Repeat every 2 months.

  • Example:

    I want all cruisers to be usage balanced across races, and I want 20% of cruisers to be T2. So my target (where G1= Gallante Tech 1 etc) ) looks like;

    G1 A1 C1 M1 G2 A2 C2 M2
    0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

    I look at the usage profile, and see popularity distribution like;

    G1 A1 C1 M1 G2 A2 C2 M2
    0.03 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.07 0.1 (hopefully adds up to 1.0)

    Looks like there are too many T2 cruisers, and galante T1 is crap, but Caldari T1 is way overpowered. I now look at the discrepancies.

    G1 A1 C1 M1 G2 A2 C2 M2
    0.17 0.1 -0.2 0.1 -.05 -0.05 -0.02 -0.05

    and scale these to the maximum allowed boost say 5% (ie mutliply by 5/0.17=27.41 in this case)

    Choose a bonus randomly from each ship, and apply this correction to that bonus.

    Here out G1 figure is 5% (worst offender) and C2 is -0.54% reflecting the G1 ships are massively underused, and C2 ships are only slightly overused.

    So picking two example ships, we make the following change (from the current values):

    thorax: Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage per level and 5.25% increase to MicroWarpdrive capacitor bonus per level.

    cerberus: Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Kinetic Missile damage and 10% bonus to Missile velocity per level, Heavy Assault Ship Skill Bonus: 9.94% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile flight time and 5% bonus to Missile Launcher rate of fire per level

    obviously this is just based on made up numbers, before any cerberus owners get indignant! and so on for each ship in that class. And for each class.


  • Automated rebalancing decreases load on CCP manual effort to rebalance
  • Small regular changes allow evolution and plenty of time to intervene if something becomes stupidly overpowered at some particular function
  • No ship/race stays king of the hilll for long - if its too popular, it grows less powerful
  • No need for module rebalancing. Ships get better/worse until the become useful
  • Can use to steer relative popularity of ship classes (e.g. set a target for cruiser vs. BC ratios)
  • Random element causes races to diverge a bit.

  • Cons:

  • Need to think about the bonuses and the ones that aren't continuously varying.
  • Somewhat lacking in backstory explanation
  • Usage will lag reality by virtue of training time - more significant for larger ship classes, and possibly BS+ should happen on a 4-monthly cycle.
  • Classes need to be carefully defined by role (ie comparing an AF with covops frig in the same class makes little sense, and could lead to stupid overpowering)
  • There will be winners and losers

  • In terms of correcting a specific deficiency, say 'hybrids are pants', different ships would compensate in different ways, some via RoF, some via range, some via DPS etc. Ships that don't have a bonus that actually helps, would develop different strengths via their *other* bonuses to compensate.

    tl;dr. Just tweak the ship bonuses every two months according to how much use they are getting, using an algorithm that doesn't cause overall capability inflation or deflation. No matter how crap a ship design is, given enough time, it will be boosted enough to be competitive (and vice versa).
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #2 - 2011-10-17 13:20:08 UTC
    No comments at all, not even a "you f***ing idiot, thats stupid" ????

    aka bump.
    XS Tech
    #3 - 2011-10-17 13:54:56 UTC
    betoli wrote:
    No comments at all, not even a "you f***ing idiot, thats stupid" ????

    aka bump.

    you ******* idiot this is stupid? Cool

    no, the ships shouldn't all be balanced. That would get BORING really (and I mean REALLY) fast. There just needs to be a better reason to have the smaller classes (or less-used hulls) around in a fight...

    One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

    Admiral Sarah Solette
    Lmao Ty For Structure
    #4 - 2011-10-17 14:43:52 UTC
    Velicitia wrote:
    betoli wrote:
    No comments at all, not even a "you f***ing idiot, thats stupid" ????

    aka bump.

    you ******* idiot this is stupid? Cool

    no, the ships shouldn't all be balanced. That would get BORING really (and I mean REALLY) fast. There just needs to be a better reason to have the smaller classes (or less-used hulls) around in a fight...

    Boring...? If by boring you mean, "More interesting because I would get to see more than the same two or three ships used over and over again because they are OP." Then... sure.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #5 - 2011-10-17 16:04:56 UTC
    Admiral Sarah Solette wrote:
    Velicitia wrote:
    betoli wrote:
    No comments at all, not even a "you f***ing idiot, thats stupid" ????

    aka bump.

    you ******* idiot this is stupid? Cool

    Big smile


    no, the ships shouldn't all be balanced. That would get BORING really (and I mean REALLY) fast. There just needs to be a better reason to have the smaller classes (or less-used hulls) around in a fight...

    Boring...? If by boring you mean, "More interesting because I would get to see more than the same two or three ships used over and over again because they are OP." Then... sure.

    The motivation for suggesting the bonus that gets tweaked is randomly chosen (and for using the bonuses at all as the vehicle for balancing), is to ensure diversity. Ships should not all evolve into the same replicas of each other, but they should evolve into some rough balance of popularity, even though their roles and uses are much different.

    Going back to the example. hybrids suck, therefore its likely under this that gal boats get boosted. Each ship has reasonably unique bonuses, so for example the Myrmi may develop its drone strength to compensate (which is unique) where the Brutix may become a (better) glass cannon. All the algorithm does is strive for popularity balance, it doesn't strive for role balance.

    If one ship becomes powerful, but remains unpopular, then those who can figure out how to make use of it, will get a short term advantage (good on them!) whilst the masses play catch up. It should encourage a generally shifting style of play, without the game stagnating into 'all about short range', 'all about speed', or 'all about sniping' strategies. The ground will shift slowly over the course of 6-12 months.

    What it most certainly doesn't do is modify hybrids so that they are similar to other weapons systems. IMO, this approach DIVERSIFIES play styles without favouritism or CCP deciding what constitutes 'doing it right'....

    XS Tech
    #6 - 2011-10-17 16:11:42 UTC
    no, I mean "boring" in the sense that if everything is balanced 1:1, then it won't matter if you're flying Gallente vs. Caldari vs. Amarr vs. Minmatar. That's boring.

    Yes, some re-balance needs to be done, but not to completely wipe out differences in the ships. Looking at other games, the balance has come from unit strength vs cost (e.g. Starcraft -- the basic breakdown was 1 Zealot = 2-3 Marines = 4-6 Zerglings, give or take ... and their cost reflected this). There really isn't the ability to do that, since if you think you're not getting enough bang for your ISK from a Myrmidon, then go train up for a 'cane.

    Furthermore, you can't simply look within a single class, otherwise what will happen is that the "bigger is better" mentality will be reinforced. How many threads have been made over the years by people crying that their shiny new battleship got ROFL-stomped by a few frigates?

    Yes, I agree that there shouldn't be a BIG margin between the "best" and the "worst" ship of a given class and tier, when taking certain things into account (e.g. all level 5 skills should nearly always win as compared to someone who just got the L1 skill requirements to fly the ship). However, for pilots reasonably competent in the ship class (L3/4 skills), it shouldn't be guaranteed that a Rifter will ALWAYS trump the other three Tier 3 frigates. Or that a Drake will ALWAYS trump the other battlecruisers. Now, if it's 1v1 and the Rifter or Drake nearly always comes out on top, that should be fine ... but once you start building squads/wings/fleets, the balancing of each ship type means that it makes more sense to have Tristans or Prophecies over the Rifters or Drakes.

    One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

    Shovel Bros
    #7 - 2011-10-17 16:23:53 UTC
    Boring might not be the right word. It's more like "confusing as hell" and "exploitable to insane levels".

    First off, there's the fact that every single person who ever tried to fit out a ship or learn about ship's capabilities will hate you for all time. It's hard enough to learn the ships and fit them well as is, much less if you have to re-memorize all of them every month.

    Second, this system would be extremely vulnerable to exploitation, no matter how many safeguards were put in place.

    Third, there aren't really many ships that are actually OP in Eve (supers in the current state of Eve are a bit of an exception due to their massive DPS, EHP, and the logoff timers). There are ships that are better against other FotM ships, but that doesn't make it OP. Take the Dram, it will win when well-flown against many other frigs, but if it tries to fight a Daredevil or Cruor, it's in trouble. There's a RPS mechanic in Eve, there are very few ships that can't be taken down if you have the right ship yourself.

    Instead of complaining about certain FotM ships being OP, go and try to figure out a counter to them and then beat all the FotM people. Once more people catch on to the kinds of ships you're flying, that will become the new FotM and the cycle will repeat itself. It's how Eve works, that's the beauty of the sandbox game.

    Also, your proposition would completely remove this sandbox facet of Eve. Due to the constantly changing ships, rather than going out and trying to figure out how to beat the FotM, people would just wait it out and then try to get on the leading edge of the next FotM from the next rebalance. This would create MORE FotM, not less, since the constantly changing ships would devalue the effort of making a unique and effective fit.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #8 - 2011-10-17 16:39:53 UTC
    Velicitia wrote:
    no, I mean "boring" in the sense that if everything is balanced 1:1, then it won't matter if you're flying Gallente vs. Caldari vs. Amarr vs. Minmatar. That's boring.

    Yes it would because each ship has its own strengths and weaknesses. There would still be a clear differentiator between any two given ships that engage in a particular way. Its no different to how it is now, except ships that have no useful function get boosted until they do - but they still retain their unique style. Winning a 1-1 fight should revolve around flying your ship appropriately for its role, rather than some roles.


    Yes, some re-balance needs to be done, but not to completely wipe out differences in the ships.

    This wouldn't do that.


    Furthermore, you can't simply look within a single class, otherwise what will happen is that the "bigger is better" mentality will be reinforced. How many threads have been made over the years by people crying that their shiny new battleship got ROFL-stomped by a few frigates?

    You can choose what to balance across, I deliberately left that open. You could choose to just balance across Tier 2 BS's (ie pure racial balancing) or choose to balance across all BC's or choose to balance across everything (ie including the relative popularity of BS's vs. frigs). When I say balance, it doesn't mean 'equal' it means achieving the popularity distribution that is set, its easy to use the algorithm to achieve a desired balance between big and small, that's the beauty of it.


    Yes, I agree that there shouldn't be a BIG margin between the "best" and the "worst" ship of a given class and tier, when taking certain things into account (e.g. all level 5 skills should nearly always win as compared to someone who just got the L1 skill requirements to fly the ship). However, for pilots reasonably competent in the ship class (L3/4 skills), it shouldn't be guaranteed that a Rifter will ALWAYS trump the other three Tier 3 frigates.

    there was a careful choice in the algorithm described, that prevented this. Its set by the scale change so that even if all ships were equally popular, the balance is still perturbed by the set scale - that a) keeps the system in a state of flux, and b) acts to rotate king of the hill a bit (rather than drake being king forever)

    I think this would do a better job of all the things you seem to want, than continued time consuming manual tinkering. With the added bonus that if it gets it wrong, it will put itself right!
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #9 - 2011-10-17 17:04:51 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
    mxzf wrote:

    Boring might not be the right word. It's more like "confusing as hell" and "exploitable to insane levels".

    Confusing as hell: You have to stay on the ball - but 2 months isn't set in stone. However CCP's normal timescale is too long!

    Exploitable: Extremely interestind in hearing about specific exploits so that I can adapt the proposal

    I can think of a few, for example the risk of something growing a mission-indestructible tank - however in theory this would be at the expense of dps, and would also fix itself with time.


    First off, there's the fact that every single person who ever tried to fit out a ship or learn about ship's capabilities will hate you for all time. It's hard enough to learn the ships and fit them well as is, much less if you have to re-memorize all of them every month.

    haha. So there are two things here. The frequency... perhaps 2 months is two often? The amount of the change (my 5% scale above is a 5% change to the bonus amount - ie the max change ito a 10% bonus is to a 10.5% bonus, and most ships would see nowhere near that)


    Third, there aren't really many ships that are actually OP in Eve (supers in the current state of Eve are a bit of an exception due to their massive DPS, EHP, and the logoff timers).

    Overpower and underpowered are the same thing. My approach doesn't change the the overall power of the class, where an approach like CCP take generally leads to capability inflation (which is bad). Or basically if only one ship is really bad, the nerf to the others is very modest. If ships are generally equal, then nothing much changes anyway.


    There are ships that are better against other FotM ships, but that doesn't make it OP. Take the Dram, it will win when well-flown against many other frigs, but if it tries to fight a Daredevil or Cruor, it's in trouble. There's a RPS mechanic in Eve, there are very few ships that can't be taken down if you have the right ship yourself.

    Whilst its true, its a statistics game. The algo takes care of this, it will sort out whether a ship is genuinely overpowered or not.


    Instead of complaining about certain FotM ships being OP, go and try to figure out a counter to them and then beat all the FotM people.

    That is a fine approach if things are genuinely balanced and its purely a FotM issue. However there are some failships, some ships never make FotM and never will without balancing. Yours is an argument against balancing - mine is a strategy to do better balancing once you recognise the need for balancing in the first place - which I think many do - like there aren't hybrid threads everywhere Roll.
    Pandemic Legion
    #10 - 2011-10-17 17:10:27 UTC
    Game balance is not something that should be left to an algorithm or any AI.

    It needs to be evaluated and adjusted by game developers. That is their job.
    Tanya Powers
    #11 - 2011-10-17 18:10:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanya Powers
    Velicitia wrote:
    betoli wrote:
    No comments at all, not even a "you f***ing idiot, thats stupid" ????

    aka bump.

    you ******* idiot this is stupid? Cool

    no, the ships shouldn't all be balanced. That would get BORING really (and I mean REALLY) fast. There just needs to be a better reason to have the smaller classes (or less-used hulls) around in a fight...


    Well what I consider boring month after month is this:

    -Where is the interesting stuff?
    -Where are the options?

    Even pods are more often in those stats than majority of ships in the game Lol
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #12 - 2011-10-17 18:19:13 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
    XXSketchxx wrote:
    Game balance is not something that should be left to an algorithm or any AI.

    It needs to be evaluated and adjusted by game developers. That is their job.

    In an ideal world, yes, I'd agree. If they can't find the resources and it takes 2+ years to put something right, probably getting it wrong and stuffing up somewhere else in the process and when it takes time away from a new modular pos system, and fixing other stuff - I'd laugh hysterically like a maniac.
    Pandemic Legion
    #13 - 2011-10-17 18:31:56 UTC
    betoli wrote:
    XXSketchxx wrote:
    Game balance is not something that should be left to an algorithm or any AI.

    It needs to be evaluated and adjusted by game developers. That is their job.

    In an ideal world, yes, I'd agree. If they can't find the resources and it takes 2+ years to put something right, probably getting it wrong and stuffing up somewhere else in the process and when it takes time away from a new modular pos system, and fixing other stuff - I'd laugh hysterically like a maniac.

    So you'd prefer them to waste time writing code for what would need to be an extremely complex and intelligent AI system to do it for them, and then for said AI system to likely cause significant balance issues when it "balances" things?
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #14 - 2011-10-17 18:59:16 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
    XXSketchxx wrote:
    So you'd prefer them to waste time writing code for what would need to be an extremely complex and intelligent AI system to do it for them, and then for said AI system to likely cause significant balance issues when it "balances" things?

    There is no AI. For someone who knows how to pull the stats out of the database its a trivial program. Should take half a day at first pass and a week to make bullet-proof. Its a one time shot that means all future changes will have access to a controlled balancing system. I'd say thats a good investment, that would pay back before the next release.

    By dialling a maximum change threshhold thats small, you can see the effect over a few cycles, safe in the knowledge that no game shattering changes will happen (and you can still make an emergency reversal of the change should something unforeseen happen).

    If you think pulling numbers out a database, doing one subtraction, computing a max and multiplying all the numbers by a scale factor is AI, I am really concerned - have you taken a turing test recently Cool
    Pandemic Legion
    #15 - 2011-10-17 19:08:13 UTC
    betoli wrote:

    There is no AI. For someone who knows how to pull the stats out of the database its a trivial program. Should take half a day at first pass and a week to make bullet-proof. Its a one time shot that means all future changes will have access to a controlled balancing system. I'd say thats a good investment, that would pay back before the next release.

    This is exactly my point though: it won't work. Its too simplified. The only way for this to even come close to potentially working is to have a complex algorithm that takes into account a ton of factors, not just the values you have listed in a statistical approach.


    If you think pulling numbers out a database, doing one subtraction, computing a max and multiplying all the numbers by a scale factor is AI, I am really concerned - have you taken a turing test recently Cool

    Don't be stupid. You've put forward a mildly decent idea, no reason to ruin it with a terrible ad hominem attack based on the assumption that the algorithm I was referring to would only do those simple calculations.

    For this to work, a much more complex algorithm would need to be devised; ship balancing is not so simple as the stats you have put forth here.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #16 - 2011-10-17 19:51:38 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
    XXSketchxx wrote:
    betoli wrote:

    There is no AI. For someone who knows how to pull the stats out of the database its a trivial program. Should take half a day at first pass and a week to make bullet-proof. Its a one time shot that means all future changes will have access to a controlled balancing system. I'd say thats a good investment, that would pay back before the next release.

    This is exactly my point though: it won't work. Its too simplified. The only way for this to even come close to potentially working is to have a complex algorithm that takes into account a ton of factors, not just the values you have listed in a statistical approach.

    You mean.... like some kind of genetic algorithm that tries out thousands of ships and fits, shares data about their relative value, producing a focussed evaluation of the optimal use and success rate of each fit and hence the underlying value of each ship. Yes I like that.... its called the player base, and their purchasing patterns (or the kill stats posted above) Big smile

    When CCP (or us) look at a balancing issue (like gal boats), what do we talk about? DPS, tracking, trade off between DPS and tank, range.... these (or some subset of them) constitute the ship bonuses. The twiddle-able things are almost identical. No human is going to extend much beyond this same set of things.


    If you think pulling numbers out a database, doing one subtraction, computing a max and multiplying all the numbers by a scale factor is AI, I am really concerned - have you taken a turing test recently Cool

    Don't be stupid. You've put forward a mildly decent idea, no reason to ruin it with a terrible ad hominem attack based on the assumption that the algorithm I was referring to would only do those simple calculations.

    For this to work, a much more complex algorithm would need to be devised; ship balancing is not so simple as the stats you have put forth here.

    OK, I retract it - I didn't appreciate you were suggesting a more complex scheme (actually I don't see where you did What?). I don't think investing in complex algorithms is worth it, no. Simple stuff, a small random perturbation + using player trends as the 'intelligence' is far better, if the adjustment rates and time-scales are such that the player base can adapt. The problem with adding other variables - if you fix gal boats by tweaking guns, that affects mimi etc, it has to be on a per ship not a per module basis for a systematic solution IMO. You *could* also add in the other ship params, but I think twiddling PG/CPU *is* far more likeley to cause unforseen problems (maybe agility, speed would work though), but the more you add in the more chance all ships converge to be the same thing. The bonusses keep them unique.The fact that it could be done in a week, makes it nice - in the mind set of Keep It Simple Stupid until you have a genuine reason to think it doesn't work....
    Sakaras Lane
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #17 - 2011-10-17 20:09:57 UTC
    The core problem is utility vs. damage and tank everyone see hurricanes and drakes this day and age, due to the fact that the other battle cruisers lack the utility or the tank of these, if you look at assault ships what do you see flown the most, the Jag or the Ishkur the Utility and damage these ships is disproportional to that of the others, CCP desperately needs to revaluate the track, cap usage on turrets, tank and ewar of all there ships. The solution is not nerfs or bonus to the damage of ships but an increase in utility on ships that are less commonly flown I would like to see battle clinic compile a statistic on the class of ships flown in kills and loses so that we can see the uses of ships. The clear fact in any game is that people will use the flavor of the month because they want to be successful, when a ships like the hurricane is being flown in 75% of all kill we need to look at the other ships and bring them to par utility wise do not nerf these ships that will just lead to more Imbalance bring the other ships up with utility, a key example of this is the command ship they are flown less and less, when a hurricane can beat an Astarte there is a problem.
    Shovel Bros
    #18 - 2011-10-17 20:33:16 UTC
    betoli wrote:
    .The fact that it could be done in a week, makes it nice

    No offense, but I can tell that you have never done any serious programming work. Such a wide-reaching and crucial system would require immense amounts of development time to both get it functioning and properly tested (not something to be taken lightly in a system that would change the dynamic of all the ships in Eve). A project this wide-reaching would probably be atleast 6 months worth of development and testing for an entire dev team.

    That may sound like a lot, but having worked as a programmer, I can tell you that what you're suggesting really is more complicated than you seem to think, even if it was just averaging and tweaking numbers of ships based on usage; and for a proper implementation that would fill what you're suggesting it would be much more complicated.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #19 - 2011-10-17 20:51:32 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
    mxzf wrote:
    betoli wrote:
    .The fact that it could be done in a week, makes it nice

    No offense, but I can tell that you have never done any serious programming work. Such a wide-reaching and crucial system would require immense amounts of development time to both get it functioning and properly tested (not something to be taken lightly in a system that would change the dynamic of all the ships in Eve). A project this wide-reaching would probably be atleast 6 months worth of development and testing for an entire dev team.

    I'm a professional programmer - and I've worked on far larger and more complex systems than Eve. How many lines of code do you think it would take to implement the algorithm I suggested, including the db pulls and pushes? Remember this isn't an integrated component of Eve, its a standalone app that updates the db during a downtime.

    Evaluating the complex change impact is hard in a system with as many degrees of freedom, maybe impossible - thats why you do it slowly, in tiny incremental changes, so you can throttle back/roll back and take action at the first sign of problems. In contrast. CCP will take a massive swing at hybrids this winter, and they also have no way of seeing the effect (rather like they didn't see the effect of the web nerf that created the problem!)
    #20 - 2011-10-17 21:13:27 UTC
    We don't trust CCP with the way they balance things manually... Why would we trust them to make an algorithm to make automated balance changes?
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