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EVE General Discussion

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Amount of subscibers, EvE vs other mmo

First post
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#41 - 2012-10-05 13:30:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
As to the OP, it's quality vs quantity. I'll take the Quality of the average EVE player over most other gamers any day of the week.

I'm an old Battletech Universe fan, started playing when I was 12 (i'm 38 now), and of course Battletech spawned the "Mechwarrior" video games (like the upcoming Mechwarrior Online).

Back when playing Mechwarrior 4, people would ask all the time "what can we do to get more people to play mechwarrior". Some of us would explain that MW4 would never ever get the same numbers of people like other games of the day (like Quake or Unreal Tournament ect) because while MW is a "shooter" game, it's not as much a twitch game, it's a niche game about huge walking tanks set in a rather wonky and unrealistic universe kind of like Star Wars (some mechs in Battletech have actual axes and swords, even though that wasn't a part of Mechwarrior, that's the kind of universe it is).

Still some people didn't get it, or didn't like it, and rather than screw off away from Mechwarrior (which would have probably made them and everyone else happy as hell), they complained about stuff, suggested changes totally against the nature of Mechwarrior and Battletech itself and generally made arses of themselves rather than accept that the excellent niche game we loved not only wouldn't go "main stream", but SHOULDN'T even try.

It's like that with EVE (eve and mechwarrior share so many traits, but that's another story lol) and it will be like that with Mechwarrior Online. Some people just can't be happy with what they have, it's in their nature.
Juliana Stinger
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2012-10-05 14:03:24 UTC
You should thank CCP for EVE as it is with minor core changes. We don't want to see Pandarian ships flying in space with Ponies just to attract more kids in to the game.
Zeran Kariashi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2012-10-05 16:21:24 UTC
Because, Eve isn't for everyone. Simply put. They aren't really trying to be, either (though they do look like they might be sliding that way slowly). They have made an interesting mutli-layered game that can, due to the extreme freedom of choice involved, scare off quite a lot of people...and the griefing, scamming, and other douchebaggery scares off the inattentive, overly trusting, or hardcore carebears. Thus, there's less of the market involved, vs the other MMO's who are trying to please everyone and ultimately turning their games into crap.
Titus Black
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2012-10-05 17:00:30 UTC
Eve is a niche game.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#45 - 2012-10-05 17:09:30 UTC
Zeran Kariashi wrote:
Because, Eve isn't for everyone. Simply put. They aren't really trying to be, either (though they do look like they might be sliding that way slowly). They have made an interesting mutli-layered game that can, due to the extreme freedom of choice involved, scare off quite a lot of people...and the griefing, scamming, and other douchebaggery scares off the inattentive, overly trusting, or hardcore carebears. Thus, there's less of the market involved, vs the other MMO's who are trying to please everyone and ultimately turning their games into crap.

Very true. I can kind of see it, some people want to come home from work and just "autopilot" through a game without too much thought, or they want to escape from their mundane life as some epic here/god/king, themepark games let you do that.

EVE tells you you're a worthless scrub in an easily killable ship where all your stuff dies when your ship does. It right and proper that this game has a female name, If EVE were a real woman she'd be dressed in dominatrix attire, with a whip on one and and all your money ( that you just willingly gave her) in the other.

Yep, us EVE players is special lol.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#46 - 2012-10-05 17:10:49 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
Jim Era wrote:
because its space, and space is more boring than anything


interstellar dix

SF themes got big amount of all kind fans, StarWars, Battlestar galactica, Star Trek, etc... it must be another reason...

Trekies hate us.
Valari Nala Zena
Caldari State
#47 - 2012-10-05 17:45:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Valari Nala Zena
Imo, the big reasons for causing a small playerbase.

  • It's a harsh game. PvP is not forgiving, you can't be an idiot if you wanna have fun, players will take advantage of you.
  • PvE gets boring fast.

EVE Online is a harsh game, there aren't many games around so cruel.
This is what EVE Online is built on, it's about PvP, drama, it makes great stories, it makes people care.
While all that makes the game unique, the other side of the coin is that is also repels a lot of people.
Led Zeppelin420
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2012-10-06 14:31:47 UTC
I think alot of EvEs problem is its level of complexity. You can not jump in and power level to high lvls, it takes months to have a decent char. Bu once you get into its its addicting as hell. Alot of younger people dont have the patience to sit down and take the time to get it together. Its also to slow at begining. You start playing because you see ads for huge pvp combat fleets or your friends tell you how sweet the game is, but it takes a long time to do anything fun in pvp. Sure you can get a frig and some tackle gear in a day or 2 but thats only fun for so long.
T'Laar Bok
#49 - 2012-10-06 15:46:24 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
Why others online games are so popular and EvE not What?Sad

Simply we don't accept any old riff raff or other undesirables that happen to come along.

Amphetimines are your friend.'Laar_Bok

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#50 - 2012-10-06 15:58:50 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Because more people don't mean a better game. I would rather EVE keep its current sub numbers forever than double it by adding LoL players.

As to the "why": EVE is a niche game. It's not a game you can jump in for an evening, have some fun, and then just leave. It's not particularly fun to watch. Victories are not achieved through quick and flashy 20-minute match, they come through days, weeks, and months of strategically planned engagements. EVE caters specifically to "hardcore" gamers, generally with plenty of time to invest, and offers high-risk large group PvP experience with severe consequences. (And then I suppose the niche within a niche of various miners, "highsec players", solo PvP, and whoever else trying to convince themselves that the core principles of EVE should be compromised for their enjoyment.)

Clearly an unbiased opinion. Smile
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#51 - 2012-10-06 16:02:30 UTC
Valari Nala Zena wrote:
Imo, the big reasons for causing a small playerbase.

  • It's a harsh game. PvP is not forgiving, you can't be an idiot if you wanna have fun, players will take advantage of you.
  • PvE gets boring fast.

EVE Online is a harsh game, there aren't many games around so cruel.
This is what EVE Online is built on, it's about PvP, drama, it makes great stories, it makes people care.
While all that makes the game unique, the other side of the coin is that is also repels a lot of people.

PvE is always boring. It is not dynamic, and it is repetitive.

Lots of people like that though; just look at WoW. Think of how many people work on Assembly lines; in dead-end jobs with no payscale changes, consideration for inflation, and opportunity for advancement besides putting in more hours, and more hours, and more hours... Doing the same thing every 5 minutes, all day, every day. f'n boring.
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2012-10-06 16:11:23 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
We can't dress in colorful neon gowns and show off our meta 13 red flamey shield converter of loathing to other people in station.
... and we cant have a pink thorax with velvet trim.

I SOOOOOOOO want to bump miners in a pink rax with velvet trim
Meizu Kho
Kho Incorporated
The Lone Space Wolves
#53 - 2012-10-06 16:31:12 UTC
It will be nigh impossible for EVE to break through as an E-sport like LOL or SC. The game is too complex so most people that watch a video about EVE don't understand what's going on. When they see a high level LOL or SC match they understand what's going on.

The only way i could see it work would be in a more controlled environment, for instance, both teams get 5 rifters or ruptures and a batch of modules so they can each fit them according to their preference (tank, dmg, ecm etc) and then duke it out. Not very sandboxy i know, but a general audiance might be able to grasp what's going on because there would be far fewer variables compared to the current tournament, let alone PVP in 0.0.

EVE is great for storytelling though, unfortunatly compared to a LOL or SC commentary the amount of work it takes to do those right means you can't churn out the content at a steady pace.
Lin Fatale
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-10-06 23:49:37 UTC
Part of the problem is that the opportunities to get fights are really low.
And sometimes I think EVE is more a spy game than a pvp oriented game.

You need a lot of time to find something else than ganks or blobs.
Both is boring and nobody gets a fight out of such a situation and to be camped in is also not that funny.

Eve needs more fight generators more PVP opportunities.

Maybe a small starmap redesign could help here.
A few more gates between the regions, so that you dont have to fly 100 jumps if your red neighbours dont wanna fight.
But should not end up in more force projection, maybe use mass limits or more wh connections between 0.0 areas
Luc Chastot
#55 - 2012-10-07 01:23:50 UTC
Better question:

Fun derived from causing other players' tears: EVE vs other mmos

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Fudo Logistics
#56 - 2012-10-07 07:15:51 UTC
I would say it's because of EVE's darwinistic nature that drives away most people (and also the main reason I love it so much). Stupid people tend to find their way out quick.
Troxane Corp
#57 - 2012-10-07 07:40:25 UTC
Because maybe not everyone has an orgasm when he s ruining someone else 's day ?
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#58 - 2012-10-07 08:11:46 UTC
Troxane wrote:
Because maybe not everyone has an orgasm when he s ruining someone else 's day ?

There's more to the game than that.

Most people want a themepark game where they can happily build up wealth with no risk or a game with instant gratification. EVE is not one of those games.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#59 - 2012-10-07 19:02:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Olleybear
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Troxane wrote:
Because maybe not everyone has an orgasm when he s ruining someone else 's day ?

There's more to the game than that.

Most people want a themepark game where they can happily build up wealth with no risk or a game with instant gratification. EVE is not one of those games.

Zero risk theme park is definitely one of the things people like.

Had a guy that played WoW like crazy try Eve after I told him about it. After 2 months or so, he quit Eve. His reason: He didnt like the real loss associated with pvp even though he had never lost anything in the game. He also didnt like how there wasnt enough to do npc wise.

To understand that second part you would need to play WoW. WoW gives the player the story, tells them where to go, what they have to do. Once that part of the story is finished, the player gets sent to aother area of the world with new monsters and visuals ( oh look snow! ) and the game hand feeds them more story. The main goal the story leads you to is the Boss fight. Our missions with no point or end leave people wondering why they are doing them.

Eves story is made mostly by the players. To increase subs and retain people who want a story, there would need to be a story that takes you a decent amount of time, a few months perhaps, before you get to a final Boss fight. Something dramatic like, your employer dies in the end but you vanquish the boss. Afterwards, the story would then leave you on your own in the real harsh world of Eve where you make your own story and your own decisions.

Before I understood Eve, I was expecting the same hand holding story as well, thought I did something wrong when no more story was forthcoming, and was disappointed. ( this was back in 2005, I've no idea how the noob experience is now )

Note: I'm not saying that is the direction Eve should take, just pointing out where the game fails against other MMO's and why people dont stay.

When it comes to PvP, I am like a chiwawa hanging from a grizzley bears pair of wrinklies for dear life.

The Antiquarian
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#60 - 2012-10-08 15:31:50 UTC
Only one simple solution to this problem.

Make the tournament prize more competitive. More $$$ and new professional gamers will start flocking in.

There is a reason why some of the Korean folks drop out of college to compete in Starcraft tournaments. These tournaments provide enough cash inflows and incentives to sustain their lifestyle.

CCP just needs to host more tournaments with bigger cash prizes using third-party services (MLG and etc).