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Courier contracts, what's the going rate?

Sight Picture
#21 - 2012-09-28 16:19:05 UTC
Salpad wrote:
And what is a reasonable rate? Red Frog charges 1M base fee + 450k ISK per jump, and that's way too expensive for my needs. I need a lot of cargoes moved through high-sec 14-17 jumps, but it doesn't have to be fast. I'm unwilling to pay for fast.

I'm thinking something along the lines of 5M ISK total for those 14-17 jumps, for 860k m3 cargo. Red Frog would charge 6.85M for 14 jumps and 8.65M for 17 jumps, but presumably they do it fast, which I'm unwilling to pay for. I don't have that kind of profit margin. I need a cheap slowboat captain to haul my stuff.

RF would charge you between 1.85m and 3.65m more than you want to pay per freighter load? Is your profit margin so low that 3.65m on 860k m3 of goods kills it? I have an idea. Sell your freighter. If you bought before 4 months ago, you'll be making a huge profit on it and it will likely be more ISK than you can make on whatever rinky dink operation you have that a 4mil difference in price would kill.

There's a reason I linked Red Frog as the industry standard. Because everyone knows what they charge, they're looking for similar rates. Because so many people get hired by RF, there are fewer people willing to accept the crap prices you're offering. For far too long courier services were undervalued. That has changed. You and many others are still working on the assumptions of 2010, but the price of freighters has tripled. At the rates you're offering it would take forever to pay one off. There are still people who don't value their time, so you're waiting on one of them.
Carebears with Attitude
#22 - 2012-09-28 23:48:40 UTC
No, actually, I'm making a fairly decent profit on my biz, in terms of ISK/month. We're talking a couple of billion ISK per month. It's just very labour-intensive, because I have to haul a lot of these 980k m3 Freighter loads, and I have to haul them many, many jumps.

I did buy my Freighter back when they were much cheaper, as in over 4 years ago, but it's such a useful tool to have, both for my personal businesses and for my corp, that I'd never be willing to sell it.
Pipa Porto
#23 - 2012-09-29 00:26:48 UTC
Salpad wrote:
No, actually, I'm making a fairly decent profit on my biz, in terms of ISK/month. We're talking a couple of billion ISK per month. It's just very labour-intensive, because I have to haul a lot of these 980k m3 Freighter loads, and I have to haul them many, many jumps.

I did buy my Freighter back when they were much cheaper, as in over 4 years ago, but it's such a useful tool to have, both for my personal businesses and for my corp, that I'd never be willing to sell it.

Then I'd suggest you move your battleship manufacturing station closer to where you're selling them. Time you spend hauling is no more free than having other people haul for you.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Sight Picture
#24 - 2012-09-29 03:28:31 UTC
Salpad wrote:
No, actually, I'm making a fairly decent profit on my biz, in terms of ISK/month. We're talking a couple of billion ISK per month. It's just very labour-intensive, because I have to haul a lot of these 980k m3 Freighter loads, and I have to haul them many, many jumps.

I did buy my Freighter back when they were much cheaper, as in over 4 years ago, but it's such a useful tool to have, both for my personal businesses and for my corp, that I'd never be willing to sell it.

So why not turn it into a job in which all you do is set your battleship production queue and maintain your orders? Labor isn't free and now you know the going market rate. The only thing left to do is to decide if your real life, actual finite time on earth is worth 4m in fake money. Seems like an easy choice to me.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#25 - 2012-10-01 19:21:22 UTC
I use public courier contracts very frequently, and have no difficulties in getting my high-sec to high-sec contracts picked up. So, here's my two cents:

1) Cost: 1-2% of the collateral.

For less than 10 jumps, I've never had a contract refused at 1%. Since you are talking about 14-17 jumps, I'd go with the 2%.

2) Break up the size to smaller chunks, and create more contracts.

Haulers are going to take the best paying contracts first, then fill up the rest of their space with anything else they can fit, regardless of the reward-to-jump ratio. No one wants to haul with less than a full load.

So, if a freighter is only 3/4 full and they can't find any more high paying contracts, then most pilots will fill the other 1/4 with lower paying contracts, rather than just flying without a full load.

Better still, if you can, break up the size to chunks small enough to fit in a T1 industrial or a blockade runner. These ships are faster than a freighter, and far more common in high-sec, too. Your contracts will get picked up much faster.

3) Break up the jumps into smaller runs, and create more contracts.

Same-region runs get picked up faster than runs between regions. For runs between regions, hub-to-hub runs also get picked up faster, than runs between random stations in different regions.

So, you ship your stuff from the origin station to the hub in the same region. Then, you ship your stuff from the hub in the origin region to the hub in the destination region. Finally, you ship your stuff from the destination region hub to the destination station.

This increases the cost somewhat. Typically, you'd pay 1% for the same-region runs and 1-2% for the hub-to-hub run. So, figure the total cost at 3-4%, but you'll get your stuff delivered faster.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#26 - 2012-10-01 19:38:52 UTC
I just noticed that you'd rather pay less and get it slow, yet you were surprised that no one picked up your contract immediately.


If you want it cheap, you'll have to be more patient. Haulers take the high paying contracts first. The lower paying contracts are only taken when there is extra room left over and no more high paying contracts.

Contracts can take several days to get picked up, esp. the lower paying contracts. I set my contracts up for a week. The smaller, high paying runs get picked up in less than a day; most of the rest get picked up within 1-2 days, but some can take longer.

But, if you are putting up full freighter loads, for a long run, at cheap prices, you are not going to get many takers. You'll probably need to wait until someone is running empty on a return trip and can't find anything better to haul. This could take weeks.
Sight Picture
#27 - 2012-10-02 15:47:32 UTC
Sizeof Void wrote:
Haulers are going to take the best paying contracts first, then fill up the rest of their space with anything else they can fit, regardless of the reward-to-jump ratio. No one wants to haul with less than a full load.

So, if a freighter is only 3/4 full and they can't find any more high paying contracts, then most pilots will fill the other 1/4 with lower paying contracts, rather than just flying without a full load.

"Most" haulers don't do this. Most haulers do exactly the opposite. They'd rather fly with a partial load than encourage cheapskates to put up more contracts.

Breaking it into industrial size loads is your best bet, since these pilots will be noobs who don't know what the going rate is.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#28 - 2012-10-02 19:49:08 UTC
Reticle wrote:
They'd rather fly with a partial load than encourage cheapskates to put up more contracts.

Haulers in corps which prefer private contracts work that way. But, not haulers who pick up public contracts. There is always someone looking to fill up that last bit of space in their hauler, esp. on the hub-to-hub runs.

There are a lot of high-sec haulers who make AFK runs. These guys are just looking to make ISK, while doing something else in RL - working, eating, sleeping, taking a shower, watching a movie, etc. Because of the risk from gankers, they actually want to keep the cargo value under a certain limit, making themselves into less attractive targets. So, they have no problem with picking up the cheap contracts, just to fill the ship.

Also, it takes a new freighter pilot a long time to pay off the cost of the freighter, with just high-sec runs. So, it is pretty difficult to convince them to *not* pick up those contracts and fly partially empty. Sort of like trying to tell a new immigrant worker not to take a low paying job, but to hold out for a higher rate.
Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#29 - 2012-10-02 20:52:20 UTC
Salpad wrote:
I created a bunch of Freighter-sized courer contracts about 15 hours ago. I took special care to size the volumes such that any Freighter can take one of the "basic" ones and most Freighters will also be able to simultaneously take one of my "extra" contracts for extra income.

It's from connected high-sec to connected high-sec, a lot of jumps, but very AFK-friendly, and with a collateral equal to 115% or 130% of the value of the goods, to protect me against theft. So a little over 200M ISK collateral for the "basic" unit and around 40M for the "extra" contract.

How come no one has bitten?

What's the expected rate per jump, for a Freighter-sized cargo volume?

The hungry will not understand the well fed, Just like the Well fed, do not understand the hungry, that later half applies to this subject.

You must use common sense when dealing with professional hauler pilots, at the end of the day you want your 100M and so does he.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-10-03 16:30:28 UTC
Try having 6kk m3 moved by breaking into smaller contracts. I aim for 760k m3 because it leaves enough room for other contracts. My collat to reward is low, but the reward is still better relative to other contracts. Most of those contract are also smaller m3, so I compete by not trying to use all of their storage. About 0.4% reward, 2mil on 465m collat. I price my collat at my desired selling price.

It's quite bursty for me though. I can get anywhere from 0-10 760k m3 loads per week. My best bet is to buy in bulk, setup the contracts, and just wait it out once I hit my limit.

The strangest courier contract that I have ever picked up was 450m collat, 6m payout, but the single ship in the contract was listing for 10m on the market with constant medium volume and stable price for the past year.
Binaerie Heavy Industries
#31 - 2012-10-03 16:44:27 UTC
It's an odd and dynamic market. I saw a dude list 9 contracts the other evening. They were between 12 and 5 million. Most from random low sec. All headed to the same destination.

Each had collateral less than 150 million. Some of the loads had value less than the reward.

I didn't ask any questions. I ran all of them within 2 hours of them being posted. I assume he was happy. For me, it was an unexpected 50 million and a chance to see some areas I hadn't been in yet.
Litla Sundlaugin
#32 - 2012-10-03 18:01:31 UTC
I know im a little late, but my courier contracts i put up go fast cause i pay well for hi sec, say a 10 jump contract for a freighter i would pay 1 million a jump, even my low volume contracts pay nicely and yes keep collateral like you have it, keep in mind the routes, udemia<<<<>>>>>Narajaf (spelled something like that) are hi sec choke points that get gank squads camping them thus freighter captains dont care for the route.
Sight Picture
#33 - 2012-10-03 18:26:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Reticle
No matter what the specifics of the pricing are, if you aren't earning approx 20mil ISK per hour, you're losing money. You would do better mining or missioning or really anything else. Running AFK is great, but it takes twice as long, so you're effectively cutting your income in half by doing it. The most successful haulers are those who combine it with other professions to maximize freighter use. Intelligent courier pricing is based on time spent, not the value or size of the load. If you combine 10 contracts into one run, unless they all go to and from the same station, you'll be spending a lot of time jumping gates for a pittance.

Like I said in a previous post, some people don't value their time (or don't know how to value it). If those people want to essentially work for free, well, who can blame people for taking advantage of them?
Piugattuk wrote:
keep in mind the routes, udemia<<<<>>>>>Narajaf (spelled something like that) are hi sec choke points that get gank squads camping them thus freighter captains dont care for the route.

All routes from non-Caldari space to Jita pass through either Uedama or Niarja. There isn't any real way to avoid them for the majority of contracts.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#34 - 2012-10-05 04:53:45 UTC

1-2billion a month and you have to work hard for that? That's about what I make per day.

Anyway, when I setup couriers, I make sure I pay them well. Usually at least a million per jump, and always a bare minimum of 1% collateral. I normally have collateral ranging from 1-5b , so my rewards are typically 10-50m, sometimes double depending on my need for a quick delivery.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Sarmea Moon
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2012-10-05 19:06:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmea Moon
Something not mentioned....

Level 4 courier missions pay me an avg of 100k per jump in my itty. Iterons fly a heck of a lot faster than my freighter. I will not accept less than 300k per jump for anyone not in my corp. That is what you're competing against.

I find it more profitable to have my freighter alt running level 4 couriers than it is to haul something from Jita to Oursulaert. Instead I pay someone else to haul it. It's how I got my research POSes and fuel, and modules out of Jita and to my new home. I literally made more doing the missions than the 1 million isk per jump I paid to have someone else haul the goods.

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse [lady of commercial virtue]. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.- James Nicoll

Sight Picture
#36 - 2012-10-05 21:36:20 UTC
Sarmea Moon wrote:
Something not mentioned....

Level 4 courier missions pay me an avg of 100k per jump in my itty. Iterons fly a heck of a lot faster than my freighter. I will not accept less than 300k per jump for anyone not in my corp. That is what you're competing against.

I find it more profitable to have my freighter alt running level 4 couriers than it is to haul something from Jita to Oursulaert. Instead I pay someone else to haul it. It's how I got my research POSes and fuel, and modules out of Jita and to my new home. I literally made more doing the missions than the 1 million isk per jump I paid to have someone else haul the goods.

It is highly unlikely that you are making more ISK running L4 couriers than someone getting 1mil ISK per jump every 3 minutes.
Lavitakus Bromier
WTF Bunnies
#37 - 2012-10-08 18:06:18 UTC
Reticle wrote:
Sarmea Moon wrote:
Something not mentioned....

Level 4 courier missions pay me an avg of 100k per jump in my itty. Iterons fly a heck of a lot faster than my freighter. I will not accept less than 300k per jump for anyone not in my corp. That is what you're competing against.

I find it more profitable to have my freighter alt running level 4 couriers than it is to haul something from Jita to Oursulaert. Instead I pay someone else to haul it. It's how I got my research POSes and fuel, and modules out of Jita and to my new home. I literally made more doing the missions than the 1 million isk per jump I paid to have someone else haul the goods.

It is highly unlikely that you are making more ISK running L4 couriers than someone getting 1mil ISK per jump every 3 minutes.

Except ppl arnt paying 1 mil per jump. More on the of 200K-400K on average.
alot of ppl expect stuff way to cheap.
I'd run 1% on collateral 800m and up
1.5% on collateral 750m-550m
and any thing 500m down. 400K for 10 jumps and 500K for any after that.
That based of 20 jumps.
It's probably flawed but meh.
Sight Picture
#38 - 2012-10-08 20:23:27 UTC
Lavitakus Bromier wrote:
Reticle wrote:
Sarmea Moon wrote:
Something not mentioned....

Level 4 courier missions pay me an avg of 100k per jump in my itty. Iterons fly a heck of a lot faster than my freighter. I will not accept less than 300k per jump for anyone not in my corp. That is what you're competing against.

I find it more profitable to have my freighter alt running level 4 couriers than it is to haul something from Jita to Oursulaert. Instead I pay someone else to haul it. It's how I got my research POSes and fuel, and modules out of Jita and to my new home. I literally made more doing the missions than the 1 million isk per jump I paid to have someone else haul the goods.

It is highly unlikely that you are making more ISK running L4 couriers than someone getting 1mil ISK per jump every 3 minutes.

Except ppl arnt paying 1 mil per jump. More on the of 200K-400K on average.
alot of ppl expect stuff way to cheap.
I'd run 1% on collateral 800m and up
1.5% on collateral 750m-550m
and any thing 500m down. 400K for 10 jumps and 500K for any after that.
That based of 20 jumps.
It's probably flawed but meh.

I was simply using the number from his own post.

I reiterate, however, that courier pilots should be basing their pay on time spent, not % of XYZ. Percentages are great when you get to a certain collateral level (i.e. 1 to 1.5 billion+ depending on exact percentages), but the majority of packages don't come anywhere near that threshold collateral value, which means the majority of packages that use a % of collateral payment will be paying a rate that isn't worth the time of the courier. Your personal method is more flexible and rewarding than most methods I've seen, but total number of jumps and time spent are still the primary driving factors from the courier's point of view. 1% of 800mil is 8 mil, not bad for say a 15 to 20 minute trip, but on a trip from Jita to Rens, the per hour amount is so low that it's laughable.
Sarmea Moon
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2012-10-09 22:49:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmea Moon
Reticle wrote:
Sarmea Moon wrote:
Something not mentioned....

Level 4 courier missions pay me an avg of 100k per jump in my itty. Iterons fly a heck of a lot faster than my freighter. I will not accept less than 300k per jump for anyone not in my corp. That is what you're competing against.

I find it more profitable to have my freighter alt running level 4 couriers than it is to haul something from Jita to Oursulaert. Instead I pay someone else to haul it. It's how I got my research POSes and fuel, and modules out of Jita and to my new home. I literally made more doing the missions than the 1 million isk per jump I paid to have someone else haul the goods.

It is highly unlikely that you are making more ISK running L4 couriers than someone getting 1mil ISK per jump every 3 minutes.

I beg to differ. Try running a few. Average length of travel- 2 jumps. Payout, average 400k plus an average 700-800 loyalty points. Even at a conversion rate of a measly 1:1000 (like +3 implants) that still nets 1.5mill isk per mission, completed in less time than it takes a freighter to do a single afk jump.


This does not include the 1 in 16 important faction mission either.

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse [lady of commercial virtue]. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.- James Nicoll

Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#40 - 2012-10-09 23:05:01 UTC
your better off using your contract slots for blueprint copy sales to offset the Frog freight costs, do it the easy way.
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