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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

60m LF active WH corporation

El Geo
The Ascendants
#1 - 2012-09-27 20:57:46 UTC
Looking for an active corporation that does exploration and PvP (none of this blobbing rubbish if it can be helped) Big smile preferably wh space, higher the class the better, ive been living in low class wh for the last 8 months, mostly solo pvp, some small gang, looking for more out of EvE
Tactical Farmers.
Tactical Farmers
#2 - 2012-09-28 03:51:25 UTC
Hard Knocks would like a chance to speak with you.

Who are we:

  • C5 > C5 wormhole asshats
  • We do stupid **** and make people cry
  • Crazy bastards are encouraged
  • PvE to provide for PvP
  • Small to medium fleets
  • EU/US

EVO Forum Post
Public Channel: Hard Knocks

o7 - Sorany
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#3 - 2012-09-28 14:38:25 UTC
Consider KAIRS. We're the top killing corp in one of (might be #1 in September stats!) wspace's top killing alliances. Killboard here:

The Kairos Syndicate [KAIRS]
A member of Transmission Lost Alliance

Alliance Public Channel: Lost-Pub

The Kairos Syndicate [KAIRS] is teamplayer corp that focuses on WH-PvP. The corp has a good infrastructure and guidelines, but we expect all members to show initiative.

What we can offer you:

- An established and well-organised corporation within one of EVE's few genuine W-space alliances.
- A home within a C2 with static HS and C4.
- Daily small-gang PvP and occasional alliance-wide fleet operations.
- Small-gang PvE; C4 plexing is perfectly balanced in terms of ease and reward.
- Closeness to Highsec space provides an easy transition to W-space living for first-timers and veterans alike.
- An ever-expanding community always looking for pro-active members in both EU and US time zones.

What you should offer us:

- Must be a mature and a team player.
- Must be active and able to show commitment (We want your main, not your alt).
- Must be able and willing to learn and to pass on the knowledge to others.
- Our required skills need at least 6 million SP of training.
- Due to the nature of W-space, we expect you to have experience in probing.
- We fly PvP in various subcap ships with flexible tanks and weapons and Shield tanked PvE fleets.
- Visit our forum to see a complete list of skills for the requirement.

To apply, please join our alliance public channel 'Lost-Pub' and visit the recruitment thread on our forum

Be aware that our recruitment status may change over time and is reflected in our public channel's MOTD.