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Market Discussions

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Cutting out the incoming competition

Hiro Takura
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-09-26 19:13:37 UTC

For a long time, i've never bothered to trade in my home system and focused mostly on station trading in Jita/Amarr but for the last 3-4 months i've had a really good deal going on back home as well. But a few days ago a new intruder has come in and that person is constantly 0.1iskng all the buy orders i've set up at my home. I kinda depend on the influx of minerals and materials to sustain my operations and would like to know if there are any ways to force the new intruder to leave?

Previously, i've had attempts of trying to barge in on this place as well but those were easily removed by doing the same 0.1 isk game or increasing the buy orders to values where they will not be making any profit at all. However... this is not the case this time.

That person almost never logs off, updates the buy orders within minutes of when i update mine and is choking my supply lines badly.

Was wondering if there are any ways to manage this?

I don't want to leave my home because of a pesky intruder... I've been here for years...
#2 - 2012-09-26 19:31:24 UTC
Start raising your price by 10% or more. If they follow suit run the price well beyond the breakeven point and unload a large supply of said item on your opponent. They wont forget it if they are a smaller player in the market and will go away. Their is some risk that you will anger a very wealthy and vindictive player who will seek revenge.

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people- Eleanor Roosevelt

AKilla Sunday
EVE Corporation 98582134
#3 - 2012-09-26 20:46:26 UTC
It could be a bot ...
Hiro Takura
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-09-26 21:12:15 UTC
thanks for the tip Perramas!

Might give it a go and since the trader rarely, if ever leaves the station... the possible reprecussions, are not a problem.

And it for sure is not a bot. At first i thought it was just another harmless miner trying to do some more manufacturing but the size of the orders is not in line with that. The market moves about 1.5b in the region it is per week and their orders are placed for 6b+.
#5 - 2012-09-26 21:14:52 UTC
AKilla Sunday wrote:
It could be a bot ...

Could also be one of the hundreds of station traders with OCD. God bless the freaks and whatever brought them to play EVE, they make the market so dynamic. :)
Hiro Takura
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-09-27 06:34:27 UTC
Heh, it actually worked out better better than i imagined. While i was pushing the prices up by a lot that person started doing the same. When i reached jita prices, he added 15% more and someone else cashed out filling up both of our orders. All of his orders have vanished now.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-09-27 10:41:21 UTC
Hiro Takura wrote:
Heh, it actually worked out better better than i imagined. While i was pushing the prices up by a lot that person started doing the same. When i reached jita prices, he added 15% more and someone else cashed out filling up both of our orders. All of his orders have vanished now.

well done Big smile

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

serras bang
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-09-30 18:39:24 UTC
Hiro Takura wrote:
Heh, it actually worked out better better than i imagined. While i was pushing the prices up by a lot that person started doing the same. When i reached jita prices, he added 15% more and someone else cashed out filling up both of our orders. All of his orders have vanished now.

were was this about ?
I Was There
#9 - 2012-09-30 19:12:55 UTC
GreenSeed wrote:
AKilla Sunday wrote:
It could be a bot ...

Could also be one of the hundreds of station traders with OCD. God bless the freaks and whatever brought them to play EVE, they make the market so dynamic. :)

Technologies Unlimited
#10 - 2012-09-30 21:17:51 UTC
I Was There wrote:
GreenSeed wrote:
AKilla Sunday wrote:
It could be a bot ...

Could also be one of the hundreds of station traders with OCD. God bless the freaks and whatever brought them to play EVE, they make the market so dynamic. :)


Obsessive–compulsive disorder

◄[♥]►3rd Party Service◄[♥]►

♥ Securing Peace of mind ♥

Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#11 - 2012-10-03 19:11:11 UTC
Curious,why are people hauling FROM low/nulsec instead of TO low nulsec?

there's already a massive shortage of supplies there and the goods can be easily sold for a 25% markup from Jita prices.

Wares 15% over jita prices sell rapidly in low sec and 25% nulsec.

Just pick a few KEY systems where you think people would enjoy doing mining, PI invention WHATEVER, and sell the appropriate goods, them move onto other systems every few months or if sales turn stagnant.
all this fighting over some leftovers...

What are you kids doing fighting over buy orders? the hell is wrong with you..

1 day a week can bring 3B isk, that's 8 hours with something measly like 10B isk invested.