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Improving the Inventory UI - What matters the most?

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Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#101 - 2012-09-25 00:58:13 UTC
Reposting this b/c it keeps being ignored in every stage of development feedback (posted by myself and many others since day ONE of SiSi Pre-Alpha tests)

Main Inventory Screen, seriously needs to remember its own state of open/closed between Dock and Undock. This means that when i have my item hanger open in Main Inventory (while docked), then i undock, i do not what it to try to show it to me as soon as i get into space, then failing to do so (b/c it is 'no longer in reach'), it reverts to my ships cargo-hold. Which i already have open and smaller on the side!!! I don't need two of them.

Then when i dock again, since i closed the space window b/c it was showing me the second copy of my cargo, i have to re-open the Main Inventory, only for it to show me my ship's cargo (again, which i already have a smaller copy of open). This needs to be separate. There should be no connection between what each instance tries to show you.

Corp hanger button on station services, please. Also, give us back the default corp hanger tabs upon opening "corp hanger" this tree stuff is for the birds.

And now to the sorta addressed issue...

When you say "compact" does that mean it will remove the HUGE borders around the inventory? Most of us who try to manage large amounts of things could care less about all those fancy shinies, we just want to see our items (even moreso when we need more smaller windows, which are less possible with current border sizes)

All that wasted space around the cargo window. I know you want to put fancy buttons there, but please give us the option to have them not-there when we don't want them. They take up soo much room. Point in case as stated previously in thread, Why do we need search and all those other fancies in the ORE HOLD? I can understand cargo amount, but correct me if i'm wrong, it never took up that much space before Uni-Inv. Space efficiency is key since you (CCP seem to be at war with non-cluttered GUI's)

Also, since you seem to be insisting on forcing this "estimated price" into every single inventory screen, can you please fix it to be sorta even remotely accurate. And please, don't ask for examples until after you actually attempt to play this game you are working on. The previous response about the overshooting cargo can would have been rather comical if th fact you are that disconnected from the workings of this game is that obvious.    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...

CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#102 - 2012-09-25 21:33:25 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Arrow
Panhead4411 wrote:
Reposting this b/c it keeps being ignored in every stage of development feedback (posted by myself and many others since day ONE of SiSi Pre-Alpha tests)

Main Inventory Screen, seriously needs to remember its own state of open/closed between Dock and Undock. This means that when i have my item hanger open in Main Inventory (while docked), then i undock, i do not what it to try to show it to me as soon as i get into space, then failing to do so (b/c it is 'no longer in reach'), it reverts to my ships cargo-hold. Which i already have open and smaller on the side!!! I don't need two of them.

Then when i dock again, since i closed the space window b/c it was showing me the second copy of my cargo, i have to re-open the Main Inventory, only for it to show me my ship's cargo (again, which i already have a smaller copy of open). This needs to be separate. There should be no connection between what each instance tries to show you.

Corp hanger button on station services, please. Also, give us back the default corp hanger tabs upon opening "corp hanger" this tree stuff is for the birds.

And now to the sorta addressed issue...

When you say "compact" does that mean it will remove the HUGE borders around the inventory? Most of us who try to manage large amounts of things could care less about all those fancy shinies, we just want to see our items (even moreso when we need more smaller windows, which are less possible with current border sizes)

All that wasted space around the cargo window. I know you want to put fancy buttons there, but please give us the option to have them not-there when we don't want them. They take up soo much room. Point in case as stated previously in thread, Why do we need search and all those other fancies in the ORE HOLD? I can understand cargo amount, but correct me if i'm wrong, it never took up that much space before Uni-Inv. Space efficiency is key since you (CCP seem to be at war with non-cluttered GUI's)

Also, since you seem to be insisting on forcing this "estimated price" into every single inventory screen, can you please fix it to be sorta even remotely accurate. And please, don't ask for examples until after you actually attempt to play this game you are working on. The previous response about the overshooting cargo can would have been rather comical if th fact you are that disconnected from the workings of this game is that obvious.

The behavior of Inventory windows will be that they will close themselves between sessions (Undock/Dock) if the Inventory they are showing is not accessible anymore, instead of reverting to a default inventory location. If the Inventory however is part of the active ship, then that window will stay open and unchanged between sessions because it is still accessible. We will make sure this works consistently and that all Inventory windows persist all states between these sessions like their position, size and what tabs are expanded or collapsed.

We are currently working on defining the behavior and we have a use case that would be good to get input on from the players. If a player undocks from Station A with an Inventory window open showing his Corporate hangar, then that same window will of course be open when he docks to Station A again. But if the corporation has an office in Station B as well, should that inventory then also be open and look exactly the same when the user docks there? Making the Corporate hangar Inventory window between these two separate stations essentially be the same one.

Furthermore. Let's say a user has an Inventory window open showing a Station container which is located in the Corporate hangar of Station A. He undocks, and then docks into Station B, where the corporation also has an office, just like in the earlier example. But this specific Station container that was left open in Station A, isn't available in Station B. Should the Inventory window then not open up at all? Since the specific location that was open in Station A isn't available anymore. Or should it have the Inventory window open and just show the Division that the Station container from Station A was in?

We are adding Corporation hangar to the Neocom as well as giving it a root level so that players can view all Divisions in Icon view or List view without the Index tree, if they choose to.

The Compact view will be as compact as possible. Just a 1 px wide window frame with the header showing the name of the selected inventory and the icons in the top-right (pinning, close window etc).

Compact View will be remembered for each Inventory, so players can have their Cargo hold, Ore hold or any other Inventory they want open in a separate window in the Compact view mode.

The Estimated Price is gotten by taking 3 months weighted universal average of all fulfilled market orders, recalculated every two weeks.

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#103 - 2012-09-25 22:18:46 UTC
Small things, but annoying:

1. When you double click any "drag-able" surface of a window it contracts to a strip (which is awesome), but when you click the corresponding button (e.g. Market) on the Neocom bar to maximize the contracted window it only focuses on the contracted strip. Another click on the button - the strip mimizes. Another click - it then maximizes. So - contracting windows to a strip is cool, but please make them maximize on clicking the corresponding buttion on the Neocom.

2. Autopilot shortcuts. it takes too many clicks to set autopilot to your most popular systems (e.g. Market to go to trade hub or Corp- Assets-Offices to return to base)

3. Wallet blink options might need some attention. "Blink on order changes" - I set up a new sell order - my wallet blinks. My reaction: "I know, I just did that". Also - an option like "blink on contract rewards" would be nice. "Blink on balance change" is useless IMO, because almost every market operation involves a "balance change" (and some non-market, like setting up a contract). I'd happily use the blink option if it had some more options.

4. Market Orders. I want to see "order's total value" for each order, not just all orders combined.

5. Manufacturing and research interface is a nightmare (especially at a POS), but I guess you guys will take care of that while revamping POSes.

6. Pixel hunt on resizing windows - irritating.

As I said - small things (even trivial to some I'm sure) but irritating.
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#104 - 2012-09-25 22:48:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Stormshadow
CCP Arrow wrote:

We are currently working on defining the behavior and we have a use case that would be good to get input on from the players. If a player undocks from Station A with an Inventory window open showing his Corporate hangar, then that same window will of course be open when he docks to Station A again. But if the corporation has an office in Station B as well, should that inventory then also be open and look exactly the same when the user docks there? Making the Corporate hangar Inventory window between these two separate stations essentially be the same one.

Furthermore. Let's say a user has an Inventory window open showing a Station container which is located in the Corporate hangar of Station A. He undocks, and then docks into Station B, where the corporation also has an office, just like in the earlier example. But this specific Station container that was left open in Station A, isn't available in Station B. Should the Inventory window then not open up at all? Since the specific location that was open in Station A isn't available anymore. Or should it have the Inventory window open and just show the Division that the Station container from Station A was in?

The use cases between different stations and corp hangars can't really be fitted to one mold. There might or not be containers and even the access rights could be slightly different. I would say that it is rather safe bet to go with station specific configuration what comes to corp hangars. As long as client remembers what corp related windows you had open when you left station - it is ok.

In worst case scenario some rare corporation with huge amount of offices would need to reopen their "default" windows once, but after that everything would be back to normal.

If you try to make this too complex, it most likely will end up having more problems than going with simple station specific style.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#105 - 2012-09-25 23:02:08 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:

Q: I need my screen space, make the Inventory less cluttered!
A: We have a plan to make a toggle button next to the 'Pin' button which will toggle between Compact and Normal mode. The Compact mode will only include the items of your selected inventory and nothing else. All settings will however persist, but users will not see what they are unless they toggle to Normal mode. There they can then see if things are being filtered, what view is being used and such. Users that want the ability to make some inventories more compact, like the active ship's cargo hold will most likely remember all their settings so we decided it would be best to have the compact view as compact as possible, with no additional info, making it even more compact then the original Inventory window.

Q: The Quick Actions, I don't see the benefits from your mockup. What is it for?
A: The mockup was only used to illustrate where they would be located, what actual options we will have there has not been ironed out yet but some of the things we are excited about are things like 'Sell All', 'Empty' and 'Stack All'. Input from you, the players can greatly affect what options we might put there in the future.

Just returned to the thread to be pleasantly surprised by your statements on the 'compact' cargo hold. This feedback turned around into real progress and development by you at CCP is just awesome and you can tell those bigwigs at CCP who pay the wages I said so....


- On the quick action buttons: A repair all, repackage all , and stack all would pretty much eliminate a bunch of clicks from the pesky everyday situation of returning scooped loot from something you kill to your home stockpile.
A 'Sell all' button I'd personally not be a fan of because of playing drunk and a mis-click could accidentally send all your precious goodies to some 0.01 isk buy orders.
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#106 - 2012-09-26 01:39:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Panhead4411
CCP Arrow wrote:

The Estimated Price is gotten by taking 3 months weighted universal average of all fulfilled market orders, recalculated every two weeks.

I was hoping for a better more accurate that isn't usually 20-500% off...

My proposed idea is to use the previous days 'average' yellow tick from every region. This tick is already generated and posted in "market history" why not use it for something else.

As detailed in my F&I thread..

But thank you for the other info...

Also, clarify point #1...

Does that mean the main inventory screen will be forced closed at every dock/undock unless it is showing the same thing. Which means that now we'll have to open the inventory each time?

Point #2...

So, your answer is to clutter the neocom even more? (i say this b/c you are apparently adding lots of individual Neocom button for each inventory windows) Why can't you just put it back on the station services screen where it used to reside?

Also, not quite understanding the "root" part of that, does that mean that now it will be more of a "windows" type of file system, a root folder with the divisions listed as folder icons within that folder? (somehow w/o the tree) Why can't we have the tabs back, like hitting the corp hanger button once, and having instant access to each division tab, w/o having to open them individually.

But again, thank you for finally breaking this 3 month silence on the feature that through Soundwave was promised weekly patches until it was "as good as the old system."    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...

Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2012-09-26 02:37:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
CCP Arrow, I would really like if you give some love for the miners...

1 - add more information for the asteroid survey scanner, now it shows ( Ore / Quantity / Distance ), it could also show ( volume ) what would be easy to calculate using the ore type and the quantity... and could also show ( time to deplete with 1 turret / time to depleet with all turrets ) it would be easily calculated using the volume and the power of the mining turret .

2 - Add Amount of ore already mined in the cycle (when you hover the mouse over the turret icon, show how much ore it would yield if deactivated ) this would make the informations given by the survay scaner a really good differential for mining ships, and a reason to don't mine afk.

Btw, you are doing a great job with the inventory UI!!! I really like it!!!

1) Everything doesn't have to be so easy. Mining is boring enough already without nerfing the only actual math you can do in background while mining. If you want to mine more efficiently - learn to think while you do it.

2) Read above. You can estimate the amount in your head already and cycle the laser in mid cycle as often your capacitor allows. If you're running out of cap, the orca is there to give you a boost. That is for what it is made..

1) As I said, it is simple math, no need to think, just trow in a excell spreadsheet, as I do. So math making for mining IS BORING! and the UI make it a pain. And how inproving the UI would nerf something!? If you don't wan't to use it, don't use it. But it makes no sense we receive so crap quality information. That is why most people afk mine, because it is just not worth.

2) THIS shows that you probably use multiple accounts and/or mine afk the whole day. And don't wan't people that are not afk nor multiboxing to have an advantage over you that will probably have issues managing x accounts. '

The last one that trolled me like you did now was complaining about my suggestion on " recovery drones when disconnect " and it was a good idea, because as this idea here, it makes the gaming experience better. So, get some good arguments before trowing some rocks. Or if you think that is fun to have a bad UI go play another game becouse EVE devs are constantly making the game better!
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#108 - 2012-09-26 05:08:20 UTC
You used a Jove ship to test a player issue. what? It would be nice if you used player available ships and items to test Player items and ship issues.

1. Cargohold button on ship control panel and neocom button operated on separate windows

2. How has no one mentioned the left right scroll bar yet? where is it and why don't we have one for every screen? I have two 23 inch widescreens, and i still have to resize nearly every window to see all the information that i want/need to see. Or if i dont and expand the window to where i can see all the information, i cant use any other window at the same time.
-> Inventory windows
-> Corp Management windows
-> Science and Industry window
-> Overview
-> Market
-> Compare items window

3.Corporation hanger tabs and button on either station or neocom (neocom preferred)

4. Corp hanger names retain number in hanger name, or in Corporation roles management are named

5. Containers remember layout and sorting preference by window type or specific location,
IE. Loot cans remember meta level in details view, Ship hanger remembers large icon, hanger floor remembers item type in details view.

6. Window stack minimization remembers stacking and expands back to stack (corp hanger/warehouse cans stack list separately with no way to reopen all as a stack, can be opened individually back to stack but not as a group)

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Drew Li
Space Exploitation Inc
#109 - 2012-09-26 11:21:01 UTC
1) The ship hangar needs to be easier to find. Every time i jump clone or inadvertently find myself in a station with only my pod I lose the inventory windows. Which means find inventory in neocom, open the tree, open the ship hangar, and then find my next ship.

2) Undock the tree from the inventory windows. Nobody needs more than one tree open. Living in 0.0 I generally have a tall, narrow window running the side of my screen for local chat. This would be a great place to put an inventory tree, not a great place for a fat inventory window. That would put the tree in one location I could drag into or open additional windows from as needed. Along the same line do not auto expand the tabs when I try to drag stuff into them. It can be a cool feature, but not for an undocked inventory tree.

3) Don't open a new window if I already have the same one open. If i want to open my cargohold again I probably lost the last one behind a lot of other windows. Just bring it to the front so I can find it.

4) Un-assembled ships need to be cargo, not ships. If I have a stack of 20 hulls put them in my item hangar, not my ship hangar. Far to often I find myself jumping with the fittings for 20 ships and not taking the hulls with me. It is also annoying when you go to empty your freighter and need to drag to multiple places.

5) Small icons? The list and detail view are sometimes unhelpful. Icons I can normally spot what I want right away. Smaller icons that take up less space may be cool.
CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#110 - 2012-09-26 11:38:03 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Arrow
Panhead4411 wrote:

Does that mean the main inventory screen will be forced closed at every dock/undock unless it is showing the same thing. Which means that now we'll have to open the inventory each time?

All Inventories will have their own individual ID. If you are viewing your Ship hangar, Item hangar or Corporate hangar when undocking, those Inventory locations are not available while in space. So instead of the windows staying open in space, they close themselves down until you dock again. Then they will be as you left them. So if you left them open, they are open.
The old behavior was to have them open but change the inventory location to the cargo hold of the active ship, because that is the default Inventory location of your ship, which is the only Inventory you have access to by default in space. Players have been asking us to take that out because they might already have an Inventory of their active ship open and don't need multiple instances of the same thing. What should we do with it instead of closing it while you are in space? If it's content isn't in space.

Panhead4411 wrote:

Point #2...

So, your answer is to clutter the neocom even more? (i say this b/c you are apparently adding lots of individual Neocom button for each inventory windows) Why can't you just put it back on the station services screen where it used to reside?

Also, not quite understanding the "root" part of that, does that mean that now it will be more of a "windows" type of file system, a root folder with the divisions listed as folder icons within that folder? (somehow w/o the tree) Why can't we have the tabs back, like hitting the corp hanger button once, and having instant access to each division tab, w/o having to open them individually.

We are adding a new category to the EVE Menu called 'Inventory'. If you don't want to clutter your Neocom root (the Neocom root is basically the whole strip on the left side of your screen) then you can keep these Inventory buttons in the EVE Menu (which you access at the top of the Neocom, in the 'E' icon). Furthermore, you can access all of those Inventory locations with shortcuts. If you want your Ship hangar and Item hangar to be part of the Station Services UI, you still can. You open up the Esc Menu and go into the 'General Settings' tab and check 'Merge "Items" and "Ships" into Station Panel' under the Station category. It is a nice option to have while docked and I use it myself a lot.

If you only add Item hangar and Ship hangar to your Neocom (root) you would not be cluttering it more than when it used to be there, locked at the bottom of the Neocom.

That means that the only additional icon you would be putting to the Neocom root that wasn't there before is the Corporate hangar. We have gotten report for years that players had a hard time finding the old button the bottom of the Station Services UI. And we simply felt it didn't belong there, hidden at the bottom (sometimes if players had their client running in windowed mode, you couldn't see the bottom of the Station Services UI, making it even harder for Corp managers to teach their new members to find it.

Giving the Corporate hangar a root will show the Divisions in the content area, working like Station containers, but locked since they can't be moved from that location. With the option to isolate sub-tree (children inventory locations) you will be able to open up the Corporate hangar with nothing in the Index tree except the Corporate hangar and it's children.

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#111 - 2012-09-26 13:56:27 UTC
Alx Warlord wrote:
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
CCP Arrow, I would really like if you give some love for the miners...

1 - add more information for the asteroid survey scanner, now it shows ( Ore / Quantity / Distance ), it could also show ( volume ) what would be easy to calculate using the ore type and the quantity... and could also show ( time to deplete with 1 turret / time to depleet with all turrets ) it would be easily calculated using the volume and the power of the mining turret .

2 - Add Amount of ore already mined in the cycle (when you hover the mouse over the turret icon, show how much ore it would yield if deactivated ) this would make the informations given by the survay scaner a really good differential for mining ships, and a reason to don't mine afk.

Btw, you are doing a great job with the inventory UI!!! I really like it!!!

1) Everything doesn't have to be so easy. Mining is boring enough already without nerfing the only actual math you can do in background while mining. If you want to mine more efficiently - learn to think while you do it.

2) Read above. You can estimate the amount in your head already and cycle the laser in mid cycle as often your capacitor allows. If you're running out of cap, the orca is there to give you a boost. That is for what it is made..

1) As I said, it is simple math, no need to think, just trow in a excell spreadsheet, as I do. So math making for mining IS BORING! and the UI make it a pain. And how inproving the UI would nerf something!? If you don't wan't to use it, don't use it. But it makes no sense we receive so crap quality information. That is why most people afk mine, because it is just not worth.

2) THIS shows that you probably use multiple accounts and/or mine afk the whole day. And don't wan't people that are not afk nor multiboxing to have an advantage over you that will probably have issues managing x accounts. '

The last one that trolled me like you did now was complaining about my suggestion on " recovery drones when disconnect " and it was a good idea, because as this idea here, it makes the gaming experience better. So, get some good arguments before trowing some rocks. Or if you think that is fun to have a bad UI go play another game becouse EVE devs are constantly making the game better!

Plenty of assumptions in your reply :)

I still believe that simple calculations and estimations which u can do while mining makes it less boring than no calculations where you _just wait_ the cycle to reach the point X before you click it.

Only additional information survey scanners could use at the moment is tag which reveals which strip miner is drilling and what rock. Following that based on distance data can be sometimes bit tricky and consume bit too much attention.

However as you already noticed, we all are entitled to our own opinions. I didn't troll you one single bit.

As additional hint I would like to point out that this is wrong thread for this entire discussion and topic. Survey scanner and turret icons are not related to inventory system and these devs who are reading this thread probably have nothing to do with it.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Zakarumit CZ
Zakarum Industries
Forgers United
#112 - 2012-09-26 14:04:27 UTC
I would welcome possibility to sort prints by ME/PE/runs in inventory. In Science&Industry I can do that, but its impossible to selecte several of them and move them elsewhere. Its pain in the ass when you have tousand prints and you need to search for specific ones by right clicking them.
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#113 - 2012-09-26 14:16:27 UTC
Related to neocom buttons...

I just would like to give heads up about those so that they don't end up being the next subject of complaints;

People like buttons/folders which they can also delete or move out from neocom root. In other words stuff what can be hidden to E-menu or what only exist in E-menu when it gets deleted from root... you know what I mean.

Currently neocom contains bit both... those what you can move like described above and some static ones which you can't do anything with. This isn't obviously very fun or consistent, but I'm not asking you to fix those. I'm just asking that you could consider doing all the new icons what are coming with unified inventory patch with the better way.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#114 - 2012-09-26 14:44:45 UTC
Will we be able to configure these inventory location neocom buttons? remove them? edit their locations, which hanger is primary when opening a new corp hanger window?

Why open the corp hanger window like a hanger of locked cans? what workflow does this help and who exactly is asking for them to be presented in this manner? I cant see it helping anyone except those that enjoy adding another click to moving items throughout their locations. Returning corporate hangers to their tabbed iteration seems to be the most common and most useful request about this.

As can you look at options to remove buttons or add them at the bottom of the station services window? I dont want the "Move headquarters here" button there at all, especially if i don't have a corp hanger or even a deliveries button.

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Dead and Delirious
Pandemic Horde
#115 - 2012-09-26 23:39:35 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:

We are adding a new category to the EVE Menu called 'Inventory'.

Any chance you can add another new category called 'Date' so we can have our date back on the Neocom?
Redemption Road
#116 - 2012-09-26 23:48:34 UTC
Murashu wrote:
CCP Arrow wrote:

We are adding a new category to the EVE Menu called 'Inventory'.

Any chance you can add another new category called 'Date' so we can have our date back on the Neocom?

We (meaning a bunch of players) bugged them about this a few months ago. They added the date to a tool-tip on the clock, so when you hover over the clock you see the date. I'd still like the date back the way it used to be, but glad at least for the tool-tip date.

I would like it so that UNassembled ships show on the left-hand side of the inventory window when I'm looking at the ship hangar. Right now, UNassembled ships only show in the main ship hangar window.

What you do for yourself dies with you, what you do for others is immortal.

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Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#117 - 2012-09-27 00:34:50 UTC
Kusum Fawn wrote:

2. How has no one mentioned the left right scroll bar yet? where is it and why don't we have one for every screen? I have two 23 inch widescreens, and i still have to resize nearly every window to see all the information that i want/need to see. Or if i dont and expand the window to where i can see all the information, i cant use any other window at the same time.
-> Inventory windows
-> Corp Management windows
-> Science and Industry window
-> Overview
-> Market
-> Compare items window

6. Window stack minimization remembers stacking and expands back to stack (corp hanger/warehouse cans stack list separately with no way to reopen all as a stack, can be opened individually back to stack but not as a group)

Those are great. I was thinking about #6 specifically last night and making sure it was spelt out, nice work.
Sinigr Shadowsong
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2012-09-27 18:57:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Sinigr Shadowsong
Please stop cargo from oppening after looting a container. In old inventory inventory window just closed after looting. It's really annoying when I salvage with moy noctis alt.
Dead and Delirious
Pandemic Horde
#119 - 2012-09-27 21:51:16 UTC
Greygal wrote:
Murashu wrote:
CCP Arrow wrote:

We are adding a new category to the EVE Menu called 'Inventory'.

Any chance you can add another new category called 'Date' so we can have our date back on the Neocom?

We (meaning a bunch of players) bugged them about this a few months ago. They added the date to a tool-tip on the clock, so when you hover over the clock you see the date. I'd still like the date back the way it used to be, but glad at least for the tool-tip date.

Yep and I'm still bugging them about it until they return it. I'm not a fan of devs removing functionality just for the sake of doing it so I will continue bringing it up :)
#120 - 2012-09-28 01:53:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Sturmwolke
The univentory tree view critically needs a "back" button* to re-trace user steps. The delay incorporated is not enough to prevent container view from switching when you move items across to different containers. It's incredibly annoying and time consuming (when you've got hundereds) to re-trace your steps back to the original container view.

Try an elastic switch. When moving items, let it switch elastically to the destination container and then bounce back to the original container once the operation is done.

* Heck, I would even argue for an "Undo" function to undo items misplacement. Several times it happened when moving items across, you unitentionally dropped it into the wrong container. Once that happens, if you're lucky and know where it was dropped, no problem. Else, you'll spend your time opening each and every container in your list to locate the proverbial needle in the haystack. If there was an UI indicator/paper trail that higlights where items were dropped, then this wouldn't be an issue. A small dot or something unintrusive.

Edit :

  • Major parent index in the tree view like "Active ship", "Ship Hangar", "Item Hangar", "Corporation Hangar" and "Market Deliveries" needs to be distinctive.
  • How? Larger (more distinctive) icons and lettering. Your eventual aim, when someone glances at the tree view - they'll be able to tell them apart without a pause.

  • One should be able to drag&drop assembled ships (in ships hangar) in the tree view into the maintenance bay without necessating opening a separate window.