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Market Discussions

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What would you do?

Mr Bernays
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-09-25 18:59:17 UTC

I was curious on what would you all do in my current situation. I am living in an area that has very poor internet capabilities, and I will be here for 8 or so months. It took me 115 hours to download Eve, and doing in game tasks is extremely slow. I can pretty much just update my skills and maybe monitor one Buy/Sell order. I recently liquidated all of my assets, and I also sold some characters I had on the bazaar. I'm sitting on quite a few ISK, and I'm not too sure what I want to do with it.

I am currently making this character to be a trader, but it really hasn't worked out the way I had hoped. The connection is just too poor to monitor trades properly. What would you all do to try and make ISK in my situation.

-Mr. Bernays
Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-09-25 19:03:17 UTC
You should probably look into Grendell's service.

If you are looking for a bit more interest, then we may discuss something. There will be an audit (performed by VV) about me and my corp to be released soon.

Very bests,

Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#3 - 2012-09-25 19:28:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Brewlar Kuvakei
If you can't even market trade you net must be less than 56K? That's insane have you tried getting a connection through your phone? You might fair better with your mobile connection via usb.

I'd recommend just keeping your chars with nice long skill Q's till you get back to civilization. I've had similar problems when I could not play eve because of doing daft drafts in the military. Just keep your char on a nice skill package so you can update once every week/month or so.

Market trading really? Are you in Jita try moving to a more empty system and remote trading?
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#4 - 2012-09-25 21:17:08 UTC
In my experience even the poorest mobile phone and satalite phone connections are sufficient to run an eve client well enough to play the game. Maybe your issues aren't purely down to connection speed?

I have played EVE with people from all over the world and many have been sitting in remote deserts/jungles/artic wasteleands/islands/warzones in tents, trailers or foxholes playing on ancient equipment using old mobile phones. One of my long standing PvP wingmen famously runs 2 accounts and voice comms over 56k GPRS from a shack in the African desert. His comms sound like total **** but he's still on all the killmails.

Maybe you need to tinker some more?
Mr Bernays
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-09-26 01:01:56 UTC
In my experience even the poorest mobile phone and satalite phone connections are sufficient to run an eve client well enough to play the game. Maybe your issues aren't purely down to connection speed?

I'm dealing with a 128k connection split on a wifi shared between 50+ users. The bandwidth is just not there. If I could some how magically kick everyone off and have it to myself, then it would be a way different story.

You should probably look into Grendell's service.

I may look into it, but it's hard trusting someone else.

Pipa Porto
#6 - 2012-09-26 02:49:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Pipa Porto
Mr Bernays wrote:
In my experience even the poorest mobile phone and satalite phone connections are sufficient to run an eve client well enough to play the game. Maybe your issues aren't purely down to connection speed?

I'm dealing with a 128k connection split on a wifi shared between 50+ users. The bandwidth is just not there. If I could some how magically kick everyone off and have it to myself, then it would be a way different story.
CCP Explorer wrote:
Approx. 6 KB/s. EVe is fairly tolerant of latency given the 1 Hz update.

This looks like a job for DIAL-UP!

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-09-26 05:29:10 UTC
Yes of course, its a bit daunting. And I wouldn't recommend that you invest all your ISKs to other players or other player's asset management services.

Another easy trick is to invest in real hardware, i.e. ships, modules. I took a break myself from EvE for almost half a year and when I came back I realized that my orca had moved up by almost 50%, as well as some other ships. This might be a little risky as well - but its easy to do.

Inflation is certainly there in EvE so I wouldn't recommend to let your ISK sit in your wallet only.

With all this, I'm assuming that you really can't continue your game experience for a certain time. Nevertheless, I wish you best of luck to find a feasible solution to actually play.

Very bests,

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#8 - 2012-09-26 06:59:05 UTC
Mr Bernays wrote:
In my experience even the poorest mobile phone and satalite phone connections are sufficient to run an eve client well enough to play the game. Maybe your issues aren't purely down to connection speed?

I'm dealing with a 128k connection split on a wifi shared between 50+ users. The bandwidth is just not there. If I could some how magically kick everyone off and have it to myself, then it would be a way different story.

As I suspected, your issue isn't that your connection is too slow for EVE but that you are running too much through it other than EVE. Assuming that your present circumstances prevent you from aquiring your own connection (even a much slower one would be fine) then your options don't really include actually playing EVE through the client.

However you can easily play, enjoy and profit from the game using EVE gate alone. Many EVE players spend more time on the forums than in the game anyway. Consider character trading and other forum based trading as an alternative to trading in-game, as I assume you find EVE gate much more viable than the EVE client? If you can trust others (and I fully understand your reservations there) then forum based investing is another activity that doesn't require you to log on.

Exactly how bad is your in-client experience? If trading isn't viable (or just not enjoyable), what is? AFK courier hauling? Ice mining? Setting up 30+ day manufacturing research/jobs? As others have said, you should make sure you keep skilling and adding value to your accounts that way (and training characters to sell is perfectly viable).