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Improving the Inventory UI - What matters the most?

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CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#81 - 2012-09-23 00:59:34 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Arrow
I have gone over the feedback and will try to address all of the subjects raised here:

Q: What are you doing about the issue regarding when you are not in range of containers and it goes to your cargo hold instead?
A: We are marking that as a defect, but additionally we are also planning to give users better visual feedback on range of containers. The current default behavior when you can't access something anymore, is to revert to the default inventory location, which in this case is your Cargo hold. That will now be fixed so that it simply closes the inventory window when you are out of range from the inventory you are viewing.

Q: Why does the cargo hold of my active ship not persist?
A: This has been marked as a defect as well, we agree that when you have the Cargo hold of your active ship tucked away somewhere, you want that window to always show the cargo hold of your currently active ship (and not the ship that was active when you opened the window).

Q: What are you doing about lag regarding Corporate hangars and specifically the annoyance of having to collapse it's tree twice?
A: We are actively targeting all Inventory lag related issues with the key goal of making it faster and better than before the new Inventory. The Corporate hangar tree only needs a single left click on the mouse to open it and it is possible that users are clicking it twice, making it open itself, start loading the content and then reads the second mouse-click command and closes it again. This accidental open and close will hopefully be a non issue once the loading of all the content of the Corporate hangars is improved and we have changed the Corporate hangar to have it’s own root so that it is consistent with other tabs in the Index tree.

Q: What are you doing about performance and lag issues related to the Inventory in general?
A: We want to address all of these issues full force but some of the use cases we get are hard or impossible for us to reproduce. If we can get information about the characters that are having these issues or videos showing these examples, that would help us tremendously.

Q: Will I keep getting these strange multiple instances of my ship's cargo hold when I undock?
A: No, the reason that was happening is because multiple Inventory windows could have various hangar inventory locations selected while you where docked, but once you undocked those hangar locations aren't there anymore and the default behavior of the Inventory was to revert the view to the default inventory, which is the top one, the Cargo hold of your active ship. Needless to say this wasn't the ideal behavior so we are closing windows between sessions that are not accessible anymore. Same behavior will be applied to wrecks and other inventories you are accessing while in space, if they are not accessible anymore or you have finished looting them, the inventory window simply closes instead of reverting to the default location.

Q: Wait? What? I like the ability to see multiple wrecks in the Index tree of my Inventory window, will I not see those anymore?
A: Yes, if you do not open an inventory window by holding Shift or using the 'Open in new window' setting, then you will be able to stack wrecks just like you currently can. We will add an icon to let you know if you are in range of the wrecks as well as '(distance)' information. So you can still see the wrecks you are out of range from in the Index tree, if you want. But if you open them in a new window, and become out of range from them, they will close.

Q: What about other things I use the Index tree for, like other Super-cap ships I need to access?
A: We will have the Ship name and Ship pilot as well as ‘(distance)’ on those.

Q: I need my screen space, make the Inventory less cluttered!
A: We have a plan to make a toggle button next to the 'Pin' button which will toggle between Compact and Normal mode. The Compact mode will only include the items of your selected inventory and nothing else. All settings will however persist, but users will not see what they are unless they toggle to Normal mode. There they can then see if things are being filtered, what view is being used and such. Users that want the ability to make some inventories more compact, like the active ship's cargo hold will most likely remember all their settings so we decided it would be best to have the compact view as compact as possible, with no additional info, making it even more compact then the original Inventory window.

Q: The Quick Actions, I don't see the benefits from your mockup. What is it for?
A: The mockup was only used to illustrate where they would be located, what actual options we will have there has not been ironed out yet but some of the things we are excited about are things like 'Sell All', 'Empty' and 'Stack All'. Input from you, the players can greatly affect what options we might put there in the future.

Q: Why are filters removed when I select another Inventory?
A: That would be the Quick Filter input field. This is the default behavior of the Quick Filter, and how it used to work too. Users use it to quickly filter something from a certain inventory and if they want to move to another inventory, the input field gets cleared so the user doesn't have to go and clear it manually every time. This is a common behavior of Quick filters. If you want to use the same filter to search multiple inventories we encourage you to use the Smart filters tab, those are specifically designed to use across multiple inventories with the same filter criteria.

Q: Why can’t I move Items to my Ship hangar or Ships to my Item hangar anymore?
A: When the Index tree was designed, we added a feedback indicator so that users would know that items went into the correct tab when dragging items into them. Moving something to the Item hangar and seeing the Ship hangar blink was considered...

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-09-23 02:42:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
CCP Arrow, I would really like if you give some love for the miners...

1 - add more information for the asteroid survey scanner, now it shows ( Ore / Quantity / Distance ), it could also show ( volume ) what would be easy to calculate using the ore type and the quantity... and could also show ( time to deplete with 1 turret / time to depleet with all turrets ) it would be easily calculated using the volume and the power of the mining turret .

2 - Add Amount of ore already mined in the cycle (when you hover the mouse over the turret icon, show how much ore it would yield if deactivated ) this would make the informations given by the survay scaner a really good differential for mining ships, and a reason to don't mine afk.

Btw, you are doing a great job with the inventory UI!!! I really like it!!!
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#83 - 2012-09-23 03:34:37 UTC
Winter is going to be awesome.


Occasionally plays sober

Tir Capital Management Group
#84 - 2012-09-23 05:25:30 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:

Q: What are you doing about lag regarding Corporate hangars and specifically the annoyance of having to collapse it's tree twice?
A: We are actively targeting all Inventory lag related issues with the key goal of making it faster and better than before the new Inventory. The Corporate hangar tree only needs a single left click on the mouse to open it and it is possible that users are clicking it twice, making it open itself, start loading the content and then reads the second mouse-click command and closes it again. This accidental open and close will hopefully be a non issue once the loading of all the content of the Corporate hangars is improved and we have changed the Corporate hangar to have it’s own root so that it is consistent with other tabs in the Index tree.

I tested this. It is a matter of clicking it twice, because the first click doesn't cause the arrow to "activate" to show it is loading. the second click DOES do it, but it then queues the commands so it minimizes again.

Where I am.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2012-09-23 06:07:22 UTC  |  Edited by: ZaBob
h4kun4 wrote:
I just would like to have on little thing for the Winter-Addon in the Unfied Inventory

Names for Corporate Hangars in POSes and Ships Hangars

Name the Corporate Hangar Array like every other structure in a POS, its quite annoying when you are in WH or 0.0 in your pos, everyone has a hangar and you have to remember the position when you want to find yours?
Also pretty annonying in Unified inventory...the inventory doesnt care if the Corphangar which is on top of the POS is also on top in the inventory, so 5 times the same name, random order, confusion is perfect...not cool

Idea one: Name the Corporate Hangars for Ships like suggested for the POS...just like i want

Idea 2: Name the Corporate Hangar with Character name + Shiptype
Example: H4kun4s Archons Corporate Hangar

Idea 3: Name it after the Ships name:
Lets name it Enterprise
Example: Enterprises Corporate Hangar

Um, they added this feature a while back -- around the time of the Unified Inventory, if I recall correctly.

You can rename all POS structures now. We have Corporate Supplies, Main Array of Ships, etc. I've even renamed our guns and defensive modules to make them easier to use in tower defense.

It even shows up in the Unified Inventory.

You probably need the Configure Starbase Equipment role assigned. Then, have at it!
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2012-09-23 08:54:13 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:
I have gone over the feedback and will try to address all of the subjects raised here:
---plenty of wise words---

Excellent plans and good understanding of the topics - Thank you.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2012-09-23 09:03:17 UTC
Alx Warlord wrote:
CCP Arrow, I would really like if you give some love for the miners...

1 - add more information for the asteroid survey scanner, now it shows ( Ore / Quantity / Distance ), it could also show ( volume ) what would be easy to calculate using the ore type and the quantity... and could also show ( time to deplete with 1 turret / time to depleet with all turrets ) it would be easily calculated using the volume and the power of the mining turret .

2 - Add Amount of ore already mined in the cycle (when you hover the mouse over the turret icon, show how much ore it would yield if deactivated ) this would make the informations given by the survay scaner a really good differential for mining ships, and a reason to don't mine afk.

Btw, you are doing a great job with the inventory UI!!! I really like it!!!

1) Everything doesn't have to be so easy. Mining is boring enough already without nerfing the only actual math you can do in background while mining. If you want to mine more efficiently - learn to think while you do it.

2) Read above. You can estimate the amount in your head already and cycle the laser in mid cycle as often your capacitor allows. If you're running out of cap, the orca is there to give you a boost. That is for what it is made..

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#88 - 2012-09-23 11:13:28 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:

Q: Why are filters removed when I select another Inventory?
A: That would be the Quick Filter input field. This is the default behavior of the Quick Filter, and how it used to work too. Users use it to quickly filter something from a certain inventory and if they want to move to another inventory, the input field gets cleared so the user doesn't have to go and clear it manually every time. This is a common behavior of Quick filters. If you want to use the same filter to search multiple inventories we encourage you to use the Smart filters tab, those are specifically designed to use across multiple inventories with the same filter criteria.

This is WRONG

The "default behavior" for any player living out of POS (WH for example) is this:

on which tab is my ammo? On which SMA is my tengu? So you type into filter box and switch between containers untill you find it.

In the OLD system this was working like this for divisions of separate corp hangar.

Pls leave it at least for divisions in one hangar.
Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#89 - 2012-09-23 12:07:53 UTC
Just to let you know, I like the new UI.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#90 - 2012-09-23 17:17:58 UTC
ZaBob wrote:
h4kun4 wrote:
I just would like to have on little thing for the Winter-Addon in the Unfied Inventory

Names for Corporate Hangars in POSes and Ships Hangars

Name the Corporate Hangar Array like every other structure in a POS, its quite annoying when you are in WH or 0.0 in your pos, everyone has a hangar and you have to remember the position when you want to find yours?
Also pretty annonying in Unified inventory...the inventory doesnt care if the Corphangar which is on top of the POS is also on top in the inventory, so 5 times the same name, random order, confusion is perfect...not cool

Idea one: Name the Corporate Hangars for Ships like suggested for the POS...just like i want

Idea 2: Name the Corporate Hangar with Character name + Shiptype
Example: H4kun4s Archons Corporate Hangar

Idea 3: Name it after the Ships name:
Lets name it Enterprise
Example: Enterprises Corporate Hangar

Um, they added this feature a while back -- around the time of the Unified Inventory, if I recall correctly.

You can rename all POS structures now. We have Corporate Supplies, Main Array of Ships, etc. I've even renamed our guns and defensive modules to make them easier to use in tower defense.

It even shows up in the Unified Inventory.

You probably need the Configure Starbase Equipment role assigned. Then, have at it!

I tested it in my old POS, i can rename everything from production arrays to guns and hardeners, but not corp hangars...
and the problem are Ship Corp hangars
When I stand around in the POS with 2 Hangars, i have a Boost Rorqual and my orca + a Carrier maybe, for example...i have now 5 Corphangars which exactly have the same name and i cant really extrpolate which one is which know what i mean?
thats what my post is about
Smoking Blunts
ZC Omega
#91 - 2012-09-23 17:43:30 UTC
so the changes to the instation short cuts will end up with the following right?
when you click on say the corp hanger short cut in station, the inventory opens and only displays the 7 corp hanger tabs and nothing else, no other unwanted inventory listings at all? just like it did before?

with the knock on effect that when your at a pos with say 10 corp hangers(ships, manu stuffs etc) and you open up a corp hanger in its own window that displaying only its 7 tabs. you can then open the other corp hangers, into there own windows with only there 7 hanger inventorys listed. just liek it was before?

please say this is so

if you could also make it that when you click division 1 in one of the corp hangers, with many corp hanger windows stacked. and then you swap to another corp hanger thats stacked it defaults to division 1 also. that would rule. i liked the way this was handled by the old(better imo) inventory and would love to see this functionality back.

just one last thing.. any chance of getting rid of the shift click work around you guys patched in so things would act as if it was doubled clicked. and reinstall double click please

OMG when can i get a pic here

ugh zug
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2012-09-24 09:17:07 UTC
player owned station UI lag, MUST GO.

Want me to shut up? Remove content from my post,1B. Remove my content from a thread I have started 2B.

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#93 - 2012-09-24 11:38:46 UTC
CCP RubberBAND wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
* Users will _not_ have an arbitrary previously opened inventory window open instead of the container they tried to open if they the desired location is or becomes invalid.

Specific examples where this is annoying:

1) You are 10k from a wreck - you click the "open can" button and turn on MWD. Your ship motors over to the can, and just as you get within 500m the command to open the can finally fires. But oops, when it reaches the server you've overshot and you are now > 2500m and out of range. What opens instead? Your ship's cargohold. Why?

2) You are attempting to hack a radar site can. You click "open container" button before it has been hacked. What opens instead? Your ship's carghold. Why?

3) You are looting multiple wrecks. You have opened one wreck but not emptied the contents, and moved on to another wreck. Situation 1 from above occurs and you overshoot. What window opens this time? The wreck you looked at but did not completely empty.

tl;dr: If you can't open the window I asked for, just show the error message - don't open the wrong window too.

Hi could you clarify some of these points.

1. If you select open cargo and turn on your MWD, the ship will come to a halt at the wreck. It will not overshoot unless you are manually flying and as soon as you try to open the wreck, via in space or overview menu, the ship will fly back and park by the wreck.

2. This one I managed to get. We have a defect for this now. Thanks!

3. Again can you please clarify how to overshoot a container when attempting to access it out of range, be as detailed as possible you can never provide enough detail.

It´s possible that fixing problem number 2 however will resolve the other issues. Thanks!

Excellent! (on the defect for #2)

Try #1 with something fast, around 2km/s. It happens regularly with cruisers. In particular I get it with an Ishtar with 3 nanofibers fitted in the lows. I imagine a Vagabond would have the same issue. I have also seen it with a Hurricane (one nano) on MWD.

Unless you're using a slow ship, you most certainly do not just stop at a container - you'll overshoot it by some amount. And IIRC, the client doesn't re-approach and try again since it thinks it already tried to open the container.

What I've noticed is that the "trigger" to actually open the cargo container doesn't seem to happen until you are within 500m (or has some sort of delay), even though 2500m is close enough to actually open the cargo. But by the time my ship is at 500m, and the client sees I am <500m away and auto-sends the signal to the server to finally open, I've overshot the container by 2500m+ on the other side according to the server.

It's possible this whole timing issue is magnified just enough by latency such that Europeans wouldn't experience it, but someone in the US, like myself, does.

The auto-jump on warp-to-gate also misjudges range or something. I did a lot of flying through gates this weekend, and often I would land at ~1500m from a gate (well within jump range) and the client would report "approaching xxx gate" before jumping, even though I was already in jump range. (This is with autopilot off - I never use it. It was simply using the warp&jump buttons)

Thanks for looking into this!

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

CCP Engineering Corp
#94 - 2012-09-24 14:39:32 UTC
War Kitten wrote:

Excellent! (on the defect for #2)

Try #1 with something fast, around 2km/s. It happens regularly with cruisers. In particular I get it with an Ishtar with 3 nanofibers fitted in the lows. I imagine a Vagabond would have the same issue. I have also seen it with a Hurricane (one nano) on MWD.

Unless you're using a slow ship, you most certainly do not just stop at a container - you'll overshoot it by some amount. And IIRC, the client doesn't re-approach and try again since it thinks it already tried to open the container.

What I've noticed is that the "trigger" to actually open the cargo container doesn't seem to happen until you are within 500m (or has some sort of delay), even though 2500m is close enough to actually open the cargo. But by the time my ship is at 500m, and the client sees I am <500m away and auto-sends the signal to the server to finally open, I've overshot the container by 2500m+ on the other side according to the server.

It's possible this whole timing issue is magnified just enough by latency such that Europeans wouldn't experience it, but someone in the US, like myself, does.

The auto-jump on warp-to-gate also misjudges range or something. I did a lot of flying through gates this weekend, and often I would land at ~1500m from a gate (well within jump range) and the client would report "approaching xxx gate" before jumping, even though I was already in jump range. (This is with autopilot off - I never use it. It was simply using the warp&jump buttons)

Thanks for looking into this!

Hi, thanks for replying to this, I managed to get this too. Turns out I was using a Jove ship that behaves a little differently than other ships (I didn't have time to look deeper into this on Friday), so I tried with a few other fits/ships and managed to get it. It is probably related to closed containers opening the default ship cargo when it cannot access the container.

Also thanks to the post by Gilbaron, gave me a better starting point for this. We have a defect for this now and will be aiming to have it out with all the Winter goodness.

Fly safe!

Feel free to poke me on: Twitter

#95 - 2012-09-24 14:52:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Sturmwolke
Take a look at the single item looting without players having to open another window for a drag&drop operation (yes, that includes the Inventory window).
I'd suggest a right-click "Loot Item" (which more or less fall in line with Jettison) OR figure a better way with the above constraints.

One possibility is a small "Ship Cargo" icon somewhere in the window pop-out where you can drag&drop without resorting to large mouse travels.

Edit: A bit of background. Prior to univentory, it was easy/quick to select individual items and drop them into your cargo because you can place both (cargo and loot) windows right next to each other without taking much of screen space. Multiple wrecks/containers window is spawned into tabs - so this scheme works because the original window's size and position is never changed.

Fast foward to today. Multiple wrecks/containers window are spawned seperately, stacking at a 45 degree angle. It completely breaks the original scheme unless you perform single operations, which is almost never the case when you've got multiple containers in reach next to you. Doing the individual selection from the Inventory window is NOT preferable because of screen real-estate issue (and making this window small to accommodate such operations is self-defeating).

I cba to open a bug report, so I'll just leave this here. I don't know if you've noticed that small bug where the spawned windows tended to creep downwards (45 degree) after you've processed a sucession of stacks.The next wave of stacks will open from the last closed window - NOT from where the original window was. So, I'm forever adjusting and moving the position of loot/wreck window upwards to compensate for the drift.
Tir Capital Management Group
#96 - 2012-09-24 15:10:18 UTC
I have also noticed the automated jump and gate activation attempts to move you towards the gate although you are perfectly in range. It can really screw with you.

This happens with wormholes as well.

Where I am.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2012-09-24 15:13:34 UTC
The performance hit when assembling a ship could use some love. Essentially, anything that makes a new container, such as mass assembling ships, is horribly lagged.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Magic Crisp
Amarrian Micro Devices
#98 - 2012-09-24 15:42:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Magic Crisp
CCP Arrow wrote:
Inventory Usability Iteration

  • Resizing the Inventory window will behave like other windows instead of scaling all tabs proportionally

We also have more tasks lined up for adding value to the Inventory as a feature. It is currently prioritized lower than the usability improvements, but let us know your thoughts on them:

Inventory Feature Iteration

  • Users can see which POS and wrecks are in range and can be interacted with
  • Users see a restrictions Icon in the Index Tree for the corporate hangars and containers they don't have access to

been waiting for these sooooo long. Especially the resizing ones.

However, here's a few more, which are a constant PITA still:
- Previously corporation members were able to put items into corphangars they don't even have read access to. Corpies reported they are not able to do this now.
- We've been promised that everything will be possible with the unified that was possible before. Well, this is not really a case, and would be awesome to be. The most annoying one i'm referring to is, when i use the upperright search box to find something in the corp hangars, it keeps on resetting when i change to a different division.
- The "always open in new window" should be a per-type property. Like wrecks and cans should always open in new window, and corphangars/shiphangars/bays/etc, shouldn't. That would be our prefered way of workflow, as was previously.
- The ALT-C shortcut, labeled as open cargohold, is not opening the cargohold, but focusing/closing the UI associated with it. When i'm checking in that division something else (like a can, a wreck, whatever), and i press alt-c it should focus back to the cargohold.
- When i'm moving items between hold/cans/posmodules/whatever, the index treeview shouldn't be jumping around constantly, but should stay put, and be functional while the transaction is in progress.
- Most of us prefer to have a ship inventory and an outpost inventory when docked. now it behaves funny. when i have a docked inventory open, upon next docking it'll only open if the other station also has the division/hold/bay/whatever available that was active when undocking from the previous station. the window should remain, but default to "my items" if the before said previous selection is not available upon the next docking.
- Ships with a corp hangar should be accessable a lot more easily than the current rightclicking way. It's not intuitive and it's logically not. Make it more easily accessable please.
- When i change ships while docked AND have my active ship's hold selected, after changing ship, the previously active ship's hold is the selected one still. Our prefered workflow would be to tie the selection to the active ship's hold, if that was the active one prior to ship changing.
- When i rename a can on the field, its name doesn't get updated in the UI. please fix :)
- I'm still not able to select a default viewmode for inventories. The default icons is useless, it hides all the valuable information and sorting. Many of us prefers the spreadsheet listview, because that has the prefered usability. However, the current unified inventory keeps on reverting to these damned icons. Please allow us to specify our own default, the client is really dumb on this one.

so far these are my obersarvations, i hope someone listens and at least a few will get fixed.
Magic Crisp
Amarrian Micro Devices
#99 - 2012-09-24 15:50:50 UTC
Kelduum Revaan wrote:
CCP Arrow wrote:
Renaming divisions can be done by Right-clicking the Division directly in the Inventory

100 ISK for the first person to tell me exactly where this currently is. I suspect most people simply don't know or cant find it.

Corp->dividents/divisions, whatever. only the ceo can do it AFAIK :)
Penelope Raven
#100 - 2012-09-24 20:20:16 UTC
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
CCP Arrow, I would really like if you give some love for the miners...

1 - add more information for the asteroid survey scanner, now it shows ( Ore / Quantity / Distance ), it could also show ( volume ) what would be easy to calculate using the ore type and the quantity... and could also show ( time to deplete with 1 turret / time to depleet with all turrets ) it would be easily calculated using the volume and the power of the mining turret .

2 - Add Amount of ore already mined in the cycle (when you hover the mouse over the turret icon, show how much ore it would yield if deactivated ) this would make the informations given by the survay scaner a really good differential for mining ships, and a reason to don't mine afk.

Btw, you are doing a great job with the inventory UI!!! I really like it!!!

1) Everything doesn't have to be so easy. Mining is boring enough already without nerfing the only actual math you can do in background while mining. If you want to mine more efficiently - learn to think while you do it.

2) Read above. You can estimate the amount in your head already and cycle the laser in mid cycle as often your capacitor allows. If you're running out of cap, the orca is there to give you a boost. That is for what it is made..

I agree, the above suggest are a step too far. However, I would like the tag column added to the output of the survey results Bear