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Corporations and Salary

#1 - 2012-09-21 12:53:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Teinyhr
So, what is the main purpose of corporations in real life? To provide services for clients and provide means of living (read: money) for the employees.

In the vein of that, when in the distant future someone dares to take up the task of redesigning and improving the corporation control interface, could you perhaps consider implementing somekind of a salary system? I think it could be perhaps tied in to roles or statuses, however you might redesing the system. Like trainee, standard employee, a supervisor, CEO etc. Or miner, hauler, industrialist, soldier etc kind of roles could be assigned to people and each would have their own preset payment, paid automatically from a preset corp wallet division every month or two weeks.

Few key things I would think important is some sort of caps on payments, such as CEO could only be paid like 500 million a month, primary workforce only 200 and so on - perhaps tied in to the size of the corporation. This would... Or should prevent CEO getting 90% of the corporations profits and rest left to fight for the scraps.

And obviously this should be a voluntary system that can be turned on or off, as a small company struggling to make ISK probably would want to accumulate wealth first.

And lastly this perhaps would need reworking of the tax system somehow, as in a corporation can't be expected to be run just smooshing NPC's alone. So the corporation should be able to tax transactions of it's members, which would perhaps best be hardcapped to 5% again to prevent serious misuse.

Your thoughts on this? Worth looking into, ridiculous, something in between?
Iris Bravemount
Golden Grinding Gears
#2 - 2012-09-21 14:19:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Iris Bravemount
Teinyhr wrote:

Your thoughts on this? Worth looking into, ridiculous, something in between?

Something in between.

The hard limits on salary are naive, because the CEO can just use alts in the other high payed roles, so that he eventually get's all the money he wants. Of course, he would soon be alone in his corp.

Taxing the sales of corp members is exetremely difficult, because a trader's income is not pure profit, unlike rat bounties. You may actually ruin someone running on 10% profit margins if you tax his sales at 5% (basically taking 50% of his net income away).

My first thought while writing the above paragraph was to tax the wallet increase over an extended period of time, like a week or a month, but that would just lead to people transfering their money to an alt on taxday, so it also wouldn't work.

Also, why pay the people you tax, if you may as well not tax them at all to begin with?

"I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - Paladin's Creed

Solus Ventures
#3 - 2012-09-21 14:27:29 UTC
The concept is just a flaw in Eve. Corporations aren't corporations, they are guilds, but obviously Eve won't call them that. People are selfish, and are rarely going to do things for a corp if they can just do it themselves at take all the profit.
Airto TLA
Acorn's Wonder Bars
#4 - 2012-09-21 15:27:29 UTC
Corporations in Real life are a way to stream line certain business transactions that would be ridicoulously burdensome without their existence. They exists so a group of investors can set invest an amount in the company, hire management (may be themselves), have the corporation hire employees, borrow money, sign leases and own property all without every shareholder needing to be obligated on every transaction.

Eve corporations take very small peice of that (renting offices, buying and selloing some corp assets, etc). But in general Eve corps are more like a club or a goverment entity you willing put yourself under. The structure of each group the collection funding is always problematic as is the spending of the same.
Stuffs Inc.
#5 - 2012-09-22 14:04:31 UTC
very few eve corps have salaried positions

Many actually charge dues on top of the taxes; perhaps this would be an easy way to automate that?