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IVY League: A scrubs guide to griefing

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Thann Starlinbow
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#141 - 2012-09-19 16:31:55 UTC
Yaaar's Revenge wrote:
Nyu Trustan wrote:
Yaaar's Revenge wrote:

No let's NOT stick on topic. You're fleets are bad and you should feel bad!!!!

Heh, you play eve to dec corps like RvB and E-Uni, forgive me if I don't take you too seriously.

Just at least have the backbone to come out when we do come down to play :P.

No we play EVE to dec EVE uni and get retards like YOU to wardec us in response to their pleads and complaints. Please get your facts straight before you point a midget finger <3

Yaaar's Revenge
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#142 - 2012-09-19 16:32:56 UTC
Nyu Trustan wrote:
Yaaar's Revenge wrote:

No we play EVE to dec EVE uni and get retards like YOU to wardec us in response to their pleads and complaints. Please get your facts straight before you point a midget finger <3

Hilarious claim.

Claim? Really? So this is a claim:

Ally Has Joined a War
Sent: 2012.09.19 15:05

RvB - BLUE Republic has joined Ivy League in a war against you. Their participation in the war will start at 2012.09.20 15:04

Looks like you guys decced us.....or did I "doctor" this again?

Follow me on Twitter @Yaaars_Revenge

Maldad Asesino
Export Management
#143 - 2012-09-19 16:33:21 UTC
<3 RvB :D
Nyu Trustan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#144 - 2012-09-19 16:36:35 UTC
A 6-month plan to get people to assist a war dec, that's your claim right...?

The Matetani

Thann Starlinbow
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#145 - 2012-09-19 16:38:10 UTC
Nyu Trustan wrote:
A 6-month plan to get people to assist a war dec, that's your claim right...?

Yaaar's Revenge
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#146 - 2012-09-19 16:39:30 UTC
Nyu Trustan wrote:
A 6-month plan to get people to assist a war dec, that's your claim right...?

We don't claim anything. We do things instead. Like wardeccing EVE uni and being terrible

Follow me on Twitter @Yaaars_Revenge

Gaylord Fappington
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#147 - 2012-09-19 16:40:18 UTC
Sugar Kyle wrote:

You again. He who admitted his last name was a joke. No one said Gaylord was the problem. Again, you are missing the point. Eve uni touts itself as family friendly.

A link for you. application policy.

You applied to a corp with rules. You were told it was the character name not the player. Please scuttle out of an interesting thread.

I want to apologize. I may be new but I can see that all this has nothing to do with me and I shouldn't have butted in. I hope to see everyone involved (Eve U, UMad and everyone else) in Aldrat and be able to play with all of you guys. I really am enjoying Eve so far.

Yaaar's Revenge
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#148 - 2012-09-19 16:41:14 UTC
Gaylord Fappington wrote:
Sugar Kyle wrote:

You again. He who admitted his last name was a joke. No one said Gaylord was the problem. Again, you are missing the point. Eve uni touts itself as family friendly.

A link for you. application policy.

You applied to a corp with rules. You were told it was the character name not the player. Please scuttle out of an interesting thread.

I want to apologize. I may be new but I can see that all this has nothing to do with me and I shouldn't have butted in. I hope to see everyone involved (Eve U, UMad and everyone else) in Aldrat and be able to play with all of you guys. I really am enjoying Eve so far.

Don't apologize mate - nobody owns or controls the forums or this thread - say whatever you want whenever you want. Seriously do it, we welcome fresh additions to this rapidly decaying thread...

Follow me on Twitter @Yaaars_Revenge

Kane the Black
#149 - 2012-09-19 16:57:40 UTC
I'm seven pages into this thread now. Can I has more popcorn? Big smile

Combat Boosters for sale -

Singeabooty Raj
#150 - 2012-09-19 17:06:38 UTC
Kane the Black wrote:
I'm seven pages into this thread now. Can I has more popcorn? Big smile

Interactions between men on the internet is indeed a fascinating thing to observe as the process plays out.

Black Man with Goggles

Yaaar's Revenge
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#151 - 2012-09-19 17:07:10 UTC
I think that RvB guy got bored and stopped posting....either that or he's raging into his pillow because of the nasty internet people

Follow me on Twitter @Yaaars_Revenge

Mule hauler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#152 - 2012-09-19 17:08:46 UTC
Thann Starlinbow
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#153 - 2012-09-19 17:11:42 UTC
Nyu Trustan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#154 - 2012-09-19 17:12:35 UTC
Yaaar's Revenge wrote:
I think that RvB guy got bored and stopped posting....either that or he's raging into his pillow because of the nasty internet people

Bored, if you guys already are calling yourself terrible it kinda leaves me with little to work with.

The Matetani

Yaaar's Revenge
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#155 - 2012-09-19 17:16:05 UTC
Nyu Trustan wrote:
Yaaar's Revenge wrote:
I think that RvB guy got bored and stopped posting....either that or he's raging into his pillow because of the nasty internet people

Bored, if you guys already are calling yourself terrible it kinda leaves me with little to work with.

Oh yeah we're guys are just worse than us which is pretty impressive when you look at it

Follow me on Twitter @Yaaars_Revenge

Nyu Trustan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#156 - 2012-09-19 17:21:43 UTC
See it's that distinction that I feel your confused on. E-Uni and ourselves accept people that are clueless about PvP when they join us. We don't pride ourselves on being good/bad/indifferent as an organisation as a whole. If you feel the need to gank newbies and establish yourself as being better than them I don't really know where that leaves you.

It also makes it even more fun should you choose to dock up and not engage :).

The Matetani

Yaaar's Revenge
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#157 - 2012-09-19 17:25:36 UTC
Nyu Trustan wrote:
See it's that distinction that I feel your confused on. E-Uni and ourselves accept people that are clueless about PvP when they join us. We don't pride ourselves on being good/bad/indifferent as an organisation as a whole. If you feel the need to gank newbies and establish yourself as being better than them I don't really know where that leaves you.

It also makes it even more fun should you choose to dock up and not engage :).

Again you'd need to leave your system to come get us. So we await your blobs with anticipation

Follow me on Twitter @Yaaars_Revenge

Gaylord Fappington
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#158 - 2012-09-19 17:30:18 UTC
Total newb question here. If you guys start a huge battle in Aldrat and I want to come out and watch it in my ship and I'm not in eve U or rvb or umad, I can't get damages or hit by the explosions and missiles etc from the battle right?

Because these wars sound pretty awesome and definitely something I want to see in person!
Yaaar's Revenge
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#159 - 2012-09-19 17:32:49 UTC
Gaylord Fappington wrote:
Total newb question here. If you guys start a huge battle in Aldrat and I want to come out and watch it in my ship and I'm not in eve U or rvb or umad, I can't get damages or hit by the explosions and missiles etc from the battle right?

Because these wars sound pretty awesome and definitely something I want to see in person!

That is correct. But we'd need RvB to come out and fight for that to happen...

Follow me on Twitter @Yaaars_Revenge

The Dresdeneers
#160 - 2012-09-19 17:33:28 UTC
This is surely the entertainment we all need to ease through today.

I like it! Bring on the moar!