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By Fire. Be Purged!

First post
Natasha Taggart
Templar Directorate Holdings
United Interests
#21 - 2012-09-19 03:40:40 UTC
Silk daShocka wrote:
Suffer not a parasite to live.

Unfortunately they are multiplying.

Primarily in Null Security space.

Some refer to them as "Elitists", "Losers" or as a more common layman's pejorative "Nullbear". I find all of these definitions contrite and amorphous. Is it a playstyle, personality defect, or necessary evil? I am a personal advocate of the idea that all playstyles are valid, but not all attitudes held by players are "good" for the overall health of the game.

I shall posit an argument to label "Nullbear" not as a person, or a playstyle so much as it is an attitude of entitlement. The attitude of a parasite. Not predator, not prey, but parasite. The desire to manipulate it's host to ignore it and continue it's cycle of feeding, unrestricted growth, excretion, and pernicious systemic spread until it's host expires under the sheer toxicity of it's presence.

You can recognize a parasite easily. They are usually innocuous looking and small, singularly they are non- threatening to their larger host. They typically have no intimidating natural defenses with the exception of the ability to numb the host's senses to their presence. They often use subtle manipulation of the host and get the host to behave in ways that are detrimental to the continued vital existence of the host. Once firmly attached they can cause significant pain and discomfort to the host should the host notice the threat to it's life and try to forcibly remove them.

And thus it is happening to New Eden.

The parasitic attitude has started to settle in and nibble away at our host.

"How dare someone in High security space make money! How dare you produce planetary goods at a much lower rate than I, with a guaranteed 10% tax! How dare you to not participate in blob warfare! How dare you impede my growth!"

Thus is the attitude of the parasite.

It is not that they chose to pvp. It is not that they chose to stay in null-sec. It is not that they chose to moon mine, Rat the best rats in the game, or gank freighters.

"How dare you avoid interacting with me."

Industry in EvE is vital. I will not argue that. Those that wish to pursue mining, manufacturing, research, and material handling are necessary. They can be strong content drivers, if not forces of nature. Just look at the legendary Chribba. This is proof that non-violent gameplay is not only possible, but profitable, and rewarding. But what is the difference between Chribba and the parasite that protests vehemently against ganking and pines for a PvP free hi-sec?

The parasite wants to feed off the people around him. The parasite doesn't want those people to interact with him, he just wants to gain from them. The parasite just wants to feed, and grow, and go unnoticed until it is bloated and fat and it's lack of respect or contribution has caused the death of the very thing feeding it. And it will inevitably slough itself of to another host, where it will again, grow fat, multiply and kill it's host.

"But Mouse! Parasites are paying customers, too! What makes their money any better or worse than yours? Shouldn't CCP try and make as much money as possible so we can keep playing the game that we like?"

Well the obvious non stupid answer is, Yes. For a while. And then the revenue stops. And through the persistent manipulation of the host, they will kill it.

"How is this?", you may ask.

The goal of almost EVERY player I have talked to that had the parasitic attitude is stroke their ego and steal whenever the opportunity arrises, as well as destroying as many assets that any other parasite, or living being may have. At this point they are no longer contributing anything, not to themselves, not to the community, not even to the host. Some even resort to using automated software to make the ISK to pay for the PLEX to contribute nothing of value to the player base. They are no longer financially supporting the host, and even worse they are actively denying content to the player base. This in turn will drive those that are paying for PLEX with real money away, even further securing the safety of the parasite, and dooming the host.

And then they have the audacity, no, the temerity to declare.

"I'm bored.".

To this I say.

By Fire. Be Purged!

lmfao... Now thats too funny!!!!

Such a lofty attempt at a public display of smarts from the OP... probably has other bad habits too, like public readings of angst ridden emo "poetry" at the local coffee shop on wednesday nights! If its that serious a problem, as if we actually really even cared to read it all (Shocked lost interest) then, please hun, go on and dont let the pod bay doors hit you on your way out... no one likes moist butt smudges on them!

sad space kitty looks for more fun
If you could eat one single crayon from the big box of 64, what color would it be... and why would you pick that one?
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2012-09-19 03:42:30 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

QuestionAm I a parasite, a carebear or someone just meandering along their own path dipping my toes into various parts of the Eve experience until I find something I both enjoy and don't actually suck at?

Well, atleast you have a choice,mate... I probably suck at anything I enjoy.

Yes, even IRL.
Alavaria Fera
#23 - 2012-09-19 03:45:53 UTC
Jake Warbird wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

QuestionAm I a parasite, a carebear or someone just meandering along their own path dipping my toes into various parts of the Eve experience until I find something I both enjoy and don't actually suck at?

Well, atleast you have a choice,mate... I probably suck at anything I enjoy.

Yes, even IRL.

I'm sure you're an amazing poster. There's lost of amazing posters on EVEO GD, after all Cool

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Hypercake Mix
#24 - 2012-09-19 03:47:11 UTC
By thread title, expected something involving fire, explosions, and something resembling a giant flaming space hammer.
Instead, another boring anti-carebear thread.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#25 - 2012-09-19 03:48:18 UTC
Jake Warbird wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

QuestionAm I a parasite, a carebear or someone just meandering along their own path dipping my toes into various parts of the Eve experience until I find something I both enjoy and don't actually suck at?

Well, atleast you have a choice,mate... I probably suck at anything I enjoy.

Yes, even IRL.

At this time in the morning, the use of the word mate.. I spy a Kiwi or an Aussie, either that or another insomniac Brit.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2012-09-19 04:06:43 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:

I'm sure you're an amazing poster. There's lost of amazing posters on EVEO GD, after all Cool

Agreed. And you made my day... Or night... Hard to tell from this basement.

Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

At this time in the morning, the use of the word mate.. I spy a Kiwi or an Aussie, either that or another insomniac Brit.

Good eye. Well, closer to Aussie than you guys.
Milton Middleson
#27 - 2012-09-19 04:09:09 UTC
This is a pretty weak James315 imitation. You didn't use multiple posts, and I barely had to scroll down.
Alexzandvar Douglass
Motiveless Malignity
Deepwater Hooligans
#28 - 2012-09-19 04:11:36 UTC
Suffer not the AFK Miner, Shun the High Sec Ganker, and condemn the Goonswarm member.

This game is a lot more fun when you hate people for no reason, suffer not a single enemy to live.
Pipa Porto
#29 - 2012-09-19 04:32:07 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Jake Warbird wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

QuestionAm I a parasite, a carebear or someone just meandering along their own path dipping my toes into various parts of the Eve experience until I find something I both enjoy and don't actually suck at?

Well, atleast you have a choice,mate... I probably suck at anything I enjoy.

Yes, even IRL.

At this time in the morning, the use of the word mate.. I spy a Kiwi or an Aussie, either that or another insomniac Brit.

He could simply be someone who took notice of the RvB Mate Wars... mate.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#30 - 2012-09-19 04:48:03 UTC
That was a really pathetic excuse to start a war Lol

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Cede Forster
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-09-19 04:58:34 UTC
So ... you just told them ... or you will purge them? Purging sounds fun, then again just telling them sounds like "street corner guy telling you to change your life else you go to hell"

i always though "street corner guy" would make more of an impact if he sends people to hell instead of ... you know ... telling them that they will some day
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#32 - 2012-09-19 05:04:34 UTC
Who are all these people you have talked to, who refuse to interact with anyone? How did you talk to them?

Your final statement appears to be that you dislike ISK farmers, most of all the ones who automate their gameplay for the sake of producing ISK. This conflicts directly with your opening statement about hisec industrialists being the parasites. The greatest fountains of ISK in the game are nullsec anomalies being pillaged by AFK carriers, or carrier-assisted Tengus. Or fleets of sentry Domis left AFK for hours on end.

So please take some time to sort your opinion out before you come to the forums to espouse your particular ideology.

And remember the call to action: remind everyone that this job is too big for one person to take on alone, and that it is only by action in solidarity with other ISK-farmer hunters that the evil will be wiped from the game.

Of course, you will need to ensure some kind of amnesty or safe haven for your own ISK farming fleet. And don't predate too heavily, lest CCP decide that your actions are somehow profitable and thus undesirable.

But first, clarify your thinking on this. Matter. Your opinion is important but it does need to be better informed.
Cede Forster
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-09-19 05:09:08 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Who are all these people you have talked to, who refuse to interact with anyone? How did you talk to them?

Your final statement appears to be that you dislike ISK farmers, most of all the ones who automate their gameplay for the sake of producing ISK. This conflicts directly with your opening statement about hisec industrialists being the parasites. The greatest fountains of ISK in the game are nullsec anomalies being pillaged by AFK carriers, or carrier-assisted Tengus. Or fleets of sentry Domis left AFK for hours on end.

So please take some time to sort your opinion out before you come to the forums to espouse your particular ideology.

And remember the call to action: remind everyone that this job is too big for one person to take on alone, and that it is only by action in solidarity with other ISK-farmer hunters that the evil will be wiped from the game.

Of course, you will need to ensure some kind of amnesty or safe haven for your own ISK farming fleet. And don't predate too heavily, lest CCP decide that your actions are somehow profitable and thus undesirable.

But first, clarify your thinking on this. Matter. Your opinion is important but it does need to be better informed.

and then again he could be just farming forum likes, iek
Weiland Taur
The Icarus Expedition
Solyaris Chtonium
#34 - 2012-09-19 05:36:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Weiland Taur
I wonder if James'315 knows your trying to get his sloppy seconds...

It amazes me how many people are so arrogant that they think Eve must be played there way. This is one of the major reasons a lot of those pilots in hisec stay there, they don't want some bombastic twit in Null Sec telling them exactly what they can do, when they can do it and if it resembles appropriate game play. People play Eve in many different ways. Get used to it. I think that is what attracted a lot of us to it. Also an idea that gets overlooked a lot is that a some players are here to play a space emulator, not your version of whatever version it is your selling at the moment.
If you don't like Carebears blow them up. Stop telling us why you're doing it. This wordy street sermon renaissance of anti-care bear role players is both amazing and boring.
Josef Djugashvilis
#35 - 2012-09-19 06:04:10 UTC
OP copy posted from some james 315 of boring tosh smewhere?

This is not a signature.

The Scope
#36 - 2012-09-19 06:18:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Myxx


just leaving that there.
Scien Inkunen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#37 - 2012-09-19 07:21:22 UTC
Well, you made OP speachless...

Read the "Fart file" and you will understand the meaning of life !

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#38 - 2012-09-19 07:28:12 UTC
can i have it as a TLDR please...

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Plaude Pollard
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2012-09-19 08:47:11 UTC
Meh, compared to this, James315's 10+ post "Manifest" is actually enjoyable to read.

I don't have a problem with anyone in the game. I think everyone (except bots) are entitled to earn money the way they want. If they don't interact with others and as a result become bored, let them leave and come back when they realize that WOW and all it's ripoffs are even more boring than they would claim EVE was prior to leaving.

New to EVE? Want to learn? The Crimson Cartel will train you in the fields of _**your **_choice. Mainly active in EU afternoons and evenings. Contact me for more info.

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2012-09-19 08:51:12 UTC
At first I was like, hey, some internet spaceship war declaration! Then I was like, derp, another post full of anti-carebear rhetorics. Then I was like, wut, didn't know ADHOC employs douchebaggery-specialized forum warriors.
Finally, I realized that OP is tanking about attitude and I actually agree for the most part.

But hey, what's next? You'll depart into your wormhole and Empire will be left to its devices, as always.

Anyways, good luck ganking some carriers in null, you guys seems to be better at that than at suggesting anti-empire measures. Those guys use PLEX too afterall.