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EVE and DUST 514

Seara Arrodan
Whiskey and Cigars
#1 - 2012-09-16 15:37:36 UTC
OK I may just be dense or not seeing the big picture here but I have concerns. I have been reading the forums and the CSM minutes and I still don't get it.

The idea is for the Dusties to inhabit null sec planets thus giving a sov bonus to those systems. Here is one question I keep coming back to. If I have Dusties on my 0.0 system planet deep deep in null sec who will they fight? what is their incentive to be on that planet seeing as this is supposed to be a FPS.

My other concerns are when Dust 514 fails why wont it take all of EVE with it. The sov system, the player interactions, and most frighteningly the economies will be linked.

Which brings me to another issue. I have yet to see a solid explanation of why DUST 514 will not completely destabilize an already highly complicated and delicate economy.


I'm listening

Hmm.... Not sure if troll?...

#2 - 2012-09-16 16:45:55 UTC
Seara Arrodan wrote:
If I have Dusties on my 0.0 system planet deep deep in null sec who will they fight? what is their incentive to be on that planet seeing as this is supposed to be a FPS.

I believe the idea is to have other null entities pay them to disrupt your sov. They're not grounded to your system alone, they can move around.

Seara Arrodan wrote:
I have yet to see a solid explanation of why DUST 514 will not completely destabilize an already highly complicated and delicate economy.

Could you explain why you think this? From what I've read, we will build weapons/equipment/vehicles that dusties will use. Even if worst-case-scenario DUST is hardly played 6 months after launch, people will simply stop making those items. I don't see how this will destabilize the economy.
Paul Oliver
#3 - 2012-09-16 16:58:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Paul Oliver
Why are the Dust bunnies out in null anyways, from what I understand they're supposedly the latest in technology from the four empire factions. If Dust 514 is going to end up being just another outlet for nullsec drama that leaves me feeling a bit skeptical. Dust 514 should happen atleast partially in high/lowsec space, where more people, especially casuals, can participate, otherwise the whole thing is just gonna be hijacked by the usual nullsec suspects and I don't see Dust 514 attracting new customers like that.
Its good to be [Gallente](
Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#4 - 2012-09-16 17:32:25 UTC
Seara Arrodan wrote:
OK I may just be dense or not seeing the big picture here but I have concerns. I have been reading the forums and the CSM minutes and I still don't get it.

The idea is for the Dusties to inhabit null sec planets thus giving a sov bonus to those systems. Here is one question I keep coming back to. If I have Dusties on my 0.0 system planet deep deep in null sec who will they fight? what is their incentive to be on that planet seeing as this is supposed to be a FPS.

My other concerns are when Dust 514 fails why wont it take all of EVE with it. The sov system, the player interactions, and most frighteningly the economies will be linked.

Which brings me to another issue. I have yet to see a solid explanation of why DUST 514 will not completely destabilize an already highly complicated and delicate economy.


I'm listening

For kittens sake, will people actually do their research before shiptoasting about stuff they don't know anything about?!

1st; Dust 514 will be limited to High sec and Faction Warfare at launch.

2nd; Dust-Bunnies will not be limited to a single planet, they are guns for hire, they go where the action (and the highest bidder) takes them.

3rd; CCP is being super careful about how they link Dust and EVE, they are going to introduce the industrial side slowly and (initially) without replacing any existing systems.

4th; When Dust does go to null sec, the use of ground troops to take systems will be completely optional, they will provide (as yet unknown) advantages to whomever controls the planets, but are not a requirement.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

Paul Oliver
#5 - 2012-09-16 17:35:31 UTC
Grey Azorria wrote:
For kittens sake, will people actually do their research before shiptoasting about stuff they don't know anything about?!

1st; Dust 514 will be limited to High sec and Faction Warfare at launch.

2nd; Dust-Bunnies will not be limited to a single planet, they are guns for hire, they go where the action (and the highest bidder) takes them.

3rd; CCP is being super careful about how they link Dust and EVE, they are going to introduce the industrial side slowly and (initially) without replacing any existing systems.

4th; When Dust does go to null sec, the use of ground troops to take systems will be completely optional, they will provide (as yet unknown) advantages to whomever controls the planets, but are not a requirement.
For kitten's sake thank you for clarifying. Big smile
Its good to be [Gallente](
Jack Traynor
#6 - 2012-09-16 17:36:53 UTC
Aziesta wrote:

I believe the idea is to have other null entities pay them to disrupt your sov. They're not grounded to your system alone, they can move around.

So, since they have the capability to "move around", that means that we, as Eve players, should have the capability to pop their transport ships, yeah?

Still looking for answers to this question. Hopefully there will be parity and fairness for Eve players in the new DUST "universe".
Paul Oliver
#7 - 2012-09-16 17:48:56 UTC
Jack Traynor wrote:
Hopefully there will be parity and fairness for Eve players in the new DUST "universe".
We're all made of (star)dust. P
Its good to be [Gallente](
Seara Arrodan
Whiskey and Cigars
#8 - 2012-09-16 17:59:42 UTC
Paul Oliver wrote:
Jack Traynor wrote:
We're all made of (star)dust. P

Carl Sagan is a fool.

Hmm.... Not sure if troll?...

Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#9 - 2012-09-16 18:11:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Azorria
Seara Arrodan wrote:
Paul Oliver wrote:
Jack Traynor wrote:
We're all made of (star)dust. P

Carl Sagan is a fool.

Eh? Stars are basically the forges of the universe, inside their super hot and dense cores the base materials of the universe are formed, once they go super-nova those materials are blasted across the sky, where they eventually form planets, and subsequently, us.

So yeah we are all made from stardust.


Paul Oliver wrote:
For kitten's sake thank you for clarifying. Big smile

Yay! Kitten! P

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

Seara Arrodan
Whiskey and Cigars
#10 - 2012-09-16 18:17:57 UTC
If that is what you choose to believe Grey. It does not fit with my theological view/

As for Dust 514 I don't like it. I feel it is funding and man power that could have been turned to bettering EVE. How does CCP benefit from the Dusties any how? will 514 be a pay game once it is out of Beta?

Hmm.... Not sure if troll?...

James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#11 - 2012-09-16 18:28:33 UTC
Seara Arrodan wrote:
If that is what you choose to believe Grey. It does not fit with my theological view/

As for Dust 514 I don't like it. I feel it is funding and man power that could have been turned to bettering EVE. How does CCP benefit from the Dusties any how? will 514 be a pay game once it is out of Beta?

CCP =/= EVE. What?
#12 - 2012-09-16 18:32:02 UTC
CCP needs to stop trying to put Dust in Eve. Make it a stand alone FPS. The average FPS player doesn't care. They will play DFust until the new FPS comes out.
And what about the player who has no net acces but wants to play? He plays some other game.

I just turned into an egg, did I level up? I spent an hour trying to salvage a wreck, when in local a guy said "Stop it, this is my Tempest, I was AFK"

Kult Altol
The Safe Space
#13 - 2012-09-16 18:45:32 UTC
Ryhss wrote:
CCP needs to stop trying to put Dust in Eve. Make it a stand alone FPS. The average FPS player doesn't care. They will play DFust until the new FPS comes out.
And what about the player who has no net acces but wants to play? He plays some other game.

I disagree, I am positive there are alot of FPS players who want a lasting impact and permanence on what they do. Games like Modern Battle Warfield 6 have no permanence. They are just run and gun and "Brah, look at my awesome k/d ratio."

[u]Can't wait untill when Eve online is Freemium.[/u] WiS only 10$, SP booster for one month 15$, DPS Boost 2$, EHP Boost 2$ Real money trading hub! Cosmeitic ship skins 15$ --> If you don't [u]pay **[/u]for a product, you ARE the [u]**product[/u].

Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#14 - 2012-09-16 19:04:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Azorria
Kult Altol wrote:
Ryhss wrote:
CCP needs to stop trying to put Dust in Eve. Make it a stand alone FPS. The average FPS player doesn't care. They will play DFust until the new FPS comes out.
And what about the player who has no net acces but wants to play? He plays some other game.

I disagree, I am positive there are alot of FPS players who want a lasting impact and permanence on what they do. Games like Modern Battle Warfield 6 have no permanence. They are just run and gun and "Brah, look at my awesome k/d ratio."

Indeed, while Dust will not keep (or even attract) every FPS player, there will be many who will play it for years, hell Halo 2 managed to keep respectable server numbers until bungie shut them down (6 years after release, give or take) and that was just a good shooter set in a well fleshed out universe.

Imagine what a good shooter set in, and directly affecting, a persistent, living, ever changing, universe can do...

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-09-16 19:16:10 UTC
Jack Traynor wrote:
Aziesta wrote:

I believe the idea is to have other null entities pay them to disrupt your sov. They're not grounded to your system alone, they can move around.

So, since they have the capability to "move around", that means that we, as Eve players, should have the capability to pop their transport ships, yeah?

Still looking for answers to this question. Hopefully there will be parity and fairness for Eve players in the new DUST "universe".

Nope you are eve peons.