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Reload Time Indicators and those flashy blinky notifications

Buggers' Advanced Interstellar Transport
#1 - 2012-09-11 18:25:09 UTC  |  Edited by: SibSpi
We have activation indicators, but no reload indicators. Being told that your booster is going to take 'approximately' 60 seconds to reload and then sitting there watching it blinking to infinity and beyond is frustrating. Now couple that with time dilation.

We don't have this becausewhy?

Searched, found no threads on the topic, so unless I search at failing...

It's been suggested that the reload timer should be a counter-clockwise rotation and a timer in the module be visible with a countdown till completion. While 'testing' on Singularity it also occurred to me that modules like the Siege Module and Triage Module really ought to also have countdowns till their cycle ends. Yes, it's fairly easy to tell that you're currently half-way through a 10 minute cycle and brain a bit to figure out that means there are 5 minutes left, or 3/4 to figure out there's 2.5min left, but we want seconds damnit! Even Oliver Twist wanted seconds!

As an addition to this thread so I don't needlessly make another thread, PLEASE give us the option of having our neocom items flash the way they USED to flash. That is to say, a few flashes, then the menu item gets lit up solidly instead of FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH LOOK AT ME DAMNIT I'M FLASH FLASH FLASHING FLASH FLASH FLASH DUDE SERIOUSLY FLASH FLASH FLASH

I currently have blink notifications for the neocom disabled completely because they're annoying enough to make me want to break things irl.
Vonce forthelulz
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-09-11 18:26:31 UTC
+1 to this!
Would be especially useful during TIDI.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#3 - 2012-09-11 21:44:11 UTC
I approve, ONLY if the cycle runs backwards as a counting down mechanism, and isn't green.

The flashing transparency thing we have now is kinda crap :\
Atrament Inc.
#4 - 2012-09-11 22:36:21 UTC
Just have the number of seconds until reload show up on the module. Translucent grey text would be preferred.

Heck, skip the arbitrary blinking animation (as mentioned) and have the ammo amount number climbing in the process. That would mean something.

Counterclockwise rotary bar graph on the edge of the module too.
Buggers' Advanced Interstellar Transport
#5 - 2012-09-15 16:57:33 UTC
Bump because updates.