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selling shares of Better Days Ahead.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#1 - 2012-09-15 00:57:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Space Therapist

fine and good people of Market Discussion.

I am offering a sale of remaining shares of Better Days Ahead.

my corp is in the services industry. I am depositing 10% of my earnings into the corp wallet and distributing a monthly dividend of 10% of the corp wallet for dividend distribution.

there are 320 shares I can sell.

I own and will continue to own 60% of the corp shares. (i currenty own 600 shares).

I had to approximate what my earnings to date have been so bear with the shakey start with this(flame me if you like it doesn't concern me).....but I made about 750m isk in a 2 month period..and had 75m isk deposited into the corp wallet...distributed a dividend of 7.5m isk just recently which ended up being 750k per 10 shares.

My earnings are going up with this venture.

so I am just going to throw it out there and offer to sell shares.

I have 320 shares for sale @ 5m isk per share.
I will only sell a maximum of 20 shares to an individual.

and I am looking to sell shares in blocks of 10 or 20.

10 shares=50m isk
20 shares=100m isk

See my bio for rates and services.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#2 - 2012-09-15 01:50:13 UTC
20 shares sold to BJ Black in-game.

300 shares remain.

See my bio for rates and services.

Sun Win
#3 - 2012-09-15 04:36:30 UTC
So if I understand correctly, if you earned 100mil, you'd set aside 10mil at which point a divided would funnel 6mil of that back to you (you own 60% of the shares) and 4 mil would be split among the owners of the other 400 shares?

What do you need the ISK for? Your service seems to be fine on its own at the moment.
Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#4 - 2012-09-15 06:09:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Space Therapist
I was told to hang onto atleast 51% to avoid getting out voted in the future. After thinking about it..I was not really concerned about getting a larger portion of the dividend and therefore will be putting my dividend into the corp master wallet....(to be used for advertising on eve related sites or expansion into other services).

Initially I intend to use the Money i pull in from the remaining bought shares will be used to advertise on eve related sites that take isk for their services...I have seen atleast one that i am interested in. They have an annual isk fee.

My income with this is increasing rapidly. Today I made 110m (part time) I put 11m into the wallet for dividend distribution....if I make 2b isk this month 200m will be put into that wallet. 20 shares would earn 2m isk dividend for the month. With advertising and how I have learned to organize future contacts making 3-4b monthly in the near future is not out of the question.

I think the price is fair.

I still have 300 shares...and yes it is a 20 max share limit.

edit: oh...yea I am a noob btw question??... intead of owning 60% myself.. I think I can just offer the remaining 300 of 400 outstanding shares and put the 600 shares back into the corp. right? that might correct the situation but basically save me a step..does that sound right?

See my bio for rates and services.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#5 - 2012-09-15 07:15:31 UTC
290 shares remain.

10 shares sold to Viktor Fel in game.

See my bio for rates and services.

#6 - 2012-09-15 07:45:05 UTC
Your usuall therapy service - wich btw made me laugh when i noticed it while ago so thumbs up there -does not need any isk upkeep or investment so enlighten me what the isk is needed for?

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-09-15 07:47:28 UTC

I have two questions:
1) What is the "service" you are providing? It might be easier to invest in something if you knew what they're doing.
2) Are you planning to buy back shares at some stage of your business? And/or will you keep this public enough to get people interested in obtaining shares from other players?

Thanks and very bests,

#8 - 2012-09-15 07:52:53 UTC
Vadane Deninard wrote:

I have two questions:
1) What is the "service" you are providing? It might be easier to invest in something if you knew what they're doing.

Look at the name , that actually is her/his service.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#9 - 2012-09-15 08:00:05 UTC
flakeys wrote:
Your usuall therapy service - wich btw made me laugh when i noticed it while ago so thumbs up there -does not need any isk upkeep or investment so enlighten me what the isk is needed for?

well. I am looking to advertise on eve related web sites that offer that service for isk...I mention this ^^^^above....and possibly expanding into other services. I have ideas for atleast one area to get into..which also might need advertising.

one site offers ad space for an annual fee. I am waiting to connect with them to proceed. I will be looking into others and the investors isk will do what it should...create more income. so my selling of shares is for expanding my exposure.

I am not isk rich therefore need a cushion to give me some mobility with the services industry.

See my bio for rates and services.

#10 - 2012-09-15 08:09:00 UTC
Space Therapist wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Your usuall therapy service - wich btw made me laugh when i noticed it while ago so thumbs up there -does not need any isk upkeep or investment so enlighten me what the isk is needed for?

well. I am looking to advertise on eve related web sites that offer that service for isk...I mention this ^^^^above....and possibly expanding into other services. I have ideas for atleast one area to get into..which also might need advertising.

one site offers ad space for an annual fee. I am waiting to connect with them to proceed. I will be looking into others and the investors isk will do what it should...create more income. so my selling of shares is for expanding my exposure.

I am not isk rich therefore need a cushion to give me some mobility with the services industry.

Well i think this will be the first time there is an MD investment purely for advertising a service but who knows there might be people interested so good luck is all i can say Blink

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#11 - 2012-09-15 08:11:27 UTC
Vadane Deninard wrote:

I have two questions:
1) What is the "service" you are providing? It might be easier to invest in something if you knew what they're doing.
2) Are you planning to buy back shares at some stage of your business? And/or will you keep this public enough to get people interested in obtaining shares from other players?

Thanks and very bests,


my services are outlined in my bio. Yes I will likely offer to buy back shares. I do think the shares are cheap atm and my business is making significantly more isk rapidly..therefore buying back shares is in my interests..yet I will see how that goes.

I'm pretty sure you can see my bio from the forums profile.

It's a fairly simple business.

See my bio for rates and services.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#12 - 2012-09-15 08:18:48 UTC
flakeys wrote:
Space Therapist wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Your usuall therapy service - wich btw made me laugh when i noticed it while ago so thumbs up there -does not need any isk upkeep or investment so enlighten me what the isk is needed for?

well. I am looking to advertise on eve related web sites that offer that service for isk...I mention this ^^^^above....and possibly expanding into other services. I have ideas for atleast one area to get into..which also might need advertising.

one site offers ad space for an annual fee. I am waiting to connect with them to proceed. I will be looking into others and the investors isk will do what it should...create more income. so my selling of shares is for expanding my exposure.

I am not isk rich therefore need a cushion to give me some mobility with the services industry.

Well i think this will be the first time there is an MD investment purely for advertising a service but who knows there might be people interested so good luck is all i can say Blink

to be honest...I don't think i will have any problems selling these remaining shares. I have had interested people approach me at different times...I know MD is pretty harsh on people with proposals and such..but I am posting my offer's small potatoes(the amount that will come from this sale)..but I don't need a people point out.

See my bio for rates and services.

Ji Sama
Akira Industries
#13 - 2012-09-15 10:22:04 UTC
Well I think its a good idea. We are not right in the head most of us EVE players, and getting therapy with ISK is a great idea.
However how can we be sure you have real credentials, and not some pseudo-education?
Makro SSRI
The Grey Eagles
#14 - 2012-09-15 14:25:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Makro SSRI
The mental health of fellow capsuleers is of great concern to all of us; after all, the universe can be a cold and unforgiving place, not for the faint-hearted. I will gladly support your respectable service.
Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#15 - 2012-09-15 14:28:31 UTC
Ji Sama wrote:
Well I think its a good idea. We are not right in the head most of us EVE players, and getting therapy with ISK is a great idea.
However how can we be sure you have real credentials, and not some pseudo-education?

Well my business is up and running....past the "idea" phase.

The credentials part of your question has been brought up many times already and it notes in my bio that... "I am not a rl therapist and if you have issues that are of a rl nature...I urge you contact a rl professional".

I offer "space therapy" for in-game related issues.

I have endorsements and examples of my service in my sell orders thread which I bump daily and will not cross post. Look for it under "space therapy service" (if you like or have questions or concerns regarding the legitimacy of my offering to sell shares).

See my bio for rates and services.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#16 - 2012-09-15 15:04:30 UTC
20 shares purchased by Makro SSRI in game.

270 shares remain.

See my bio for rates and services.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#17 - 2012-09-15 19:34:27 UTC
30 shares sold to Lens Okanata.

she talked me into seling her an extra 10 shares over the maximum...mentioning that there would be nothing to keep her from using an i save her the trouble.

240 shares remain.

See my bio for rates and services.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#18 - 2012-09-15 21:49:26 UTC
20 shares puchased by Boom Boom Longtime in game.

10 shares were gifted to an advertiser.

210 shares remain.

See my bio for rates and services.

Space Therapist
Better Days Ahead
#19 - 2012-09-16 19:10:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Space Therapist
40 shares sold to an anonymous character and their client. (for them and their client 20 each).

20 shares sold to DurinsBane.

10 Shares were gifted to an anonymous advertiser.

140 shares remain.

See my bio for rates and services.

Jason Daks
E-3 Mafia
#20 - 2012-09-16 19:23:35 UTC
I would like to buy 400 shares, but I need a guarantee that the founder won't dilute my value by printing more shares.
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